Obama administration is complicit in the new and horrifyingly bloody crackdown

the committee that oversees foreign aid is headed by a repub., and is chaired by Graham and McCain.

Both card carrying members of the rich white man's club always willing to profit from "cauldrons of blood and suffering":

"Radical Islam is the last refuge of the Muslim poor. The mandated five prayers a day give the only real structure to the lives of impoverished believers. The careful rituals of washing before prayers in the mosque, the strict moral code, along with the understanding that life has an ultimate purpose and meaning, keep hundreds of millions of destitute Muslims from despair.

"The fundamentalist ideology that rises from oppression is rigid and unforgiving..."

"It is bigoted and cruel to women, Jews, Christians and secularists, along with gays and lesbians.

"But at the same time it offers to those on the very bottom of society a final refuge and hope.

"The massacres of hundreds of believers in the streets of Cairo signal not only an assault against a religious ideology, not only a return to the brutal police state of Hosni Mubarak, but the start of a holy war that will turn Egypt and other poor regions of the globe into a cauldron of blood and suffering."

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

oh and and as I said already, McCain and Graham are morons too....

this is going to go 'Algeria'...watch...
The violence unfolding in Egypt today can't be separated from diminishing resources, chronic unemployment, and overpopulation. 33% of Egypt's 80 million people are younger than 14, and millions live under or just above a poverty line of $2 a day. They spend more than half their income on food, and malnutrition is endemic with 31% of children under five exhibiting stunted growth.

"Illiteracy runs at more than 70 percent."

Fertile fields for Radical Islam to produce a generation of martyrs the rich generals in Egypt (and the US) are only too happy to slaughter for Wall Street's New World Order.

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

You knew it was just a matter of time...


You want a conflict to end, then help the winning team kill off the losing team.

ESPECIALLY if the winning team is targeting Christians.

Yay GP.
I was out in the 100 degree Texas heat...pulling weeds out of my garden and listening to Fox on my Sirius radio...when I heard excerpts from the presidents remarks this morning and I dropped my weed puller when I heard obama refer to the Muslim brotherhood as "Mr. Morsi's associations". Workplace violence...overseas contingency operations, and now this...the politically correct moron will be the death of America.

TRANSCRIPT: President Obama?s remarks on Egypt - The Washington Post

Holy toledo!

The whole middle east mess is obama's fault. It was his fucked up excuse for leadership that led directly to civil war in Syria and Egypt, who is next?

obama does not know what he is doing. He should shut up and sit in a corner. Because of him, we don't even have anyone to talk to about what to do.
This thread is amazing.

Who knew koshergrl was such a big Muslim Brotherhood fan?
I was out in the 100 degree Texas heat...pulling weeds out of my garden and listening to Fox on my Sirius radio...when I heard excerpts from the presidents remarks this morning and I dropped my weed puller when I heard obama refer to the Muslim brotherhood as "Mr. Morsi's associations". Workplace violence...overseas contingency operations, and now this...the politically correct moron will be the death of America.

TRANSCRIPT: President Obama?s remarks on Egypt - The Washington Post

Who's the moron? Obama or the fox listener pulling weeds in 100 degree texas heat?
Last edited:
the committee that oversees foreign aid is headed by a repub., and is chaired by Graham and McCain.

Yea, we got the first time you said it, my answer remains the same, the executive owns foreign policy and of course after the greatest sec state in our history, who accomplished precious litte compared to the grandeur the msm has surrounded her with, how do you account for our clusterfuck policy?
The whole middle east mess is obama's fault. It was his fucked up excuse for leadership that led directly to civil war in Syria and Egypt, who is next?

obama does not know what he is doing. He should shut up and sit in a corner. Because of him, we don't even have anyone to talk to about what to do.

Syria is not his fault, but the fact that we have left ourselves with zero options and zero friends in both places, is.
The violence unfolding in Egypt today can't be separated from diminishing resources, chronic unemployment, and overpopulation. 33% of Egypt's 80 million people are younger than 14, and millions live under or just above a poverty line of $2 a day. They spend more than half their income on food, and malnutrition is endemic with 31% of children under five exhibiting stunted growth.

"Illiteracy runs at more than 70 percent."

Fertile fields for Radical Islam to produce a generation of martyrs the rich generals in Egypt (and the US) are only too happy to slaughter for Wall Street's New World Order.

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

You knew it was just a matter of time...


You want a conflict to end, then help the winning team kill off the losing team.

ESPECIALLY if the winning team is targeting Christians.

Yay GP.
yup....i figured this was your angle here. god you are trash
The whole middle east mess is obama's fault. It was his fucked up excuse for leadership that led directly to civil war in Syria and Egypt, who is next?

obama does not know what he is doing. He should shut up and sit in a corner. Because of him, we don't even have anyone to talk to about what to do.

lol the middle east has been fucked up for hundred of years. It will remain fucked up for 100 of years.

You short sighted fuck.
the committee that oversees foreign aid is headed by a repub., and is chaired by Graham and McCain.

Both card carrying members of the rich white man's club always willing to profit from "cauldrons of blood and suffering":

"Radical Islam is the last refuge of the Muslim poor. The mandated five prayers a day give the only real structure to the lives of impoverished believers. The careful rituals of washing before prayers in the mosque, the strict moral code, along with the understanding that life has an ultimate purpose and meaning, keep hundreds of millions of destitute Muslims from despair.

"The fundamentalist ideology that rises from oppression is rigid and unforgiving..."

"It is bigoted and cruel to women, Jews, Christians and secularists, along with gays and lesbians.

"But at the same time it offers to those on the very bottom of society a final refuge and hope.

"The massacres of hundreds of believers in the streets of Cairo signal not only an assault against a religious ideology, not only a return to the brutal police state of Hosni Mubarak, but the start of a holy war that will turn Egypt and other poor regions of the globe into a cauldron of blood and suffering."

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

oh and and as I said already, McCain and Graham are morons too....

this is going to go 'Algeria'...watch...

As in Battle of...?

"Battle of Algiers

"To increase international and domestic French attention to their struggle, the FLN decided to bring the conflict to the cities and to call a nationwide general strike and also to plant bombs in public places.

"The most notable manifestation of the new urban campaign was the Battle of Algiers, which began on September 30, 1956, when three women, including Djamila Bouhired and Zohra Drif, simultaneously placed bombs at three sites including the downtown office of Air France.

"The FLN carried out an average of 800 shootings and bombings per month through the spring of 1957,[citation needed] resulting in many civilian casualties and inviting a crushing response from the authorities.

"The 1957 general strike, timed to coincide with, and influence, the UN debate on Algeria, was largely observed by Muslim workers and businesses."

Algerian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The morons including McCain and Graham would seem to have less control over the Arab Spring than France had over the FLN. Perhaps it isn't only the borders drawn by Sykes-Picot that are subject to change?
The violence unfolding in Egypt today can't be separated from diminishing resources, chronic unemployment, and overpopulation. 33% of Egypt's 80 million people are younger than 14, and millions live under or just above a poverty line of $2 a day. They spend more than half their income on food, and malnutrition is endemic with 31% of children under five exhibiting stunted growth.

"Illiteracy runs at more than 70 percent."

Fertile fields for Radical Islam to produce a generation of martyrs the rich generals in Egypt (and the US) are only too happy to slaughter for Wall Street's New World Order.

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

You knew it was just a matter of time...


You want a conflict to end, then help the winning team kill off the losing team.

ESPECIALLY if the winning team is targeting Christians.

Yay GP.

The "winning team" has murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of innocent Muslims over the last decade; it's corporate offices are located on Wall Street and its enforcer, the Pentagon, kills babies on a scale abortion providers would never consider.

If you want a conflict to end, make sure you know which war you're fighting.

"The only way to break the hold of radical Islam is to give its followers a stake in the wider economy, the possibility of a life where the future is not dominated by grinding poverty, repression and hopelessness.

"If you live in the sprawling slums of Cairo or the refugee camps in Gaza or the concrete hovels in New Delhi, every avenue of escape is closed.

"You cannot get an education.

"You cannot get a job.

"You do not have the resources to marry.

"You cannot challenge the domination of the economy by the oligarchs and the generals..."

"And while what will take place in Egypt will be defined as a religious war, and the acts of violence by the insurgents who will rise from the bloodied squares of Cairo will be defined as terrorism, the engine for this chaos is not religion but the collapsing economy of a world where the wretched of the earth are to be subjugated and starved or shot."

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
The real problem may be more banal. Egypt can't afford to eat any more. These are basically food riots. Roughly 50% of income is spent on food for the typical Egyptian.

Expensive food subsidies;

"Speaking to Reuters in a tent at a vigil by thousands of Mursi supporters, the ousted president's supply minister, Bassem Ouda, revealed that government stocks held just 500,000 tonnes of imported wheat.

Egypt, the world's biggest buyer, usually imports about 10 million tonnes of wheat a year, half of which is given out by the state in the form of subsidized bread sold for less than 1 U.S. cent a loaf."

Egypt welcomes U.S. remarks on Mursi; food stocks dwindle

"Egypt is experiencing a
phenomenon known as “stagflation,” a crippling combination of inflation and lack of growth. In
2012, real GDP grew by 2.2%, a figure that barely exceeds the country’s population growth. In 2011,
real GDP grew by 1.78%. In order to prop up social spending, preserve costly fuel and food
subsidies, service the debt, and counter the effects of investor capital flight, the central government
has been running huge budget deficits and drawing down its foreign exchange reserves.

In order to assist exports18 and tourism, the Central Bank has tried to manage the gradual
devaluation of the currency (Egyptian Pound), which has slid 8% against the dollar in 2013.
Although the government claims that the currency will not collapse, there is concern that rising
prices may spark additional unrest, as imported food and fuel become more expensive. Food prices
increased 8% last year and overall inflation was 7%.


"Flour and sugar are 50 percent more expensive than they were a year ago, said Alif, and for now the bakery feels it has no choice but to absorb the increase rather than passing it on to customers"

Food price rises put restive Egypt on edge | Reuters

Maybe the US should stop propping up prices by burning it's excess food grains in car engines.
The violence unfolding in Egypt today can't be separated from diminishing resources, chronic unemployment, and overpopulation. 33% of Egypt's 80 million people are younger than 14, and millions live under or just above a poverty line of $2 a day. They spend more than half their income on food, and malnutrition is endemic with 31% of children under five exhibiting stunted growth.

"Illiteracy runs at more than 70 percent."

Fertile fields for Radical Islam to produce a generation of martyrs the rich generals in Egypt (and the US) are only too happy to slaughter for Wall Street's New World Order.

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

You knew it was just a matter of time...


You want a conflict to end, then help the winning team kill off the losing team.

ESPECIALLY if the winning team is targeting Christians.

Yay GP.

The "winning team" has murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of innocent Muslims over the last decade; it's corporate offices are located on Wall Street and its enforcer, the Pentagon, kills babies on a scale abortion providers would never consider.

If you want a conflict to end, make sure you know which war you're fighting.

"The only way to break the hold of radical Islam is to give its followers a stake in the wider economy, the possibility of a life where the future is not dominated by grinding poverty, repression and hopelessness.

"If you live in the sprawling slums of Cairo or the refugee camps in Gaza or the concrete hovels in New Delhi, every avenue of escape is closed.

"You cannot get an education.

"You cannot get a job.

"You do not have the resources to marry.

"You cannot challenge the domination of the economy by the oligarchs and the generals..."

"And while what will take place in Egypt will be defined as a religious war, and the acts of violence by the insurgents who will rise from the bloodied squares of Cairo will be defined as terrorism, the engine for this chaos is not religion but the collapsing economy of a world where the wretched of the earth are to be subjugated and starved or shot."

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit.
You knew it was just a matter of time...


You want a conflict to end, then help the winning team kill off the losing team.

ESPECIALLY if the winning team is targeting Christians.

Yay GP.

The "winning team" has murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of innocent Muslims over the last decade; it's corporate offices are located on Wall Street and its enforcer, the Pentagon, kills babies on a scale abortion providers would never consider.

If you want a conflict to end, make sure you know which war you're fighting.

"The only way to break the hold of radical Islam is to give its followers a stake in the wider economy, the possibility of a life where the future is not dominated by grinding poverty, repression and hopelessness.

"If you live in the sprawling slums of Cairo or the refugee camps in Gaza or the concrete hovels in New Delhi, every avenue of escape is closed.

"You cannot get an education.

"You cannot get a job.

"You do not have the resources to marry.

"You cannot challenge the domination of the economy by the oligarchs and the generals..."

"And while what will take place in Egypt will be defined as a religious war, and the acts of violence by the insurgents who will rise from the bloodied squares of Cairo will be defined as terrorism, the engine for this chaos is not religion but the collapsing economy of a world where the wretched of the earth are to be subjugated and starved or shot."

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit.

Now don't go too easy on him my friend ;-) ♥ xxoo
What worthless wastes of humanity we have suffered to develop.
The violence unfolding in Egypt today can't be separated from diminishing resources, chronic unemployment, and overpopulation. 33% of Egypt's 80 million people are younger than 14, and millions live under or just above a poverty line of $2 a day. They spend more than half their income on food, and malnutrition is endemic with 31% of children under five exhibiting stunted growth.

"Illiteracy runs at more than 70 percent."

Fertile fields for Radical Islam to produce a generation of martyrs the rich generals in Egypt (and the US) are only too happy to slaughter for Wall Street's New World Order.

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

You knew it was just a matter of time...


You want a conflict to end, then help the winning team kill off the losing team.

ESPECIALLY if the winning team is targeting Christians.

Yay GP.

The "winning team" has murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of innocent Muslims over the last decade; it's corporate offices are located on Wall Street and its enforcer, the Pentagon, kills babies on a scale abortion providers would never consider.

If you want a conflict to end, make sure you know which war you're fighting.

"The only way to break the hold of radical Islam is to give its followers a stake in the wider economy, the possibility of a life where the future is not dominated by grinding poverty, repression and hopelessness.

"If you live in the sprawling slums of Cairo or the refugee camps in Gaza or the concrete hovels in New Delhi, every avenue of escape is closed.

"You cannot get an education.

"You cannot get a job.

"You do not have the resources to marry.

"You cannot challenge the domination of the economy by the oligarchs and the generals..."

"And while what will take place in Egypt will be defined as a religious war, and the acts of violence by the insurgents who will rise from the bloodied squares of Cairo will be defined as terrorism, the engine for this chaos is not religion but the collapsing economy of a world where the wretched of the earth are to be subjugated and starved or shot."

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

I'm so sick of this everyone owes me attitude by libruls, muslims, etc.. Go fucking earn and purchase your own land, home, dreams.. don't threaten people because you can't simply take something that doesn't fucking belong to you.. No one is buying in to your BS anyhow.. Radical Islam wants submission to Islam, period.. or face death.. Fuck that..

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