Obama administration is complicit in the new and horrifyingly bloody crackdown

With each passing day it looks like backing Mubarak would have been the best choice.

Either that or just staying the fuck out of it all

Even Ray Charles could see that if this was 6yrs ago, all this blood would be on W's hands
You knew it was just a matter of time...


You want a conflict to end, then help the winning team kill off the losing team.

ESPECIALLY if the winning team is targeting Christians.

Yay GP.

The "winning team" has murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of innocent Muslims over the last decade; it's corporate offices are located on Wall Street and its enforcer, the Pentagon, kills babies on a scale abortion providers would never consider.

If you want a conflict to end, make sure you know which war you're fighting.

"The only way to break the hold of radical Islam is to give its followers a stake in the wider economy, the possibility of a life where the future is not dominated by grinding poverty, repression and hopelessness.

"If you live in the sprawling slums of Cairo or the refugee camps in Gaza or the concrete hovels in New Delhi, every avenue of escape is closed.

"You cannot get an education.

"You cannot get a job.

"You do not have the resources to marry.

"You cannot challenge the domination of the economy by the oligarchs and the generals..."

"And while what will take place in Egypt will be defined as a religious war, and the acts of violence by the insurgents who will rise from the bloodied squares of Cairo will be defined as terrorism, the engine for this chaos is not religion but the collapsing economy of a world where the wretched of the earth are to be subjugated and starved or shot."

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

I'm so sick of this everyone owes me attitude by libruls, muslims, etc.. Go fucking earn and purchase your own land, home, dreams.. don't threaten people because you can't simply take something that doesn't fucking belong to you.. No one is buying in to your BS anyhow.. Radical Islam wants submission to Islam, period.. or face death.. Fuck that..

Just think how much sicker you would be if "Radical Islam" was sending drones over your family's weddings and funerals. 'Care to tell us what your attitude would be if a Muslim Hellfire missile turned one of your children into a grease stain? Worry more about Radical Capitalism that's taken billions of dollar worth of land, homes, and dreams in the US while sissy squeals like you kiss every rich white ass that waddles past; get free or buy a burka, Bitch.
A year ago, conservatives were complaining that the Egyptian military didn't crack on the protestors and blamed Obama for it.

:eusa_eh: you mean when they rose against mubarak?

Today, they're complaining about the Egyptian military cracking down on the protestors and are blaming Obama for it.

I am not, I blame obama for making the same mistake carter did...and I take him to task for not calling this what it was- a coup ( actually no, I take the media to take for caterwauling as they have done in the past when a gop exec. has spptted same and not pummeled obama, remember the Honduran fiasco in 2009? I do;)) . he needs to get over it, it is what it is and trying to straddle the middle ground is killing us.....no one at all there trusts us. There is no end to play against the middle here....

what needs to happen here is- the military has to go back to 5 years ago where in the MB was shut down and out, nothing less will work now
With each passing day it looks like backing Mubarak would have been the best choice.

unfortunately that appears to be the case. ask your average Iranian who lived under the shah, who he'd rather have to live under if given the choice? It won't be the present regime....
The "winning team" has murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of innocent Muslims over the last decade; it's corporate offices are located on Wall Street and its enforcer, the Pentagon, kills babies on a scale abortion providers would never consider.

If you want a conflict to end, make sure you know which war you're fighting.

"The only way to break the hold of radical Islam is to give its followers a stake in the wider economy, the possibility of a life where the future is not dominated by grinding poverty, repression and hopelessness.

"If you live in the sprawling slums of Cairo or the refugee camps in Gaza or the concrete hovels in New Delhi, every avenue of escape is closed.

"You cannot get an education.

"You cannot get a job.

"You do not have the resources to marry.

"You cannot challenge the domination of the economy by the oligarchs and the generals..."

"And while what will take place in Egypt will be defined as a religious war, and the acts of violence by the insurgents who will rise from the bloodied squares of Cairo will be defined as terrorism, the engine for this chaos is not religion but the collapsing economy of a world where the wretched of the earth are to be subjugated and starved or shot."

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

I'm so sick of this everyone owes me attitude by libruls, muslims, etc.. Go fucking earn and purchase your own land, home, dreams.. don't threaten people because you can't simply take something that doesn't fucking belong to you.. No one is buying in to your BS anyhow.. Radical Islam wants submission to Islam, period.. or face death.. Fuck that..

You have three choices under Islam...

Capitulate (Convert)

Pay a tax (in order NOT to be killed...SLAVERY)

Refuse and be killed.

Some choice.

You have three questions:

What tax do Catholics from the Philippines pay while working in Saudi or Bahrain?
How many have been killed for refusing to convert?
Why do elected Republicans AND Democrats support both racist monarchies?
I'm so sick of this everyone owes me attitude by libruls, muslims, etc.. Go fucking earn and purchase your own land, home, dreams.. don't threaten people because you can't simply take something that doesn't fucking belong to you.. No one is buying in to your BS anyhow.. Radical Islam wants submission to Islam, period.. or face death.. Fuck that..

You have three choices under Islam...

Capitulate (Convert)

Pay a tax (in order NOT to be killed...SLAVERY)

Refuse and be killed.

Some choice.

You have three questions:

What tax do Catholics from the Philippines pay while working in Saudi or Bahrain?

I would guess, quite a bit

How many have been killed for refusing to convert?

god knows, overall? probably hundreds

Why do elected Republicans AND Democrats support both racist monarchies?

becasue the world is not a perfect place and humans are self interest driven.
hell we're back to worrying about keeping the Suez Canal open.....

The US got it right in 1956:

"The Suez Crisis, also referred to as the Tripartite Aggression, Suez War, or Second Arab-Israeli War[13][14] (Arabic: أزمة السويس /* العدوان الثلاثي* Azmat al-Suways / al-ʻUdwān al-Thulāthī , 'Suez Crisis'/ 'the Tripartite Aggression'; French: Crise du canal de Suez; Hebrew: מבצע קדש* Mivtza' Kadesh 'Operation Kadesh,' or מלחמת סיני Milẖemet Sinai, 'Sinai War'), was a diplomatic and military confrontation in late 1956 between Egypt on one side, and Britain, France and Israel on the other, with the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Nations playing major roles in forcing Britain, France and Israel to withdraw."

Israel might keep the Sinai (and Cairo?) this time...

Suez Crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You're talking about stuff 40 years ago.

You want to talk history, let's talk about the history of progressivism, and the Nazi party...let's talk about how looking the other way results in human rights violations and eternal damnation from the civilized world. Let's talk about pretending it's okay to raze churches and slaughter innocents NOW because it may or may not have happened in the past. Let's talk about China, and North Korea, and Russia...where people died (and continue to die) and philosophical pukes sat on their hands and said there was a good *reason* for it and we shouldn't get involved.

If you want to talk history, let's talk history. Real history. Not namby pamby "oooh boooshhhh" and "ooooo reagan" and "republicans are big dodo heads".

Give me a break.

Let's talk US history...

"1798-1800 France
Undeclared naval war against France, marines land in Puerto Plata.

1801-1805 Tripoli War with Tripoli (Libya), called "First Barbary War".
1806 Spanish Mexico Military force enters Spanish territory in headwaters of the Rio Grande.
1806-1810 Spanish and French in Caribbean US naval vessels attack French and Spanish shipping in the Caribbean.
1810 Spanish West Florida Troops invade and seize Western Florida, a Spanish possession.
1812 Spanish East Florida Troops seize Amelia Island and adjacent territories.
1812 Britain War of 1812, includes naval and land operations.
1813 Marquesas Island Forces seize Nukahiva and establish first US naval base in the Pacific.
1814 Spanish (East Florida) Troops seize Pensacola in Spanish East Florida.
1814-1825 French, British and Spanish in Caribbean US naval squadron engages French, British and Spanish shipping in the Caribbean.
1815 Algiers and Tripoli US naval fleet under Captain Stephen Decatur wages "Second Barbary War" in North Africa.
1816-1819 Spanish East Florida Troops attack and seize Nicholls' Fort, Amelia Island and other strategic locations. Spain eventually cedes East Florida to the US..."

US Interventions
You're talking about stuff 40 years ago.

You want to talk history, let's talk about the history of progressivism, and the Nazi party...let's talk about how looking the other way results in human rights violations and eternal damnation from the civilized world. Let's talk about pretending it's okay to raze churches and slaughter innocents NOW because it may or may not have happened in the past. Let's talk about China, and North Korea, and Russia...where people died (and continue to die) and philosophical pukes sat on their hands and said there was a good *reason* for it and we shouldn't get involved.

If you want to talk history, let's talk history. Real history. Not namby pamby "oooh boooshhhh" and "ooooo reagan" and "republicans are big dodo heads".

Give me a break.

Let's talk US history...

"1798-1800 France
Undeclared naval war against France, marines land in Puerto Plata.

1801-1805 Tripoli War with Tripoli (Libya), called "First Barbary War".
1806 Spanish Mexico Military force enters Spanish territory in headwaters of the Rio Grande.
1806-1810 Spanish and French in Caribbean US naval vessels attack French and Spanish shipping in the Caribbean.
1810 Spanish West Florida Troops invade and seize Western Florida, a Spanish possession.
1812 Spanish East Florida Troops seize Amelia Island and adjacent territories.
1812 Britain War of 1812, includes naval and land operations.
1813 Marquesas Island Forces seize Nukahiva and establish first US naval base in the Pacific.
1814 Spanish (East Florida) Troops seize Pensacola in Spanish East Florida.
1814-1825 French, British and Spanish in Caribbean US naval squadron engages French, British and Spanish shipping in the Caribbean.
1815 Algiers and Tripoli US naval fleet under Captain Stephen Decatur wages "Second Barbary War" in North Africa.
1816-1819 Spanish East Florida Troops attack and seize Nicholls' Fort, Amelia Island and other strategic locations. Spain eventually cedes East Florida to the US..."

US Interventions

the point of that post alludes me George...
Oblama does not control the aid to Egypt, it's a republican that does it and McCain and Graham are supporters of Morsi and the MB.
This would be like Obama cracking down on a radical Christian sect that hates gays, woman and science.

The muslim brotherhood protesting are nuts.
You have three choices under Islam...

Capitulate (Convert)

Pay a tax (in order NOT to be killed...SLAVERY)

Refuse and be killed.

Some choice.

You have three questions:

I would guess, quite a bit

god knows, overall? probably hundreds

Why do elected Republicans AND Democrats support both racist monarchies?

becasue the world is not a perfect place and humans are self interest driven.

Possibly the prime reason why this world is so imperfect stems from the fact that every government ever devised exists primarily to serve the interests of its richest citizens?
You have three questions:

I would guess, quite a bit

god knows, overall? probably hundreds

becasue the world is not a perfect place and humans are self interest driven.

Possibly the prime reason why this world is so imperfect stems from the fact that every government ever devised exists primarily to serve the interests of its richest citizens?

thank you Howard Zinn...hes dead George, you know that right?

and you are only half wrong, not half right, but half wrong, do you understand why I made that delineation?
You have three questions:

I would guess, quite a bit

god knows, overall? probably hundreds

becasue the world is not a perfect place and humans are self interest driven.

Possibly the prime reason why this world is so imperfect stems from the fact that every government ever devised exists primarily to serve the interests of its richest citizens?

Oh, I see your a fucking communist. Why do you hate the successful?

Do realize sitting on ones ass or bowing to a rock 5 times a day won't feed the world.
Actually, every government ever devised eventually exists primarily to serve the interests of itself. It is just that the rationalization process is slow sometimes.

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