Obama administration is complicit in the new and horrifyingly bloody crackdown

I agree with the liberals in Egypt. I don't know if I agree totally with the ones in America.

Fuck the muslim brother hood
Actually, it was administration policy after the election last year. Nobody is sure what the policy is now. Obama is still on holiday.

Oh...there is stuff like this floating around;

Senator: Obama Administration Secretly Suspended Military Aid to Egypt - The Daily Beast

Any administration, regardless of party, has no choice but to deal with the duly elected gov't of another country. And Morsi was duly elected in free and fair elections. Hell, at least Morsi can say he got a majority of the popular vote. That's a damn site more than Bush could say in 2000.

So you agree that Obama is a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood?


If you'll acknowledge that Reagan was a supporter of the communist gov't of the former Soviet Union, sure!
Any administration, regardless of party, has no choice but to deal with the duly elected gov't of another country. And Morsi was duly elected in free and fair elections. Hell, at least Morsi can say he got a majority of the popular vote. That's a damn site more than Bush could say in 2000.

So you agree that Obama is a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood?


If you'll acknowledge that Reagan was a supporter of the communist gov't of the former Soviet Union, sure!


Meanwhile, reality (inconveniently) rears its ugly head:

" From the moment he took office, he made it clear what he believed: that America stood for a good idea, the Soviet Union for a bad one; that the notion of a balance of power between them—“mutually assured destruction”—was thus morally wrong; and that the Russians' bulging military muscle had no real economic power behind it. Therefore he decided to pour money into America's armed forces, and (pace the Greenham Common ladies) put medium-range nuclear missiles into Europe; that way, Europe's defence would not need an American intercontinental strike. If a rearmed America stood nose-to-nose with its adversary, and firmly but politely refused to budge, he reckoned it would win the day. He was right. By the year Reagan left the White House, the Russians had lost eastern Europe; by the next year, they had abandoned communism."

Ronald Reagan: The man who beat communism | The Economist

"Obama pushes to give Muslim Brotherhood another chance in elections"

Obama pushes to give Muslim Brotherhood another chance in elections | The Daily Caller

As Egypt unravels, Team Obama increases support for Muslim Brotherhood"

Against this backdrop of Shariah and jihad – and hidden behind the blanket news coverage of the Obama administration’s other scandals – the White House has decided to increase its financial support for the Muslim Brotherhood, quietly clearing the way for the U.S. to give Egypt $1.3 billion in military aid.

On May 10, the very day that Lois Lerner issued her contrived apology for the IRS targeting conservative groups, Secretary of State John Kerry formally waived
– on national security grounds – statutory requirements that he certify that Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood government was “implementing policies to protect freedom of expression, association, and religion, and due process of law” before providing any further American military aid.
Think about this for a moment: The Obama administration threw the Mubarak regime (for all its flaws, a stalwart American ally that kept peace with Israel) under the bus ostensibly because of its human rights violations but is waiving human rights conditions to prop up a more brutal jihadist government.

Read more: As Egypt unravels, Team Obama increases support for Muslim Brotherhood | Fox News"

No, Mussolini.

Ah, I see your confusion.

Mussolini was not ousted from Egypt - it was Mohamed Morsi. Mussolini, the father of Obamcare - i.e. the merger of state and corporate power structures, died 70 years ago.

Communists are unhappy because rich generals continue killing poor Egyptians for Wall Street.

Egyptian generals are killing you Al Qaeda allies for Wall Street?


Have you considered electroshock therapy? I mean, it couldn't hurt...

"For the past few days, Egypt's main Arabic-language state television stations have displayed a new logo in the corner of the screen.

"For the first time ever, it is a message in English. It says 'Egypt fighting terrorism'.

"It is in red, black and white, the colours of the Egyptian flag.

"Another television channel, the private station, ON TV, has started provided simultaneous English translations of its news broadcasts and talk shows.

"Its coverage, which is overwhelming pro-army, is clearly aimed at an international audience.

"The interim government and the army appear to have launched a major public relations offensive - aimed at the West."

BBC News - Egyptian media in PR offensive targeting the West

Only devout authoritarians would argue that rich generals would ever $top the killing regardless of whatever fig-leaf politician occupies the pre$idential palace.

If you don't get help at Charter, get help somewhere....
Al-Qa'ida helping Goldman Sachs perform God's work in Egypt?
Your hero, Henry, needs you:

Henry Kissinger: ?If You Can?t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf? | Global Research

"The United States is bating China and Russia, and the final nail in the coffin will be Iran, which is, of course, the main target of Israel. We have allowed China to increase their military strength and Russia to recover from Sovietization, to give them a false sense of bravado, this will create an all together faster demise for them.

"We’re like the sharp shooter daring the noob to pick up the gun, and when they try, it’s bang bang. The coming war will will be so severe that only one superpower can win, and that’s us folks. This is why the EU is in such a hurry to form a complete superstate because they know what is coming, and to survive, Europe will have to be one whole cohesive state. Their urgency tells me that they know full well that the big showdown is upon us. O how I have dreamed of this delightful moment.”

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."

Are we hearing the same drums?
Does anyone remember when that lunatic Phil Donahue cackled and jeered at the thought of China being a potential threat?
Al-Qa'ida helping Goldman Sachs perform God's work in Egypt?
Your hero, Henry, needs you:

Henry Kissinger: ?If You Can?t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf? | Global Research

"The United States is bating China and Russia, and the final nail in the coffin will be Iran, which is, of course, the main target of Israel. We have allowed China to increase their military strength and Russia to recover from Sovietization, to give them a false sense of bravado, this will create an all together faster demise for them.

"We’re like the sharp shooter daring the noob to pick up the gun, and when they try, it’s bang bang. The coming war will will be so severe that only one superpower can win, and that’s us folks. This is why the EU is in such a hurry to form a complete superstate because they know what is coming, and to survive, Europe will have to be one whole cohesive state. Their urgency tells me that they know full well that the big showdown is upon us. O how I have dreamed of this delightful moment.”

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."

Are we hearing the same drums?


Same old George..

Say something stupid (or rather, flat out insane,) get called on it, post unrelated blather in hopes of distracting from your humiliation.

Time to blame it (regardless of what "it" might be) on DA JOOOOOOZZZZ, George.


Simple facts; the Al Qaeda faction known as the Muslim Brotherhood, backed by Obama, assumed power and began a nation wide campaign of atrocities. Nothing to do with Wall Street - no JOOOOZZZ behind it.

Now Morsi - your Al Qaeda buddy, has been ousted by the Military due to the violence and he perpetrated and the utter destruction of the Egyptian economy. particularly the vital tourist trade.

Nothing to do with Wall Street - no JOOOOZZZ behind it.

Oh, but you know what George? The man who does your thinking for you, the one who writes the script you are programmed to recite, George Soros, he is a Jew.

So, let's recap - the JOOOOOZZZZ have nothing to do with Egypt, but a Jew does control your thoughts...
Obama will never take a stand against human rights violations, as he considers them collateral. His complete disregard for life continues to be sickening:

"After a prolonged and embarrassing delay, the State Department announced that it had chosen not to determine whether a coup had taken place, and Secretary of State John F. Kerry declared that Egypt’s military was “restoring democracy.”
Because of those decisions, the Obama administration is complicit in the new and horrifyingly bloody crackdown launched Wednesday by the de facto regime against tens of thousands of protesters who had camped out in two Cairo squares. At least 278 people were reported killed, including many women and children. Chaos erupted around Egypt as angry mobs stormed Christian churches, which went largely unprotected by security forces. "

"This refusal to take a firm stand against massive violations of human rights is as self-defeating for the United States as it is unconscionable. Continued U.S. support for the Egyptian military is helping to push the country toward a new dictatorship rather than a restored democracy."
Egypt erupts as security forces attack Morsi supporters - The Washington Post

Why should Americans give a shit, if Egyptians are killing each other?

The world would be a better place with fewer Egyptians. Egyptians will hate Americans no matter what we do.

Blaming Obama is just plain silly.
obama is just that much happier knowing that the object of such murderous rage are Christians.

So are liberals.
Obama will never take a stand against human rights violations, as he considers them collateral. His complete disregard for life continues to be sickening:

"After a prolonged and embarrassing delay, the State Department announced that it had chosen not to determine whether a coup had taken place, and Secretary of State John F. Kerry declared that Egypt’s military was “restoring democracy.”
Because of those decisions, the Obama administration is complicit in the new and horrifyingly bloody crackdown launched Wednesday by the de facto regime against tens of thousands of protesters who had camped out in two Cairo squares. At least 278 people were reported killed, including many women and children. Chaos erupted around Egypt as angry mobs stormed Christian churches, which went largely unprotected by security forces. "

"This refusal to take a firm stand against massive violations of human rights is as self-defeating for the United States as it is unconscionable. Continued U.S. support for the Egyptian military is helping to push the country toward a new dictatorship rather than a restored democracy."
Egypt erupts as security forces attack Morsi supporters - The Washington Post

Why should Americans give a shit, if Egyptians are killing each other?

The world would be a better place with fewer Egyptians. Egyptians will hate Americans no matter what we do.

Blaming Obama is just plain silly.

America should always care when innocent people are being slaughtered and human rights violations are being committed.

This regime doesn't care, and in fact would gladly inflict horrors upon the masses themselves, if given the opportunity. As would American progressives...THAT hasn't changed since the 1920s, when the loons discovered eugenics and began to embrace the concept of negative eugenics.
Only if you're a human to begin with, bode.

Yes, it is our business, as it is everybody's business, when people are being brutalized.
Fascists and commies opposed intervention on the part of the Jews and oppressed European countries during WWII as well.
Al-Qa'ida helping Goldman Sachs perform God's work in Egypt?
Your hero, Henry, needs you:

Henry Kissinger: ?If You Can?t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf? | Global Research

"The United States is bating China and Russia, and the final nail in the coffin will be Iran, which is, of course, the main target of Israel. We have allowed China to increase their military strength and Russia to recover from Sovietization, to give them a false sense of bravado, this will create an all together faster demise for them.

"We’re like the sharp shooter daring the noob to pick up the gun, and when they try, it’s bang bang. The coming war will will be so severe that only one superpower can win, and that’s us folks. This is why the EU is in such a hurry to form a complete superstate because they know what is coming, and to survive, Europe will have to be one whole cohesive state. Their urgency tells me that they know full well that the big showdown is upon us. O how I have dreamed of this delightful moment.”

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."

Are we hearing the same drums?


Same old George..

Say something stupid (or rather, flat out insane,) get called on it, post unrelated blather in hopes of distracting from your humiliation.

Time to blame it (regardless of what "it" might be) on DA JOOOOOOZZZZ, George.


Simple facts; the Al Qaeda faction known as the Muslim Brotherhood, backed by Obama, assumed power and began a nation wide campaign of atrocities. Nothing to do with Wall Street - no JOOOOZZZ behind it.

Now Morsi - your Al Qaeda buddy, has been ousted by the Military due to the violence and he perpetrated and the utter destruction of the Egyptian economy. particularly the vital tourist trade.

Nothing to do with Wall Street - no JOOOOZZZ behind it.

Oh, but you know what George? The man who does your thinking for you, the one who writes the script you are programmed to recite, George Soros, he is a Jew.

So, let's recap - the JOOOOOZZZZ have nothing to do with Egypt, but a Jew does control your thoughts...
No "JOOOOZZZ behind Wall Street and no rich generals behind grain and oil distribution in Egypt, is that what Ludwig's been telling you during your most recent deliriums?

"The Muslim Brotherhood (known in Arabic as al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen) is Egypt's oldest and largest Islamist organization, and has spawned a variety of Sunni Islamist groups throughout the Arab world. Long banned from politics, the group renounced its aim of violent overthrow of the Egyptian government in the 1970s while earning popular support by providing social services and growing its organization underground.

"After the ouster of former president Hosni Mubarak in 2011, the Muslim Brotherhood's political arm took over from the deeply unpopular Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, winning parliamentary elections and electing Mohammed Morsi, considered a conservative pragmatist, to the presidency.

"Many analysts thought the Brotherhood's political fortune to be a test of whether they remained ideologically committed to their founders' Islamist tenets or would be moderated by the exigencies of governing.

"However, Morsi's tenure, which ended abruptly in July 2013 after a military intervention, was tarnished by widespread frustration about economic mismanagement, poor governance, and authoritarian tendencies. Experts continue to speculate on the future role of the Brotherhood in Egyptian political life."

Leave it to Libertarians to swallow every general's hook, line, and sinker.

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood - Council on Foreign Relations
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No "JOOOOZZZ behind Wall Street and no rich generals behind grain and oil distribution in Egypt, is that what Ludwig's been telling you during your most recent deliriums?


Wall Street has nothing, nada, zilch, zippo - to do with grain distributions to or in Egypt. That would be you beloved Federal bureaucracy. Goldman Sachs doesn't ship grain, the United States government does.

"The Muslim Brotherhood (known in Arabic as al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen) is Egypt's oldest and largest Islamist organization, and has spawned a variety of Sunni Islamist groups throughout the Arab world. Long banned from politics, the group renounced its aim of violent overthrow of the Egyptian government in the 1970s while earning popular support by providing social services and growing its organization underground.


The are a violent Al Qaeda faction who murder and maim non-Muslims without restraint.

"After the ouster of former president Hosni Mubarak in 2011, the Muslim Brotherhood's political arm took over from the deeply unpopular Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, winning parliamentary elections and electing Mohammed Morsi, considered a conservative pragmatist, to the presidency.

"Many analysts thought the Brotherhood's political fortune to be a test of whether they remained ideologically committed to their founders' Islamist tenets or would be moderated by the exigencies of governing.

"However, Morsi's tenure, which ended abruptly in July 2013 after a military intervention, was tarnished by widespread frustration about economic mismanagement, poor governance, and authoritarian tendencies. Experts continue to speculate on the future role of the Brotherhood in Egyptian political life."

Leave it to Libertarians to swallow every general's hook, line, and sinker.

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood - Council on Foreign Relations

Poor George, your Al Qaeda allies got ousted while some JOOOOOOZZZZZ still live.

Better luck next time.
Do you support the ballot or the bullet?
I would choose the former in this case.

Yet your Al Qaeda allies gave only rape and murder to the people of Egypt - slaughtering Christians and raping women of all faiths.

Nice friends you've got there, George....
Your friends include rich corporate generals who profit from the economic rape of 99% of Egyptians while killing hundreds of protesters in recent days who actually believe their ballots trump your bullets. Obviously you and your hero Ludwig would tell the recently martyred in Cairo all the improvements in their condition are owed to the efforts of rich generals and bankers who are worth more than the millions of ballots cast by inferiors. What do you and the bankers have planned for Syria?

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