Obama Administration wants Black boxes installed in cars


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Administration Wants to Put a Black Box in Your Car? | Watch XFINITY Videos Online | Finance | Comcast

Feds Want 'Black Boxes' in New Cars, But Who Will Be Tracking You? - ABC News

"There are important safety concerns here and they shouldn't be ignored, but there are also pressing privacy concerns," said Chris Calabrese of the American Civil Liberties Union. "Chiefly, who's going to access this information and how long is it going to be collected? I'd make sure that the owner of the vehicle controls the data."

Government not only wants to look at your ass, they want to look -up your ass, chop -chop -chop your rights,freedom ,privacy........

Folks are going to REALLY regret re-electing this Marxist/Fascist dirtbag.

It may take several more years, but one day the nation will wake up, like after a LONG weekend in Vegas on a blind drunk, and wonder how the fuck we let this happen to America...

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