Obama admits his ISIS strategy deserves "legitimate criticism"

oh wonderful. that should give us all the warm fuzzies. what do we do now. BOW to him or something?

his policies is already getting American citizens killed at Christmas parties.
oh wonderful. that should give us all the warm fuzzies. what do we do now. BOW to him or something?

his policies is already getting American citizens killed at Christmas parties.
What does that have to do with ISIS ? Dude was planning an attack for years. Before ISIS was on the radar .

Obamas plan has been very successful in one part. ZERO DEAD US TROOPS!

Sorry that offends the GOP so much .
Humility or just admitting what is obvious to everyone? Rather like Obama admitting he is a horrible golfer. Surely this stunning admission drew a collective "Duh" from the world.
That fool obama , not getting us into another Mid East cluster fuck .!!!
The biggest problem with the Obama adm policy on Syria is that I'm not sure they have one. From the beginning the only stated goal seems to be the removal of Assad with no thought as to what comes afterward.
Wait, I thought he had ISIL contained. I thought they were the JV team? You mean Obama is being beaten by the JV team? What does that make him??
On War, Obama Has Been Worse Than Bush
August 25, 2011Anthony Gregory
Tags U.S. HistoryWar and Foreign PolicyInterventionism

[This is a transcript of a lecture given at the Austrian Scholars Conference, March 7, 2011]

Obama said he would divert resources from Iraq to Afghanistan. To his everlasting shame, he has not broken this promise.
The real critique of the wars certainly goes beyond the numbers. It is good, however, to look at the figures. Most people in the country know that Obama hasn't exactly ended the wars. I'm sure people say, Yeah, but Obama is ending the wars.

This claim is not obviously 100 percent false in every respect, perhaps. And so we need to be careful when we get into the details.

So, during the run-up to the ascension of Obama to the throne, he was critical of the Iraq war. He said things like This war's lasted longer than World War I, II, the Civil War; 4,000 Americans have died (and of course Americans are the only people that matter in the war). More than 60,000 have been injured; we spent trillions of dollars; we're less safe.

These were very sound critiques of the Iraq war. A lot of us made these kinds of utilitarian critiques. They're almost utilitarian anyway. I don't think they are the most important reasons to oppose the Iraq war, but they are important reasons; they are sufficient reasons on their own, certainly. And Obama did sound better on the Iraq war than Bush or McCain.

all of it here:
On War, Obama Has Been Worse Than Bush
oh wonderful. that should give us all the warm fuzzies. what do we do now. BOW to him or something?

his policies is already getting American citizens killed at Christmas parties.
What does that have to do with ISIS ? Dude was planning an attack for years. Before ISIS was on the radar .

Obamas plan has been very successful in one part. ZERO DEAD US TROOPS!

Sorry that offends the GOP so much .

Muslim terrorist are muslim terrorist.
I dont give a rats ass who they affiliate themselves with.
The Mid East "coalition " would be happy to see american troops do the heavy lifting . Screw them! They have the most to lose when it comes to ISIS . Enough of the U.S. being saps for likes of Saudi arabia .
This is what he said.
U.S. President Barack Obama said his administration is open to some "legitimate criticism" for failing to adequately explain its strategy to counter Islamic State,
He didn't say his ISIS strategy deserves legitimate criticism just that he didn't adequately explain his strategy nor is this the first time he has used that line.
This is what he said.
U.S. President Barack Obama said his administration is open to some "legitimate criticism" for failing to adequately explain its strategy to counter Islamic State,
He didn't say his ISIS strategy deserves legitimate criticism just that he didn't adequately explain his strategy nor is this the first time he has used that line.
According to Obama every problem is because he didnt sell the program well enough. It would never occur to that lunk that the problem his programs suck and they are implemented by incompetents.

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