Obama and Biden were unaware of the need for more security


Oct 7, 2012
The White says the President Obama and Vice President Biden new nothing about the need for more security in Libya. It really troubles me that the two highest held positions in the United States of America President and Vice President are held by two people who take responsibility for nothing wrong in America.

For those who are missing what I'm saying the two of them joust threw the State Department under the bus. One of the first things of leadership is being responsible for your actions and the people who work for you actions

White House: Obama and Biden were never aware of requests for more Benghazi security | The Cable
The White says the President Obama and Vice President Biden new nothing about the need for more security in Libya. It really troubles me that the two highest held positions in the United States of America President and Vice President are held by two people who take responsibility for nothing wrong in America.

For those who are missing what I'm saying the two of them joust threw the State Department under the bus. One of the first things of leadership is being responsible for your actions and the people who work for you actions

White House: Obama and Biden were never aware of requests for more Benghazi security | The Cable

Not so strange for this administration. They are unaware of a whole lot of things that they should be aware of.

Apparently, they were unaware that the State Department was in almost constant contact with the consulate for the duration of the attack and for some time afterward. They knew in real time that the attack was a terrorist attack, and that there had been no demonstration prior to the attack.

If Obama had been curious, I am sure that Hillary Clinton would have given him a complete rundown on the event. He was too busy going to fund raisers, to worry about a few dead diplomats.
One of the first things of leadership is being responsible for your actions and the people who work for you actions

W was personally responsible for the action of every Federal employee anywhere as if he'd done the action himself. Obama's not responsible for his own actions, W is. There is a pattern...
They are willing to claim stupidity than be blamed for their own decisions.

There is no way in hell they were not being briefed on what is going on in Libya given they are the ones that turned it into a terrorist haven and they sent State Department personnel there to set up shop in a danger zone.

They downplayed the terrorist threat and got caught with their pants down, now they're playing the dumb card because people at the "CIA" didn't tell them the place was dangerous.....bullshit!
The White says the President Obama and Vice President Biden new nothing about the need for more security in Libya. It really troubles me that the two highest held positions in the United States of America President and Vice President are held by two people who take responsibility for nothing wrong in America.

For those who are missing what I'm saying the two of them joust threw the State Department under the bus. One of the first things of leadership is being responsible for your actions and the people who work for you actions

White House: Obama and Biden were never aware of requests for more Benghazi security | The Cable

The thing here is that, even if it is true, Obama is still responsible for the actions of the people in State that made the decision. He is showing his colors and how he is always laying the blame for anything that goes wrong on other people.
Funny there always seems to be plenty of security surrounding there sorry asses,,,Hmmmm
First, Obama didn't know about Fast and Furious until he heard it from the media. Now this? Amazing how this guy will not claim responsibility for anything.
If things go wrong, Obamination never heard about it.

Now if things go right like with UBL....well his ass was the one gunning down UBL in Pakistan.
Biden said intel told them that a video caused that embassy attack? Omg that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in all of politics.
One thing you learn when you work in a chain of command whether it's in business, government, the military, etc. is the guy above you doesn't like surprises, especially negative ones. So you'd best keep him advised if you want to stick around very long.

So now suddenly Barry is made aware we've got a consulate under attack in Benghazi. He's the president of the United States and he's just been informed U.S. sovereignty is being attacked. Don't you suppose among the first questions he'd ask is what kind of security they've got to defend themselves? And since the State department is responsible for the security of U.S. embassies and consulates, someone from that department would have to answer that question. And we're to believe that in the course of that discussion no one from State gave him a heads-up that additional security had recently been asked for, repeatedly, and denied each and every time? That Hillary Clinton, an experienced White House and governor's mansion bureaucrat, who's likely bitten a few heads off over the years of subordinates who didn't keep her informed, didn't make sure her boss, the president and commander-in-chief of the United States, was aware of such information? That is an utterly preposterous scenario in my opinion.

They knew for sure but it was an embarrassing exclamation point to an already embarrassed administration over their failed Middle East policy, so they tried to dummy up about it and hope for the best.
Plausible deniability. Except it isn't plausible. Time and again, we didn't know. That's what we're told, and an investigation is ongoing to find out what happened. Which will report after the election. I'm sick of this shit, either they did know and lied, or they didn't know but should have. I'm seriously thinking the WH told State and the Intel services not to tell them anything that clashed with the campaign rhetoric that OBL is dead and Al Quaida is all but defeated. We are not being well served here.

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