Obama and Hillary both side with Islamists over moderates in Turkish coup.

There is some evidence showing Turkey was giving support to ISIS in Syria. Erdogan is seen as an Islamist. But to me, it looks like the West was hedging on this coup. They probably supported it somewhat, but once it looked like Erdogan was putting it down, they came out in support of him.

It's like what happened in Egypt. Obama, Clinton, and others in the West fully supported the Muslim Brotherhood. But once it looked like it was gonna get taken out, the West then supported the military coup. The military coup in Egypt was illegal, but most of the West has supported it. It's about covering your bases.

The west didn't support the coup. Hillary, Obama, John McCain, Lindsey Graham. all Wanted the Morsi government reinstated...Morsi is where he belongs ..islamo- fascist scum.:cool:

Your statement is false. Obama, Turkey, and Erdogan oppose ISIS. If you oppose ISIS, you support Obama.

Obama is a co-founder of isis..He's pathetic
:lol: How stupid can you be? Oh, you are a far right goof ball neo-con. No, HRC and BHO are not allies of the islamo-fascists, but when you attack the American leadership, all of which does oppose ISIS, then you are aiding and abetting ISIS.

isis loves Obama. They couldn't ask for better from an American president
The current government in Turkey supports ISIS and Sharia law.
We need this coup to happen.
Hillary and Obama have to be the two most out of touch, incompetent dumfucks ever elected to a public office.
So I see now they implemented marshal law
Your statement is false. Obama, Turkey, and Erdogan oppose ISIS. If you oppose ISIS, you support Obama.

Obama is a co-founder of isis..He's pathetic
:lol: How stupid can you be? Oh, you are a far right goof ball neo-con. No, HRC and BHO are not allies of the islamo-fascists, but when you attack the American leadership, all of which does oppose ISIS, then you are aiding and abetting ISIS.

isis loves Obama. They couldn't ask for better from an American president
ISIS loves you, and hates Obama. The crazy far right Jewish neo-cons are as dangerous to the ME as Iran.
Your statement is false. Obama, Turkey, and Erdogan oppose ISIS. If you oppose ISIS, you support Obama.

Obama is a co-founder of isis..He's pathetic
:lol: How stupid can you be? Oh, you are a far right goof ball neo-con. No, HRC and BHO are not allies of the islamo-fascists, but when you attack the American leadership, all of which does oppose ISIS, then you are aiding and abetting ISIS.

isis loves Obama. They couldn't ask for better from an American president
ISIS loves you, and hates Obama. The crazy far right Jewish neo-cons are as dangerous to the ME as Iran.
Racist vs Jews and conservatives, eh? And here I thought you leftists were a compassionate bunch. My bad.
Smokealib is confused as usual. ISIS loves the far right who attack Obama and others who defend the Erdogan government. The far right Jewish neo-cons, like Jroc, and their racist allies, like smokealib, help the enemies of America.
Smokealib is confused as usual. ISIS loves the far right who attack Obama and others who defend the Erdogan government. The far right Jewish neo-cons, like Jroc, and their racist allies, like smokealib, help the enemies of America.

Obama is a co-founder of isis...He ignored them when they could have been easily crushed early on...He's pathetic
Smokealib is confused as usual. ISIS loves the far right who attack Obama and others who defend the Erdogan government. The far right Jewish neo-cons, like Jroc, and their racist allies, like smokealib, help the enemies of America.

Obama is a co-founder of isis...He ignored them when they could have been easily crushed early on...He's pathetic
Now you are trolling without any evidence. Post it. In fact, Mossad is the prime creator of ISIS.
Go ahead and prove that Turkey supports ISIS. Entertain us.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was stripped and banned from office after being sentenced to 10 months in prison for inciting religious intolerance in 1998

As President, Erdoğan has been a strong advocate of an executive presidency that would boost his own powers and has maintained an active influence over political affairs despite the symbolic nature of his office

Erdoğan's government has since come under fire for electoral fraud, demeaning the Constitution, alleged human rights violations and crackdown on press and social media, having blocked access to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube on numerous occasions.[15][16][17][18] Opposition journalists and politicians have thus branded him a "dictator".[19][20][21][22][23] Factions

that's just a little background...

now... here is newsweek

It’s impossible to beat ISIS so long as Erdoğan remains in power in Turkey

Turkey’s authoritarian president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is in Washington to participate in a conference regarding strategies to defeat the Islamic State militant group (ISIS). That’s like inviting Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to a conference about fighting anti-Semitism.

Simply put, Erdoğan has transformed Turkey into “Pakistan on the Mediterranean.” Diplomats might, out of politeness, publicly accept the fiction that Erdoğan wants to fight violent extremism, but after years of denial, there is broad consensus that Turkey does more to undercut that fight than advance it.

Kudos to President Barack Obama for refusing to meet Erdoğan this time around, after his earlier endorsement of the Turkish leader

Our President is slow, just like Clinton...
In other words, Erdogan opposes ISIS, and those opposing Erdogan like about him. Got it.

Starkey defending Erdogan.....got him to admit it.....we all said he was bad, lefties defending Obama praised Erdogan........

now we have this

Disturbing picture shows Turkish soldiers 'bound naked'

Starkey, RED HANDED.....BOOM BITCH, smacking that ass!!!!!!!!!
They were troops being led by radical jihadists trying to over throw the government.

Boom, got bucky AGAIN.

Why do you support jihadists, bucky?
Fake cant be that stupid. He's an agitator, and a old man. He has nothing else to do but post stupidity on this board:uhoh3:
Fake cant be that stupid. He's an agitator, and a old man. He has nothing else to do but post stupidity on this board:uhoh3:
You want to overthrow Erdogan's government, just as does ISIS. You support ISIS.
Fake cant be that stupid. He's an agitator, and a old man. He has nothing else to do but post stupidity on this board:uhoh3:
You want to overthrow Erdogan's government, just as does ISIS. You support ISIS.

Erdogan is an islamo- fascist scum. the military had kept a secular government in Turkey, until the fascist Erdogon took over :slap:
Erdogan is using this failed coup to get rid of the last vestiges of secular Turkey
The attempted coup is serving as an excuse for a massive round-up of members of the judiciary and army officers, far greater than anything seen in Turkey for years


The failed coup is serving as an excuse for a massive round-up of members of the judiciary and army officers, far greater than anything seen in Turkey for years, and is presumably a bid to secure Erdogan’s grip on the Turkish state

Erdogan is using this failed coup to get rid of secularists in Turkey

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