Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

Most of those 13 aren't even Jewish anyway. They just claim everyone is Jewish if they do something good and disown those who do something bad.

It's nice to see you are out of the closet, Dreol. Clearly your presence on this board is to vent your disdain for Jews. If this board is any indication, 90% of the so-called "pro-Palestinian" cabal members here are just like you.

My post, my original contention, was that Jewish soldiers should not be seperated from their Gentile comrades in arms. I do not think regarding Jews as equal as opposed to regarding them as superior or special is anti-Semitic.

I am not at all advocating for a Gentile-American War Veterans of ther United States that restricts its membership to Gentiles. The truth be told, I would object to that slightly more than I object to Jewish-American War Veterans of the United States., which restricts its membership to Jews. I can imagine the righteous outrage of Jewish Americans to such an exclusively Gentile organization and I would support that outrage.

So yes, I am indeed out of the closet. I am opposed to discrimination and bigotry, no matter the source.

I will vent my disdain, on occasion, towards bigoted Jews, just as I will at times to bigoted Gentiles.

Look in the mirror boy:cuckoo:
Destroying Israel is like destroying Hitler in World War II, same kind of thing.

Possibly the single most asinine thing ever posted by the sherrimutterdrek......... Who but a conspiranutter whackadoodle could ever take its 'thoughts' seriously after such an example of aggressive stupidity?

No difference between Nazis and Zionists, they both embrace racist regimes that set one group up as a superior master race.

And both embrace genocide.

Two ideologies just like each other.[/QUOTE]

But, Mrs. Sherri, your good friends have killed millions and millions and millions of innocent people in the same century that Hitler did. The difference now is that the people in Germany are not killing people, but your friends are still doing it. No doubt you and Eva Braun and Ilsa Koch would have been the best of friends.
Let me know when it's time to bring the elephant in here again to take a dump...

I believe someone just took one:

Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
No difference between Nazis and Zionists, they both embrace racist regimes that set one group up as a superior master race.
And both embrace genocide.
Two ideologies just like each other.
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The Jews developed a tradition of 'closed communities' through 2,000 years of persecutions, and being barred from various professions, and being obliged to engage in commerce that nobody else would touch...

Sometimes those "closed communities" were established by Papal decree (look up the term "ghetto") where Jewish attendance was required but in order to live a Jewish life one needs a nearby kosher butcher, a synagogue with rabbi and others interested in sharing that Jewish life, all within walking distance.
Bigots like Dreol, Nat Soc and Iceman ignore how the deck was often stacked against the Joooo and focus instead on the results. It is the nature of the knuckle-dragger.
It's nice to see you are out of the closet, Dreol. Clearly your presence on this board is to vent your disdain for Jews. If this board is any indication, 90% of the so-called "pro-Palestinian" cabal members here are just like you.

My post, my original contention, was that Jewish soldiers should not be seperated from their Gentile comrades in arms. I do not think regarding Jews as equal as opposed to regarding them as superior or special is anti-Semitic.

I am not at all advocating for a Gentile-American War Veterans of ther United States that restricts its membership to Gentiles. The truth be told, I would object to that slightly more than I object to Jewish-American War Veterans of the United States., which restricts its membership to Jews. I can imagine the righteous outrage of Jewish Americans to such an exclusively Gentile organization and I would support that outrage.

So yes, I am indeed out of the closet. I am opposed to discrimination and bigotry, no matter the source.

I will vent my disdain, on occasion, towards bigoted Jews, just as I will at times to bigoted Gentiles.

So you're also against the 'United Negro College Fund'? And scholarships with 'ethnic' prerequisites? And against 'Polish-American' Clubs, and Italian-American Clubs?

A lot of it depends on how and who the charter is with, but if you want to play that game...so you are for seperate drinking fountains in restaurants, white only bus services, no Jews allowed country clubs, "no Irish need apply" signs.

Well, forget that last one. We know you are for that.
The Jews developed a tradition of 'closed communities' through 2,000 years of persecutions, and being barred from various professions, and being obliged to engage in commerce that nobody else would touch...

Sometimes those "closed communities" were established by Papal decree (look up the term "ghetto") where Jewish attendance was required but in order to live a Jewish life one needs a nearby kosher butcher, a synagogue with rabbi and others interested in sharing that Jewish life, all within walking distance.
Bigots like Dreol, Nat Soc and Iceman ignore how the deck was often stacked against the Joooo and focus instead on the results. It is the nature of the knuckle-dragger.

I have posted frequently against Iceman and National Socialist. They are just the other side of your coin.

Here I am arguing that American Jewish veterans should be treated equally and respect and not especally and you somehow want to exclude them from other vets.

And how can any Zionist criticize ghettos in the past when Israel is a country of Jewish enforced ghettos today.

Your problem is that you want it both ways.
It's nice to see you are out of the closet, Dreol. Clearly your presence on this board is to vent your disdain for Jews. If this board is any indication, 90% of the so-called "pro-Palestinian" cabal members here are just like you.

My post, my original contention, was that Jewish soldiers should not be seperated from their Gentile comrades in arms. I do not think regarding Jews as equal as opposed to regarding them as superior or special is anti-Semitic.

I am not at all advocating for a Gentile-American War Veterans of ther United States that restricts its membership to Gentiles. The truth be told, I would object to that slightly more than I object to Jewish-American War Veterans of the United States., which restricts its membership to Jews. I can imagine the righteous outrage of Jewish Americans to such an exclusively Gentile organization and I would support that outrage.

So yes, I am indeed out of the closet. I am opposed to discrimination and bigotry, no matter the source.

I will vent my disdain, on occasion, towards bigoted Jews, just as I will at times to bigoted Gentiles.

Look in the mirror boy:cuckoo:

My apologies for trying to include Jewish people in the greater community. I should have realized that as people as well as soldiers, they insist upon being seperate and should be treated in such a manner.
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The Jews developed a tradition of 'closed communities' through 2,000 years of persecutions, and being barred from various professions, and being obliged to engage in commerce that nobody else would touch...

Sometimes those "closed communities" were established by Papal decree (look up the term "ghetto") where Jewish attendance was required but in order to live a Jewish life one needs a nearby kosher butcher, a synagogue with rabbi and others interested in sharing that Jewish life, all within walking distance.
Bigots like Dreol, Nat Soc and Iceman ignore how the deck was often stacked against the Joooo and focus instead on the results. It is the nature of the knuckle-dragger.

I have posted frequently against Iceman and National Socialist. They are just the other side of your coin.

They are the same side of your coin.
Sometimes those "closed communities" were established by Papal decree (look up the term "ghetto") where Jewish attendance was required but in order to live a Jewish life one needs a nearby kosher butcher, a synagogue with rabbi and others interested in sharing that Jewish life, all within walking distance.
Bigots like Dreol, Nat Soc and Iceman ignore how the deck was often stacked against the Joooo and focus instead on the results. It is the nature of the knuckle-dragger.

I have posted frequently against Iceman and National Socialist. They are just the other side of your coin.

They are the same side of your coin.

I have poated against them a number of times in other forums, Then I just started ignoring them. A Jewish bigot to me is no different than a Gentile bigot.

Only a complete ass would leave out the rest of my post, although I guess your omission is evidence of its merit.

You sound like you are one of those people who feel some need to believe they are being picked on.

Do you actually think Iceman and National Socialist would argue for a military that includes Jewish soldiers as equal to Gentile soldiers. It seems they, not unlike you, have similar ideas for the seperation of Jews from Gentiles, albeit for different reasons. They desire it because they think Jews are inferior. You seem to desire it because you appear to think they are superior.

I think, if Iceman, National Socialust, and you don't mind, that I will appreciate our troops regardless of their religion or ethnicity and not laud one group over another based upon their differences. I find that disrespectful to all of us who have served and who are serving. If not making a distinction between Jewish soldiers and Gentile soldiers makes me an anti-Semite, so be it.
If the thread title is true, I sure wish he would hurry up and do it.

The world would be a better and safer place then.

This. Israel needs the treatment the Afrikaners got in South Africa, if we are to be consistent in opposing apartheid. We need a one state solution, let the Arabs vote, and presto, their goes the Jewish State.

The 20% + Israelis who are Arab Muslims and Christians *DO* vote already in Israeli elections. The Palestinians in the WB elected the PLO/PA - and those in Gaza chose HAMAS.

I mention that just on the off chance that you want to gain some familiarity with the facts.

I don't see how that contradicts my point. Wouldn't that just prove the Jewish state would end even sooner?

When you combine the Arab population within Israel, along with that in Gaza and the West Bank, Jewish political domination would cease. You would see a multicultural multiethnic democracy. The joys of diversity right?
I have posted frequently against Iceman and National Socialist. They are just the other side of your coin.

They are the same side of your coin.

I have poated against them a number of times in other forums, Then I just started ignoring them. A Jewish bigot to me is no different than a Gentile bigot.

Only a complete ass would leave out the rest of my post, although I guess your omission is evidence of its merit.

You sound like you are one of those people who feel some need to believe they are being picked on.

Do you actually think Iceman and National Socialist would argue for a military that includes Jewish soldiers as equal to Gentile soldiers. It seems they, not unlike you, have similar ideas for the seperation of Jews from Gentiles, albeit for different reasons. They desire it because they think Jews are inferior. You seem to desire it because you appear to think they are superior.

I think, if Iceman, National Socialust, and you don't mind, that I will appreciate our troops regardless of their religion or ethnicity and not laud one group over another based upon their differences. I find that disrespectful to all of us who have served and who are serving. If not making a distinction between Jewish soldiers and Gentile soldiers makes me an anti-Semite, so be it.

I don't think Jews are inferior. And I don't have a problem with them not joining the Armed Forces. But if you think kissing up to Jews and trying to prove you aren't "anti-semitic" is going to add credibility to your anti-zionist position, you are mistaken.
They are the same side of your coin.

I have poated against them a number of times in other forums, Then I just started ignoring them. A Jewish bigot to me is no different than a Gentile bigot.

Only a complete ass would leave out the rest of my post, although I guess your omission is evidence of its merit.

You sound like you are one of those people who feel some need to believe they are being picked on.

Do you actually think Iceman and National Socialist would argue for a military that includes Jewish soldiers as equal to Gentile soldiers. It seems they, not unlike you, have similar ideas for the seperation of Jews from Gentiles, albeit for different reasons. They desire it because they think Jews are inferior. You seem to desire it because you appear to think they are superior.

I think, if Iceman, National Socialust, and you don't mind, that I will appreciate our troops regardless of their religion or ethnicity and not laud one group over another based upon their differences. I find that disrespectful to all of us who have served and who are serving. If not making a distinction between Jewish soldiers and Gentile soldiers makes me an anti-Semite, so be it.

I don't think Jews are inferior. And I don't have a problem with them not joining the Armed Forces. But if you think kissing up to Jews and trying to prove you aren't "anti-semitic" is going to add credibility to your anti-zionist position, you are mistaken.

Great...I got bigots on both sides of the issues pissin' on me. I must be doing something right. I always did like bringing people together.

You are an admitted white supremacist along with National Socialist which is really no different than a Zionist.

I have been around long enough to realize only a few Jews are willing to make a distinction between those opposed to Zionism and those who are anti-Semitic.
I have poated against them a number of times in other forums, Then I just started ignoring them. A Jewish bigot to me is no different than a Gentile bigot.

Only a complete ass would leave out the rest of my post, although I guess your omission is evidence of its merit.

You sound like you are one of those people who feel some need to believe they are being picked on.

Do you actually think Iceman and National Socialist would argue for a military that includes Jewish soldiers as equal to Gentile soldiers. It seems they, not unlike you, have similar ideas for the seperation of Jews from Gentiles, albeit for different reasons. They desire it because they think Jews are inferior. You seem to desire it because you appear to think they are superior.

I think, if Iceman, National Socialust, and you don't mind, that I will appreciate our troops regardless of their religion or ethnicity and not laud one group over another based upon their differences. I find that disrespectful to all of us who have served and who are serving. If not making a distinction between Jewish soldiers and Gentile soldiers makes me an anti-Semite, so be it.

I don't think Jews are inferior. And I don't have a problem with them not joining the Armed Forces. But if you think kissing up to Jews and trying to prove you aren't "anti-semitic" is going to add credibility to your anti-zionist position, you are mistaken.

Great...I got bigots on both sides of the issues pissin' on me. I must be doing something right. I always did like bringing people together.

You are an admitted white supremacist along with National Socialist which is really no different than a Zionist.

I have been around long enough to realize only a few Jews are willing to make a distinction between those opposed to Zionism and those who are anti-Semitic.

Bigot, that's an empty word.

Where did I admit I was a White supremacist?

Than why bother trying to fight a losing battle. You spend more of your time addressing how you aren't "anti-semitic"(all that term means is something Jews and zionists don't like), instead of addressing Zionism. You are losing your battle and falling into their hands by spending most of your time addressing their slurs and accepting their frame of debate.

This is why the "anti-zionist" movement in the West will get no where.
I don't think Jews are inferior. And I don't have a problem with them not joining the Armed Forces. But if you think kissing up to Jews and trying to prove you aren't "anti-semitic" is going to add credibility to your anti-zionist position, you are mistaken.

Great...I got bigots on both sides of the issues pissin' on me. I must be doing something right. I always did like bringing people together.

You are an admitted white supremacist along with National Socialist which is really no different than a Zionist.

I have been around long enough to realize only a few Jews are willing to make a distinction between those opposed to Zionism and those who are anti-Semitic.

Bigot, that's an empty word.

Where did I admit I was a White supremacist?

Than why bother trying to fight a losing battle. You spend more of your time addressing how you aren't "anti-semitic"(all that term means is something Jews and zionists don't like), instead of addressing Zionism. You are losing your battle and falling into their hands by spending most of your time addressing their slurs and accepting their frame of debate.

This is why the "anti-zionist" movement in the West will get no where.

Your Nazi aviators were a dead giveaway:eusa_whistle:
My post, my original contention, was that Jewish soldiers should not be seperated from their Gentile comrades in arms. I do not think regarding Jews as equal as opposed to regarding them as superior or special is anti-Semitic.

I am not at all advocating for a Gentile-American War Veterans of ther United States that restricts its membership to Gentiles. The truth be told, I would object to that slightly more than I object to Jewish-American War Veterans of the United States., which restricts its membership to Jews. I can imagine the righteous outrage of Jewish Americans to such an exclusively Gentile organization and I would support that outrage.

So yes, I am indeed out of the closet. I am opposed to discrimination and bigotry, no matter the source.

I will vent my disdain, on occasion, towards bigoted Jews, just as I will at times to bigoted Gentiles.

Look in the mirror boy:cuckoo:

My apologies for trying to include Jewish people in the greater community. I should have realized that as people as well as soldiers, they insist upon being seperate and should be treated in such a manner.

Your obsessions with Israel and the Jews says more than your bullshit posts. All your post are there, so spare me your outraged fraud:cuckoo:
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I have poated against them a number of times in other forums, Then I just started ignoring them. A Jewish bigot to me is no different than a Gentile bigot.

Only a complete ass would leave out the rest of my post, although I guess your omission is evidence of its merit.

You sound like you are one of those people who feel some need to believe they are being picked on.

Do you actually think Iceman and National Socialist would argue for a military that includes Jewish soldiers as equal to Gentile soldiers. It seems they, not unlike you, have similar ideas for the seperation of Jews from Gentiles, albeit for different reasons. They desire it because they think Jews are inferior. You seem to desire it because you appear to think they are superior.

I think, if Iceman, National Socialust, and you don't mind, that I will appreciate our troops regardless of their religion or ethnicity and not laud one group over another based upon their differences. I find that disrespectful to all of us who have served and who are serving. If not making a distinction between Jewish soldiers and Gentile soldiers makes me an anti-Semite, so be it.

I don't think Jews are inferior. And I don't have a problem with them not joining the Armed Forces. But if you think kissing up to Jews and trying to prove you aren't "anti-semitic" is going to add credibility to your anti-zionist position, you are mistaken.

Great...I got bigots on both sides of the issues pissin' on me. I must be doing something right. I always did like bringing people together.

You are an admitted white supremacist along with National Socialist which is really no different than a Zionist.

I have been around long enough to realize only a few Jews are willing to make a distinction between those opposed to Zionism and those who are anti-Semitic.

I've been around long enough to realize not only that most "anti-Zionists" are simply anti-Semitic bungholes but also that they think they are fooling someone.
I have posted frequently against Iceman and National Socialist. They are just the other side of your coin.

They are the same side of your coin.

I have poated against them a number of times in other forums, Then I just started ignoring them. A Jewish bigot to me is no different than a Gentile bigot.

Or a Dreol bigot?

"Most of those 13 aren't even Jewish anyway. They just claim everyone is Jewish if they do something good and disown those who do something bad." - dreolin

Do you actually think Iceman and National Socialist would argue for a military that includes Jewish soldiers as equal to Gentile soldiers.

I think they would argue for new concentration camps and I believe you aren't far behind.

I think, if Iceman, National Socialust, and you don't mind, that I will appreciate our troops regardless of their religion or ethnicity and not laud one group over another based upon their differences.

Even if, as you claim:
"Members of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States do, although most of them are not war veterans so who knows. They are a bit of a joke, actually..." - dreolin

You're both obvious and clueless. :lol:
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I received an email yesterday to which I attributed a certain .....hyperbole.
But, upon research.....it's true.

Here is part of that email:
"I just wanted to write a post here outlining what Obama has been doing in the Middle East while America is rightfully preoccupied with the Obamacare tragedy. Yesterday, John Kerry went on Israeli TV and said that if Israel does not partition the country and create a" Palestinian state" (along borders that are indefensible) he will
1) make sure that Israel is isolated at the UN (that Israel will be declared an illegitimate state or a non state)
2) that he will work to ensure that Europe no longer trades with Israel, thereby strangling the Israeli economy and
3) he said that if "Israel does not comply, there will be violence against it".

1. "Secretary of State John Kerry appears to have shed the last vestige of a U.S. honest broker role in pursuing an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord....Kerry warned Israelis that the result would be a third intifada of terrorist attacks against Israel.
But that was just for starters.

2. In addition, Kerry said, Israel would be more internationally isolated, there would be increased calls for boycotts and divestment from Israel, and the advent of a Palestinian leadership committed to violence.

3. ....Kerry also denounced Jewish settlements in the West Bank as "illegitimate" and called for an end of the presence of "IDF soldiers perpetually in the West Bank."

4. ....Kerry's remarks fit perfectly with the Palestinian playbook. His anti-Israel outbursts were bound to play well in Ramallah and Amman."
Blog: Kerry Threatens Israel

5. "US Secretary of State John Kerry, using the bully tactics of his boss Barack Obama, warned Israel that if Israeli-Palestinian talks break down, there might be a third intifada. Kerry’s one-sided warning was even more astounding when this fact is thrown in the mix: two days before he shot off his mouth, a poll conducted by the Arab World For Research & Development showed that only 29% of West Bank and Gaza Palestinians would be in favor of a third intifada, even though 60% believe it could happen."
Kerry Threatens Israel with Third Intifada - Townhall.com Staff 11/8/2013 9:05 AM

6. ".... despicable action by Kerry means is that Kerry has now tacitly given a green light for Palestinian terrorists to wage a third intifada against Israel....
Kerry’s threat came during a joint interview with Channel 2's Udi Segal and Maher Shalabi of Palestine TV.... said:

...I believe that if we do not resolve the issues between Palestinians and Israelis, if we do not find a way to find peace, there will be an increasing isolation of Israel, three will be an increasing campaign of the de-legitimization of Israel that has been taking place on an international basis..."

a. Of course, Kerry never mentions the Israelis’ aspirations to simply live in peace without the constant existential threat, but then, the same man who lied about Vietnam atrocities can’t exactly be someone who wants the truth."
Kerry Threatens Israel with Third Intifada

7. "...the Obama administration is working behind the scenes in tandem with the EU’s boycott of Israeli settlements, tying the seriousness of the EU’s future ban to Israel’s actions during current U.S.-brokered talks with the Palestinians, according to a senior Palestinian negotiator....Kerry is using the EU sanctions to blackmail Israel into complying with talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state that would include the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.....cause incalculable damage to the Israeli economy.”

a. In July, the EU published guidelines that deny EU funds in the form of grants, prizes and financial instruments from going toward any Jewish entities in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights or eastern Jerusalem.
Report: Kerry threatening Israel with sanctions

Are there still folks who question where Obama's interests lie?

If it's true, how come it hasn't happened?

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