Obama Announces Plan to Forgive All Student Loans

Can I get a new car while he's at it? I'd like the dream car I posted in the auto thread.. An Aston Martin will do Barack.. thanks.
Thats it morons...attack the Messenger.

I just posted what Prez Nigga said...and he said it as a Welfare trained monkey would say it.

You should really just stfu.

Stop being so nasty just because you didn't bother checking the site.
Feel free to prove it wrong kids.


About - The Daily Currant

The Daily Currant is an English language online satirical newspaper that covers global politics, business, technology, entertainment, science, health and media. It is accessible from over 190 countries worldwide - now including South Sudan.

This is hilarious. You nutters are the most ignorant, gullible, uneducated morons this country has to offer.
I voted for Obama because he said I'd get a Jet Ski, an iPad, and my own star named after me!

The Daily Currant said so!!!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT02NWV5vb4]Tax Cheat Charlie Rangel wants everyone to have free college - YouTube[/ame]

What a complete IDIOT?
Feel free to prove it wrong kids.

I mean no offense, but there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that this will transpire, but if it does it should be met with guns.

And that is just on principle alone, and not a defense of the staus quo, illegal banking system. The premise is completely illogical
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]
Feel free to prove it wrong kids.

I mean no offense, but there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that this will transpire, but if it does it should be met with guns.

And that is just on principle alone, and not a defense of the staus quo, illegal banking system. The premise is completely illogical

I thought when you took out a loan you signed a contract.

When has a contract, or the Constitution for that matter, meant shit to Obama?

More nutters that haven't figured out that this is a satire piece.
Thats it morons...attack the Messenger.

I just posted what Prez Nigga said...and he said it as a Welfare trained monkey would say it.

You should really just stfu.

Stop being so nasty just because you didn't bother checking the site.

In my life I've yet to meet anyone who can make me "shut the fuck up"....jus sayin piglet ;)
Feel free to prove it wrong kids.

I mean no offense, but there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that this will transpire, but if it does it should be met with guns.

And that is just on principle alone, and not a defense of the staus quo, illegal banking system. The premise is completely illogical

I thought when you took out a loan you signed a contract.

When has a contract, or the Constitution for that matter, meant shit to Obama?

More nutters that haven't figured out that this is a satire piece.

That's MISTER nutter to you, bub.

Obama's still a fuck-up.
The amazing thing is even a satirical site can come up with something the majority of people would not only find conceivable but probable. Would obie forgive all student loans if he could? Yes. The best part of satire is there's a damn good chance it could be true and I think most people know this could actually be a headline in the future.
Feel free to prove it wrong kids.

I mean no offense, but there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that this will transpire, but if it does it should be met with guns.

And that is just on principle alone, and not a defense of the staus quo, illegal banking system. The premise is completely illogical

So, for sake of argument, what could Obama do? The higher education finance bubble has a lot in common with the housing bubble. Namely, a bunch of people borrowed money that they don't have a chance in hell of ever paying back (That $150,000 liberal arts degree is never going to pay for itself). A highly inflated price of education because a bunch of 'other peoples money' is sloshing around the system. They are not exactly the same. There is no analogous role for speculation in the market and I don't see a way to re-posses an education.

So, what are the options when the loans default? (After Barney Frank starts his own loan bundling financial products company)

1) Bail out the banks (Housing bubble, check)

2) Re-adjust the principle of loan to fair market value without bankruptcy (Housing bubble, check) note, currently student loans can not be disposed of in bankruptcy. They are like herpes, for life.

3) Total loan forgiveness (Housing bubble...nope)

4) Loan repayment with mandatory government service (Don't laugh, San Francisco is trying an analogous thing with houses using eminent domain)

5) Ignore the problem.

I am thinking 1 & 2.

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