Obama apology bitch tour


This is about Hiroshima. He never apologized about anything. It's the main headline on Google News.

We bombed Hiroshima, there is no other purpose to visit Hiroshima, unless it is to feel sorry, because they are no longer a threat. The media says Obama feels sympathy not sorry but low information voters buy into this BS, having sympathy just means you feel sorry. You librats believe everything the government and media feeds you like spoon fed babies. Wake up!
When Japan apologizes for Pearl Harbor and for the Rape of Nanking we can apologize to them.

Goddamnit. Nobody apologized. You are smartest than this, faggot. Well... :)
I did not say he did..coksucker....and I mean that in a good way.

You're still a faggot.
Then why do all of your posts --- just like you --- suck dick?
Because it feels good?
When Japan apologizes for Pearl Harbor and for the Rape of Nanking we can apologize to them.

Goddamnit. Nobody apologized. You are smartest than this, faggot. Well... :)
I did not say he did..coksucker....and I mean that in a good way.

You're still a faggot.
Then why do all of your posts --- just like you --- suck dick?

My post will take any responses no matter how hard they are, or how fast they come. My posts are prepared to swallow anything that comes at them.
You are the one that is the bitch, hiding behind your keyboard ranting away like the little pussy that you are.
If it makes me a bitch ass pussy for defending our American patriot vets from being defamed, then I guess that makes you a hero for not defending our troops actions. The government sends our military out then turn their backs on them like Obama.
.........."For those who may wonder, the diplomatic protocol on bowing is clear: Heads of state don’t bow to other heads of state, monarchs or otherwise. Period. And Americans don’t bow to anyone. We fought a revolution to establish that point."..........

The Hussein Obama's Presidency has been a shameful episode in American history.
LW rags sure are going out of their way to say "he didn't apologize."
Why are they even bringing it up??
Obama started as a disgrace and will finish as a disgrace.

He and his pathetic apology tours! what an unpatriotic moron!

He never apologized.
Sure did, he has made a second career out saying "Sorry"


When Japan apologizes for Pearl Harbor and for the Rape of Nanking we can apologize to them.

Japan has apologized dozens of times since the end of the war.
When Japan apologizes for Pearl Harbor and for the Rape of Nanking we can apologize to them.

No, as the thread is about, the US can never apologize.
Why would we apologize? They attacked us first.

You don't need to do anything, relax. No one expects rational human being responses and behavior from some of you.
I'm sorry you attacked us, and I'm sorry we kicked your ass. Is that what you would say?
OT: Have you noticed how much happier he seems when visiting Communist nations?
America makes him feel shame as a black man. Even his wife Lotus Michelle said she was finally proud of her country for the first time since her husband was elected, but not proud of America before her husband became POTUS. They both hate USA
When Japan apologizes for Pearl Harbor and for the Rape of Nanking we can apologize to them.

No, as the thread is about, the US can never apologize.
Why would we apologize? They attacked us first.

You don't need to do anything, relax. No one expects rational human being responses and behavior from some of you.
I'm sorry you attacked us, and I'm sorry we kicked your ass. Is that what you would say?

I think you're incredibly silly, the things you get in such a state over.
I'm sorry you attacked us, and I'm sorry we kicked your ass. Is that what you would say?
Right, its all double standards. I believe liberals are delusional and feel obligated to make amends for doing what was right.

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