Obama apology bitch tour

Hate the USA = observed once that the USA had points and/or issues that could be improved upon for the betterment of society as a whole and toward peace in the world.

How fuggin dare you. What, you think you're free?
When has he ever used the "word" apologize.
Thinking Error:Black White thinking

It's just about showing up, which is a sign of making amends as a silent form of apology. You can say I'm sorry many different ways, without saying the words, such as sending flowers, extending the Olive branch as Obama does, giving a gift, etc, etc.
When has he ever used the "word" apologize.
Thinking Error:Black White thinking

It's just about showing up, which is a sign of making amends as a silent form of apology. You can say I'm sorry many different ways, without saying the words, such as sending flowers, extending the Olive branch as Obama does, giving a gift, etc, etc.
Just using black/white thinking of the low IQ dems against them.
"Obama’s shameful apology tour lands in Hiroshima"

"[Obama's] penchant for apologizing is central to his legacy. He may not often say “I apologize” explicitly, but his meaning is always clear, especially since he often bends his knee overseas, where he knows the foreign audiences will get his meaning. It is, in fact, Obama’s subtlety that makes his effort to reduce America’s influence in the world so dangerous.

He started in Cairo in 2009, referring to the “fear and anger” that the 9/11 attacks provoked in Americans, saying that, “in some cases, it led us to act contrary to our traditions and our ideals.” He later said, “Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions . . . based on fear rather than foresight” — a characterization Americans overwhelmingly reject."


Obama bows, he sheds tears, he apologizes. Obama has weakened this country in the eyes of the world
Obama started as a disgrace and will finish as a disgrace.

He and his pathetic apology tours! what an unpatriotic moron!
says the rw fat broad sitting at home while Barack is the leader of the free world.
Conservatives, being of a fundamentally wimpy nature, feel the need to constantly overcompensate by way of hilariously stupid macho strutting.

Liberals, OTOH, exude quiet confidence, and thus feel no need for such nonsense. Being the big dogs, we can just ignore the yapping chihuahuas.
Obama started as a disgrace and will finish as a disgrace.

He and his pathetic apology tours! what an unpatriotic moron!
says the rw fat broad sitting at home while Barack is the leader of the free world.
Maybe she lives in Burley,Idaho where a cold breeze is blowing and the temp this spring has rarely reached 70 and hasn't reached 80 yet
But hey you libs tell us it's burning up out there.
Did Obama demand an apology for the US prisoners of war that Japan murdered?

Oh sure, man, great comparisson. POW's versus nuking civilian populations.
Libs think that a DMV clerk carries more weight than Klinton emails that compromise national security.
That's just the way they think man.
Did Obama demand an apology for the US prisoners of war that Japan murdered?

Oh sure, man, great comparisson. POW's versus nuking civilian populations.
Libs think that a DMV clerk carries more weight than Klinton emails that compromise national security.
That's just the way they think man.

I don't think you know how anyone thinks. Man. Certainly not anyone you despise, so clearly, you're not a rational coherent human being.
Did Obama demand an apology for the US prisoners of war that Japan murdered?

Oh sure, man, great comparisson. POW's versus nuking civilian populations.
Libs think that a DMV clerk carries more weight than Klinton emails that compromise national security.
That's just the way they think man.

I don't think you know how anyone thinks. Man. Certainly not anyone you despise, so clearly, you're not a rational coherent human being.
Is there anything else you would like to say to me?
Obama started as a disgrace and will finish as a disgrace.

He and his pathetic apology tours! what an unpatriotic moron!
says the rw fat broad sitting at home while Barack is the leader of the free world.
Maybe she lives in Burley,Idaho where a cold breeze is blowing and the temp this spring has rarely reached 70 and hasn't reached 80 yet
But hey you libs tell us it's burning up out there.
she's STILL a bitter rw hausfrau and you aren't much better guy
He never apologized.

That's all he does.......well did.

Go away Hussein people are sick of you!

This is about Hiroshima. He never apologized about anything. It's the main headline on Google News.

Hiroshima or Timbuktu......all the same for that snake Obama.

He hates America and American values. Period.

Your narrative and the narrative of the entire thread is that he apologized, but he never did. Now, read the actual accounts of his visit and tell me if he ever apologized.

There can be no telling you libtard skunks anything. You are just like obastard. You hate America and will do everything in your power to help bring it down.
Tell us WHAT, exactly? Try stating a fact instead of a twisted, unsubstantiated opinion, and you might get us to listen. You have not tried to tell us anything, yet, that has a glimmer of reality.
Just using black/white thinking of the low IQ dems against them.
Morons have an IQ of 50-60 which is a majority of uneducated Democrats on welfare that voted for Obama, babies mommas, ghettos, trailer park, illegals and refugees. Mainly low informed voters. They're dependent upon the gov
Obama started as a disgrace and will finish as a disgrace.

He and his pathetic apology tours! what an unpatriotic moron!
Here we see the classic RWNJ....told by her masters that there will be an apology...she carries on complaining about an apology that never happened....that never happened.

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