Obama asks Congress for $1.2 trillion increase in nation’s borrowing limit


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Obama asks Congress for $1.2 trillion increase in nation’s borrowing limit
Washington Post ^

Obama asks Congress for $1.2 trillion increase in nation’s borrowing limit - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is asking Congress for another $1.2 trillion increase in the nation’s debt limit.

The request is largely a formality. It’s the third and final request the president is allowed under a deal the White House and lawmakers reached in August to prevent a government default.

But Republicans are likely to use the election-year request as an opportunity to criticize the president’s spending policies.

Congress has 15 days to reject the president’s request. The White House says Obama would veto any objections in order to avoid a default.

Obama originally planned to make this request in late December. But with Congress on vacation until mid-January, lawmakers asked Obama to delay his request so they could vote on the matter when they return.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonpost.com ...

BIG SPENDER AND GOVERNMENT OBAMA. Time to remove this sucker!
So do you think they will flip Obama the bird and go back on their agreement?
So do you think they will flip Obama the bird and go back on their agreement?

Doubt it, they (GOP) took a hit over the payroll tax extension, and won't want to make another mistake. Probably be a lot of posturing about spending too much, but they made a deal and need to abide by it.
wherever bin laden is, he's gotta be laughing his slimy ass off that we took his bait hook, line and sinker.
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"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can't pay its own bills,"
Barack Obama

"Instead of reducing the deficit, as some people claimed, the fiscal policies of this administration and its allies in Congress will add more than $600 million in debt for each of the next five years," he said, adding,"Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."
Barack Obama

Those are the truest words Barack Obama ever spoke.

Of course, they only apply when it's a Republican President trying to raise the debt ceiling... right Mr. President???
The left truly doesn't give a damn about how much debt we're in. Greece, Italy, Germany of the 1930s and the collapse of the USSR all tell us it is very bad to be deeply in debt. Seriously, why do you think we can get away with spending our selfs deep into debt without collapse?
The left truly doesn't give a damn about how much debt we're in. Greece, Italy, Germany of the 1930s and the collapse of the USSR all tell us it is very bad to be deeply in debt. Seriously, why do you think we can get away with spending our selfs deep into debt without collapse?

if you had said the "left and right" instead of just "left", you would be spot on. just take a look at a national debt chart. heck, here's one with estimates on it...

The left truly doesn't give a damn about how much debt we're in. Greece, Italy, Germany of the 1930s and the collapse of the USSR all tell us it is very bad to be deeply in debt. Seriously, why do you think we can get away with spending our selfs deep into debt without collapse?

90% of our debt was created by Reagan and Bush cutting taxes for the rich.

Obama has gotten us out of Iraq, that will save billions.

The Bush tax cuts expire at the end of this year. Obama has already said he will not renew them. That will cut billions more off the deficit.

The automatic spending cuts start in Jan. of 2013. That will save billions.

And the economy is growng. That will save billions more.

Now if we can just cut the defense budget, Obama will have this problem solved.
The left truly doesn't give a damn about how much debt we're in. Greece, Italy, Germany of the 1930s and the collapse of the USSR all tell us it is very bad to be deeply in debt. Seriously, why do you think we can get away with spending our selfs deep into debt without collapse?

90% of our debt was created by Reagan and Bush cutting taxes for the rich.

Obama has gotten us out of Iraq, that will save billions.

The Bush tax cuts expire at the end of this year. Obama has already said he will not renew them. That will cut billions more off the deficit.

The automatic spending cuts start in Jan. of 2013. That will save billions.

And the economy is growng. That will save billions more.

Now if we can just cut the defense budget, Obama will have this problem solved.

you said he already solved it.

Were you... lying???
Obama:cuckoo: asks Congress for $1.2 trillion increase in nation’s borrowing limit

Need to flush that turd down the toilet ! :eusa_clap:
So do you think they will flip Obama the bird and go back on their agreement?

Why not?

Obama flipped them off with his appointments a week ago.

Obama is always flipping people off. Maybe a dose of his own medicine will teach him a lesson.
Obama asks Congress for $1.2 trillion increase in nation’s borrowing limit
Washington Post ^

Obama asks Congress for $1.2 trillion increase in nation’s borrowing limit - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is asking Congress for another $1.2 trillion increase in the nation’s debt limit.

The request is largely a formality. It’s the third and final request the president is allowed under a deal the White House and lawmakers reached in August to prevent a government default.

But Republicans are likely to use the election-year request as an opportunity to criticize the president’s spending policies.

Congress has 15 days to reject the president’s request. The White House says Obama would veto any objections in order to avoid a default.

Obama originally planned to make this request in late December. But with Congress on vacation until mid-January, lawmakers asked Obama to delay his request so they could vote on the matter when they return.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonpost.com ...

BIG SPENDER AND GOVERNMENT OBAMA. Time to remove this sucker!

I was wondering what was going on that would cause them to release that video of Marines pissing on a dead Taliban.
Obama asks Congress for $1.2 trillion increase in nation’s borrowing limit
Still Bushes Fault, Just ask the Main Stream Media.

However I assure you if a Republican Wins the WH, the Moment they take office, any good that happens will be Because of Obama, and all the Bad will be because of the new Republican President. Again, just ask the Main stream Media.
Obama asks Congress for $1.2 trillion increase in nation’s borrowing limit
Washington Post ^

Obama asks Congress for $1.2 trillion increase in nation’s borrowing limit - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is asking Congress for another $1.2 trillion increase in the nation’s debt limit.

The request is largely a formality. It’s the third and final request the president is allowed under a deal the White House and lawmakers reached in August to prevent a government default.

But Republicans are likely to use the election-year request as an opportunity to criticize the president’s spending policies.

Congress has 15 days to reject the president’s request. The White House says Obama would veto any objections in order to avoid a default.

Obama originally planned to make this request in late December. But with Congress on vacation until mid-January, lawmakers asked Obama to delay his request so they could vote on the matter when they return.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonpost.com ...

BIG SPENDER AND GOVERNMENT OBAMA. Time to remove this sucker!

I was wondering what was going on that would cause them to release that video of Marines pissing on a dead Taliban.

This shit is a joke, What's the big deal. You think the Taliban would never piss on a dead America? You think Americans didn't piss on dead germans and Japs? It's war people, You have to remember you are talking about people who are put in situations where they have to fight for their very lives against an opponent that is trying to kill them, they often watch their friends get wounded and killed by the Enemy. It is inevitable that once in a while some marine or what ever, is going to let off a little steam by pissing on a dead enemy.

Jesus get the hell over it.
Obama asks Congress for $1.2 trillion increase in nation’s borrowing limit
Still Bushes Fault, Just ask the Main Stream Media.

However I assure you if a Republican Wins the WH, the Moment they take office, any good that happens will be Because of Obama, and all the Bad will be because of the new Republican President. Again, just ask the Main stream Media.

your comment does make me wonder which presidents have asked to raise the borrowing limit the most (and by the most $$). it would be interesting to see a graph.

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