Obama at the UN.....the mouse that roared


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Trump has exposed the true legacy of Obama.....Obama's betrayal of Israel is actually Obama's lame-duck way of signaling to the new Trump administration that he has no intention of letting President-Elect Trump, the democratically elected president, revoke the so-called "transformation" Obama has set for America over the past eight years.

The true Obama domestic legacy:

cop killings and violence in the streets,
the failure and bankruptcy of Obamacare,
unrestricted immigration ,
terror attacks on American soil, and
a ten-trillion-dollar increase in national debt.
corruption of the three branches of government
using agencies like the IRS to attack his enemies
allowing the Islamic terror genie out of the bottle;
half a million dead in Syria;
the Muslim refugee invasion of Europe, which could lead to the breakup of the EU;
the rise of Iran as a conventional power that is devouring one Sunni country after another;
the diminution of American power and prestige;
enabling Russia to invade and conquer neighboring countries;
legitimizing the BDS movement and
the criminalization of Israel by encouraging the Security Council of the U.N. to make Israel a pariah state.

Obama will continue with his political carnage until his last day in office in a manner unbefitting the office of the president.

Read more: Articles: Obama at the UN: The mouse that roared
The mouse that whimpers known as Screaming Eagle is unhappy about Obama.

mouse, Obama will soon be gone from office.

I suspect that Trump is not going to please you, either, despite Orange caterwauling lately.
But we cannot say that stuff because he's black. So that means we are merely racists.
The mouse that whimpers known as Screaming Eagle is unhappy about Obama.

mouse, Obama will soon be gone from office.

I suspect that Trump is not going to please you, either, despite Orange caterwauling lately.
it's all of those mouse droppings that Obegone is leaving behind that i am concerned about.......why aren't you?
The mouse that whimpers known as Screaming Eagle is unhappy about Obama.

mouse, Obama will soon be gone from office.

I suspect that Trump is not going to please you, either, despite Orange caterwauling lately.
it's all of those mouse droppings that Obegone is leaving behind that i am concerned about.......why aren't you?
because, screamingmouse, he will be gone in less than a month, and I suspect we are going to see Bodiferous Bolton back at the UN.
The mouse that whimpers known as Screaming Eagle is unhappy about Obama.

mouse, Obama will soon be gone from office.

I suspect that Trump is not going to please you, either, despite Orange caterwauling lately.
it's all of those mouse droppings that Obegone is leaving behind that i am concerned about.......why aren't you?
because, screamingmouse, he will be gone in less than a month, and I suspect we are going to see Bodiferous Bolton back at the UN.
it's going to take alot of work to clean up after the roaring mouse called Obama.....
Trump has exposed the true legacy of Obama.....Obama's betrayal of Israel is actually Obama's lame-duck way of signaling to the new Trump administration that he has no intention of letting President-Elect Trump, the democratically elected president, revoke the so-called "transformation" Obama has set for America over the past eight years.

The true Obama domestic legacy:

cop killings and violence in the streets,
the failure and bankruptcy of Obamacare,
unrestricted immigration ,
terror attacks on American soil, and
a ten-trillion-dollar increase in national debt.
corruption of the three branches of government
using agencies like the IRS to attack his enemies
allowing the Islamic terror genie out of the bottle;
half a million dead in Syria;
the Muslim refugee invasion of Europe, which could lead to the breakup of the EU;
the rise of Iran as a conventional power that is devouring one Sunni country after another;
the diminution of American power and prestige;
enabling Russia to invade and conquer neighboring countries;
legitimizing the BDS movement and
the criminalization of Israel by encouraging the Security Council of the U.N. to make Israel a pariah state.

Obama will continue with his political carnage until his last day in office in a manner unbefitting the office of the president.

Read more: Articles: Obama at the UN: The mouse that roared

"My name may not be on the ballot, but our progress is on the ballot," President Obama said Saturday night. "And there is one candidate who will advance those things. And there is another candidate who's defining principal, the central theme of his candidacy is opposition to all that we have done."

"There's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter," Obama said. "It all matters. And after we have achieved historic turnout in 2008 and 2012, especially in the African-American community, I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this community lets down it's guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good send off? Go vote!"
The people spoke, Barry....they REJECTED YOU AND YOUR POLICIES AND YOUR SJW BULLSHIT AGENDA...CONSIDER YOURSELF PERSONALLY INSULTED. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
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A minority of the people spoke, and the majority are preparing to push back. Hard.
Trump has exposed the true legacy of Obama.....Obama's betrayal of Israel is actually Obama's lame-duck way of signaling to the new Trump administration that he has no intention of letting President-Elect Trump, the democratically elected president, revoke the so-called "transformation" Obama has set for America over the past eight years.

The true Obama domestic legacy:

cop killings and violence in the streets,
the failure and bankruptcy of Obamacare,
unrestricted immigration ,
terror attacks on American soil, and
a ten-trillion-dollar increase in national debt.
corruption of the three branches of government
using agencies like the IRS to attack his enemies
allowing the Islamic terror genie out of the bottle;
half a million dead in Syria;
the Muslim refugee invasion of Europe, which could lead to the breakup of the EU;
the rise of Iran as a conventional power that is devouring one Sunni country after another;
the diminution of American power and prestige;
enabling Russia to invade and conquer neighboring countries;
legitimizing the BDS movement and
the criminalization of Israel by encouraging the Security Council of the U.N. to make Israel a pariah state.

Obama will continue with his political carnage until his last day in office in a manner unbefitting the office of the president.

Read more: Articles: Obama at the UN: The mouse that roared

"My name may not be on the ballot, but our progress is on the ballot," President Obama said Saturday night. "And there is one candidate who will advance those things. And there is another candidate who's defining principal, the central theme of his candidacy is opposition to all that we have done."

"There's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter," Obama said. "It all matters. And after we have achieved historic turnout in 2008 and 2012, especially in the African-American community, I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this community lets down it's guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good send off? Go vote!"

which is why he is going out as the peevish, acrimonious, hateful anti-American that he really is.....he really should have been impeached years ago....
A minority of the people spoke, and the majority are preparing to push back. Hard.

That would be nice, but doubtful. This societal trajectory goes back about a half century now, .... and nothing. "The people" will most likely continue to do what they have been; aim their frustrations toward each other leaving the power structure free to concentrate upon the redistribution of societal wealth toward private corporate hands.
A minority of the people spoke, and the majority are preparing to push back. Hard.
:itsok: Snowflake. You guys will get another shot at establishing your socialist utopia in 8 years. Of course, you won't have a packed SC to rule everything constitutional. :lol:
Trump has exposed the true legacy of Obama.....Obama's betrayal of Israel is actually Obama's lame-duck way of signaling to the new Trump administration that he has no intention of letting President-Elect Trump, the democratically elected president, revoke the so-called "transformation" Obama has set for America over the past eight years.

The true Obama domestic legacy:

cop killings and violence in the streets,
the failure and bankruptcy of Obamacare,
unrestricted immigration ,
terror attacks on American soil, and
a ten-trillion-dollar increase in national debt.
corruption of the three branches of government
using agencies like the IRS to attack his enemies
allowing the Islamic terror genie out of the bottle;
half a million dead in Syria;
the Muslim refugee invasion of Europe, which could lead to the breakup of the EU;
the rise of Iran as a conventional power that is devouring one Sunni country after another;
the diminution of American power and prestige;
enabling Russia to invade and conquer neighboring countries;
legitimizing the BDS movement and
the criminalization of Israel by encouraging the Security Council of the U.N. to make Israel a pariah state.

Obama will continue with his political carnage until his last day in office in a manner unbefitting the office of the president.

Read more: Articles: Obama at the UN: The mouse that roared

"My name may not be on the ballot, but our progress is on the ballot," President Obama said Saturday night. "And there is one candidate who will advance those things. And there is another candidate who's defining principal, the central theme of his candidacy is opposition to all that we have done."

"There's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter," Obama said. "It all matters. And after we have achieved historic turnout in 2008 and 2012, especially in the African-American community, I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this community lets down it's guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good send off? Go vote!"

which is why he is going out as the peevish, acrimonious, hateful anti-American that he really is.....he really should have been impeached years ago....

Impeached for what ? Bitch slapping the GOP at every turn? That's not a crime .

I like how you righties are complaining about obama putting America ahead of Israel . What happened to "America first "?
Trump has exposed the true legacy of Obama.....Obama's betrayal of Israel is actually Obama's lame-duck way of signaling to the new Trump administration that he has no intention of letting President-Elect Trump, the democratically elected president, revoke the so-called "transformation" Obama has set for America over the past eight years.

The true Obama domestic legacy:

cop killings and violence in the streets,
the failure and bankruptcy of Obamacare,
unrestricted immigration ,
terror attacks on American soil, and
a ten-trillion-dollar increase in national debt.
corruption of the three branches of government
using agencies like the IRS to attack his enemies
allowing the Islamic terror genie out of the bottle;
half a million dead in Syria;
the Muslim refugee invasion of Europe, which could lead to the breakup of the EU;
the rise of Iran as a conventional power that is devouring one Sunni country after another;
the diminution of American power and prestige;
enabling Russia to invade and conquer neighboring countries;
legitimizing the BDS movement and
the criminalization of Israel by encouraging the Security Council of the U.N. to make Israel a pariah state.

Obama will continue with his political carnage until his last day in office in a manner unbefitting the office of the president.

Read more: Articles: Obama at the UN: The mouse that roared

All of that should vaporize in a couple of weeks then, cool.
A minority of the people spoke, and the majority are preparing to push back. Hard.

That would be nice, but doubtful. This societal trajectory goes back about a half century now, .... and nothing. "The people" will most likely continue to do what they have been; aim their frustrations toward each other leaving the pwoer structure free to concentrate upon the redistribution of societal wealth toward private corporate hands.
-------------------------------------------------- yep , Sur jake is pretty much wrong most of the time Fenton , happy to see that we agree on something Fenton !!
Trump has exposed the true legacy of Obama.....Obama's betrayal of Israel is actually Obama's lame-duck way of signaling to the new Trump administration that he has no intention of letting President-Elect Trump, the democratically elected president, revoke the so-called "transformation" Obama has set for America over the past eight years.

The true Obama domestic legacy:

cop killings and violence in the streets,
the failure and bankruptcy of Obamacare,
unrestricted immigration ,
terror attacks on American soil, and
a ten-trillion-dollar increase in national debt.
corruption of the three branches of government
using agencies like the IRS to attack his enemies
allowing the Islamic terror genie out of the bottle;
half a million dead in Syria;
the Muslim refugee invasion of Europe, which could lead to the breakup of the EU;
the rise of Iran as a conventional power that is devouring one Sunni country after another;
the diminution of American power and prestige;
enabling Russia to invade and conquer neighboring countries;
legitimizing the BDS movement and
the criminalization of Israel by encouraging the Security Council of the U.N. to make Israel a pariah state.

Obama will continue with his political carnage until his last day in office in a manner unbefitting the office of the president.

Read more: Articles: Obama at the UN: The mouse that roared

"My name may not be on the ballot, but our progress is on the ballot," President Obama said Saturday night. "And there is one candidate who will advance those things. And there is another candidate who's defining principal, the central theme of his candidacy is opposition to all that we have done."

"There's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter," Obama said. "It all matters. And after we have achieved historic turnout in 2008 and 2012, especially in the African-American community, I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this community lets down it's guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good send off? Go vote!"

which is why he is going out as the peevish, acrimonious, hateful anti-American that he really is.....he really should have been impeached years ago....

Impeached for what ? Bitch slapping the GOP at every turn? That's not a crime .

I like how you righties are complaining about obama putting America ahead of Israel . What happened to "America first "?

"America first " is a pimp sales pitch nothing more, all it's ever been. And damn if it still doesn't work on some.
Trump has exposed the true legacy of Obama.....Obama's betrayal of Israel is actually Obama's lame-duck way of signaling to the new Trump administration that he has no intention of letting President-Elect Trump, the democratically elected president, revoke the so-called "transformation" Obama has set for America over the past eight years.

The true Obama domestic legacy:

cop killings and violence in the streets,
the failure and bankruptcy of Obamacare,
unrestricted immigration ,
terror attacks on American soil, and
a ten-trillion-dollar increase in national debt.
corruption of the three branches of government
using agencies like the IRS to attack his enemies
allowing the Islamic terror genie out of the bottle;
half a million dead in Syria;
the Muslim refugee invasion of Europe, which could lead to the breakup of the EU;
the rise of Iran as a conventional power that is devouring one Sunni country after another;
the diminution of American power and prestige;
enabling Russia to invade and conquer neighboring countries;
legitimizing the BDS movement and
the criminalization of Israel by encouraging the Security Council of the U.N. to make Israel a pariah state.

Obama will continue with his political carnage until his last day in office in a manner unbefitting the office of the president.

Read more: Articles: Obama at the UN: The mouse that roared

"My name may not be on the ballot, but our progress is on the ballot," President Obama said Saturday night. "And there is one candidate who will advance those things. And there is another candidate who's defining principal, the central theme of his candidacy is opposition to all that we have done."

"There's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter," Obama said. "It all matters. And after we have achieved historic turnout in 2008 and 2012, especially in the African-American community, I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this community lets down it's guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good send off? Go vote!"

which is why he is going out as the peevish, acrimonious, hateful anti-American that he really is.....he really should have been impeached years ago....

Impeached for what ? Bitch slapping the GOP at every turn? That's not a crime .

I like how you righties are complaining about obama putting America ahead of Israel . What happened to "America first "?
Nobody is saying put America above Israel, dumass.

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