Obama Attacks ‘Climate Deniers’ For Wasting Time Debating ‘Fact’


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
If you ever suspected that the AGW cult doesn't care whether the sky is really falling or not, here's the smoking gun:

Obama Attacks ?Climate Deniers? For Debating ?Fact? | The Daily Caller

President Obama took time in his Friday speech at a California Wal-Mart to bash “climate deniers” for obstructing him by debating the science behind man-made global warming.

“So unfortunately, inside of Washington we’ve still got some climate deniers who shout loud, but they’re wasting everybody’s time on a settled debate,” Obama said, doubling down on remarks made during his State of the Union Address this year by adding that, “Climate change is a fact.”

“Here in California, you’ve seen these effects firsthand,” Obama told the audience at a Mountain View Wal-Mart. “You know what’s happening. And increasingly, more and more Americans do — including, by the way, many Republicans outside of Washington.”

Obama’s speech to announce more executive orders to promote solar energy development and energy efficiency subsidies comes just days after the White House released the third National Climate Assessment (NCA).

The NCA claimed that global warming was already happening and had caused the U.S. to warm about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1895. The report also claimed that temperatures could increase another 4 degrees Fahrenheit and sea levels could rise 4 feet in the coming decades if no action is taken.

“Hundreds of scientists, experts and businesses, not-for-profits, local communities all contributed over the course of four years,” Obama said. “What they found was unequivocally that climate change is not some far-off problem in the future. It’s happening now. It’s causing hardship now.”(continued)​
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If you ever suspected that the AGW cult doesn't care whether the sky is really falling or not, here's the smoking gun:

Obama Attacks ?Climate Deniers? For Debating ?Fact? | The Daily Caller

President Obama took time in his Friday speech at a California Wal-Mart to bash “climate deniers” for obstructing him by debating the science behind man-made global warming.

“So unfortunately, inside of Washington we’ve still got some climate deniers who shout loud, but they’re wasting everybody’s time on a settled debate,” Obama said, doubling down on remarks made during his State of the Union Address this year by adding that, “Climate change is a fact.”

“Here in California, you’ve seen these effects firsthand,” Obama told the audience at a Mountain View Wal-Mart. “You know what’s happening. And increasingly, more and more Americans do — including, by the way, many Republicans outside of Washington.”

Obama’s speech to announce more executive orders to promote solar energy development and energy efficiency subsidies comes just days after the White House released the third National Climate Assessment (NCA).

The NCA claimed that global warming was already happening and had caused the U.S. to warm about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1895. The report also claimed that temperatures could increase another 4 degrees Fahrenheit and sea levels could rise 4 feet in the coming decades if no action is taken.

“Hundreds of scientists, experts and businesses, not-for-profits, local communities all contributed over the course of four years,” Obama said. “What they found was unequivocally that climate change is not some far-off problem in the future. It’s happening now. It’s causing hardship now.”(continued)​

Obama is still talking about ocean levels rising.

Global Warming is just a scam to steal our money, nothing more.
The climate has been changing for millions of years. No one disputes that fact. What is disputed is that man is the cause.
The climate has been changing for millions of years. No one disputes that fact. What is disputed is that man is the cause.

What is really disputed is the socialistic response advocated by AGW supporters. More government control, less freedom, more taxes, lower standards of living.
Why is Obama breaking our balls about it.
When is he going to go after China,Russia,India and get in their face?

should he start a war with china and Russia to make the rightwingnuts happy?

or can we control what we do?

p.s. last I checked the president wasn't president of either Russia or china.

I hope that helps.
Obama is the most disgusting hateful dictating man ever put in charge of our country

I hope the majority of you are ashamed who voted for this that all of us now has to deal with and live under his regime of FASCIST radicals in every area of our government...

look at the BLM
the IRS
the EPA
and especially this
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97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming

The overwhelming majority of industrialized nations are in consensus

The US is split among party lines with the Democrats agreeing with the Climate Scientists and the Republicans agreeing with the oil companies
The climate has been changing for millions of years. No one disputes that fact. What is disputed is that man is the cause.

What is really disputed is the socialistic response advocated by AGW supporters. More government control, less freedom, more taxes, lower standards of living.

This message brought to you by the petroleum industry. What the hell is there to love about the oil companies that regular people with no stake in the profits rally to their banner? Is there a secret climate deniers discount card that gets you 3 cents off a gallon of fuel?
The climate has been changing for millions of years. No one disputes that fact. What is disputed is that man is the cause.

What is really disputed is the socialistic response advocated by AGW supporters. More government control, less freedom, more taxes, lower standards of living.

This message brought to you by the petroleum industry. What the hell is there to love about the oil companies that regular people with no stake in the profits rally to their banner? Is there a secret climate deniers discount card that gets you 3 cents off a gallon of fuel?

utto, They have been found out. And for your information, that discount is up to .04 cents a gallon. And there is a secret handshake. And a decoder ring that comes in the mail after 50 denials.
Why is Obama breaking our balls about it.
When is he going to go after China,Russia,India and get in their face?

should he start a war with china and Russia to make the rightwingnuts happy?

or can we control what we do?

p.s. last I checked the president wasn't president of either Russia or china.

I hope that helps.

Your Messiah can make another speech. Have you forgotten, the oceans ceased rising when he was Coronated?
He made a speech and all Countries ceased fighting and started singing praises to the Messiah?

Oh why, oh why doesn't the Messiah make a speech and stop the evil red commies polluting the air?:badgrin:

(sarcasm, insult, and ridicule intended)
The climate has been changing for millions of years. No one disputes that fact. What is disputed is that man is the cause.

Here is what I can't figure out. During all those millions of years of change, what years was man digging up billions of pounds of coal and burning it and what years did man take hundreds of millions of gallons of oil out of the ground and burn that?

I know you know this shit so if you could answer that question it would be greatly appreciated.
97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming

The overwhelming majority of industrialized nations are in consensus

The US is split among party lines with the Democrats agreeing with the Climate Scientists and the Republicans agreeing with the oil companies

"97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming"...,
can not dispute that, as long as they keep getting that free money from us tax payers they will say anything.., cut off their subsidies and i would bet $1,000.00 their tune would change in the blink of an eye.

"Republicans agreeing with the oil companies"
NO ! Republicans and Conservatives agree with COMMON SENSE, this Earth is far too big to be intimidated by the mere presence of a creature called "human"

did you know that if you took every human who ever lived on this Earth and stacked them like cord wood where the Hoover Dam is they would only fill the first half mile past the Dam ? and todays Earth's population stacked like cord wood would NOT equal the size of the Hoover Dam...., FACT !!!

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