Obama Attacks ‘Climate Deniers’ For Wasting Time Debating ‘Fact’

There are no increased temperatures. There was a slight increase for awhile, but even that stopped 16 years ago.
Obama's right. But I'm not sure the U.S. can turn this around by ourselves and trying will cause tremendous hardships on Americans who are already struggling with high energy costs.

At this point, I think we're just going to have to mitigate the adverse impact on communities as best as we can.

WTF? Didn't you see the EPA chart showing a steep decrease in CO2 emissions from the US since Obama? WTF more does he want?
Climate deniers should be forced to continually defend their position, the petro industry bought those opinions, they should get their money's worth.

Nobody denied climate.

It always changes.

Problem is you claim any changes are due to CO2 emissions from humans. CO2 acts as an insulator along with water vapor. Combine them and you get healthy plants....
So what. Where do you get this bullshit? Hey next thing you know you will claim that the Amazon rain forest is to big for man to cut down. Till you start looking at the satellite photos and realize those guys with chain saws are working hard to cut down everything.
All they need is time and chainsaws.

I could go on, But I got to tell you, you seriously underestimate just how destructive us humans can be. And we are industrious about it.

But maybe you could answer the question I posted above? When did man burn all this oil and coal before the last 200 years or so?

you fucking liarberals post the most stupid questions, if i could grasp the basis of the question, i am certain i can answer it, but as typed, it makes no fucking sense..., but that is typical of you libertards. :up:

See if this helps you understand. Some of you deniers claim that the climate has been changing for millions of years. I agree. Global warming believers claim that the burning of oil and coal is the catalyst for the increased temperatures and current changes.

You deniers claim that man does not have the capacity to effect climate change.

So, pay attention. If change has occurred in the past I was trying to find out if man has burnt oil and coal at these kinds of levels before and was that the cause of the acknowledged changes.

IF man has not burnt oil and coal during those past times of climate change, then it stands to reason that we don't know what the end result will be of burning all this oil and coal.
But warming is certainly a possibility.


The real truth is that the GW fear mongers ignore everything. YOU ignore the EPA chart showing a shape decline in CO2 emissions. I am not sure what the GW hand wringers even want. More Eagles killed in dreamland wind mills? More land grabs by the BLM to construct unprofitable, non-base load, solar? All the hand wringing on a 1.5 degree change in 100 years. WHOW!! The only true environmental thing to do is hydro but ood luck getting that built with liberals running amuck. The GW fear mongers wanted a drop in CO2 emission and got it and that still isn't good enough. Meanwhile China and India, along with most of the rest of the world, is laughing at the US. They are more then happy to pick up our manufacturing base to satisfy the GW fear.
What other president in history (including the Peanut Man) ever promoted hatred for America like this guy? It's not hard to interpret what Hussein is saying. He wants to blame America's decadence for alleged man-made climate change and probably the unrest that caused degenerate monsters in Africa to kidnap 300 girls.
Obama's right. But I'm not sure the U.S. can turn this around by ourselves and trying will cause tremendous hardships on Americans who are already struggling with high energy costs.

At this point, I think we're just going to have to mitigate the adverse impact on communities as best as we can.

WTF? Didn't you see the EPA chart showing a steep decrease in CO2 emissions from the US since Obama? WTF more does he want?

Maybe read what I wrote one more time ???????
Why is Obama breaking our balls about it.
When is he going to go after China,Russia,India and get in their face?

IDK but getting in others faces have nothing to do with his message tho

What was Barry doing at a Wallyworld?

I thought progressives hated those stores.

Like most other things, you just thought wrong. Encouraging changing business habits doesnt equal hate. I know that everything has to fit into either the love or hate category but it doesnt. Its hard to think gray areas...I think thats why republicans refuse to do it
The climate has been changing for millions of years. No one disputes that fact. What is disputed is that man is the cause.

The only people who dispute that are people that reject science. No one else does and if they do they refuse to share their findings with the scientific community to face scrutiny. :lol:
The climate has been changing for millions of years. No one disputes that fact. What is disputed is that man is the cause.

What is really disputed is the socialistic response advocated by AGW supporters. More government control, less freedom, more taxes, lower standards of living.

This message brought to you by the petroleum industry. What the hell is there to love about the oil companies that regular people with no stake in the profits rally to their banner?
Well, my car certainly has a great affinity for their gasoline.

I have even heard that there are a lot of people who keep from freezing to death in the winter, by using their fuel oil.

Is there a secret climate deniers discount card that gets you 3 cents off a gallon of fuel?

Yes. :rofl:
The climate has been changing for millions of years. No one disputes that fact. What is disputed is that man is the cause.

What is really disputed is the socialistic response advocated by AGW supporters. More government control, less freedom, more taxes, lower standards of living.

This message brought to you by the petroleum industry. What the hell is there to love about the oil companies that regular people with no stake in the profits rally to their banner? Is there a secret climate deniers discount card that gets you 3 cents off a gallon of fuel?

If it was I'd understand a little better but they get nothing but the back of the oil companies hand
Barry Hussein is the freaking president. When is he going to stop whining? Global warming is the convenient bugaboo that the administration relies on when things break down. All Hussein has to do is stir up outrage about the climate while the Country is reeling under scandal after scandal and the low informationistas on the left line up and salute.
Damned inconvenient that 97% of scientists and three out four lay people agree that global climate change is real and caused by humans. We need to ignore the noise made by the ignorant few for what it is.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

The only thing inconvenient to you loons is the simple fact that you have not been as successful as you desire about using climate change to change America into a third world country.

Not to mention that science is not determined by how many people believe something to be true. For years, 99.9% of scientists believed that electricity flowed from positive to negative. Then, they discovered the transistor, and 99.9% of those opinions changed.

Science is never settled, and only ignorant asses and demagogues fail to grasp that fact.

When the 97% of scientists and other experts can explain how greenhouse gasses can cause both heating and cooling, I will give them more credit. How much colder would last winter have been, without the greenhouse gasses?

And, when one of you ignorant asses can explain how miniscule carbon reductions in one small part of the world, while much of the world is substantially increasing airborne carbon, can have a positive effect on claimed global warming, you might be able to sell me on the necessity of damaging our economy in such an effort.

The only thing proven in the global warming scam, is how easy it is to manipulate the low information portion of the American electorate.
What other president in history (including the Peanut Man) ever promoted hatred for America like this guy? It's not hard to interpret what Hussein is saying. He wants to blame America's decadence for alleged man-made climate change and probably the unrest that caused degenerate monsters in Africa to kidnap 300 girls.

Some dickwad blamed poverty and another blamed climate change for #bring back my girls......
Does everyone know that trees and plants take in CO2 as they're growing? And does everyone know that burning fossil fuels releases CO2 into the air? So combine the last 160 years of deforestation and constantly burning fossil fuels and you're left with a planet that has too much CO2 in the air and not enough old growth vegetation to take it all in. This is creating the Greenhouse Effect. It is real, and only the oil companies and mainstream corporate media FOX Noise are denying it.

We the People can reverse the Greenhouse Effect by legalizing Cannabis Sativa again. Industrial hemp makes four times more paper per acre than trees so global deforestation will end, and industrial hemp can make all of the world's transportation fuel so global dependence on petroleum will be greatly diminished. This change will leave the trees and the oil in the ground so that more CO2 is taken in and not so much is constantly pumped into the atmosphere.

But who cares, right? Let's just keep bombing Muslims for another ten years so we can protect those wonderful pipelines that only make a few people very wealthy.

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