Obama Attacks ‘Climate Deniers’ For Wasting Time Debating ‘Fact’

Not that I expect that you will accept the truth and will take to attacking the sources

That pre-emptive defense of your sources tells us that you know they're garbage. Why don't you people know what real information is? More than one right-wing member on this board quotes childish scribblings from "Squirrel Zippers.com", which is the intellectual opposite of an international scientific review.

The majority of international scientists agree that human activity is having an adverse effect on our atmosphere but WattsUpWithThat.com says otherwise, so the majority of learned global scientists are obviously wrong.

Why do you defend the petroleum industry so passionately? Do you think that oil executives would ever defend you? You and your children are sent to war for the oil executives. You're a broke joke on a messageboard like the rest of us, with oil executives making billions off of the deaths of Americans and Muslims alike. The oil companies don't care about you so why do you defend them by quoting sources that wouldn't even pass for a highschool report?
A long-winded ad hominem does not make it less so.

Nor does your accompanying lame straw man argument distract from the fact that you willingly spread lies.
It doesnt matter who disagrees with it if they refuse to present their findings to scientists for scrutiny.

Thats why my findings that I am awesome have never been debunked :lol:
They presented their findings in the blogs that you so blithely dismissed.

You don't care.

You are a willing participant in spreading a lie. That makes you a liar.

Why didnt they present it to other scientists for scrutiny again?
It doesnt matter who disagrees with it if they refuse to present their findings to scientists for scrutiny.

Thats why my findings that I am awesome have never been debunked :lol:

Your first statement belies your second statement. You just debunked yourself. :lol:
It doesnt matter who disagrees with it if they refuse to present their findings to scientists for scrutiny.

Thats why my findings that I am awesome have never been debunked :lol:
They presented their findings in the blogs that you so blithely dismissed.

You don't care.

You are a willing participant in spreading a lie. That makes you a liar.

Why didnt they present it to other scientists for scrutiny again?
Oh, shaddap.

You are a liar.

It is a nice day outside. Think I will go out an soak up some of this globull warmering. :lol:

Buh-bye all you lying liars! :bye1:
Does everyone know that trees and plants take in CO2 as they're growing? And does everyone know that burning fossil fuels releases CO2 into the air? So combine the last 160 years of deforestation and constantly burning fossil fuels and you're left with a planet that has too much CO2 in the air and not enough old growth vegetation to take it all in. This is creating the Greenhouse Effect. It is real, and only the oil companies and mainstream corporate media FOX Noise are denying it.

We the People can reverse the Greenhouse Effect by legalizing Cannabis Sativa again. Industrial hemp makes four times more paper per acre than trees so global deforestation will end, and industrial hemp can make all of the world's transportation fuel so global dependence on petroleum will be greatly diminished. This change will leave the trees and the oil in the ground so that more CO2 is taken in and not so much is constantly pumped into the atmosphere.

But who cares, right? Let's just keep bombing Muslims for another ten years so we can protect those wonderful pipelines that only make a few people very wealthy.

No one with common sense, including the oil companies and fox news, is denying that we have increased atmospheric CO2. That is a strawman that could only be created by someone ignorant of the real issue, or someone who wishes to cloud the real issue.

The first question is, how much effect on our environment does this increased CO2 have? The so called "deniers" contend that it actually has a minimal effect, and that climate is mostly determined by other determiners such as sunspots. This is where your dumbass "settled" science falls on its ass.

The second question is, if manmade CO2 is significantly affecting our climate, can we really do anything that would effectively change the outcome? The answer, at this time, is no, we cannot do much about reducing the CO2 currently in the environment, and we cannot do much about effectively reducing the CO2 entering the environment.

The third and most vital question is, why are you loons so determined to throw our way of living, and our children's futures into the toilet, in some vain effort to do the impossible? Are you really that ignorant, or do you have a mental problem?
Does everyone know that trees and plants take in CO2 as they're growing? And does everyone know that burning fossil fuels releases CO2 into the air? So combine the last 160 years of deforestation and constantly burning fossil fuels and you're left with a planet that has too much CO2 in the air and not enough old growth vegetation to take it all in. This is creating the Greenhouse Effect. It is real, and only the oil companies and mainstream corporate media FOX Noise are denying it.

We the People can reverse the Greenhouse Effect by legalizing Cannabis Sativa again. Industrial hemp makes four times more paper per acre than trees so global deforestation will end, and industrial hemp can make all of the world's transportation fuel so global dependence on petroleum will be greatly diminished. This change will leave the trees and the oil in the ground so that more CO2 is taken in and not so much is constantly pumped into the atmosphere.

But who cares, right? Let's just keep bombing Muslims for another ten years so we can protect those wonderful pipelines that only make a few people very wealthy.

No one with common sense, including the oil companies and fox news, is denying that we have increased atmospheric CO2. That is a strawman that could only be created by someone ignorant of the real issue, or someone who wishes to cloud the real issue.

The first question is, how much effect on our environment does this increased CO2 have? The so called "deniers" contend that it actually has a minimal effect, and that climate is mostly determined by other determiners such as sunspots. This is where your dumbass "settled" science falls on its ass.

The second question is, if manmade CO2 is significantly affecting our climate, can we really do anything that would effectively change the outcome? The answer, at this time, is no, we cannot do much about reducing the CO2 currently in the environment, and we cannot do much about effectively reducing the CO2 entering the environment.

The third and most vital question is, why are you loons so determined to throw our way of living, and our children's futures into the toilet, in some vain effort to do the impossible? Are you really that ignorant, or do you have a mental problem?

Aren't we throwing our childrens future in the toilet by doing nothing until it is too late?
Does everyone know that trees and plants take in CO2 as they're growing? And does everyone know that burning fossil fuels releases CO2 into the air? So combine the last 160 years of deforestation and constantly burning fossil fuels and you're left with a planet that has too much CO2 in the air and not enough old growth vegetation to take it all in. This is creating the Greenhouse Effect. It is real, and only the oil companies and mainstream corporate media FOX Noise are denying it.

We the People can reverse the Greenhouse Effect by legalizing Cannabis Sativa again. Industrial hemp makes four times more paper per acre than trees so global deforestation will end, and industrial hemp can make all of the world's transportation fuel so global dependence on petroleum will be greatly diminished. This change will leave the trees and the oil in the ground so that more CO2 is taken in and not so much is constantly pumped into the atmosphere.

But who cares, right? Let's just keep bombing Muslims for another ten years so we can protect those wonderful pipelines that only make a few people very wealthy.

No one with common sense, including the oil companies and fox news, is denying that we have increased atmospheric CO2. That is a strawman that could only be created by someone ignorant of the real issue, or someone who wishes to cloud the real issue.

The first question is, how much effect on our environment does this increased CO2 have? The so called "deniers" contend that it actually has a minimal effect, and that climate is mostly determined by other determiners such as sunspots. This is where your dumbass "settled" science falls on its ass.

The second question is, if manmade CO2 is significantly affecting our climate, can we really do anything that would effectively change the outcome? The answer, at this time, is no, we cannot do much about reducing the CO2 currently in the environment, and we cannot do much about effectively reducing the CO2 entering the environment.

The third and most vital question is, why are you loons so determined to throw our way of living, and our children's futures into the toilet, in some vain effort to do the impossible? Are you really that ignorant, or do you have a mental problem?

Aren't we throwing our childrens future in the toilet by doing nothing until it is too late?

Too late for what? And, doing nothing is often preferable to doing something futile, at great expense to our current and future status. Maybe we could throw a few virgins into volcanoes. That would be about as effective as anything else we could do.

If the entire world ceased all CO2 emisions tomorrow, it would take a hundred years before we could measure a reduction in atmospheric CO2. If, current CO2 is causing climate change, that change is going to continue for centuries, regardless of what we do. One thing that is settled, is that the entire world is not going to cease all CO2 emissions, anytime soon.
Does everyone know that trees and plants take in CO2 as they're growing? And does everyone know that burning fossil fuels releases CO2 into the air? So combine the last 160 years of deforestation and constantly burning fossil fuels and you're left with a planet that has too much CO2 in the air and not enough old growth vegetation to take it all in. This is creating the Greenhouse Effect. It is real, and only the oil companies and mainstream corporate media FOX Noise are denying it.

We the People can reverse the Greenhouse Effect by legalizing Cannabis Sativa again. Industrial hemp makes four times more paper per acre than trees so global deforestation will end, and industrial hemp can make all of the world's transportation fuel so global dependence on petroleum will be greatly diminished. This change will leave the trees and the oil in the ground so that more CO2 is taken in and not so much is constantly pumped into the atmosphere.

But who cares, right? Let's just keep bombing Muslims for another ten years so we can protect those wonderful pipelines that only make a few people very wealthy.

No one with common sense, including the oil companies and fox news, is denying that we have increased atmospheric CO2. That is a strawman that could only be created by someone ignorant of the real issue, or someone who wishes to cloud the real issue.

The first question is, how much effect on our environment does this increased CO2 have? The so called "deniers" contend that it actually has a minimal effect, and that climate is mostly determined by other determiners such as sunspots. This is where your dumbass "settled" science falls on its ass.

The second question is, if manmade CO2 is significantly affecting our climate, can we really do anything that would effectively change the outcome? The answer, at this time, is no, we cannot do much about reducing the CO2 currently in the environment, and we cannot do much about effectively reducing the CO2 entering the environment.

The third and most vital question is, why are you loons so determined to throw our way of living, and our children's futures into the toilet, in some vain effort to do the impossible? Are you really that ignorant, or do you have a mental problem?

Aren't we throwing our childrens future in the toilet by doing nothing until it is too late?

We would be throwing their future in the toilet if we did what the AGW cult members want us to do. What kind of future do you think they're going to have when they have to pay $76 trillion in taxes and pay 5 times the current price of energy?
Hello USMB conservatives. Are any of you in agreement with the scientific community on this? Please make yourself known.

Hello USMB conservatives. Are any of you in agreement with the scientific community on this? Please make yourself known.


The scientific community isn't in agreement with the scientific community.
Hello USMB conservatives. Are any of you in agreement with the scientific community on this? Please make yourself known.


To what? That CO2 emissions in the US have dropped off sharply since the recession? I for one do not disagree with that. I just hope that the drop off doesn't issue in the next ice age.

Just for the heck of it:

Saw this post on HuffPo in response to a global warming story:

I have a few suggestions:

1) Speed up desalinization research;
2) Start running pipes from coastal areas to inland areas which are affected by drought;
3) Stop talking about cause and effect and mange what IS!

I know there are no personal insults or crazy hyperbole involved, but it does make sense.


Just for the heck of it:

Saw this post on HuffPo in response to a global warming story:

I have a few suggestions:

1) Speed up desalinization research;
2) Start running pipes from coastal areas to inland areas which are affected by drought;
3) Stop talking about cause and effect and mange what IS!

I know there are no personal insults or crazy hyperbole involved, but it does make sense.


Managing what is involves agreeing on what is.

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