Obama Attacks ‘Climate Deniers’ For Wasting Time Debating ‘Fact’

97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming

The overwhelming majority of industrialized nations are in consensus

The US is split among party lines with the Democrats agreeing with the Climate Scientists and the Republicans agreeing with the oil companies

"97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming"...,
can not dispute that, as long as they keep getting that free money from us tax payers they will say anything.., cut off their subsidies and i would bet $1,000.00 their tune would change in the blink of an eye.

"Republicans agreeing with the oil companies"
NO ! Republicans and Conservatives agree with COMMON SENSE, this Earth is far too big to be intimidated by the mere presence of a creature called "human"

did you know that if you took every human who ever lived on this Earth and stacked them like cord wood where the Hoover Dam is they would only fill the first half mile past the Dam ? and todays Earth's population stacked like cord wood would NOT equal the size of the Hoover Dam...., FACT !!!

Do a thread on global warming and the dumb fucks come out of the woodwork like ants. That is every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this Earth. So what you are claiming is that there is this huge worldwide conspiracy among the millions of scientists on this planet to delude the rest of us.

You are one silly and stupid individual.
If you ever suspected that the AGW cult doesn't care whether the sky is really falling or not, here's the smoking gun:

Obama Attacks ?Climate Deniers? For Debating ?Fact? | The Daily Caller

President Obama took time in his Friday speech at a California Wal-Mart to bash “climate deniers” for obstructing him by debating the science behind man-made global warming.

“So unfortunately, inside of Washington we’ve still got some climate deniers who shout loud, but they’re wasting everybody’s time on a settled debate,” Obama said, doubling down on remarks made during his State of the Union Address this year by adding that, “Climate change is a fact.”

“Here in California, you’ve seen these effects firsthand,” Obama told the audience at a Mountain View Wal-Mart. “You know what’s happening. And increasingly, more and more Americans do — including, by the way, many Republicans outside of Washington.”

Obama’s speech to announce more executive orders to promote solar energy development and energy efficiency subsidies comes just days after the White House released the third National Climate Assessment (NCA).

The NCA claimed that global warming was already happening and had caused the U.S. to warm about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1895. The report also claimed that temperatures could increase another 4 degrees Fahrenheit and sea levels could rise 4 feet in the coming decades if no action is taken.

“Hundreds of scientists, experts and businesses, not-for-profits, local communities all contributed over the course of four years,” Obama said. “What they found was unequivocally that climate change is not some far-off problem in the future. It’s happening now. It’s causing hardship now.”(continued)​

He flew on Air Force One? Sends his wife and kids around the world on what?

Shows how little he even believes this crap
Why is Obama breaking our balls about it.
When is he going to go after China,Russia,India and get in their face?

should he start a war with china and Russia to make the rightwingnuts happy?

or can we control what we do?

p.s. last I checked the president wasn't president of either Russia or china.

I hope that helps.

Well, it's not like they'll just have global warming -- I'm sorry, climate change -- over there.
97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming

The overwhelming majority of industrialized nations are in consensus

The US is split among party lines with the Democrats agreeing with the Climate Scientists and the Republicans agreeing with the oil companies

"97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming"...,
can not dispute that, as long as they keep getting that free money from us tax payers they will say anything.., cut off their subsidies and i would bet $1,000.00 their tune would change in the blink of an eye.

"Republicans agreeing with the oil companies"
NO ! Republicans and Conservatives agree with COMMON SENSE, this Earth is far too big to be intimidated by the mere presence of a creature called "human"

did you know that if you took every human who ever lived on this Earth and stacked them like cord wood where the Hoover Dam is they would only fill the first half mile past the Dam ? and todays Earth's population stacked like cord wood would NOT equal the size of the Hoover Dam...., FACT !!!

Do a thread on global warming and the dumb fucks come out of the woodwork like ants. That is every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this Earth. So what you are claiming is that there is this huge worldwide conspiracy among the millions of scientists on this planet to delude the rest of us.

You are one silly and stupid individual.

Your post is a case in point.

The groups you refer to are all toadies dependent on government for their livelihoods. Sucking up to politicians is their bread and butter. Furthermore, the rank and file of these organizations have views that differ markedly from the views espoused by the leadership. The rank and file are mostly not even polled as to their views on any given issue.
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97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming

The overwhelming majority of industrialized nations are in consensus

The US is split among party lines with the Democrats agreeing with the Climate Scientists and the Republicans agreeing with the oil companies

"97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming"...,
can not dispute that, as long as they keep getting that free money from us tax payers they will say anything.., cut off their subsidies and i would bet $1,000.00 their tune would change in the blink of an eye.

"Republicans agreeing with the oil companies"
NO ! Republicans and Conservatives agree with COMMON SENSE, this Earth is far too big to be intimidated by the mere presence of a creature called "human"

did you know that if you took every human who ever lived on this Earth and stacked them like cord wood where the Hoover Dam is they would only fill the first half mile past the Dam ? and todays Earth's population stacked like cord wood would NOT equal the size of the Hoover Dam...., FACT !!!

Do a thread on global warming and the dumb fucks come out of the woodwork like ants. That is every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this Earth. So what you are claiming is that there is this huge worldwide conspiracy among the millions of scientists on this planet to delude the rest of us.

You are one silly and stupid individual.

Anyone who accepts this pack of lies is one silly and stupid individual.

Everything the Obama administration does is designed to steal from us, lie to us, or fool us into thinking they're not the liars they constantly prove they are.
NASA is in on the conspiracy as well. I saw a NASA representative that was on the PBS News Hour claiming that they (NASA) has evidence that the antarctic ice covering is melting quite a bit faster than was originally thought it would.

Now why is NASA spreading this hoax? Remember when NASA was a premier science agency? Just because they have all these satellite photos and shit. Who does this NASA think they are?

Don't they (NASA) know that the Repubs are gonna shut them down if they don't quit spreading all these lies about global warming?

Next thing NASA will want us to believe is that they landed a man on the moon.
What jokers those folks are.
The liberal hubris is that government can do anything to change the earth's climate or prevent the next big hurricane, earthquake or monsoon. These are the people in Washington who can't run a website, can't deliver the mail and can't balance a budget. But they are going to prevent droughts and forest fires.
The President's doomsday claims last week served mostly to undermine the alarmists' case for radical action on climate change. Truth always seems to be the first casualty in this debate.
This is the tactic of tyrants. Americans are wise to be wary about giving up our basic freedoms and lowering our standard of living to combat an exaggerated crisis.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: New Climate Change Report Is Filled With Falsehoods - Investors.com
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NASA is in on the conspiracy as well. I saw a NASA representative that was on the PBS News Hour claiming that they (NASA) has evidence that the antarctic ice covering is melting quite a bit faster than was originally thought it would.

Now why is NASA spreading this hoax? Remember when NASA was a premier science agency? Just because they have all these satellite photos and shit. Who does this NASA think they are?

Don't they (NASA) know that the Repubs are gonna shut them down if they don't quit spreading all these lies about global warming?

Next thing NASA will want us to believe is that they landed a man on the moon.
What jokers those folks are.

we'e all going to drown right leftard?

how much have the seas risen dimwit?
NASA is in on the conspiracy as well. I saw a NASA representative that was on the PBS News Hour claiming that they (NASA) has evidence that the antarctic ice covering is melting quite a bit faster than was originally thought it would.

Now why is NASA spreading this hoax? Remember when NASA was a premier science agency? Just because they have all these satellite photos and shit. Who does this NASA think they are?

Don't they (NASA) know that the Repubs are gonna shut them down if they don't quit spreading all these lies about global warming?

Next thing NASA will want us to believe is that they landed a man on the moon.
What jokers those folks are.

we'e all going to drown right leftard?

how much have the seas risen dimwit?

How the fuck would I know? I can't even see the ocean from where I live. I was questioning why NASA is in on the hoax. Don't you want to know why they are spreading that GW bullshit around?

You don't really believe NASA landed a man on the moon do you? With all your scientific knowledge of global warming, YOU didn't fall for that moon landing shit did you?
NASA is in on the conspiracy as well. I saw a NASA representative that was on the PBS News Hour claiming that they (NASA) has evidence that the antarctic ice covering is melting quite a bit faster than was originally thought it would.

Now why is NASA spreading this hoax? Remember when NASA was a premier science agency? Just because they have all these satellite photos and shit. Who does this NASA think they are?

Don't they (NASA) know that the Repubs are gonna shut them down if they don't quit spreading all these lies about global warming?

Next thing NASA will want us to believe is that they landed a man on the moon.
What jokers those folks are.

we'e all going to drown right leftard?

how much have the seas risen dimwit?

How the fuck would I know? I can't even see the ocean from where I live. I was questioning why NASA is in on the hoax. Don't you want to know why they are spreading that GW bullshit around?

You don't really believe NASA landed a man on the moon do you? With all your scientific knowledge of global warming, YOU didn't fall for that moon landing shit did you?

i KNOW you dont know dimwit; then you need to shut up no?"
we'e all going to drown right leftard?

how much have the seas risen dimwit?

How the fuck would I know? I can't even see the ocean from where I live. I was questioning why NASA is in on the hoax. Don't you want to know why they are spreading that GW bullshit around?

You don't really believe NASA landed a man on the moon do you? With all your scientific knowledge of global warming, YOU didn't fall for that moon landing shit did you?

i KNOW you dont know dimwit; then you need to shut up no?"

Why? All you gotta do is go to the PBS homepage and see the NASA rep talking this melting bullshit. Why don't you do that? It was last nights news program.

Do you not want to know why NASA is perpetuating the GW hoax or not?

I bet you used to like NASA and now are just such a pussy that you can't come out and talk bad about NASA. But NASA believes that Global Warming is happening.

How could that be? Do you believe they landed a man on the moon or not?
I mean, it's pretty obvious that every single major scientific organization in the world is in the pocket of Obama and the democrats. There can't be man made climate change (Exxon and BP told me so) and anyone with an ounce of logic knows that it's easy to get every single nation in the world to agree on something like this just so they can steal our hard earned money. Everyone knows this!
NASA is in on the conspiracy as well. I saw a NASA representative that was on the PBS News Hour claiming that they (NASA) has evidence that the antarctic ice covering is melting quite a bit faster than was originally thought it would.

Now why is NASA spreading this hoax? Remember when NASA was a premier science agency? Just because they have all these satellite photos and shit. Who does this NASA think they are?

Don't they (NASA) know that the Repubs are gonna shut them down if they don't quit spreading all these lies about global warming?

Next thing NASA will want us to believe is that they landed a man on the moon.
What jokers those folks are.

we'e all going to drown right leftard?

how much have the seas risen dimwit?

when the seas are already rising, it's too-late you buffoon.
97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming

The overwhelming majority of industrialized nations are in consensus

The US is split among party lines with the Democrats agreeing with the Climate Scientists and the Republicans agreeing with the oil companies

"97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming"...,
can not dispute that, as long as they keep getting that free money from us tax payers they will say anything.., cut off their subsidies and i would bet $1,000.00 their tune would change in the blink of an eye.

"Republicans agreeing with the oil companies"
NO ! Republicans and Conservatives agree with COMMON SENSE, this Earth is far too big to be intimidated by the mere presence of a creature called "human"

did you know that if you took every human who ever lived on this Earth and stacked them like cord wood where the Hoover Dam is they would only fill the first half mile past the Dam ? and todays Earth's population stacked like cord wood would NOT equal the size of the Hoover Dam...., FACT !!!

Do a thread on global warming and the dumb fucks come out of the woodwork like ants. That is every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this Earth. So what you are claiming is that there is this huge worldwide conspiracy among the millions of scientists on this planet to delude the rest of us.

You are one silly and stupid individual.

Who are you going to listen to? A bunch of elitist eggheads or college drop out Rush Limbaugh?
How the fuck would I know? I can't even see the ocean from where I live. I was questioning why NASA is in on the hoax. Don't you want to know why they are spreading that GW bullshit around?

You don't really believe NASA landed a man on the moon do you? With all your scientific knowledge of global warming, YOU didn't fall for that moon landing shit did you?

i KNOW you dont know dimwit; then you need to shut up no?"

Why? All you gotta do is go to the PBS homepage and see the NASA rep talking this melting bullshit. Why don't you do that? It was last nights news program.

Do you not want to know why NASA is perpetuating the GW hoax or not?

I bet you used to like NASA and now are just such a pussy that you can't come out and talk bad about NASA. But NASA believes that Global Warming is happening.

How could that be? Do you believe they landed a man on the moon or not?

NASA faked the moon landing they can fake global warming
gee leftardz; i cant imagine why al gore built a mansion on the shore if oceans are expected to rise so much!!

idiots and hypocrites
dimocrap scum voters are just stupid.

They remind me of the guy that trades in a lemon of a car then goes out and buys the very car he traded in because he got such a good deal on it.

dimocraps will suck on anything their masters put in front of them. They are completely incapable of independent thought and unable to figure out when they're being lied to -- Which is every day.

They're like the girl everybody knew when they were in High School. All you had to do was get her alone and say something nice to her and.... Bingo! You were in. Literally.

That's what dimocraps are, every last one of them. Stupid, naive and needy. Willing to give it all up because they are so stupid, they think that scum like ManBearPig, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief and Hitlery actually care about them.


Globull Warming: Storm Dumps 3 Feet of Snow On Colorado In The Middle of May…


And just last week we had the White House hyperventilating over global warming.

(Reuters) – A mid-May snowstorm dumped as much as 3 feet (91 cm) of snow on Colorado’s Rocky Mountains on Monday while the U.S. Midwest braced for hail and other severe weather, forecasters said.

Snowplows cleared the way for the Monday morning rush hour after the storm, which is expected to taper off by midday, blanketed Denver with more than 4 inches (10 cm) and the mountains northeast of Steamboat Springs with 36 inches (91 cm) of snow, said Jim Kalina, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Boulder, Colorado.

No significant delays or cancellations were reported at Denver International Airport, and no records were broken in a state used to late spring snowstorms like the one that dumped 10.7 inches of snow on May 26, 1950.

“That’s Colorado for you,” said Kalina.

Snow has been falling and accumulating over the past four days in Colorado, said Pat Slattery, weather service spokesman. Deep snow measuring 27 inches (68 cm) also was reported in the Uinta Mountains in northeastern Utah, said NWS meteorologist Tom Renwick.

the dimocrap party is a cult
gee leftardz; i cant imagine why al gore built a mansion on the shore if oceans are expected to rise so much!!

idiots and hypocrites

Speaking of hypocrites. The government employee who spends all day on this site chimes in. Remind us again about your stance on small government.
gee leftardz; i cant imagine why al gore built a mansion on the shore if oceans are expected to rise so much!!

idiots and hypocrites

Speaking of hypocrites. The government employee who spends all day on this site chimes in. Remind us again about your stance on small government.

i'm for smaller government; not for no government leftard


next pointless point

and didnt i tell you about hitting the Hateraid so early in the day?
gee leftardz; i cant imagine why al gore built a mansion on the shore if oceans are expected to rise so much!!

idiots and hypocrites

ManBearPig never had a Private Sector Job in his miserable excuse for a life outside of a short stint as a scumbag reporter in his youth.

But now he's worth more than Mitt Romney.

How does that happen?

Simple. dimocrap voters are the dumbest fucks on earth.

I'd explain it, but it wouldn't do any good. dimocraps are just too stupid to educate.

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