Obama Attacks ‘Climate Deniers’ For Wasting Time Debating ‘Fact’

NASA used to be a premier science agency. Now it's just another hack Obama propaganda organ. Remember when Obama said NASA's primary mission would be Muslim outreach? When a significant percentage of the funding for your agency depends on AGW being true, what do you suppose the odds are that you are going to tell the public that AGW isn't true?

So, dumb fuck, you are saying that NASA, the European Space agency, the Russians, Chinese, Indians, and Japanese are all lying about what there satellites are reporting? You are saying that there is this huge international conspiracy among scientists and governments of every poltitical persausion to lie about the climate?

Make sure you have plenty of aluminium foil for your little hats.:badgrin:

NASA satellites are reporting that temperatures have been flat or declining for the last 17 years, dumb fuck

That's funny. The guy from NASA I saw on the news was talking about water temperature changes around Antarctica and the increase in size in the ozone hole over the southern pole.

Not much said about global temperature changes.

But the ice is melting faster than anticipated.
do you left-wing losers realize electricity is mostly generated by coal?

so how much are you polluting the planet and raising temperatures with your non-stop posting?

So, dumb fuck, you are saying that NASA, the European Space agency, the Russians, Chinese, Indians, and Japanese are all lying about what there satellites are reporting? You are saying that there is this huge international conspiracy among scientists and governments of every poltitical persausion to lie about the climate?

Make sure you have plenty of aluminium foil for your little hats.:badgrin:

NASA satellites are reporting that temperatures have been flat or declining for the last 17 years, dumb fuck

That's funny. The guy from NASA I saw on the news was talking about water temperature changes around Antarctica and the increase in size in the ozone hole over the southern pole.

Not much said about global temperature changes.

But the ice is melting faster than anticipated.
Hold the phone here.

Wasn't banning CFCs supposed to make the ozone hole go away?

Does anything that you climate scaremongers ever propose work IRL?
Whether it's called Global Warming or Climate Change it is all based on lies, misinformation, and fraudulent science, so why in the hell should a well known liar like Obama be taken seriously when he claims that it's a fact? :cuckoo:
Damned inconvenient that 97% of scientists and three out four lay people agree that global climate change is real and caused by humans. We need to ignore the noise made by the ignorant few for what it is.

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global climate change is real and caused by humans.

^^^:bs1: BULLSHIT! :bs1:^^^

:arrow: No scientific evidence of man-made global warming | The Daily Caller

Hey Luddly, keep drinking that Kool-Aid and believing the lies, it's what you are best at.
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The liberal hubris is that government can do anything to change the earth's climate or prevent the next big hurricane, earthquake or monsoon. These are the people in Washington who can't run a website, can't deliver the mail and can't balance a budget. But they are going to prevent droughts and forest fires.
The President's doomsday claims last week served mostly to undermine the alarmists' case for radical action on climate change. Truth always seems to be the first casualty in this debate.
This is the tactic of tyrants. Americans are wise to be wary about giving up our basic freedoms and lowering our standard of living to combat an exaggerated crisis.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: New Climate Change Report Is Filled With Falsehoods - Investors.com
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Its time to recognize al gore for the mindless, bloated , imbecile that he is....hypocrite
You dumb fucks sure crack me up with your conspiracy nonsense when you claim anyone who disputes your AGW quackery is part of a vast fossil fuel industry conspiracy.

So is NASA a credible source or not? In your expert opinion.

Nope. Nasa satellite data and the propaganda coming from Nasa toadies are two separate things.

So who is a credible source according to your standards? Be specific.

NASA satellites are reporting that temperatures have been flat or declining for the last 17 years, dumb fuck

That's funny. The guy from NASA I saw on the news was talking about water temperature changes around Antarctica and the increase in size in the ozone hole over the southern pole.

Not much said about global temperature changes.

But the ice is melting faster than anticipated.
Hold the phone here.

Wasn't banning CFCs supposed to make the ozone hole go away?

Does anything that you climate scaremongers ever propose work IRL?

Don't think so. I do believe that the plan was to slow the growth of the hole in the ozone by using a better refrigerant.

Of course, people like you don't believe that there is a hole in the ozone. Right? This is something Obama made up BEFORE he was elected. Right?

Can't see no hole in no ozone from my house. Right? Just another vast left wing conspiracy to take your money.

Or do you think that when there is talk of the "ozone", you think people are talking about the O(bama) zone. Right?

I'm not gonna go through 12 pages.

Is anyone here denying that the climate is changing?

That's funny. The guy from NASA I saw on the news was talking about water temperature changes around Antarctica and the increase in size in the ozone hole over the southern pole.

Not much said about global temperature changes.

But the ice is melting faster than anticipated.
Hold the phone here.

Wasn't banning CFCs supposed to make the ozone hole go away?

Does anything that you climate scaremongers ever propose work IRL?

Don't think so. I do believe that the plan was to slow the growth of the hole in the ozone by using a better refrigerant.

Of course, people like you don't believe that there is a hole in the ozone. Right? This is something Obama made up BEFORE he was elected. Right?

Can't see no hole in no ozone from my house. Right? Just another vast left wing conspiracy to take your money.

Or do you think that when there is talk of the "ozone", you think people are talking about the O(bama) zone. Right?
Did anybody else see them there magic moving goalposts? :lol:
you fucking liarberals post the most stupid questions, if i could grasp the basis of the question, i am certain i can answer it, but as typed, it makes no fucking sense..., but that is typical of you libertards. :up:

See if this helps you understand. Some of you deniers claim that the climate has been changing for millions of years. I agree. Global warming believers claim that the burning of oil and coal is the catalyst for the increased temperatures and current changes.

You deniers claim that man does not have the capacity to effect climate change.

So, pay attention. If change has occurred in the past I was trying to find out if man has burnt oil and coal at these kinds of levels before and was that the cause of the acknowledged changes.

IF man has not burnt oil and coal during those past times of climate change, then it stands to reason that we don't know what the end result will be of burning all this oil and coal.
But warming is certainly a possibility.


The real truth is that the GW fear mongers ignore everything. YOU ignore the EPA chart showing a shape decline in CO2 emissions. I am not sure what the GW hand wringers even want. More Eagles killed in dreamland wind mills? More land grabs by the BLM to construct unprofitable, non-base load, solar? All the hand wringing on a 1.5 degree change in 100 years. WHOW!! The only true environmental thing to do is hydro but ood luck getting that built with liberals running amuck. The GW fear mongers wanted a drop in CO2 emission and got it and that still isn't good enough. Meanwhile China and India, along with most of the rest of the world, is laughing at the US. They are more then happy to pick up our manufacturing base to satisfy the GW fear.

And here I thought you were going to answer my question. Or at least contribute something worth while to the GW debate.

Instead it the same ole bull shit. Wtf is wrong with you right wing whack jobs? Answer a simple question for once.

In earths history when has man burnt coal and oil at comparable levels to what we burn coal and oil now? And what was the result?

You right wing whackers claim to know all about this topic, so come on and answer a simple question.
Hold the phone here.

Wasn't banning CFCs supposed to make the ozone hole go away?

Does anything that you climate scaremongers ever propose work IRL?

Don't think so. I do believe that the plan was to slow the growth of the hole in the ozone by using a better refrigerant.

Of course, people like you don't believe that there is a hole in the ozone. Right? This is something Obama made up BEFORE he was elected. Right?

Can't see no hole in no ozone from my house. Right? Just another vast left wing conspiracy to take your money.

Or do you think that when there is talk of the "ozone", you think people are talking about the O(bama) zone. Right?
Did anybody else see them there magic moving goalposts? :lol:

Wtf are you talking about? There is a hole in the ozone layer. But feel free to show where someone claimed that the ozone layer would be all better if we would do something about CFC's. Help stop the expansion of the hole? Yes. Eliminate it, don't think so.
good lord!1 what is it with these left-wing losers and their addiction to the left-wing agenda?
Hey Handbag lady. Can you answer the question I posted above? Sure you can, you know everything global warming. And all about the earths long ass history. You study this stuff. I can tell.
good lord!1 what is it with these left-wing losers and their addiction to the left-wing agenda?

Good lord its the dipshit I first asked this question of. You gonna take a shot at an answer today?
Or just gonna do the shuck and jive that you do so well.
good lord!1 what is it with these left-wing losers and their addiction to the left-wing agenda?

Good lord its the dipshit I first asked this question of. You gonna take a shot at an answer today?
Or just gonna do the shuck and jive that you do so well.

good lord!

what is it with LWNJs that want answers to their idiotic questions?
good lord!1 what is it with these left-wing losers and their addiction to the left-wing agenda?

Good lord its the dipshit I first asked this question of. You gonna take a shot at an answer today?
Or just gonna do the shuck and jive that you do so well.

good lord!

what is it with LWNJs that want answers to their idiotic questions?

What is it with you right wing whack jobs that you can't ask a reasonable question and get an answer?

Here let me help. Man has never, ever in the past burnt the amount of oil and coal that we have and are burning now.

As a result of having no history to study of man burning all this carbon, guess what. We humans don't know what the ultimate effect will be.

And you are/were to fucking stupid and obtuse to even make the connections. We are basically conducting an experiment with the earth to see if burning billions of pounds of carbon and putting that back into the atmosphere will have a negative effect.

So far the results show this is not a good idea. But fuck it right. You and I will be long dead and gone when the real problems come up.

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