Obama Attacks ‘Climate Deniers’ For Wasting Time Debating ‘Fact’

Damned inconvenient that 97% of scientists and three out four lay people agree that global climate change is real and caused by humans. We need to ignore the noise made by the ignorant few for what it is.

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global climate change is real and caused by humans.

^^^:bs1: BULLSHIT! :bs1:^^^

:arrow: No scientific evidence of man-made global warming | The Daily Caller

Hey Luddly, keep drinking that Kool-Aid and believing the lies, it's what you are best at.

i agree, it is all major :bsflag: as far as humans causing or able to change what changes Mother Earth goes thru.., how many humans did it take to melt the last glaciation that had ice a mile (5280 feet) thick over where Shitcago is now located ?????

you glowbull warming/climate change freaks are so fucked in the head i fail to understand how you all function on a daily basis. :up:

do you all have a service cat ?
So is NASA a credible source or not? In your expert opinion.

Nope. Nasa satellite data and the propaganda coming from Nasa toadies are two separate things.

So who is a credible source according to your standards? Be specific.

It's easier to eliminate bad sources first.

Begin with eliminating government entities, the Sierra Club, media outlets, bloggers, Media Matters, ThinkProgress, Center For American Progress, anyone with progress in their title, or American in their titles......

Try anyone else first.
See if this helps you understand. Some of you deniers claim that the climate has been changing for millions of years. I agree. Global warming believers claim that the burning of oil and coal is the catalyst for the increased temperatures and current changes.

You deniers claim that man does not have the capacity to effect climate change.

So, pay attention. If change has occurred in the past I was trying to find out if man has burnt oil and coal at these kinds of levels before and was that the cause of the acknowledged changes.

IF man has not burnt oil and coal during those past times of climate change, then it stands to reason that we don't know what the end result will be of burning all this oil and coal.
But warming is certainly a possibility.


The real truth is that the GW fear mongers ignore everything. YOU ignore the EPA chart showing a shape decline in CO2 emissions. I am not sure what the GW hand wringers even want. More Eagles killed in dreamland wind mills? More land grabs by the BLM to construct unprofitable, non-base load, solar? All the hand wringing on a 1.5 degree change in 100 years. WHOW!! The only true environmental thing to do is hydro but ood luck getting that built with liberals running amuck. The GW fear mongers wanted a drop in CO2 emission and got it and that still isn't good enough. Meanwhile China and India, along with most of the rest of the world, is laughing at the US. They are more then happy to pick up our manufacturing base to satisfy the GW fear.

And here I thought you were going to answer my question. Or at least contribute something worth while to the GW debate.

Instead it the same ole bull shit. Wtf is wrong with you right wing whack jobs? Answer a simple question for once.

In earths history when has man burnt coal and oil at comparable levels to what we burn coal and oil now? And what was the result?

You right wing whackers claim to know all about this topic, so come on and answer a simple question.

Man hasn't been through many ice age cycles, and except for this one, man wasn't keeping any records. However, your question has no bearing on anything other than your own ignorance. We had a mini ice age over the North Atlantic before we were burning coal and oil at today's level, and we had an interglacial warm period before we were burning coal and oil at today's level. Obviously, the burning of coal and oil didn't cause either event.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and greenhouse gasses trap heat. Increases in CO2 in the earth's atmosphere traps heat, and causes some degree of warming. Imagine how cold last winter would have been without the mitigation caused by greenhouse gasses.

You loons seem to want to debate simple science, while ignoring the real questions concerning global climate change. The projections of gloom and doom are based on computer models, and computer models are no better than the assumptions used to create them. When computer models cannot reliably predict the known past, they cannot reliably predict the future. So much for your "settled science".

Not to mention that the words "maybe", likely, etc., are not "scientific" terms, and therefore statements made that contain those words are not valid scientific statements, and they are definitely not "settled science".
Don't think so. I do believe that the plan was to slow the growth of the hole in the ozone by using a better refrigerant.

Of course, people like you don't believe that there is a hole in the ozone. Right? This is something Obama made up BEFORE he was elected. Right?

Can't see no hole in no ozone from my house. Right? Just another vast left wing conspiracy to take your money.

Or do you think that when there is talk of the "ozone", you think people are talking about the O(bama) zone. Right?
Did anybody else see them there magic moving goalposts? :lol:

Wtf are you talking about? There is a hole in the ozone layer. But feel free to show where someone claimed that the ozone layer would be all better if we would do something about CFC's. Help stop the expansion of the hole? Yes. Eliminate it, don't think so.

Throw another virgin in the volcano. The last one caused the volcano to stop expanding.
Nope. Nasa satellite data and the propaganda coming from Nasa toadies are two separate things.

So who is a credible source according to your standards? Be specific.

It's easier to eliminate bad sources first.

Begin with eliminating government entities, the Sierra Club, media outlets, bloggers, Media Matters, ThinkProgress, Center For American Progress, anyone with progress in their title, or American in their titles......

Try anyone else first.

How about actually answering what I asked this time. We know you consider anyone that uses actual scientific fact as not credible.

So who IS credible in your opinion?

We both know you won't answer.
If you ever suspected that the AGW cult doesn't care whether the sky is really falling or not, here's the smoking gun:

Obama Attacks ?Climate Deniers? For Debating ?Fact? | The Daily Caller

President Obama took time in his Friday speech at a California Wal-Mart to bash “climate deniers” for obstructing him by debating the science behind man-made global warming.

“So unfortunately, inside of Washington we’ve still got some climate deniers who shout loud, but they’re wasting everybody’s time on a settled debate,” Obama said, doubling down on remarks made during his State of the Union Address this year by adding that, “Climate change is a fact.”

“Here in California, you’ve seen these effects firsthand,” Obama told the audience at a Mountain View Wal-Mart. “You know what’s happening. And increasingly, more and more Americans do — including, by the way, many Republicans outside of Washington.”

Obama’s speech to announce more executive orders to promote solar energy development and energy efficiency subsidies comes just days after the White House released the third National Climate Assessment (NCA).

The NCA claimed that global warming was already happening and had caused the U.S. to warm about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1895. The report also claimed that temperatures could increase another 4 degrees Fahrenheit and sea levels could rise 4 feet in the coming decades if no action is taken.

“Hundreds of scientists, experts and businesses, not-for-profits, local communities all contributed over the course of four years,” Obama said. “What they found was unequivocally that climate change is not some far-off problem in the future. It’s happening now. It’s causing hardship now.”(continued)​

Well, what did you expect?? Spring is here!!!!

If he had said that a few months ago while the country was still in deep freeze, his ass would have been laughed off of the stage.

War on oil, you gotta love it. It would be so cool to see every oil company on the planet stop producing right now, and give these idiots exactly what they're asking for and then let them deal with the consequences. Same with the coal and natural gas producers that are taking so much crap in our state. Their problem is that they're never ever confronted with the consequences of what they ask for. It would be nice to see it happen just once.

I'd love to know what's 'progressive' about every one reverting back to a lifestyle that took place 200 years ago?
97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming

The overwhelming majority of industrialized nations are in consensus

The US is split among party lines with the Democrats agreeing with the Climate Scientists and the Republicans agreeing with the oil companies

"97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming"...,
can not dispute that, as long as they keep getting that free money from us tax payers they will say anything.., cut off their subsidies and i would bet $1,000.00 their tune would change in the blink of an eye.

"Republicans agreeing with the oil companies"
NO ! Republicans and Conservatives agree with COMMON SENSE, this Earth is far too big to be intimidated by the mere presence of a creature called "human"

did you know that if you took every human who ever lived on this Earth and stacked them like cord wood where the Hoover Dam is they would only fill the first half mile past the Dam ? and todays Earth's population stacked like cord wood would NOT equal the size of the Hoover Dam...., FACT !!!

Do a thread on global warming and the dumb fucks come out of the woodwork like ants. That is every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this Earth. So what you are claiming is that there is this huge worldwide conspiracy among the millions of scientists on this planet to delude the rest of us.

You are one silly and stupid individual.

Separate 'science' from government money completely and totally, and then you may have a point. Until then, they're being paid to say what the state wants them to say.
Don't think so. I do believe that the plan was to slow the growth of the hole in the ozone by using a better refrigerant.

Of course, people like you don't believe that there is a hole in the ozone. Right? This is something Obama made up BEFORE he was elected. Right?

Can't see no hole in no ozone from my house. Right? Just another vast left wing conspiracy to take your money.

Or do you think that when there is talk of the "ozone", you think people are talking about the O(bama) zone. Right?
Did anybody else see them there magic moving goalposts? :lol:

Wtf are you talking about? There is a hole in the ozone layer. But feel free to show where someone claimed that the ozone layer would be all better if we would do something about CFC's. Help stop the expansion of the hole? Yes. Eliminate it, don't think so.

Notice how the ozone hole is above the poles. What causes that?

Answer: Cold air.

Also notice how Demcrats are on both sides of this. They want to stop ozone depletion, and decrease any new ozone being released.

They got us coming and going....

Did anybody else see them there magic moving goalposts? :lol:

Wtf are you talking about? There is a hole in the ozone layer. But feel free to show where someone claimed that the ozone layer would be all better if we would do something about CFC's. Help stop the expansion of the hole? Yes. Eliminate it, don't think so.

Notice how the ozone hole is above the poles. What causes that?

Answer: Cold air.

Also notice how Demcrats are on both sides of this. They want to stop ozone depletion, and decrease any new ozone being released.

They got us coming and going....


Holy fuck, you're actually serious, aren't you?
"97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming"...,
can not dispute that, as long as they keep getting that free money from us tax payers they will say anything.., cut off their subsidies and i would bet $1,000.00 their tune would change in the blink of an eye.

"Republicans agreeing with the oil companies"
NO ! Republicans and Conservatives agree with COMMON SENSE, this Earth is far too big to be intimidated by the mere presence of a creature called "human"

did you know that if you took every human who ever lived on this Earth and stacked them like cord wood where the Hoover Dam is they would only fill the first half mile past the Dam ? and todays Earth's population stacked like cord wood would NOT equal the size of the Hoover Dam...., FACT !!!

Do a thread on global warming and the dumb fucks come out of the woodwork like ants. That is every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this Earth. So what you are claiming is that there is this huge worldwide conspiracy among the millions of scientists on this planet to delude the rest of us.

You are one silly and stupid individual.

Separate 'science' from government money completely and totally, and then you may have a point. Until then, they're being paid to say what the state wants them to say.

And what does that state "want them to say"?
Do a thread on global warming and the dumb fucks come out of the woodwork like ants. That is every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this Earth. So what you are claiming is that there is this huge worldwide conspiracy among the millions of scientists on this planet to delude the rest of us.

You are one silly and stupid individual.

Separate 'science' from government money completely and totally, and then you may have a point. Until then, they're being paid to say what the state wants them to say.

And what does that state "want them to say"?

Whatever will give them more power and money of course, the state is all about both of those things.

Just like they regulate the oil industry just enough to make billions themselves. They really have no desire to shut them down, they would be shooting themselves in the foot. They merely promote to the idiotic masses how the oil companies are 'evil' bastards so they can justify their regulations, making themselves billions in the process. If they were truly 'evil' then why isn't the government shutting them down altogether, as they easily could?

It's the same thing with global warming, they don't care about 'slowing it down', all they care about is regulating it so they can make their billions and exert more control over the masses. It's merely a tool for them, a very valuable tool. If they truly cared about slowing it down there would be no such thing as 'carbon credits', there would be mandated regulations to stop CO2 emmissions, period, no money involved. Yet that's not how it is, is it?

Why don't they just shut up and put their money where their mouths are? It's a big game to make money for all those involved, and you're the stupid dups helping them to achieve it without gaining a thing from it. They love people like that.
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Do a thread on global warming and the dumb fucks come out of the woodwork like ants. That is every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this Earth. So what you are claiming is that there is this huge worldwide conspiracy among the millions of scientists on this planet to delude the rest of us.

You are one silly and stupid individual.

Separate 'science' from government money completely and totally, and then you may have a point. Until then, they're being paid to say what the state wants them to say.

And what does that state "want them to say"?

Obviously it wants them to say that we need to spend $76 trillion and give the government totalitarian powers over us to mitigate the effects of the mythical AGW.
Separate 'science' from government money completely and totally, and then you may have a point. Until then, they're being paid to say what the state wants them to say.

And what does that state "want them to say"?

Whatever will give them more power and money of course, the state is all about both of those things.

Just like they regulate the oil industry just enough to make billions themselves. They really have no desire to shut them down, they would be shooting themselves in the foot. They merely promote to the idiotic masses how the oil companies are 'evil' bastards so they can justify their regulations, making themselves billions in the process. If they were truly 'evil' then why isn't the government shutting them down altogether, as they easily could?

It's the same thing with global warming, they don't care about 'slowing it down', all they care about is regulating it so they can make their billions and exert more control over the masses. It's merely a tool for them, a very valuable tool. If they truly cared about slowing it down there would be no such thing as 'carbon credits', there would be mandated regulations to stop CO2 emmissions, period, no money involved. Yet that's not how it is, is it?

Why don't they just shut up and put their money where their mouths are? It's a big game to make money for all those involved, and you're the stupid dups helping them to achieve it without gaining a thing from it. They love people like that.

LOL how do you shut down CO2 emissions completely? Do you even realize how idiotic that statement is? Why does it have to be all or nothing with you simple minded people?

And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world you says AGW is very much real? Carbon credits and democrats corruption there too?
Separate 'science' from government money completely and totally, and then you may have a point. Until then, they're being paid to say what the state wants them to say.

And what does that state "want them to say"?

Obviously it wants them to say that we need to spend $76 trillion and give the government totalitarian powers over us to mitigate the effects of the mythical AGW.

Bzzzz, try again.
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And what does that state "want them to say"?

Whatever will give them more power and money of course, the state is all about both of those things.

Just like they regulate the oil industry just enough to make billions themselves. They really have no desire to shut them down, they would be shooting themselves in the foot. They merely promote to the idiotic masses how the oil companies are 'evil' bastards so they can justify their regulations, making themselves billions in the process. If they were truly 'evil' then why isn't the government shutting them down altogether, as they easily could?

It's the same thing with global warming, they don't care about 'slowing it down', all they care about is regulating it so they can make their billions and exert more control over the masses. It's merely a tool for them, a very valuable tool. If they truly cared about slowing it down there would be no such thing as 'carbon credits', there would be mandated regulations to stop CO2 emmissions, period, no money involved. Yet that's not how it is, is it?

Why don't they just shut up and put their money where their mouths are? It's a big game to make money for all those involved, and you're the stupid dups helping them to achieve it without gaining a thing from it. They love people like that.

LOL how do you shut down CO2 emissions completely? Do you even realize how idiotic that statement is? Why does it have to be all or nothing with you simple minded people?

And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world you says AGW is very much real? Carbon credits and democrats corruption there too?

By taxing it to the point where the common person cannot afford energy, only enough to subsist. How do poor people afford to fill their gas tanks? Yet someone like you will tell them that it's because of evil oil companies that the prices are so high, when in fact the very government that you promote and defend is making billions more off of gas than any oil company. It's all 'for their own good' of course. ;)

Yes, we understand how you buy into the meme that your energy prices have to rise for the good of the world at large, while they sit there and line their pockets with your money and you sit there and applaud them for their selfless efforts to 'save the world' at the same time. :cuckoo:
Whatever will give them more power and money of course, the state is all about both of those things.

Just like they regulate the oil industry just enough to make billions themselves. They really have no desire to shut them down, they would be shooting themselves in the foot. They merely promote to the idiotic masses how the oil companies are 'evil' bastards so they can justify their regulations, making themselves billions in the process. If they were truly 'evil' then why isn't the government shutting them down altogether, as they easily could?

It's the same thing with global warming, they don't care about 'slowing it down', all they care about is regulating it so they can make their billions and exert more control over the masses. It's merely a tool for them, a very valuable tool. If they truly cared about slowing it down there would be no such thing as 'carbon credits', there would be mandated regulations to stop CO2 emmissions, period, no money involved. Yet that's not how it is, is it?

Why don't they just shut up and put their money where their mouths are? It's a big game to make money for all those involved, and you're the stupid dups helping them to achieve it without gaining a thing from it. They love people like that.

LOL how do you shut down CO2 emissions completely? Do you even realize how idiotic that statement is? Why does it have to be all or nothing with you simple minded people?

And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world you says AGW is very much real? Carbon credits and democrats corruption there too?

By taxing it to the point where the common person cannot afford energy, only enough to subsist. How do poor people afford to fill their gas tanks? Yet someone like you will tell them that it's because of evil oil companies that the prices are so high, when in fact the very government that you promote and defend is making billions more off of gas than any oil company. It's all 'for their own good' of course. ;)

Yes, we understand how you buy into the meme that your energy prices have to rise for the good of the world at large, while they sit there and line their pockets with your money and you sit there and applaud them for their selfless efforts to 'save the world' at the same time. :cuckoo:

And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world who says AGW is very much real? Carbon credits and democrats corruption there too?
Yes. Heaven forbid we actually discuss whether the facts are actually facts before we blindly follow you into the same economic policies your party was advocating before global warming existed and which you couldn't sell on the merits.
97% of Climate Scientists agree with man made global warming

The overwhelming majority of industrialized nations are in consensus

The US is split among party lines with the Democrats agreeing with the Climate Scientists and the Republicans agreeing with the oil companies

97% of statistics reported on the internet are lies.

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