Obama Attacks ‘Climate Deniers’ For Wasting Time Debating ‘Fact’

Meanwhile back at the ranch: Global warming isn't a fake issue or cause made up by liberals, it's happening, people are not making this issue up, like gay rights. It's real. And it is going to effect everyone sooner or later.

Yes, the earth is getting warmer, and has been since the apex of the last ice age, and it will continue to get warmer until it decides to start getting colder again. And yes, it will affect everyone sooner or later.

The politics surrounding global warming are as phony as phony can get. The odds are that we will be hit by a city size chunk of rock, before global warming fries anyone.
Meanwhile back at the ranch: Global warming isn't a fake issue or cause made up by liberals, it's happening, people are not making this issue up, like gay rights. It's real. And it is going to effect everyone sooner or later.

However, nothing will convince the deniers to change their minds. In their alternative reality the fact that virtually all the scientists in the world are convinced by the evidence that the problem is real is only more proof that it is all made up. After all, who can trust those pointy heads that spend years learning things like calculus, geology, meteorology, and the other things that they are too lazy to consider learning.

Those of us that live near mountains with glaciers have seen with our own eyes the reccession of those glaciers. Many nations now have satellites that study the earth. Either all the scientists working for the various governments are in on a gigantic conspriracy to fool all of us, or what they are reporting is real. And since many ships have now crossed the Arctic ocean, and even a couple sailboats in 2012 circumnavigated the whole of the Arctic Ice Cap, you have to add the mariners on those ships to the conspirators. And then there are photos from the many, many airplanes flying over the Arctic Ocean. My, my, this conspiracy just gets larger and larger.

No, melting ice is not political. And the laws of physics are not political. But the claims of the "Conservatives" are completely political, and almost never backed up by articles from peer reviewed journals.
Meanwhile back at the ranch: Global warming isn't a fake issue or cause made up by liberals, it's happening, people are not making this issue up, like gay rights. It's real. And it is going to effect everyone sooner or later.

With global warming....what is real is the need to follow the money.

As I'm sure you do with whichever denier "study" you latch on to. Right?
Meanwhile back at the ranch: Global warming isn't a fake issue or cause made up by liberals, it's happening, people are not making this issue up, like gay rights. It's real. And it is going to effect everyone sooner or later.

Yes, the earth is getting warmer, and has been since the apex of the last ice age, and it will continue to get warmer until it decides to start getting colder again. And yes, it will affect everyone sooner or later.

The politics surrounding global warming are as phony as phony can get. The odds are that we will be hit by a city size chunk of rock, before global warming fries anyone.

Tell us. Where did you receive your degree in climatology?
What other 'industrialized' countries, and what are they doing about it besides shuffling money around?

Every single country. Every one. Name a country. Your pick. Not one denies AGW is very much real.

Let me guess, global conspiracy to line Al Gores pockets? Right?

Countries don't have opinions, people do. Many of the governments of those countries figure that they will be on the receiving end of the money train, and they don't care whether manmade climate change is real, or not, as long as they get their share of the rakeoff.

Now, you name a country that is willing to sacrifice the standard of living of its citizens, to curtail manmade climate change?

Scientific organizations publish findings, studies and opinions. Name one that doesn't support AGW. One.

When you can't you'll have proved my point.
And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world who says AGW is very much real? Carbon credits and democrats corruption there too?

What other 'industrialized' countries, and what are they doing about it besides shuffling money around?

Every single country. Every one. Name a country. Your pick. Not one denies AGW is very much real.

Let me guess, global conspiracy to line Al Gores pockets? Right?

Can't answer the question? Name them, name what they're doing about it?
If you ever suspected that the AGW cult doesn't care whether the sky is really falling or not, here's the smoking gun:

Obama Attacks ?Climate Deniers? For Debating ?Fact? | The Daily Caller

President Obama took time in his Friday speech at a California Wal-Mart to bash “climate deniers” for obstructing him by debating the science behind man-made global warming.

“So unfortunately, inside of Washington we’ve still got some climate deniers who shout loud, but they’re wasting everybody’s time on a settled debate,” Obama said, doubling down on remarks made during his State of the Union Address this year by adding that, “Climate change is a fact.”

“Here in California, you’ve seen these effects firsthand,” Obama told the audience at a Mountain View Wal-Mart. “You know what’s happening. And increasingly, more and more Americans do — including, by the way, many Republicans outside of Washington.”

Obama’s speech to announce more executive orders to promote solar energy development and energy efficiency subsidies comes just days after the White House released the third National Climate Assessment (NCA).

The NCA claimed that global warming was already happening and had caused the U.S. to warm about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1895. The report also claimed that temperatures could increase another 4 degrees Fahrenheit and sea levels could rise 4 feet in the coming decades if no action is taken.

“Hundreds of scientists, experts and businesses, not-for-profits, local communities all contributed over the course of four years,” Obama said. “What they found was unequivocally that climate change is not some far-off problem in the future. It’s happening now. It’s causing hardship now.”(continued)​

Somebody voted for the clown.

Fact is, global climate change may be debatable. Been known to happen.

Man-made? I doubt it.
Meanwhile back at the ranch: Global warming isn't a fake issue or cause made up by liberals, it's happening, people are not making this issue up, like gay rights. It's real. And it is going to effect everyone sooner or later.

However, nothing will convince the deniers to change their minds. In their alternative reality the fact that virtually all the scientists in the world are convinced by the evidence that the problem is real is only more proof that it is all made up. After all, who can trust those pointy heads that spend years learning things like calculus, geology, meteorology, and the other things that they are too lazy to consider learning.

Those of us that live near mountains with glaciers have seen with our own eyes the reccession of those glaciers. Many nations now have satellites that study the earth. Either all the scientists working for the various governments are in on a gigantic conspriracy to fool all of us, or what they are reporting is real. And since many ships have now crossed the Arctic ocean, and even a couple sailboats in 2012 circumnavigated the whole of the Arctic Ice Cap, you have to add the mariners on those ships to the conspirators. And then there are photos from the many, many airplanes flying over the Arctic Ocean. My, my, this conspiracy just gets larger and larger.

No, melting ice is not political. And the laws of physics are not political. But the claims of the "Conservatives" are completely political, and almost never backed up by articles from peer reviewed journals.

I can be convinced. Show me a lab experiment where a 100ppm increase in CO2 raises temperature and I'm convinced. But hide the decline, fudge the data, show me tree rings and you lose me.

See how simple that is

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Meanwhile back at the ranch: Global warming isn't a fake issue or cause made up by liberals, it's happening, people are not making this issue up, like gay rights. It's real. And it is going to effect everyone sooner or later.

Yes, but you voted for Obama twice, so you're not exactly bright, now are you?

"Global Warming" is not occurring - which is why your cult altered the name to "climate change." The climate is indeed changing - welcome to planet Earth.

I'll clue you in on something, your voodoo priests don't actually control the volcano, and giving your virgin daughters to him to rape and murder will not appease the volcano god. He's lying to you, because he wants power and wealth.
So, dumb fuck, you are saying that NASA, the European Space agency, the Russians, Chinese, Indians, and Japanese are all lying about what there satellites are reporting? You are saying that there is this huge international conspiracy among scientists and governments of every poltitical persausion to lie about the climate?

Make sure you have plenty of aluminium foil for your little hats.:badgrin:

Yeah the whole world got together and made it all up then swore everyone of them to secrecy. :lol:


No, just a bunch of toadies sucking on the government tit.

All around the worl!!!! :lol:
This is how stupid the modern lefty is... the Earth is what? 4.5 billion years old? And they fuss about a .5 degree shift in temperatures over a 10 year period which is what... .00000000011 per-cent of the Earth's age? This is a trend? And then they tell us how they are the pro-science crowd...

Every single country. Every one. Name a country. Your pick. Not one denies AGW is very much real.

Let me guess, global conspiracy to line Al Gores pockets? Right?

Countries don't have opinions, people do. Many of the governments of those countries figure that they will be on the receiving end of the money train, and they don't care whether manmade climate change is real, or not, as long as they get their share of the rakeoff.

Now, you name a country that is willing to sacrifice the standard of living of its citizens, to curtail manmade climate change?

Scientific organizations publish findings, studies and opinions. Name one that doesn't support AGW. One.

When you can't you'll have proved my point.

The leadership of scientific organizations is composed of political hacks how owe their positions and income to the government. The individual members do research, not the leadership. The later does not do "findings." It only spews politically correct opinions.
What other 'industrialized' countries, and what are they doing about it besides shuffling money around?

Every single country. Every one. Name a country. Your pick. Not one denies AGW is very much real.

Let me guess, global conspiracy to line Al Gores pockets? Right?

Can't answer the question? Name them, name what they're doing about it?

So I take it you're not going to name a single country that has come out and said AGW isn't real?

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