Obama Attacks ‘Climate Deniers’ For Wasting Time Debating ‘Fact’

Countries don't have opinions, people do. Many of the governments of those countries figure that they will be on the receiving end of the money train, and they don't care whether manmade climate change is real, or not, as long as they get their share of the rakeoff.

Now, you name a country that is willing to sacrifice the standard of living of its citizens, to curtail manmade climate change?

Scientific organizations publish findings, studies and opinions. Name one that doesn't support AGW. One.

When you can't you'll have proved my point.

The leadership of scientific organizations is composed of political hacks how owe their positions and income to the government. The individual members do research, not the leadership. The later does not do "findings." It only spews politically correct opinions.

So you cant name one is what you're saying? :badgrin:
If you ever suspected that the AGW cult doesn't care whether the sky is really falling or not, here's the smoking gun:

Obama Attacks ?Climate Deniers? For Debating ?Fact? | The Daily Caller

President Obama took time in his Friday speech at a California Wal-Mart to bash “climate deniers” for obstructing him by debating the science behind man-made global warming.

“So unfortunately, inside of Washington we’ve still got some climate deniers who shout loud, but they’re wasting everybody’s time on a settled debate,” Obama said, doubling down on remarks made during his State of the Union Address this year by adding that, “Climate change is a fact.”

“Here in California, you’ve seen these effects firsthand,” Obama told the audience at a Mountain View Wal-Mart. “You know what’s happening. And increasingly, more and more Americans do — including, by the way, many Republicans outside of Washington.”

Obama’s speech to announce more executive orders to promote solar energy development and energy efficiency subsidies comes just days after the White House released the third National Climate Assessment (NCA).

The NCA claimed that global warming was already happening and had caused the U.S. to warm about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1895. The report also claimed that temperatures could increase another 4 degrees Fahrenheit and sea levels could rise 4 feet in the coming decades if no action is taken.

“Hundreds of scientists, experts and businesses, not-for-profits, local communities all contributed over the course of four years,” Obama said. “What they found was unequivocally that climate change is not some far-off problem in the future. It’s happening now. It’s causing hardship now.”(continued)​

Somebody voted for the clown.

Fact is, global climate change may be debatable. Been known to happen.

Man-made? I doubt it.

Based on what? Your gut feeling or your degree in climatology?
This is how stupid the modern lefty is... the Earth is what? 4.5 billion years old? And they fuss about a .5 degree shift in temperatures over a 10 year period which is what... .00000000011 per-cent of the Earth's age? This is a trend? And then they tell us how they are the pro-science crowd...


Which scientific study did you read that says the temperature shift is not significant?
Countries don't have opinions, people do. Many of the governments of those countries figure that they will be on the receiving end of the money train, and they don't care whether manmade climate change is real, or not, as long as they get their share of the rakeoff.

Now, you name a country that is willing to sacrifice the standard of living of its citizens, to curtail manmade climate change?

Scientific organizations publish findings, studies and opinions. Name one that doesn't support AGW. One.

When you can't you'll have proved my point.

The leadership of scientific organizations is composed of political hacks how owe their positions and income to the government. The individual members do research, not the leadership. The later does not do "findings." It only spews politically correct opinions.

So you can't name one. It's a global conspiracy that EVERY country is in on!

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously.
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What other 'industrialized' countries, and what are they doing about it besides shuffling money around?

Every single country. Every one. Name a country. Your pick. Not one denies AGW is very much real.

Let me guess, global conspiracy to line Al Gores pockets? Right?

Can't answer the question? Name them, name what they're doing about it?

Bump for RD, he apparently missed it.
LOL how do you shut down CO2 emissions completely? Do you even realize how idiotic that statement is? Why does it have to be all or nothing with you simple minded people?

And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world you says AGW is very much real? Carbon credits and democrats corruption there too?

By taxing it to the point where the common person cannot afford energy, only enough to subsist. How do poor people afford to fill their gas tanks? Yet someone like you will tell them that it's because of evil oil companies that the prices are so high, when in fact the very government that you promote and defend is making billions more off of gas than any oil company. It's all 'for their own good' of course. ;)

Yes, we understand how you buy into the meme that your energy prices have to rise for the good of the world at large, while they sit there and line their pockets with your money and you sit there and applaud them for their selfless efforts to 'save the world' at the same time. :cuckoo:

And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world who says AGW is very much real? Carbon credits and democrats corruption there too?

Bump for Newby who apparently likes to ignore questions she obviously is clueless about.
By taxing it to the point where the common person cannot afford energy, only enough to subsist. How do poor people afford to fill their gas tanks? Yet someone like you will tell them that it's because of evil oil companies that the prices are so high, when in fact the very government that you promote and defend is making billions more off of gas than any oil company. It's all 'for their own good' of course. ;)

Yes, we understand how you buy into the meme that your energy prices have to rise for the good of the world at large, while they sit there and line their pockets with your money and you sit there and applaud them for their selfless efforts to 'save the world' at the same time. :cuckoo:

And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world who says AGW is very much real? Carbon credits and democrats corruption there too?

Bump for Newby who apparently likes to ignore questions she obviously is clueless about.

You think carbon credits isn't a world wide scheme? :lol:

What countries are making efforts to stop global warming, and what are those efforts?
Scientific organizations publish findings, studies and opinions. Name one that doesn't support AGW. One.

When you can't you'll have proved my point.

The leadership of scientific organizations is composed of political hacks how owe their positions and income to the government. The individual members do research, not the leadership. The later does not do "findings." It only spews politically correct opinions.

So you can't name one. It's a global conspiracy that EVERY country is in on!

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously.

No one ever said it's a global conspiracy, numb nuts. It's just a bunch of boot-licking toadies feathering their own nests. In fact, the only ones who ever talk about a conspiracy are the AGW cult members who think all the oil companies are conspiring to "deny" AGW.
Most Americans have figured out this climate change BS is just a scam to steal their money, see algore.

The more idiots like Obama go on TV belittling them for not believing his lies, the better for the GOP.
The leadership of scientific organizations is composed of political hacks how owe their positions and income to the government. The individual members do research, not the leadership. The later does not do "findings." It only spews politically correct opinions.

So you can't name one. It's a global conspiracy that EVERY country is in on!

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously.

No one ever said it's a global conspiracy, numb nuts. It's just a bunch of boot-licking toadies feathering their own nests. In fact, the only ones who ever talk about a conspiracy are the AGW cult members who think all the oil companies are conspiring to "deny" AGW.

Except you are and its so stupid you are backing away from it :lol:
Once the climate change idiots were caught with bogus data and models.....they lost all scientific credibility.

Once someone in science is found out to be a liar, they can no longer be trusted to run any experiments.
Once the climate change idiots were caught with bogus data and models.....they lost all scientific credibility.

Once someone in science is found out to be a liar, they can no longer be trusted to run any experiments.

That works in favor of the AGWCult since they never ran any experiments in the first place.
And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world who says AGW is very much real? Carbon credits and democrats corruption there too?

Bump for Newby who apparently likes to ignore questions she obviously is clueless about.

You think carbon credits isn't a world wide scheme? :lol:

What countries are making efforts to stop global warming, and what are those efforts?

Thats what...5 times you've refused to answer the question now. Why is that?

And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world who says AGW is very much real?
Bump for Newby who apparently likes to ignore questions she obviously is clueless about.

You think carbon credits isn't a world wide scheme? :lol:

What countries are making efforts to stop global warming, and what are those efforts?

Thats what...5 times you've refused to answer the question now. Why is that?

And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world who says AGW is very much real?

Opinions are mixed, so your premise falls short.
Most Americans have figured out this climate change BS is just a scam to steal their money, see algore.

The more idiots like Obama go on TV belittling them for not believing his lies, the better for the GOP.

Luckily the rest of the world doesn't share the small minded views that self centered U.S. Conservatives hold. They are the very definition of regressive.
You think carbon credits isn't a world wide scheme? :lol:

What countries are making efforts to stop global warming, and what are those efforts?

Thats what...5 times you've refused to answer the question now. Why is that?

And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world who says AGW is very much real?

Opinions are mixed, so your premise falls short.

Opinions aren't mixed though. Evey single major scientific academy says AGW is real. Name one that doesn't. Then we can discussed your mixed premise.
it's so funny watching left-wing losers get used for useful idiots for global wealth redistribution!!
Thats what...5 times you've refused to answer the question now. Why is that?

And how do you explain every other industrialized country in the world who says AGW is very much real?

Opinions are mixed, so your premise falls short.

Opinions aren't mixed though. Evey single major scientific academy says AGW is real. Name one that doesn't. Then we can discussed your mixed premise.

Let's stick to what you were talking about, okay?????????

Funny what government grants can create, isn't it?

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