Obama Beats ALL GOP Candidates in 10 Swing State Poll (By Liberal Outlet)


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
IA, WI, PA, OH, CO, NV NM, FL, NC & VA all favor Obama over every GOP candidate.

Of course, that's according to that highly biased and Liberal Media outlet: FOX NEWS.

Fox News Poll: Swing-state Landscape Shifting? | Fox News

"Obama tops Paul by 12 points in the poll. Gingrich lags farthest behind Obama, as voters in these key states prefer the president to the former Speaker by 20 points. In the most recent Fox News national poll -- released Friday -- registered voters give Obama a 13-point edge over Gingrich."
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1200 interviews total.

Meh. That's too small a sample for any real substance. But, hey, make the most of it. It's as meaningful as the 612 people in New Jersey as a sample.
1200 interviews total.

Meh. That's too small a sample for any real substance. But, hey, make the most of it. It's as meaningful as the 612 people in New Jersey as a sample.

You realize the average Gallup poll is 1000 right? Same with Rasmussen? Quinniapac too. Pray tell, show me the 50,000 people polls that hae "real substance"!!!

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