Obama/Biden or Romney/Ryan: Who would best protect women's rights?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
The poll numbers are worse for Romney among women. In Pennsylvania, Obama leads him among females by a 59 to 35 percent margin; in Florida, 51 to 44; and in Ohio, 58 to 37.

Poll: Obama leads Romney among women voters in key swing states - Yahoo! News

Most eye-popping are the 20-plus-point leads he holds in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Fifty-eight percent of women choose Obama in Ohio, compared with 37 percent for Romney. In Pennsylvania, the 59-35 margin is even greater. And a 7-point lead in Florida is significant, as well.

Women Prefer Obama Over Romney At Staggering Rates - Business Insider
Obama has a significant lead among women, and I suspect it will grow.
Who would be more likely to tear off a woman's face?

A pet chimpanzee on drugs, or, a pet turtle?

(I hope my point isn't too obscure, lol)
Well, considering liberals in general (and Obama/Biden specifically and to an extreme degree) piss all over rights, shred the US Constitution, and refuse to adhere to the law, it's clearly a guarantee that ALL rights, including those of women (as if they somehow have different rights than the rest of society - fucking idiot liberals :lol:) will be better protected under Romney & Ryan.
Big deal. The majority of women usually vote Democrat.

So what's next, Lakhota? Are you going to start a topic about how Obama is leading among BLACK voters?

Keep reaching, Lakhota. It's always a joy to watch you squirm and squeal.

Your "Deliverance" will come in November.
Well, considering liberals in general (and Obama/Biden specifically and to an extreme degree) piss all over rights, shred the US Constitution, and refuse to adhere to the law, it's clearly a guarantee that ALL rights, including those of women (as if they somehow have different rights than the rest of society - fucking idiot liberals :lol:) will be better protected under Romney & Ryan.

And I bet you have "credible" facts to back that up...?
Big deal. The majority of women usually vote Democrat.

So what's next, Lakhota? Are you going to start a topic about how Obama is leading among BLACK voters?

Keep reaching, Lakhota. It's always a joy to watch you squirm and squeal.

Your "Deliverance" will come in November.

All talk and bullshit with no substance.
Most sane women DO want Obama's protections!

No, you intentionally use the wrong term "protections" to further your radical agenda. The truth behind what you really just said is:

"Some filthy liberal whores want Obama's free handouts because they can whore around without having to pay for their whoring activities themselves". Then, when they get STD's, Obama will pay for that too through Abomonation Care.

It's just the parasite class of people like Lakhota who want Obama's "protections" (ie liberal code word for handouts).
Most sane women DO want Obama's protections!

No, you intentionally use the wrong term "protections" to further your radical agenda. The truth behind what you really just said is:

"Some filthy liberal whores want Obama's free handouts because they can whore around without having to pay for their whoring activities themselves". Then, when they get STD's, Obama will pay for that too through Abomonation Care.

It's just the parasite class of people like Lakhota who want Obama's "protections" (ie liberal code word for handouts).

You're funny. Crazy and radical, but funny. Obama should be paying you!
Most sane woman aren't giving a shit about your alls fearmongering over this fake war on women's rights...only you shallow idiots are.
Most sane woman aren't asking some President to protect them except to defend their country from enemies...but as we see folks we have enemies WITHIN...
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Big deal. The majority of women usually vote Democrat.

So what's next, Lakhota? Are you going to start a topic about how Obama is leading among BLACK voters?

Keep reaching, Lakhota. It's always a joy to watch you squirm and squeal.

Your "Deliverance" will come in November.

You do know how elections work, right,
Well, considering liberals in general (and Obama/Biden specifically and to an extreme degree) piss all over rights, shred the US Constitution, and refuse to adhere to the law, it's clearly a guarantee that ALL rights, including those of women (as if they somehow have different rights than the rest of society - fucking idiot liberals :lol:) will be better protected under Romney & Ryan.

And I bet you have "credible" facts to back that up...?

As a matter of fact, I do. Lets take a look at the typical liberal agenda:

1.) Claim healthcare is a "right" (seen it thousands of times on video) despite not being in the US Constitiution. First example of shredding the US Constitution

2.) Call for the banning of guns, despite guns being an actual right protected by the US Constitution. Second example of shredding the US Constitution.

3.) Forced through Obamacare, which unconstitutionally requires citizens to purchase health insurance. The federal government does not have the power to force citizens to purchase anything. Period. You know it. I know it. Obama knows it. Third example of shredding the US Constitution.

4.) Passed Social Security - an unconstitutional program passed by the liberals in the 1930's. The federal government does not have the constitutional authority to provide safety nets. Fourth example of shredding the US Constitution.

5.) Passed Medicare and Medicaid - two unconstitutional programs passed by the liberals in 1967. The fedeeral government does not have the constitutional authority to provide safety nets. Fifth example of shredding the US Constitution.

I could go on with literally thousands of similar, albeit smaller, unconstitutional actions by the left, but this is getting boring and the facts speak for themselves. You lose, but thanks for playing!
Obama has a significant lead among women, and I suspect it will grow.
Was watching Obama today on C-span (Whitehouse Briefing) where Obama said this, "You can't make things up folks (with his little slick grin going & then going into his comedian apearence role also), trust me I know, because the American people will call you on it" (him with big smile afterwards). Now let this comment sink in a little, and then think about what Obama just said or was saying within this comment in which was made by him. It's as if he has tried making some things up or maybe even many things up in the past while in this job, but they didn't work so well when tried this way, so in essense he was saying that it best that he don't try that anymore, especially while campaigning he best not. That's the way I took it anyways.

He can't help it though, I mean he is a politician, and they can't stop making things up (lying) for votes, even if they forsake the voter in the end or immediately afterwards.
Wow, Rottweiler, Democrats sound terrible! I wonder why Speaker Boehner and SCOTUS haven't done anything about it?

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