obama birth certificate: the political pendulum swings the other way...

EXCLUSIVE Hawaii official who certified White House Certificate of Live Birth and mother of twins who claimed to remember President Obama s birth both tied to US government eugenics think tank Part 2 of 3 1776 Channel

the wheel seems to be spinning a bit faster than usual..

i reccomend the peter boyles interviews w/ dr. corsi and linda jordan and jack cashill

sorry jakey et al

this whitehouse is the original house of cards, even the president is named/will be walker... whoooooo
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EXCLUSIVE Hawaii official who certified White House Certificate of Live Birth and mother of twins who claimed to remember President Obama s birth both tied to US government eugenics think tank Part 2 of 3 1776 Channel

the wheel seems to be spinning a bit faster than usual..

i reccomend the peter boyles interviews w/ dr. corsi and linda jordan and jack cashill

sorry jakey et al

this whitehouse is the original house of cards, even the president is named/will be walker... whoooooo

How ironic @ both individuals being tied to eugenics...talk about coming full circle.

Now, with that said, without taking anything away from you or your diligent research, please be careful not to set your chief focus upon Hawaii versus Kenya; or, whether "Obama" is eligible or ineligible to hold office. Both those issues are mere distractions, cleverly crafted by those in the know to prevent closer examination/attention from where it really needs to be placed.

Taking nothing away from the aforementioned individuals you named above, but as long as people are continuing to discuss Kenya vs.Hawaii, or "Obama's" eligibility or ineligibility this whole matter will continue to hide the obvious, which is right out there in plain sight.

P.S. Be wary of the cleverly orchestrated distractions. He who crafts and controls the debate steers it in the direction he/she wishes for it to go; so, rather than care whether or not Mary & Joseph can produce a birth-certificate from Nazareth or Neptune, set your focus elsewhere and this whole charade will unravel. The hocus-pocus of where "Obama" was born or not is a clever ploy to deter attention away from the obvious. Wish I could elaborate more, but, again, it's none of my business, but time will bear all of this out.
And the conspiracists chatter conspiratorially under their tin foil hats.
Terry Lakin... great interview with him on the peter boyles

obama better not be hiding anything "for our own good"..or "the benefit of our country"

Dr. Lakin is a good man

Peter Boyles on 710 KNUS
■ Ted Cruz of Texas, via Canada: Born in Calgary to American mother. Will birthers say he’s not eligible to run for president? Said President Obama’s desire for nuclear “deal with Iran is going to be the Obamacare of the second term.” Called net neutrality “Obamacare for the Internet.” Against raising minimum wage because it would harm “young people, African-Americans, Hispanics, and single women.” Lemme see your birth certificate, eh?

Why Canadian-born Ted Cruz is a natural-born citizen - LA Times

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