Obama bus tour in full swing * and we're paying for it *

takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

<< complains when he wastes taxpayers money
<< complains when he uses taxpayer money to campaign.
<< complains when he builds a bus when he can take a plain that he already has.
<< complains when the country is bankrupt and he thinks of another way to throw taxpayer money down the drain.

BAM!! :clap2::clap2::clap2: Nuff said. :lol:
takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

If he wants to take a bus he can take a bus. The problem here is he is turning a campaign event into an official trip in order not to have to pay the bill.

Do you have any idea why POTUS always travels in Air Force One? It gives him access to the best com equipment the DOD can get its grubby paws on. In order for him to take a bus tour, and still be able to handle an emergency, someone is going to have to design a bus that can handle all the communications duties of the single most secure mobile communications system on the planet. That is not going to be free, nor is it all going to fit in one bus. There will also have to be three complete shifts of people to monitor that equipment traveling with him, which will take more buses. It would actually be less expensive to fly the plane overhead and give him an uplink to it than to build a completely new system that will only be used once, and is intended only to prove that Obama is something everyone knows he isn't.

The bus was purchased by the Secret Service for exactly this purpose. Before this they had to retrofit rented out buses. So it's actually cheaper now, then it was before.
takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

<< complains when he wastes taxpayers money
<< complains when he uses taxpayer money to campaign.
<< complains when he builds a bus when he can take a plain that he already has.
<< complains when the country is bankrupt and he thinks of another way to throw taxpayer money down the drain.

Well put. It's quite clear that he has lost complete touch with the people.
You can count on the fact that when the going gets tough Barry Hussein will get going anywhere but Washington D.C. The Stock Market is heading down the tubes and Barry is taking a rock star bus tour of the Mid-West. Leadership or insanity?
takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

If he wants to take a bus he can take a bus. The problem here is he is turning a campaign event into an official trip in order not to have to pay the bill.

Do you have any idea why POTUS always travels in Air Force One? It gives him access to the best com equipment the DOD can get its grubby paws on. In order for him to take a bus tour, and still be able to handle an emergency, someone is going to have to design a bus that can handle all the communications duties of the single most secure mobile communications system on the planet. That is not going to be free, nor is it all going to fit in one bus. There will also have to be three complete shifts of people to monitor that equipment traveling with him, which will take more buses. It would actually be less expensive to fly the plane overhead and give him an uplink to it than to build a completely new system that will only be used once, and is intended only to prove that Obama is something everyone knows he isn't.

The bus was purchased by the Secret Service for exactly this purpose. Before this they had to retrofit rented out buses. So it's actually cheaper now, then it was before.


are you this stupid in real life?
takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

If he wants to take a bus he can take a bus. The problem here is he is turning a campaign event into an official trip in order not to have to pay the bill.

Do you have any idea why POTUS always travels in Air Force One? It gives him access to the best com equipment the DOD can get its grubby paws on. In order for him to take a bus tour, and still be able to handle an emergency, someone is going to have to design a bus that can handle all the communications duties of the single most secure mobile communications system on the planet. That is not going to be free, nor is it all going to fit in one bus. There will also have to be three complete shifts of people to monitor that equipment traveling with him, which will take more buses. It would actually be less expensive to fly the plane overhead and give him an uplink to it than to build a completely new system that will only be used once, and is intended only to prove that Obama is something everyone knows he isn't.

The bus was purchased by the Secret Service for exactly this purpose. Before this they had to retrofit rented out buses. So it's actually cheaper now, then it was before.

You missed the entire point I was trying to make.

The Secret Service never purchased a bus before because no president has traveled by bus in years. The Secret Service retrofitted buses to protect candidates, which requires a lot less technology than protecting a president.

My point wasn't even about the Army One bus, it was about the fact that there has to be an entire mobile communication system that follows the president around when he travels, that is why they use the plane. That center will also have to designed and purchased, and it will only be used once, because no other president will ever be arrogant enough to think that anyone will believe he is going on a bus tour because he is just like them.
If he wants to take a bus he can take a bus. The problem here is he is turning a campaign event into an official trip in order not to have to pay the bill.

Do you have any idea why POTUS always travels in Air Force One? It gives him access to the best com equipment the DOD can get its grubby paws on. In order for him to take a bus tour, and still be able to handle an emergency, someone is going to have to design a bus that can handle all the communications duties of the single most secure mobile communications system on the planet. That is not going to be free, nor is it all going to fit in one bus. There will also have to be three complete shifts of people to monitor that equipment traveling with him, which will take more buses. It would actually be less expensive to fly the plane overhead and give him an uplink to it than to build a completely new system that will only be used once, and is intended only to prove that Obama is something everyone knows he isn't.

The bus was purchased by the Secret Service for exactly this purpose. Before this they had to retrofit rented out buses. So it's actually cheaper now, then it was before.


are you this stupid in real life?

No one is that stupid in real life.
takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

<< complains when he wastes taxpayers money
<< complains when he uses taxpayer money to campaign.
<< complains when he builds a bus when he can take a plain that he already has.
<< complains when the country is bankrupt and he thinks of another way to throw taxpayer money down the drain.

They're Secret Service buses. One will be furnished to the Republican nominee as well. He didn't have it built specifically for his campaign. They're already part of the Secret Service fleet. Bitch at the Secret Service if you don't like. Good luck with that, though.
takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

<< complains when he wastes taxpayers money
<< complains when he uses taxpayer money to campaign.
<< complains when he builds a bus when he can take a plain that he already has.
<< complains when the country is bankrupt and he thinks of another way to throw taxpayer money down the drain.

They're Secret Service buses. One will be furnished to the Republican nominee as well. He didn't have it built specifically for his campaign. They're already part of the Secret Service fleet. Bitch at the Secret Service if you don't like. Good luck with that, though.
Just curious... where did you get this information about the buses from the Secret Service? Do you have a link to confirm that they will be giving a bus to the GOP nominee as well?
takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

<< complains when he wastes taxpayers money
<< complains when he uses taxpayer money to campaign.
<< complains when he builds a bus when he can take a plain that he already has.
<< complains when the country is bankrupt and he thinks of another way to throw taxpayer money down the drain.

They're Secret Service buses. One will be furnished to the Republican nominee as well. He didn't have it built specifically for his campaign. They're already part of the Secret Service fleet. Bitch at the Secret Service if you don't like. Good luck with that, though.

Ive seen what it takes to protect/pamper him up close and personal.

Its going to take more then one bus...it will take more then a dozen buses.

The problem i have with this little bus tore is that its a champagne stunt that we the people will have to foot the bill for.
If he wants to take a bus he can take a bus. The problem here is he is turning a campaign event into an official trip in order not to have to pay the bill.

Do you have any idea why POTUS always travels in Air Force One? It gives him access to the best com equipment the DOD can get its grubby paws on. In order for him to take a bus tour, and still be able to handle an emergency, someone is going to have to design a bus that can handle all the communications duties of the single most secure mobile communications system on the planet. That is not going to be free, nor is it all going to fit in one bus. There will also have to be three complete shifts of people to monitor that equipment traveling with him, which will take more buses. It would actually be less expensive to fly the plane overhead and give him an uplink to it than to build a completely new system that will only be used once, and is intended only to prove that Obama is something everyone knows he isn't.

The bus was purchased by the Secret Service for exactly this purpose. Before this they had to retrofit rented out buses. So it's actually cheaper now, then it was before.

You missed the entire point I was trying to make.

The Secret Service never purchased a bus before because no president has traveled by bus in years. The Secret Service retrofitted buses to protect candidates, which requires a lot less technology than protecting a president.

My point wasn't even about the Army One bus, it was about the fact that there has to be an entire mobile communication system that follows the president around when he travels, that is why they use the plane. That center will also have to designed and purchased, and it will only be used once, because no other president will ever be arrogant enough to think that anyone will believe he is going on a bus tour because he is just like them.

Wrong. It's a fleet of buses. They weren't purchased exclusively for Obama. They are to be used by other elected officials as well, including the Republican nominee for President. As far as the communications capabilities, that's information that the Secret Service refuses to comment on. I don't know where you're getting your information. But it's obviously incorrect. Either that or you're just making shit up.
Last edited:
It's a bitch to post a link on my iPhone, but just google secret service buys buses. I found a link from abc that says the very same thing he said. One will be provided for the republican candidate as well.

<< complains when he wastes taxpayers money
<< complains when he uses taxpayer money to campaign.
<< complains when he builds a bus when he can take a plain that he already has.
<< complains when the country is bankrupt and he thinks of another way to throw taxpayer money down the drain.

They're Secret Service buses. One will be furnished to the Republican nominee as well. He didn't have it built specifically for his campaign. They're already part of the Secret Service fleet. Bitch at the Secret Service if you don't like. Good luck with that, though.
Just curious... where did you get this information about the buses from the Secret Service? Do you have a link to confirm that they will be giving a bus to the GOP nominee as well?
They also will not be plastered with campaign stuff the link said due to the fact they are owned by the gov't. It also pretty much sounds like it was the secret services decision.

<< complains when he wastes taxpayers money
<< complains when he uses taxpayer money to campaign.
<< complains when he builds a bus when he can take a plain that he already has.
<< complains when the country is bankrupt and he thinks of another way to throw taxpayer money down the drain.

They're Secret Service buses. One will be furnished to the Republican nominee as well. He didn't have it built specifically for his campaign. They're already part of the Secret Service fleet. Bitch at the Secret Service if you don't like. Good luck with that, though.
Just curious... where did you get this information about the buses from the Secret Service? Do you have a link to confirm that they will be giving a bus to the GOP nominee as well?

Google "Secret Service bus" and you'll find several sources. Take your pick.

secret serivice bus - Google Search
I'm sure this has already been covered, but...

This not a campaign trip.

Though I'm not sure who makes that determination. I'm certain that a very strong argument could (and probably will be) made to the contrary. I have mixed feelings about the trip myself. On the one hand, a president should be able to get out among the people he represents, take the pulse of the nation first hand, so to speak. On the other hand, when does campaigning begin? It seems to me that now would be about the right time. I say that only because of the current state of the nation. If things were going better I would anticipate a later start for a sitting president...

Just my opinion, I don't know. Overall, this trip and the expense doesn't bother me. Might as well complain about his taking a vacation or playing golf...
He's off on another vacation?

How timely.

Everything earned on the NYSE for 2011 has been wiped today, and asswipe flies a corporate jet to Martha's Vineyard.

What an elitist little fuck.

He's asking us to sacrfice - and this is what we get?

Yeah sparky, candidates campaign.

They don't campaign on the money from unwilling contributors. Look at the FEC regulations - that would be Federal Law.

Now, tell us again how much you know about the USA, eh, skippy?

.... Oh and BTW, all of Congress is on vacation. Most of them left while he was signing their hostage bill into law. He stuck around hoping they'd resolve the FAA stalemate and put people to work. That's right they had the audacity to fly on planes, after putting airline folks out of work. Don't see you whining about that.
No airline folks are out of work. The FAA is not the airlines. Tell us some more how well versed you are in the USA, eh, sparky?

Some FAA construction workers are out of work. None of the essential personnel are off the job. And, if the Dems had not changed the act - one that has been working for years - it would have been voted through easily.

C'mon, tell us again how much you know about the USA. It's cute when you do.

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