Obama Called A 'Imposter' Serving In The White House Today (White House Livid)

I don't understand why anyone would take either Rush or ArmyRetard seriously at this point.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you are calling his comment laughable.

Please understand the difference....Stewart = comedian Limbaugh = talk show host

that's what i meant by "they are equally as funny". i can't watch him because he stares at the camera too much, i don't have time to watch him watch me to se if i get what he thinks i think is supposed to be funny, which it usually isn't.
you guys don't know what "dittohead" means do you ?
i like the usarmyretired posts, because it brings out the best/worst in namecalling from people like the j.d. salinger guy, which is opposite of "libeal philosophy" thus, delightfully ironic to uneducated po foak like me.
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Great, it should only take you a few seconds to give us one example, take something from today's show, prove your right, and I will cancel my 24/7 subscription.
October 5, 2007
CALLER: Have you ever taken anybody out of context before, any liberals?

RUSH: Not on purpose, never, ever, do I do things like that.

RUSH: But I don't purposely take people out of context, no, don't do any of that.

August 7, 2009
PELOSI:* I think they are Astroturf -- you be the judge -- of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care. *

RUSH: Folks, yesterday on this program I had a pointed and very factual reaction to Nancy Pelosi accusing those of you showing up at tea parties of wearing swastikas.* Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House said that you are Nazis.

June 13, 2008
RUSH: Don't put those words in my mouth.

Swastikas are not the symbol of Nazis?

Yes they are. But that still doesn't mean that the speaker called them Nazis. Rush was clearly lying to paint a false impression that the Speaker called them Nazis. She clearly didn't. She accused them of carring signs or wearing them, if I recall correctly the astroturfers were calling President Obama a Nazi and/or comparing him to Hitler.
Limbaugh wasn't referring to Obama's country of origin... he used the term "impostor" to imply that Obama is not really presidential material.

Come on guys.... get a sense of humor.
I don't understand why anyone would take either Rush or ArmyRetard seriously at this point.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you are calling his comment laughable.

Please understand the difference....Stewart = comedian Limbaugh = talk show host

that's what i meant by "they are equally as funny". i can't watch him because he stares at the camera too much, i don't have time to watch him watch me to se if i get what he thinks i think is supposed to be funny, which it usually isn't.
you guys don't know what "dittohead" means do you ?
i like the usarmyretired posts, because it brings out the best/worst in namecalling from people like the j.d. salinger guy, which is opposite of "libeal philosophy" thus, delightfully ironic to uneducated po foak like me.

Limbaugh is vastly more intelligent and insightful than Stewart. Stewart is kinda the "Carrot Top" of political commentary. I guess it appeals to some.
I don't mean to defend Rush but I don't think even he's insane enough to call himself a freaking "birther".
Obama, birth cert or not, obama is not an American, raised overseas, in a Moslem country, by a woman who was extremely fucked up in the head. Imagine, deserting her child,.
October 5, 2007
CALLER: Have you ever taken anybody out of context before, any liberals?

RUSH: Not on purpose, never, ever, do I do things like that.

RUSH: But I don't purposely take people out of context, no, don't do any of that.

August 7, 2009
PELOSI:* I think they are Astroturf -- you be the judge -- of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care. *

RUSH: Folks, yesterday on this program I had a pointed and very factual reaction to Nancy Pelosi accusing those of you showing up at tea parties of wearing swastikas.* Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House said that you are Nazis.

June 13, 2008
RUSH: Don't put those words in my mouth.

Swastikas are not the symbol of Nazis?

Yes they are. But that still doesn't mean that the speaker called them Nazis. Rush was clearly lying to paint a false impression that the Speaker called them Nazis. She clearly didn't. She accused them of carring signs or wearing them, if I recall correctly the astroturfers were calling President Obama a Nazi and/or comparing him to Hitler.

Your defending Pelosi? It is the exact same thing, anyway you cut and dice what she said. I see what the Liberals state on these boards, very vile, disgusting insults, the leader of these posters, Pelosi, Called Citizens Nazis

I have not the time to look up the cut and paste quote, but it does not matter, Nancy Pelosi called Conservatives Nazis.

I thank Editec for pointing this out.
I don't understand why anyone would take either Rush or ArmyRetard seriously at this point.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you are calling his comment laughable.

Please understand the difference....Stewart = comedian Limbaugh = talk show host

that's what i meant by "they are equally as funny". i can't watch him because he stares at the camera too much, i don't have time to watch him watch me to se if i get what he thinks i think is supposed to be funny, which it usually isn't.
you guys don't know what "dittohead" means do you ?
i like the usarmyretired posts, because it brings out the best/worst in namecalling from people like the j.d. salinger guy, which is opposite of "libeal philosophy" thus, delightfully ironic to uneducated po foak like me.

Don't know what "dittohead" means?

Well......let's see..........

   /ˈdɪtoʊ/ Show Spelled [dit-oh] Show IPA noun, plural -tos, adverb, verb, -toed, -to·ing.
1. the aforesaid; the above; the same (used in accounts, lists, etc., to avoid repetition). Abbreviation: do. Symbol: ″. Compare ditto mark.
2. another of the same.
3. Informal . a duplicate; copy.
4. as already stated; likewise.
–verb (used with object)
5. to make a copy of, using a Ditto machine.
6. to duplicate or repeat the action or statement of (another person).

Ditto | Define Ditto at Dictionary.com

   /hɛd/ Show Spelled[hed] Show IPA
1. the upper part of the body in humans, joined to the trunk by the neck, containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
2. the corresponding part of the body in other animals.
3. the head considered as the center of the intellect, as of thought, memory, understanding, or emotional control; mind; brain: She has a good head for mathematics. Keep a cool head in an emergency.

Head | Define Head at Dictionary.com

So.........based on the definitions provided, I would say that a dittohead is someone who duplicates the thoughts or actions of another person by allowing the leader (in this case Limp Idiot) to take control of their center of intellect and memory.

In other words, dittoheads are brainwashed zombies.
Somewhere, in a white house, someone is pissed. Of course, it may be on a parallel universe. Who knows... and, honestly, who the hell cares? It's not like the OP has a reputation for accurate and factual posting.

This is true.

David Axelrod may have stubbed his toe.

I'm still struggling to work out how a building can be 'livid'!

Yo.........Chlamydia Swirl.........I thought that a supposed published author with a supposed IQ of 159 would understand that it's not referring to the building as much as it's referring to the group of people that occupy that building.

Thought smart authors understood that sometimes people and groups of people are referred to by their title, which in this case, is where they are at and what they run.

Try again you retarded bitch.
Swastikas are not the symbol of Nazis?

Yes they are. But that still doesn't mean that the speaker called them Nazis. Rush was clearly lying to paint a false impression that the Speaker called them Nazis. She clearly didn't. She accused them of carring signs or wearing them, if I recall correctly the astroturfers were calling President Obama a Nazi and/or comparing him to Hitler.

Your defending Pelosi? It is the exact same thing, anyway you cut and dice what she said. I see what the Liberals state on these boards, very vile, disgusting insults, the leader of these posters, Pelosi, Called Citizens Nazis

I have not the time to look up the cut and paste quote, but it does not matter, Nancy Pelosi called Conservatives Nazis.

I thank Editec for pointing this out.

No matter how you slice it, pointing out that the folks disrupting the Townhall meeting were carrying signs and wearing apparel with Swastikas on them is not calling them Nazis. It was in fact those demonstrator who were calling the President a Nazi, and Hitler, Pelosi was calling them out for doing so. Rush, as usual, lied.
Great show today. Happy Thanksgiving Rush!!! WTF!!! People here seem to be treating you like you accused Doctors of cutting off feet and hands and tonsils for sheer greed. Whats with that??? They confusing their frustrations with Obama and you??? The Evils of Private Property rantings of a deranged lunatic and you??? Imagine that. :lol:

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Have to listen? Hahahaha. Everytime I listen to the hypocrite I catch the his lie and deceit right off the bat. Some folk simply want to beleive his lies so badly they ignore how he lies to them. The trick is to change a word or two of what someone in the oposition camp says, and then exprapolate a whole specious argument pivoting on the changed word(s). Or he takes a quote and then tells you what is meant

Rush rightfully wears the hypocrite label for his call to continue punishing (illegal) recreational drug users while indulging in (illegal) recreational drug use himself.

Great, it should only take you a few seconds to give us one example, take something from today's show, prove your right, and I will cancel my 24/7 subscription.
October 5, 2007
CALLER: Have you ever taken anybody out of context before, any liberals?

RUSH: Not on purpose, never, ever, do I do things like that.

RUSH: But I don't purposely take people out of context, no, don't do any of that.

August 7, 2009
PELOSI:* I think they are Astroturf -- you be the judge -- of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care. *

RUSH: Folks, yesterday on this program I had a pointed and very factual reaction to Nancy Pelosi accusing those of you showing up at tea parties of wearing swastikas.* Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House said that you are Nazis.

June 13, 2008
RUSH: Don't put those words in my mouth.

Swastikas are not the symbol of Nazis?

Yes they are. But that still doesn't mean that the speaker called them Nazis. Rush was clearly lying to paint a false impression that the Speaker called them Nazis. She clearly didn't. She accused them of carring signs or wearing them, if I recall correctly the astroturfers were calling President Obama a Nazi and/or comparing him to Hitler.

Your defending Pelosi? It is the exact same thing, anyway you cut and dice what she said. I see what the Liberals state on these boards, very vile, disgusting insults, the leader of these posters, Pelosi, Called Citizens Nazis

I have not the time to look up the cut and paste quote, but it does not matter, Nancy Pelosi called Conservatives Nazis.

I thank Editec for pointing this out.
You don't have the time because no such quote exists!!!!

Your MessiahRushie made it up by changing her words.

Her quote has been posted in this thread exactly as she said it and exactly as LimpTard changed it. It was the hateful Teabaggers who were doing the "Nazi" name calling. Pelosi only pointed out their behavior. The Baggers were CARRYING signs with swastikas calling supporters of health care reform "Nazis." Stuttering Limptard changed her word "carrying" to "wearing" and LimpTard said that wearing means she is calling the Teabaggers Nazis. There is no direct quote of Pelosi calling the Baggers "Nazis."
Great show today. Happy Thanksgiving Rush!!! WTF!!! People here seem to be treating you like you accused Doctors of cutting off feet and hands and tonsils for sheer greed. Whats with that??? They confusing their frustrations with Obama and you??? The Evils of Private Property rantings of a deranged lunatic and you??? Imagine that. :lol:

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Yeah Stuttering LimpTard was at his most "BRILLIANT." :cuckoo:
He rationalized the American Indians were mass murders because they introduced the pilgrims to tobacco so therefore all deaths from cigarettes in the whole world are their responsibility. That Moronic "logic" would make America responsible for every airplane related death and injury, both civilian and war, including 9/11.
BRILLIANT! :cuckoo:

Rush Limbaugh is a Birther!

Who'd a thunk it?

Limbaugh just went full retard.

More importantly, does he have the common courtesy of giving ArmyRetard a reach-around?

Nope...........USA Retard isn't situated to receive reach arounds.

The top of USA Retards head is where Limp Idiot rests his scotch. What's more is I heard that if you twist USA Retards ear, his teeth fold back!
I don't understand why anyone would take either Rush or ArmyRetard seriously at this point.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you are calling his comment laughable.

Please understand the difference....Stewart = comedian Limbaugh = talk show host

that's what i meant by "they are equally as funny". i can't watch him because he stares at the camera too much, i don't have time to watch him watch me to se if i get what he thinks i think is supposed to be funny, which it usually isn't.
you guys don't know what "dittohead" means do you ?
i like the usarmyretired posts, because it brings out the best/worst in namecalling from people like the j.d. salinger guy, which is opposite of "libeal philosophy" thus, delightfully ironic to uneducated po foak like me.

Limbaugh is vastly more intelligent and insightful than Stewart. Stewart is kinda the "Carrot Top" of political commentary. I guess it appeals to some.

Hes intelligent enough to get people like you to pay his way. Thats about as far as it goes.

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