Obama Cannot Say "When I Took Office In 2009" In Campaign Speeches. Before & After.

Mar 16, 2012

Wouldn't you think that a sitting President would be boasting about how much better off we are three years later? Like when Reagan could tell America how much better off they were in comparison to 1980?
And remember how Obama used every declining economic number under the Bush Administration as his fuel to the fire? Why isn't he bringing it up in his re-election rallies? Why wont Obama speak of high gas&food prices, or the 16 Trillion dollar debt? the massive deficit?the real 15% unemployment?
All he can talk about is what he is assuming Romney will do? But how? Obama is too busy campaigning and taking vacations to read Mitt's economic plan!
But we ARE better off. Why shouldn't he mention it? If Romney had been president, we wouldn't have a banking system or auto industry, apparently. How is that "job creation"?!?! :eusa_eh:
I think that Obama is in fear of what will happen after Romney wins. we all know the stock market will rise and americans will go shopping again, and we will see those help wanted signs go up again,,,and all of this will make obama look like a fool.

Wouldn't you think that a sitting President would be boasting about how much better off we are three years later? Like when Reagan could tell America how much better off they were in comparison to 1980?
And remember how Obama used every declining economic number under the Bush Administration as his fuel to the fire? Why isn't he bringing it up in his re-election rallies? Why wont Obama speak of high gas&food prices, or the 16 Trillion dollar debt? the massive deficit?the real 15% unemployment?
All he can talk about is what he is assuming Romney will do? But how? Obama is too busy campaigning and taking vacations to read Mitt's economic plan!

No one has forgotten 2008 and how we were at the edge of the abyss. No one has forgotten how much value their house has lost.

And your memory deceives you. Crop prices are not higher. Oil is not higher. Oil peaked in July 2008 and it has never gone that high since. Not even close.

We were losing about 600,000 jobs a month when Obama was sworn in. No one has forgotten that, either.

I do believe the people at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder must be feeling pretty damned disapppointed that things have not turned around for them yet. They see the rich have had their wealth restored, but nothing has happened for them. Plus, Obama did not turn out to be the great socialist Messiah that Rush Limbaugh promised all of us he would be. So that's gotta hurt. Many of those people will stay home on Election Day.

To win the election, we must speak the truth. Not make shit up like higher food and oil prices. If you have to make shit up, then your philosophy is not worth the hot air it is printed on. If you have to make shit up, then not even you believes in the strength of your philosophy.
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Reagan had a few horrible years, spent like a Keynesian, raised taxes 11 times, had the S&L bailout, Iran-Contra scandal, and don't forget 'It's the economy Stupid!' Why he is a hero to you wingnuts is beyond comprehension, but given the other republicans in the last hundred years I guess that is the best you guys can hope for. http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/186726-republican-ideology-through-history-7.html#post4251322

History didn't start with Obama so he can say what he likes, this is still a free nation. Before posting additional nonsense make sure you agree with the requirements for whining about Obama noted here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...ning-and-otherwise-engaging-in-criticism.html

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