Obama care to fine non profit hospitals.

If obama can put non profit hospitals out of business there will be fewer hospitals. The need for single payer all government hospitals will be that much greater.

There is no problem for which government is not the answer.
If obama can put non profit hospitals out of business there will be fewer hospitals. The need for single payer all government hospitals will be that much greater.

There is no problem for which government is not the answer.

Right now, all care at St. Jude is paid for by donations. When children with catastrophic illnesses are getting free care from donations, why does Obama want to require them to have a plan that requires the government to pay for it? It seems that the people who voluntarily donate to St. Jude, of whom I am one, will now be required to pay. So, I guess St. Jude can stop fund raising activities. And if Obamacare doesn't pay enough, how long before their donors start saying, 'I gave at the office?'
It's helpful to have some background on for-profits and non-profits, a helpful source is here:

Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us - TIME

Keep in mind the efforts to cut government spending is a priority, one wonders why the author of the OP opposes efforts to control spending and seek out fraud.

Of course.

The OP is a corporatist.

What ever rich folks say is the "gospel" truth.

Another class warfare swing and miss...... :thup:
Right now, all care at St. Jude is paid for by donations. When children with catastrophic illnesses are getting free care from donations, why does Obama want to require them to have a plan that requires the government to pay for it? It seems that the people who voluntarily donate to St. Jude, of whom I am one, will now be required to pay. So, I guess St. Jude can stop fund raising activities. And if Obamacare doesn't pay enough, how long before their donors start saying, 'I gave at the office?'

The ACA does not create a government plan to pay for health care. It requires everyone to purchase health care insurance from private insurance companies. Low income people may receive subsidies to buy insurance but the insurance company, not the government, pays for their care.

The website quoted in the OP is a right wing privately owned conservative website and is not, as such, a reliable source.
Charitable hospitals that treat uninsured Americans will be subjected to new levels of scrutiny of their nonprofit status and could face sizable new fines under Obamacare.

A new provision in Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, which takes effect under Obamacare, sets new standards of review and installs new financial penalties for tax-exempt charitable hospitals, which devote a minimum amount of their expenses to treat uninsured poor people. Approximately 60 percent of American hospitals are currently nonprofit.

It’s ironic isn’t it? The left’s chief complaint about the American healthcare system is that it’s “for profit,” but Obamacare will end up forcing non-profit hospitals to either go under or become for-profit institutions themselves.

Poor Richard's News - Obamacare levies fines on non-profit hospitals that offer free healthcare to the poor

So I wonder where St. Jude, which is run entirely with donations, is going to fall out on this. Will charities be put out of their role helping the less fortunate?

No One ever said that Totalitarianism was cheap.
Right now, all care at St. Jude is paid for by donations. When children with catastrophic illnesses are getting free care from donations, why does Obama want to require them to have a plan that requires the government to pay for it? It seems that the people who voluntarily donate to St. Jude, of whom I am one, will now be required to pay. So, I guess St. Jude can stop fund raising activities. And if Obamacare doesn't pay enough, how long before their donors start saying, 'I gave at the office?'

The ACA does not create a government plan to pay for health care. It requires everyone to purchase health care insurance from private insurance companies. Low income people may receive subsidies to buy insurance but the insurance company, not the government, pays for their care.

The website quoted in the OP is a right wing privately owned conservative website and is not, as such, a reliable source.

OK, think about this. I have been through this already because I became an NP in Tennessee when they got Tenncare which was organized EXACTLY the same way as Obamacare. Most of the catastrophically sick people got dumped into the same exchange, which went broke in a matter of months. What do you think happened to those patients then? I mean, think. Even someone who is slower than molasses in January can figure that one out.

AND there was another exchange that absconded with all the premiums and did not pay any claims. What do you think happened with those patients? Even someone who is as slow as mud should get this one figured out.

You are stupid and I'm going to neg the shit out of your post as soon as my rep opens back up!
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TennCare was nothing like the programs developed under the ACA. TennCare was a "managed care program". There was no mandate or requirement that everyone enroll so of course only those with pre-existing conditions signed up.

Try getting some HONEST information on the ACA and stop believing every right wing scare story posted on the Internet.
TennCare was nothing like the programs developed under the ACA. TennCare was a "managed care program". There was no mandate or requirement that everyone enroll so of course only those with pre-existing conditions signed up.

Try getting some HONEST information on the ACA and stop believing every right wing scare story posted on the Internet.

And you think the ACA will not be 'managed care' and will have no limits. You think there will be no fraud, and no mismanagement. Even though there is plenty of that in the give aways we already have. You are indeed more stupid than I originally thought. Who leads you to your computer?
TennCare was nothing like the programs developed under the ACA. TennCare was a "managed care program". There was no mandate or requirement that everyone enroll so of course only those with pre-existing conditions signed up.

Try getting some HONEST information on the ACA and stop believing every right wing scare story posted on the Internet.

And you think the ACA will not be 'managed care' and will have no limits. You think there will be no fraud, and no mismanagement. Even though there is plenty of that in the give aways we already have. You are indeed more stupid than I originally thought. Who leads you to your computer?

The ACA is a fraud. It makes no guarantee that everyone will receive health care. What it does is mandate everyone pays health insurance premiums. While the ACA defines minimum coverage of selected services, it in no way guarantees delivery of services. And the ACA is specifically designed to further this regime's socialist agenda, taking from those who earn and providing for those who don't.
Rumors and scaremongering. Not one single fact amongst any of these posts. Just right wing Chicken Littles screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling". No wonder Fox and the Tea Party can suck you in so easily. You'll believe any lie you see or hear. You don't fact check or actually read the Act.
Rumors and scaremongering. Not one single fact amongst any of these posts. Just right wing Chicken Littles screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling". No wonder Fox and the Tea Party can suck you in so easily. You'll believe any lie you see or hear. You don't fact check or actually read the Act.

Would have been nice if the morons who voted to pass it had done us the courtesy of reading it first, don't you think? If you had read it, as you suggest, you might have noticed there's some pretty onerous bullshit tucked away in lots of little clauses and paragraphs. Bottom line, the ACA was never about health care. But I see you are susceptible to advertising. My most sincere wish is that all the sheeple would wake up and learn to think for themselves. We might then have a chance of regaining our once great nation.
I'm a firm believer in single payer but that would never have have passed on the US.

Yes the "sheeple" who vote for TP candidates do need to think for themselves, but they continue to tune out anything that encourages them to think for themselves and swallow lies promulgated by Fox and Limbaugh, and continue to blame Obama for 30+ years of rightwing economic policies which have left the middle class struggling, and the working poor in dire straights.

You can't cut taxes and spend spend spend and expect to balance the budget. You can't let wages stagnate for the majority of the working class and expect them not to be able to support growth in the economy.

That's just mathematics and logic, all of which are in very short supply in the Republican Party.
I'm a firm believer in single payer but that would never have have passed on the US.

Yes the "sheeple" who vote for TP candidates do need to think for themselves, but they continue to tune out anything that encourages them to think for themselves and swallow lies promulgated by Fox and Limbaugh, and continue to blame Obama for 30+ years of rightwing economic policies which have left the middle class struggling, and the working poor in dire straights.

You can't cut taxes and spend spend spend and expect to balance the budget. You can't let wages stagnate for the majority of the working class and expect them not to be able to support growth in the economy.

That's just mathematics and logic, all of which are in very short supply in the Republican Party.

You prove your ignorance vis-à-vis the T.E.A. Party. Obviously, you swallow the lies promulgated by your left wing media outlets without stopping to think for yourself. I don't know too many T.E.A. Party supporters who blame Obama solely for where we are as a nation, financially, socially, or otherwise. What we have seen in the past five years is a significant increase in pushing this nation into socialism. Obama is very much to blame for that acceleration because it has always been his agenda. (Read his books.)
I do agree with you about profligate, out-of-control spending making a balanced budget impossible. That's why the public is making increased demands that both parties get a grip, drop the partisan bullshit, and start doing the Peoples' business. You know, the folks who put them in the offices they occupy? I would like to see some of these Congressional committees sit their asses down and start honestly evaluating every single program we spend money on. I am positive that if they eliminated redundant programs, eliminated superfluous government agencies, and reviewed the recipients of whatever funds are available afterwards, a balanced budget would not be so impossible.
I'm a firm believer in single payer but that would never have have passed on the US.

Yes the "sheeple" who vote for TP candidates do need to think for themselves, but they continue to tune out anything that encourages them to think for themselves and swallow lies promulgated by Fox and Limbaugh, and continue to blame Obama for 30+ years of rightwing economic policies which have left the middle class struggling, and the working poor in dire straights.

You can't cut taxes and spend spend spend and expect to balance the budget. You can't let wages stagnate for the majority of the working class and expect them not to be able to support growth in the economy.

That's just mathematics and logic, all of which are in very short supply in the Republican Party.

You prove your ignorance vis-à-vis the T.E.A. Party. Obviously, you swallow the lies promulgated by your left wing media outlets without stopping to think for yourself. I don't know too many T.E.A. Party supporters who blame Obama solely for where we are as a nation, financially, socially, or otherwise. What we have seen in the past five years is a significant increase in pushing this nation into socialism. Obama is very much to blame for that acceleration because it has always been his agenda. (Read his books.)
I do agree with you about profligate, out-of-control spending making a balanced budget impossible. That's why the public is making increased demands that both parties get a grip, drop the partisan bullshit, and start doing the Peoples' business. You know, the folks who put them in the offices they occupy? I would like to see some of these Congressional committees sit their asses down and start honestly evaluating every single program we spend money on. I am positive that if they eliminated redundant programs, eliminated superfluous government agencies, and reviewed the recipients of whatever funds are available afterwards, a balanced budget would not be so impossible.

And when these insurance companies start going bankrupt, and they will since there is to be no cap on the claims they pay, then the government is going to pick it up. I made that point but it went over the head of Dumbasslady like a 747. Every employer is going to dump their coverage benefit (a good financial move for any company), insurance companies will go bankrupt, and all health coverage WILL be single payer - the US government. I am going to say within less than 5 years.
I'm a firm believer in single payer but that would never have have passed on the US.

Yes the "sheeple" who vote for TP candidates do need to think for themselves, but they continue to tune out anything that encourages them to think for themselves and swallow lies promulgated by Fox and Limbaugh, and continue to blame Obama for 30+ years of rightwing economic policies which have left the middle class struggling, and the working poor in dire straights.

You can't cut taxes and spend spend spend and expect to balance the budget. You can't let wages stagnate for the majority of the working class and expect them not to be able to support growth in the economy.

That's just mathematics and logic, all of which are in very short supply in the Republican Party.

You prove your ignorance vis-à-vis the T.E.A. Party. Obviously, you swallow the lies promulgated by your left wing media outlets without stopping to think for yourself. I don't know too many T.E.A. Party supporters who blame Obama solely for where we are as a nation, financially, socially, or otherwise. What we have seen in the past five years is a significant increase in pushing this nation into socialism. Obama is very much to blame for that acceleration because it has always been his agenda. (Read his books.)
I do agree with you about profligate, out-of-control spending making a balanced budget impossible. That's why the public is making increased demands that both parties get a grip, drop the partisan bullshit, and start doing the Peoples' business. You know, the folks who put them in the offices they occupy? I would like to see some of these Congressional committees sit their asses down and start honestly evaluating every single program we spend money on. I am positive that if they eliminated redundant programs, eliminated superfluous government agencies, and reviewed the recipients of whatever funds are available afterwards, a balanced budget would not be so impossible.

And when these insurance companies start going bankrupt, and they will since there is to be no cap on the claims they pay, then the government is going to pick it up. I made that point but it went over the head of Dumbasslady like a 747. Every employer is going to dump their coverage benefit (a good financial move for any company), insurance companies will go bankrupt, and all health coverage WILL be single payer - the US government. I am going to say within less than 5 years.

And we have all lost. Unless they decide to parcel out care based on our voting records. Maybe I should register Dumbocrat before it's too late?
So you are saying that St. Jude perpetrates fraud. Groovy.

I did not, why default to dishonesty? The question is why do you oppose government oversight of taxpayer money? You wouldn't happen to be one of those don't tax and spend Republicans, or are you?

I worked in health care for 25 years. Some of that was on the business side. Non profit hospitals HAVE to make a profit. There is no law that says they cannot make a profit. The laws address how those profits are used. They use the profits they make to keep their facilities, equipment, and services up to date.

When a non profit cannot make a profit, then health care will be stagnated right where it is.

And it WAS implicit in your statement that St. Jude commits fraud.

It was only implicit to a partisan hack, like you. In fact you inferred it and didn't read the article on how some non-profits cheat. I know, I wrote and managed grants wherein non-profits, community based organizations, committed fraud. I have no experience with hospitals, nor do you have experience with all non-profit hospitals and medical providers.

Medicare fraud is an example anyone can verify with a simple google search.
It's helpful to have some background on for-profits and non-profits, a helpful source is here:

Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us - TIME

Keep in mind the efforts to cut government spending is a priority, one wonders why the author of the OP opposes efforts to control spending and seek out fraud.

So you are saying that St. Jude perpetrates fraud. Groovy.

They never charge anyone, even the government, but they are still defrauding the government.

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