Obama care to fine non profit hospitals.

I have learned that the 'free clinic' in a nearby town here in KY is no longer free due to the ACA. If ACA has a high deductible places like this will be in a world of hurt. The ACA will hurt people who use the free places like that clinic and St. Jude. I'm keeping my ear to the ground. Others will follow.

That's because everyone must be insured and insurance is to be billed. The "free" clinic, is paid for by tax dollars or donations. It is only "free" to those who use it but not to the taxpayers. The costs associated with its operation are not free.

St. Jude's is a wonderful place but it doesn't have the ability to treat all of the poor sick children in the country so it only takes a tiny percentage of those most I'm need. What about the rest if the country's uninsured children.

I'd rather see ALL children have quality care than the few that one facility can handle.

Hi Dragonlady: Why not cover all people by keeping it open, which people fund or go through which charity, church, business, nonprofit, school, govt etc.

BTW if you were really into serving all people, would you support providing or even requiring that everyone go through spiritual healing to cut the costs of disease or treatment, even abuse and crime that costs taxpayers billions of dollars never recouped.

If you are serious about this, my friend Olivia has been organizing teachers, doctors, counselors, ministers, volunteers etc. to put together resources to help, house, clothe and feed every community by cutting out all crime and sickness that wastes resources. We could take care of everyone that way. Ironically spiritual healing is based on forgiveness therapy which cannot be forced but can only be freely chosen and practiced. The best part is that it is FREE. but it can never be regulated by govt. Govt may be able to require that criminally sick people get treatment, but cannot force this type on them even though it could medically be proven to be the best cure. it is still based on free choice in order to work. so as long as this govt program tries to mandate or penalize people for other choices, it is punishing those who would rather freely chose more effective means such as spiritual healing to reduce expenses in order to cover more and more people.

the govt mandates contradict the natural healing process by trying to force choices.
what it is doing is forcing people to resolve the conflicts.
I'm sure you won't mind paying for some of those poor children, then, will you. Oh, wait, it only counts if you can use other people's money to foot the bill for your feel-good fuzzies. "Free" clinics are often run by non-profits or charitable groups, too.

There is nothing to prevent the "free clinics" from continuing to operate, but they will be billings their patients' insurers for their costs - that's insurance bought and paid for by their patients, which will make them less dependent on donations.

They can also continue to operate as non-profits. Despite the comments of the original poster, there is nothing to prevent non-profits from continuing to operate, just that their patients will now be required to provide proof of insurance.

At present, there are insufficient numbers of "free" or non-profit medical services available to handle the needs of the uninsured population. Uninsured people are postponing treatment until they are forced to seek emergency care, by which time, their illness is much more advanced and more expensive to treat than if it had been caught earlier. The ACA encourages people to get annual check-ups and preventative care, in order to reduce the costs of treatment for ALL Americans, not just the few who have access to "free" services, which aren't really free at all.
I have learned that the 'free clinic' in a nearby town here in KY is no longer free due to the ACA. If ACA has a high deductible places like this will be in a world of hurt. The ACA will hurt people who use the free places like that clinic and St. Jude. I'm keeping my ear to the ground. Others will follow.

That's because everyone must be insured and insurance is to be billed. The "free" clinic, is paid for by tax dollars or donations. It is only "free" to those who use it but not to the taxpayers. The costs associated with its operation are not free.

St. Jude's is a wonderful place but it doesn't have the ability to treat all of the poor sick children in the country so it only takes a tiny percentage of those most I'm need. What about the rest if the country's uninsured children.

I'd rather see ALL children have quality care than the few that one facility can handle.

My point went over your head like a 747. With the demise of charity health care and the advent off the ACA with its $6,000 deductible none of their care will be covered. My medicine costs $100,000 a year, and it took until October for me to meet my $5000 catastrophic deductible. So, now people will Obamacare will get nothing for free, and their insurance will not pay unless they reach a catastrophic deductible.

St. Jude's does not pretend to be in the business of treating 'all of the poor sick children.' They only take catastrophic cases, and I know people who were not poor who got their services free there. I know those people made large donations, though. And I donate to them as well. But if St. Jude's can no longer give free care, then people will no longer contribute.

The local clinic in this area I mentioned was once a free clinic. If they have to depend on payouts from the ACA for survival, they will fold because it will not pay enough to keep them going.
I have learned that the 'free clinic' in a nearby town here in KY is no longer free due to the ACA. If ACA has a high deductible places like this will be in a world of hurt. The ACA will hurt people who use the free places like that clinic and St. Jude. I'm keeping my ear to the ground. Others will follow.

That's because everyone must be insured and insurance is to be billed. The "free" clinic, is paid for by tax dollars or donations. It is only "free" to those who use it but not to the taxpayers. The costs associated with its operation are not free.

St. Jude's is a wonderful place but it doesn't have the ability to treat all of the poor sick children in the country so it only takes a tiny percentage of those most I'm need. What about the rest if the country's uninsured children.

I'd rather see ALL children have quality care than the few that one facility can handle.

You did not read the article, so you are talking out of your ass. Go back and read the article.
TennCare was nothing like the programs developed under the ACA. TennCare was a "managed care program". There was no mandate or requirement that everyone enroll so of course only those with pre-existing conditions signed up.

Try getting some HONEST information on the ACA and stop believing every right wing scare story posted on the Internet.

If you think you have "honest" information that counters the article in the OP, post it. If you don't, feel free to keep attacking it because you don't like the guy that is telling you the truth.

She doesn't know a thing about Tenncare, nor about how the ACA will function. I think the ACA is a means to an end, and that end is not health care for Americans. I suspect that any payout for medical care will be considered 'income' and be taxed. When that happens, this country will go completely under. We aren't even hanging on well now as it is.

But as much as the libs want to ignore the question inherent in this thread, there will be no place for charity hospitals like St. Jude. And the incredibly expensive catastrophic illnesses the children have will all be treated courtesy of the American taxpayer instead of people, like me, who send regular donations. And the parents will them get billed from the IRS for the 'income.'

I wish this thread would get back on task and discuss the issue rather than who reads Time. I see where this road leads. It leads to the complete financial devastation of the American citizen. People will STILL have to choose whether to get care and opt not to get treatment, because the tax burden on the payout for their care will be too great for them to bear. The premium and the 'fine' are nothing to what someone who has a $100,000 claim will owe in taxers. I mean think about the $30K/year worker having to pay taxes on $100,000 - $1,000,000 that is paid out for their 'care.' It will not take long for the government to be confiscating everything those people have worked for their entire lives. And for that matter, how long can the higher paid worker stand paying taxes on that kind of pay out? I doubt they can for very long.

I see where this is going. Why doesn't anyone else. The US government is not a charitable entity.

"I see where this is going. Why doesn't anyone else". Well, it could be that you're so much smarter than everyone else or more paranoid than the normal population. Given that you believe you are prescient I tend to lean toward the mental health explanation.

In any case, the Slippery Slope Argument remains at best weak, unconvincing and thus a failure.

Good try though.

BTW, if you going to make statements about the impact of the ACA provide a link. Otherwise ... well
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My point went over your head like a 747. With the demise of charity health care and the advent off the ACA with its $6,000 deductible none of their care will be covered. My medicine costs $100,000 a year, and it took until October for me to meet my $5000 catastrophic deductible. So, now people will Obamacare will get nothing for free, and their insurance will not pay unless they reach a catastrophic deductible.

Where is it written that all policies issued by all companies in accordance with the ACA, have a $6000 deductible? Again, these are rumours, not facts.
You did not read the article, so you are talking out of your ass. Go back and read the article.

Actually, I did read the article and it said nothing about places like St. Judes being forced to close. It just said that the reporting rules under the IRS were changing and that hospitals will be required to obtain insurance certificates from everyone.

I live in Ontario and everyone must present their OHIP card when they go to the doctor or the hospital. It doesn't mean you'll be turned away from receiving treatment, but you do have to present your card. It's not surprising that the ACA would require hospitals in the US to obtain similar proof of coverage.
Charitable hospitals that treat uninsured Americans will be subjected to new levels of scrutiny of their nonprofit status and could face sizable new fines under Obamacare.

A new provision in Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, which takes effect under Obamacare, sets new standards of review and installs new financial penalties for tax-exempt charitable hospitals, which devote a minimum amount of their expenses to treat uninsured poor people. Approximately 60 percent of American hospitals are currently nonprofit.

It’s ironic isn’t it? The left’s chief complaint about the American healthcare system is that it’s “for profit,” but Obamacare will end up forcing non-profit hospitals to either go under or become for-profit institutions themselves.

Poor Richard's News - Obamacare levies fines on non-profit hospitals that offer free healthcare to the poor

So I wonder where St. Jude, which is run entirely with donations, is going to fall out on this. Will charities be put out of their role helping the less fortunate?

Common knowledge and historical fact that Marxists like Obama LOATHE private charity. They attack and harass charitable orgs until they go under, so folks MUST turn to government for their needs. It's how Marxists enslave nations.
You did not read the article, so you are talking out of your ass. Go back and read the article.

Actually, I did read the article and it said nothing about places like St. Judes being forced to close. It just said that the reporting rules under the IRS were changing and that hospitals will be required to obtain insurance certificates from everyone.

I live in Ontario and everyone must present their OHIP card when they go to the doctor or the hospital. It doesn't mean you'll be turned away from receiving treatment, but you do have to present your card. It's not surprising that the ACA would require hospitals in the US to obtain similar proof of coverage.

In this country, requiring certain demographic groups to acquire a card or certificate proving they have health insurance would be an undue burden. They can't be expected to get a photo ID, what makes you think they're be able to get an insurance card?

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