Obama Caught Spying On Congress. We Anyone Do Anything About It???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama may have had alot of motivation to start crying on camera yesterday over the murdered kids at Sandyhook. He's finally done something that can't be swept under the rug. Spying on congress isn't just impeachable....it's worth a jail term.

January 6, 2016
Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Remember when Obama, the guy with big plans to resettle America's neighborhoods, clashed with Bibi Netanyahu for refusing to abandon construction and resettlement plans in East Jerusalem? The president was so incensed that Netanyahu hesitated to comply with his demands that he left the prime minister sitting in a room alone while he went upstairs to eat.

That’s when, out of fear of being wiretapped, Netanyahu and his delegation chose not to use White House phones.

As usual, Bibi’s discernment was on target because recently it was revealed that Obama, concerned about his nuke deal with Iran, directed the National Security Agency to spy on Israel, American Jewish groups, and friends of Israel in the U.S. Congress.

For eight years, in addition to displaying open hostility toward the Jewish state, here in America, the president has pushed the boundaries on everything from limiting First and Second Amendment rights to passing a failed stimulus package to ramming through healthcare reform to making a nuclear deal with Iran to promising amnesty to illegal aliens.

Yet despite the U.S. Constitution being shredded, the law flouted, and domestic and worldwide chaos being stirred up by a philosophically driven Obama, time and again, the onslaught of detrimental policy pronouncements have been met with an insipid response from the president’s supposed political adversaries.

Now, after learning that the Executive branch of the U.S. government spied on the Legislative branch, it’s less confusing as to why the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and his compadre in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), seemed so reticent in resisting this president.

At first, it appeared as if former Speaker Boehner acquiesced out of fear that Republicans would be blamed for things like government shutdowns, or accused of not showing compassion toward hordes of “unaccompanied minors,” or worse yet, perceived to be the “Party of No.”

Now we find out that although John Boehner was likely spared the wrath of the battery cables, the antique dental drill, and duct tape, before grabbing his Coppertone and heading back to Ohio, Chicago-style coercion may be what caused teary-eyed Boehner to consistently fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Next up: Kevin McCarthy the Republican from California who was the shoo-in to replace Boehner.

After receiving an email from a “conservative activist” that threatened to expose an alleged extramarital affair, McCarthy withdrew his candidacy to be Speaker.

Ironically, McCarthy’s decision coincided with a cryptic letter written by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) to Republican Conference Chairperson, Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the letter, Jones asked that candidates with “embarrassing… misdeeds … committed since joining Congress " withdraw from running for positions of leadership.

What exactly did the North Carolina representative know, and what was his letter really alluding to?

Finally, there’s newly ordained Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul’s the guy who, besides being Romney’s running mate in 2012, stood firmly against the Affordable Care Act. After being insulted publically by the president for daring to try to reel in the debt and deficit with actual numbers, Ryan had the guts to label Obama “the Campaigner-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, somewhere between 2011 and 2016 Ryan lost his determination. Suddenly, the solutions the new speaker criticized so strongly in the past have become solutions he seems willing to live with.

Atrocities such as the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill, which subsidizes the president’s plan to accept into America Syrian refugees who will likely be infiltrated by ISIS and leaves conservatives wanting on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood.

Worse yet, the spending bill contains provisions totaling over $1 billion to help fund the implementation of the same healthcare reform bill the new speaker spoke harshly against just five years earlier.

Speaking of surveillance and Obamacare, let’s not forget Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ baffling decision that doubled down on defying the Constitution and helped pave the way for socialized medicine.

Now, The Wall Street Journal’s eye-opening piece titled: “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress” may shed light on why two branches of the U.S. government have rolled over and accommodated Obama on every front.

According to the article, Barack Obama employed the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bibi Netanyahu, a practice he promised to discontinue doing to “friendly heads of state” two years ago.

An anonymous senior official quoted by the WSJ said that when the administration secured the NSA’s services the president’s goal was to ensure that Netanyahu did not stand in the way of Iran attaining the bomb they plan to use to annihilate Israel.

During the Iran deal negotiations, the NSA also listened in and reported back to the president conversations Benjamin Netanyahu had with friends in Congress. So, while targeting our allies, also “swept up …were the… content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.”

In other words, politicians that fit the president’s enemy criteria probably include any turncoat who attended Netanyahu’s March address to a joint session of Congress where Bibi argued against the president’s nuclear deal with Iran?

The 44 Democrat protesters who chose not to attend exempts only 8% of Congress from snooping.

Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.

With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party’s consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that America’s first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn’t Richard Nixon resign for much less?

Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that’s long overdue -- put the survival of America first.

Articles: Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
Pretty hard to take anything from the writers at americanthinker seriously. Even harder when they question the voracity of the premise in the last sentence.
Obama may have had alot of motivation to start crying on camera yesterday over the murdered kids at Sandyhook. He's finally done something that can't be swept under the rug. Spying on congress isn't just impeachable....it's worth a jail term.

January 6, 2016
Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Remember when Obama, the guy with big plans to resettle America's neighborhoods, clashed with Bibi Netanyahu for refusing to abandon construction and resettlement plans in East Jerusalem? The president was so incensed that Netanyahu hesitated to comply with his demands that he left the prime minister sitting in a room alone while he went upstairs to eat.

That’s when, out of fear of being wiretapped, Netanyahu and his delegation chose not to use White House phones.

As usual, Bibi’s discernment was on target because recently it was revealed that Obama, concerned about his nuke deal with Iran, directed the National Security Agency to spy on Israel, American Jewish groups, and friends of Israel in the U.S. Congress.

For eight years, in addition to displaying open hostility toward the Jewish state, here in America, the president has pushed the boundaries on everything from limiting First and Second Amendment rights to passing a failed stimulus package to ramming through healthcare reform to making a nuclear deal with Iran to promising amnesty to illegal aliens.

Yet despite the U.S. Constitution being shredded, the law flouted, and domestic and worldwide chaos being stirred up by a philosophically driven Obama, time and again, the onslaught of detrimental policy pronouncements have been met with an insipid response from the president’s supposed political adversaries.

Now, after learning that the Executive branch of the U.S. government spied on the Legislative branch, it’s less confusing as to why the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and his compadre in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), seemed so reticent in resisting this president.

At first, it appeared as if former Speaker Boehner acquiesced out of fear that Republicans would be blamed for things like government shutdowns, or accused of not showing compassion toward hordes of “unaccompanied minors,” or worse yet, perceived to be the “Party of No.”

Now we find out that although John Boehner was likely spared the wrath of the battery cables, the antique dental drill, and duct tape, before grabbing his Coppertone and heading back to Ohio, Chicago-style coercion may be what caused teary-eyed Boehner to consistently fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Next up: Kevin McCarthy the Republican from California who was the shoo-in to replace Boehner.

After receiving an email from a “conservative activist” that threatened to expose an alleged extramarital affair, McCarthy withdrew his candidacy to be Speaker.

Ironically, McCarthy’s decision coincided with a cryptic letter written by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) to Republican Conference Chairperson, Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the letter, Jones asked that candidates with “embarrassing… misdeeds … committed since joining Congress " withdraw from running for positions of leadership.

What exactly did the North Carolina representative know, and what was his letter really alluding to?

Finally, there’s newly ordained Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul’s the guy who, besides being Romney’s running mate in 2012, stood firmly against the Affordable Care Act. After being insulted publically by the president for daring to try to reel in the debt and deficit with actual numbers, Ryan had the guts to label Obama “the Campaigner-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, somewhere between 2011 and 2016 Ryan lost his determination. Suddenly, the solutions the new speaker criticized so strongly in the past have become solutions he seems willing to live with.

Atrocities such as the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill, which subsidizes the president’s plan to accept into America Syrian refugees who will likely be infiltrated by ISIS and leaves conservatives wanting on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood.

Worse yet, the spending bill contains provisions totaling over $1 billion to help fund the implementation of the same healthcare reform bill the new speaker spoke harshly against just five years earlier.

Speaking of surveillance and Obamacare, let’s not forget Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ baffling decision that doubled down on defying the Constitution and helped pave the way for socialized medicine.

Now, The Wall Street Journal’s eye-opening piece titled: “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress” may shed light on why two branches of the U.S. government have rolled over and accommodated Obama on every front.

According to the article, Barack Obama employed the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bibi Netanyahu, a practice he promised to discontinue doing to “friendly heads of state” two years ago.

An anonymous senior official quoted by the WSJ said that when the administration secured the NSA’s services the president’s goal was to ensure that Netanyahu did not stand in the way of Iran attaining the bomb they plan to use to annihilate Israel.

During the Iran deal negotiations, the NSA also listened in and reported back to the president conversations Benjamin Netanyahu had with friends in Congress. So, while targeting our allies, also “swept up …were the… content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.”

In other words, politicians that fit the president’s enemy criteria probably include any turncoat who attended Netanyahu’s March address to a joint session of Congress where Bibi argued against the president’s nuclear deal with Iran?

The 44 Democrat protesters who chose not to attend exempts only 8% of Congress from snooping.

Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.

With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party’s consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that America’s first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn’t Richard Nixon resign for much less?

Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that’s long overdue -- put the survival of America first.

Articles: Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
If you read the articles linked to the op you posted, your title and the bottom link title are simply made up.

He did not spy on Congress enemies, as your article header implies....that's simply bull crap as usual. He did spy on Netanyahu and his top people, which is expected since we know that Mossad spies on us and have some of the absolute best spies in the World....that's just common knowledge.

Michael Hayden, who led the NSA and CIA during George W. Bush's tenure in office, described the intelligence relationship between Israel and the US as "the most combustible mixture of intimacy and caution that we have," discussing with the Journal both the cooperation between the two nations' intelligence agencies, and mutual spying on one another.
Above is from Hayden who was Bush's NSA and CIA head...

Where Congressmen may have come in is when and if they were communicating with Netanyahu or his top aids, those conversations would have been recorded.

READ the LINKS to your LINK...to get an honest assessment instead of this right wing spin.

NSA spying on Israel: This is how you treat your enemies

Report: US spied on Netanyahu over efforts to block Iran deal

U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress
Last edited:
Obama may have had alot of motivation to start crying on camera yesterday over the murdered kids at Sandyhook. He's finally done something that can't be swept under the rug. Spying on congress isn't just impeachable....it's worth a jail term.

January 6, 2016
Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Remember when Obama, the guy with big plans to resettle America's neighborhoods, clashed with Bibi Netanyahu for refusing to abandon construction and resettlement plans in East Jerusalem? The president was so incensed that Netanyahu hesitated to comply with his demands that he left the prime minister sitting in a room alone while he went upstairs to eat.

That’s when, out of fear of being wiretapped, Netanyahu and his delegation chose not to use White House phones.

As usual, Bibi’s discernment was on target because recently it was revealed that Obama, concerned about his nuke deal with Iran, directed the National Security Agency to spy on Israel, American Jewish groups, and friends of Israel in the U.S. Congress.

For eight years, in addition to displaying open hostility toward the Jewish state, here in America, the president has pushed the boundaries on everything from limiting First and Second Amendment rights to passing a failed stimulus package to ramming through healthcare reform to making a nuclear deal with Iran to promising amnesty to illegal aliens.

Yet despite the U.S. Constitution being shredded, the law flouted, and domestic and worldwide chaos being stirred up by a philosophically driven Obama, time and again, the onslaught of detrimental policy pronouncements have been met with an insipid response from the president’s supposed political adversaries.

Now, after learning that the Executive branch of the U.S. government spied on the Legislative branch, it’s less confusing as to why the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and his compadre in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), seemed so reticent in resisting this president.

At first, it appeared as if former Speaker Boehner acquiesced out of fear that Republicans would be blamed for things like government shutdowns, or accused of not showing compassion toward hordes of “unaccompanied minors,” or worse yet, perceived to be the “Party of No.”

Now we find out that although John Boehner was likely spared the wrath of the battery cables, the antique dental drill, and duct tape, before grabbing his Coppertone and heading back to Ohio, Chicago-style coercion may be what caused teary-eyed Boehner to consistently fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Next up: Kevin McCarthy the Republican from California who was the shoo-in to replace Boehner.

After receiving an email from a “conservative activist” that threatened to expose an alleged extramarital affair, McCarthy withdrew his candidacy to be Speaker.

Ironically, McCarthy’s decision coincided with a cryptic letter written by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) to Republican Conference Chairperson, Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the letter, Jones asked that candidates with “embarrassing… misdeeds … committed since joining Congress " withdraw from running for positions of leadership.

What exactly did the North Carolina representative know, and what was his letter really alluding to?

Finally, there’s newly ordained Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul’s the guy who, besides being Romney’s running mate in 2012, stood firmly against the Affordable Care Act. After being insulted publically by the president for daring to try to reel in the debt and deficit with actual numbers, Ryan had the guts to label Obama “the Campaigner-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, somewhere between 2011 and 2016 Ryan lost his determination. Suddenly, the solutions the new speaker criticized so strongly in the past have become solutions he seems willing to live with.

Atrocities such as the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill, which subsidizes the president’s plan to accept into America Syrian refugees who will likely be infiltrated by ISIS and leaves conservatives wanting on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood.

Worse yet, the spending bill contains provisions totaling over $1 billion to help fund the implementation of the same healthcare reform bill the new speaker spoke harshly against just five years earlier.

Speaking of surveillance and Obamacare, let’s not forget Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ baffling decision that doubled down on defying the Constitution and helped pave the way for socialized medicine.

Now, The Wall Street Journal’s eye-opening piece titled: “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress” may shed light on why two branches of the U.S. government have rolled over and accommodated Obama on every front.

According to the article, Barack Obama employed the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bibi Netanyahu, a practice he promised to discontinue doing to “friendly heads of state” two years ago.

An anonymous senior official quoted by the WSJ said that when the administration secured the NSA’s services the president’s goal was to ensure that Netanyahu did not stand in the way of Iran attaining the bomb they plan to use to annihilate Israel.

During the Iran deal negotiations, the NSA also listened in and reported back to the president conversations Benjamin Netanyahu had with friends in Congress. So, while targeting our allies, also “swept up …were the… content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.”

In other words, politicians that fit the president’s enemy criteria probably include any turncoat who attended Netanyahu’s March address to a joint session of Congress where Bibi argued against the president’s nuclear deal with Iran?

The 44 Democrat protesters who chose not to attend exempts only 8% of Congress from snooping.

Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.

With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party’s consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that America’s first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn’t Richard Nixon resign for much less?

Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that’s long overdue -- put the survival of America first.

Articles: Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
If you read the articles linked to the op you posted, your title and the bottom link title are simply made up.

He did not spy on Congress enemies, as your article header implies....that's simply bull crap as usual. He did spy on Netanyahu and his top people, which is expected since we know that Mossad spies on us and have some of the absolute best spies in the World....that's just common knowledge.

Michael Hayden, who led the NSA and CIA during George W. Bush's tenure in office, described the intelligence relationship between Israel and the US as "the most combustible mixture of intimacy and caution that we have," discussing with the Journal both the cooperation between the two nations' intelligence agencies, and mutual spying on one another.
Above is from Hayden who was Bush's NSA and CIA head...

Where Congressmen may have come in is when and if they were communicating with Netanyahu or his top aids, those conversations would have been recorded.

READ the LINKS to your LINK...to get an honest assessment instead of this right wing spin.

NSA spying on Israel: This is how you treat your enemies

Report: US spied on Netanyahu over efforts to block Iran deal

U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress
Obama never won an election straight up before he ran for president. He either had his opponents disqualified or withdraw because of sexual misconduct coming to light during the campaign. This is Obama's MO. It's clear he doesn't believe in following the rules everyone else follows. He uses the NSA to spy on Americans without hesitation. He's been caught wiretapping Congressional enemies. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not.
Obama may have had alot of motivation to start crying on camera yesterday over the murdered kids at Sandyhook. He's finally done something that can't be swept under the rug. Spying on congress isn't just impeachable....it's worth a jail term.

January 6, 2016
Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Remember when Obama, the guy with big plans to resettle America's neighborhoods, clashed with Bibi Netanyahu for refusing to abandon construction and resettlement plans in East Jerusalem? The president was so incensed that Netanyahu hesitated to comply with his demands that he left the prime minister sitting in a room alone while he went upstairs to eat.

That’s when, out of fear of being wiretapped, Netanyahu and his delegation chose not to use White House phones.

As usual, Bibi’s discernment was on target because recently it was revealed that Obama, concerned about his nuke deal with Iran, directed the National Security Agency to spy on Israel, American Jewish groups, and friends of Israel in the U.S. Congress.

For eight years, in addition to displaying open hostility toward the Jewish state, here in America, the president has pushed the boundaries on everything from limiting First and Second Amendment rights to passing a failed stimulus package to ramming through healthcare reform to making a nuclear deal with Iran to promising amnesty to illegal aliens.

Yet despite the U.S. Constitution being shredded, the law flouted, and domestic and worldwide chaos being stirred up by a philosophically driven Obama, time and again, the onslaught of detrimental policy pronouncements have been met with an insipid response from the president’s supposed political adversaries.

Now, after learning that the Executive branch of the U.S. government spied on the Legislative branch, it’s less confusing as to why the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and his compadre in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), seemed so reticent in resisting this president.

At first, it appeared as if former Speaker Boehner acquiesced out of fear that Republicans would be blamed for things like government shutdowns, or accused of not showing compassion toward hordes of “unaccompanied minors,” or worse yet, perceived to be the “Party of No.”

Now we find out that although John Boehner was likely spared the wrath of the battery cables, the antique dental drill, and duct tape, before grabbing his Coppertone and heading back to Ohio, Chicago-style coercion may be what caused teary-eyed Boehner to consistently fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Next up: Kevin McCarthy the Republican from California who was the shoo-in to replace Boehner.

After receiving an email from a “conservative activist” that threatened to expose an alleged extramarital affair, McCarthy withdrew his candidacy to be Speaker.

Ironically, McCarthy’s decision coincided with a cryptic letter written by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) to Republican Conference Chairperson, Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the letter, Jones asked that candidates with “embarrassing… misdeeds … committed since joining Congress " withdraw from running for positions of leadership.

What exactly did the North Carolina representative know, and what was his letter really alluding to?

Finally, there’s newly ordained Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul’s the guy who, besides being Romney’s running mate in 2012, stood firmly against the Affordable Care Act. After being insulted publically by the president for daring to try to reel in the debt and deficit with actual numbers, Ryan had the guts to label Obama “the Campaigner-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, somewhere between 2011 and 2016 Ryan lost his determination. Suddenly, the solutions the new speaker criticized so strongly in the past have become solutions he seems willing to live with.

Atrocities such as the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill, which subsidizes the president’s plan to accept into America Syrian refugees who will likely be infiltrated by ISIS and leaves conservatives wanting on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood.

Worse yet, the spending bill contains provisions totaling over $1 billion to help fund the implementation of the same healthcare reform bill the new speaker spoke harshly against just five years earlier.

Speaking of surveillance and Obamacare, let’s not forget Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ baffling decision that doubled down on defying the Constitution and helped pave the way for socialized medicine.

Now, The Wall Street Journal’s eye-opening piece titled: “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress” may shed light on why two branches of the U.S. government have rolled over and accommodated Obama on every front.

According to the article, Barack Obama employed the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bibi Netanyahu, a practice he promised to discontinue doing to “friendly heads of state” two years ago.

An anonymous senior official quoted by the WSJ said that when the administration secured the NSA’s services the president’s goal was to ensure that Netanyahu did not stand in the way of Iran attaining the bomb they plan to use to annihilate Israel.

During the Iran deal negotiations, the NSA also listened in and reported back to the president conversations Benjamin Netanyahu had with friends in Congress. So, while targeting our allies, also “swept up …were the… content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.”

In other words, politicians that fit the president’s enemy criteria probably include any turncoat who attended Netanyahu’s March address to a joint session of Congress where Bibi argued against the president’s nuclear deal with Iran?

The 44 Democrat protesters who chose not to attend exempts only 8% of Congress from snooping.

Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.

With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party’s consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that America’s first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn’t Richard Nixon resign for much less?

Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that’s long overdue -- put the survival of America first.

Articles: Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
I'm wondering if there is anybody in Washington who isn't "spying" on their enemies.

I know nothing gets past Mossad, and they watch our every move, for good reason.

I find it it hard to believe that anybody Obama might spy on, hasn't been spying on him right back.

Sounds like another scandal for Republican congresspeople and senators can waste time on, instead of flooding Obama with legislaton, and force him to veto, or approve it
Obama may have had alot of motivation to start crying on camera yesterday over the murdered kids at Sandyhook. He's finally done something that can't be swept under the rug. Spying on congress isn't just impeachable....it's worth a jail term.

January 6, 2016
Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Remember when Obama, the guy with big plans to resettle America's neighborhoods, clashed with Bibi Netanyahu for refusing to abandon construction and resettlement plans in East Jerusalem? The president was so incensed that Netanyahu hesitated to comply with his demands that he left the prime minister sitting in a room alone while he went upstairs to eat.

That’s when, out of fear of being wiretapped, Netanyahu and his delegation chose not to use White House phones.

As usual, Bibi’s discernment was on target because recently it was revealed that Obama, concerned about his nuke deal with Iran, directed the National Security Agency to spy on Israel, American Jewish groups, and friends of Israel in the U.S. Congress.

For eight years, in addition to displaying open hostility toward the Jewish state, here in America, the president has pushed the boundaries on everything from limiting First and Second Amendment rights to passing a failed stimulus package to ramming through healthcare reform to making a nuclear deal with Iran to promising amnesty to illegal aliens.

Yet despite the U.S. Constitution being shredded, the law flouted, and domestic and worldwide chaos being stirred up by a philosophically driven Obama, time and again, the onslaught of detrimental policy pronouncements have been met with an insipid response from the president’s supposed political adversaries.

Now, after learning that the Executive branch of the U.S. government spied on the Legislative branch, it’s less confusing as to why the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and his compadre in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), seemed so reticent in resisting this president.

At first, it appeared as if former Speaker Boehner acquiesced out of fear that Republicans would be blamed for things like government shutdowns, or accused of not showing compassion toward hordes of “unaccompanied minors,” or worse yet, perceived to be the “Party of No.”

Now we find out that although John Boehner was likely spared the wrath of the battery cables, the antique dental drill, and duct tape, before grabbing his Coppertone and heading back to Ohio, Chicago-style coercion may be what caused teary-eyed Boehner to consistently fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Next up: Kevin McCarthy the Republican from California who was the shoo-in to replace Boehner.

After receiving an email from a “conservative activist” that threatened to expose an alleged extramarital affair, McCarthy withdrew his candidacy to be Speaker.

Ironically, McCarthy’s decision coincided with a cryptic letter written by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) to Republican Conference Chairperson, Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the letter, Jones asked that candidates with “embarrassing… misdeeds … committed since joining Congress " withdraw from running for positions of leadership.

What exactly did the North Carolina representative know, and what was his letter really alluding to?

Finally, there’s newly ordained Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul’s the guy who, besides being Romney’s running mate in 2012, stood firmly against the Affordable Care Act. After being insulted publically by the president for daring to try to reel in the debt and deficit with actual numbers, Ryan had the guts to label Obama “the Campaigner-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, somewhere between 2011 and 2016 Ryan lost his determination. Suddenly, the solutions the new speaker criticized so strongly in the past have become solutions he seems willing to live with.

Atrocities such as the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill, which subsidizes the president’s plan to accept into America Syrian refugees who will likely be infiltrated by ISIS and leaves conservatives wanting on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood.

Worse yet, the spending bill contains provisions totaling over $1 billion to help fund the implementation of the same healthcare reform bill the new speaker spoke harshly against just five years earlier.

Speaking of surveillance and Obamacare, let’s not forget Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ baffling decision that doubled down on defying the Constitution and helped pave the way for socialized medicine.

Now, The Wall Street Journal’s eye-opening piece titled: “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress” may shed light on why two branches of the U.S. government have rolled over and accommodated Obama on every front.

According to the article, Barack Obama employed the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bibi Netanyahu, a practice he promised to discontinue doing to “friendly heads of state” two years ago.

An anonymous senior official quoted by the WSJ said that when the administration secured the NSA’s services the president’s goal was to ensure that Netanyahu did not stand in the way of Iran attaining the bomb they plan to use to annihilate Israel.

During the Iran deal negotiations, the NSA also listened in and reported back to the president conversations Benjamin Netanyahu had with friends in Congress. So, while targeting our allies, also “swept up …were the… content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.”

In other words, politicians that fit the president’s enemy criteria probably include any turncoat who attended Netanyahu’s March address to a joint session of Congress where Bibi argued against the president’s nuclear deal with Iran?

The 44 Democrat protesters who chose not to attend exempts only 8% of Congress from snooping.

Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.

With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party’s consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that America’s first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn’t Richard Nixon resign for much less?

Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that’s long overdue -- put the survival of America first.

Articles: Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
I'm wondering if there is anybody in Washington who isn't "spying" on their enemies.

I know nothing gets past Mossad, and they watch our every move, for good reason.

I find it it hard to believe that anybody Obama might spy on, hasn't been spying on him right back.

Sounds like another scandal for Republican congresspeople and senators can waste time on, instead of flooding Obama with legislaton, and force him to veto, or approve it
As long as Congress refuses to investigate it will go on. However, Watergate was over the same situation......and we know how that turned out:

The term Watergate has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such "dirty tricks" as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides ordered harassment of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).​

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by the Nixon administration, articles of impeachment,[2] and the resignation of Nixon as President of the United States in August 1974. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 25 being found guilty and incarcerated, many of whom were Nixon's top administration officials. Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama may have had alot of motivation to start crying on camera yesterday over the murdered kids at Sandyhook. He's finally done something that can't be swept under the rug. Spying on congress isn't just impeachable....it's worth a jail term.

January 6, 2016
Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Remember when Obama, the guy with big plans to resettle America's neighborhoods, clashed with Bibi Netanyahu for refusing to abandon construction and resettlement plans in East Jerusalem? The president was so incensed that Netanyahu hesitated to comply with his demands that he left the prime minister sitting in a room alone while he went upstairs to eat.

That’s when, out of fear of being wiretapped, Netanyahu and his delegation chose not to use White House phones.

As usual, Bibi’s discernment was on target because recently it was revealed that Obama, concerned about his nuke deal with Iran, directed the National Security Agency to spy on Israel, American Jewish groups, and friends of Israel in the U.S. Congress.

For eight years, in addition to displaying open hostility toward the Jewish state, here in America, the president has pushed the boundaries on everything from limiting First and Second Amendment rights to passing a failed stimulus package to ramming through healthcare reform to making a nuclear deal with Iran to promising amnesty to illegal aliens.

Yet despite the U.S. Constitution being shredded, the law flouted, and domestic and worldwide chaos being stirred up by a philosophically driven Obama, time and again, the onslaught of detrimental policy pronouncements have been met with an insipid response from the president’s supposed political adversaries.

Now, after learning that the Executive branch of the U.S. government spied on the Legislative branch, it’s less confusing as to why the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and his compadre in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), seemed so reticent in resisting this president.

At first, it appeared as if former Speaker Boehner acquiesced out of fear that Republicans would be blamed for things like government shutdowns, or accused of not showing compassion toward hordes of “unaccompanied minors,” or worse yet, perceived to be the “Party of No.”

Now we find out that although John Boehner was likely spared the wrath of the battery cables, the antique dental drill, and duct tape, before grabbing his Coppertone and heading back to Ohio, Chicago-style coercion may be what caused teary-eyed Boehner to consistently fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Next up: Kevin McCarthy the Republican from California who was the shoo-in to replace Boehner.

After receiving an email from a “conservative activist” that threatened to expose an alleged extramarital affair, McCarthy withdrew his candidacy to be Speaker.

Ironically, McCarthy’s decision coincided with a cryptic letter written by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) to Republican Conference Chairperson, Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the letter, Jones asked that candidates with “embarrassing… misdeeds … committed since joining Congress " withdraw from running for positions of leadership.

What exactly did the North Carolina representative know, and what was his letter really alluding to?

Finally, there’s newly ordained Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul’s the guy who, besides being Romney’s running mate in 2012, stood firmly against the Affordable Care Act. After being insulted publically by the president for daring to try to reel in the debt and deficit with actual numbers, Ryan had the guts to label Obama “the Campaigner-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, somewhere between 2011 and 2016 Ryan lost his determination. Suddenly, the solutions the new speaker criticized so strongly in the past have become solutions he seems willing to live with.

Atrocities such as the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill, which subsidizes the president’s plan to accept into America Syrian refugees who will likely be infiltrated by ISIS and leaves conservatives wanting on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood.

Worse yet, the spending bill contains provisions totaling over $1 billion to help fund the implementation of the same healthcare reform bill the new speaker spoke harshly against just five years earlier.

Speaking of surveillance and Obamacare, let’s not forget Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ baffling decision that doubled down on defying the Constitution and helped pave the way for socialized medicine.

Now, The Wall Street Journal’s eye-opening piece titled: “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress” may shed light on why two branches of the U.S. government have rolled over and accommodated Obama on every front.

According to the article, Barack Obama employed the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bibi Netanyahu, a practice he promised to discontinue doing to “friendly heads of state” two years ago.

An anonymous senior official quoted by the WSJ said that when the administration secured the NSA’s services the president’s goal was to ensure that Netanyahu did not stand in the way of Iran attaining the bomb they plan to use to annihilate Israel.

During the Iran deal negotiations, the NSA also listened in and reported back to the president conversations Benjamin Netanyahu had with friends in Congress. So, while targeting our allies, also “swept up …were the… content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.”

In other words, politicians that fit the president’s enemy criteria probably include any turncoat who attended Netanyahu’s March address to a joint session of Congress where Bibi argued against the president’s nuclear deal with Iran?

The 44 Democrat protesters who chose not to attend exempts only 8% of Congress from snooping.

Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.

With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party’s consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that America’s first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn’t Richard Nixon resign for much less?

Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that’s long overdue -- put the survival of America first.

Articles: Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
I'm wondering if there is anybody in Washington who isn't "spying" on their enemies.

I know nothing gets past Mossad, and they watch our every move, for good reason.

I find it it hard to believe that anybody Obama might spy on, hasn't been spying on him right back.

Sounds like another scandal for Republican congresspeople and senators can waste time on, instead of flooding Obama with legislaton, and force him to veto, or approve it
As long as Congress refuses to investigate it will go on. However, Watergate was over the same situation......and we know how that turned out:

The term Watergate has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such "dirty tricks" as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides ordered harassment of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).​

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by the Nixon administration, articles of impeachment,[2] and the resignation of Nixon as President of the United States in August 1974. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 25 being found guilty and incarcerated, many of whom were Nixon's top administration officials. Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everyone says the GOP IS afraid of being called racists.


They're afraid of being exposed. There are things in their past they might find embarrassing and Obama is blackmailing them.
Obama may have had alot of motivation to start crying on camera yesterday over the murdered kids at Sandyhook. He's finally done something that can't be swept under the rug. Spying on congress isn't just impeachable....it's worth a jail term.

January 6, 2016
Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Remember when Obama, the guy with big plans to resettle America's neighborhoods, clashed with Bibi Netanyahu for refusing to abandon construction and resettlement plans in East Jerusalem? The president was so incensed that Netanyahu hesitated to comply with his demands that he left the prime minister sitting in a room alone while he went upstairs to eat.

That’s when, out of fear of being wiretapped, Netanyahu and his delegation chose not to use White House phones.

As usual, Bibi’s discernment was on target because recently it was revealed that Obama, concerned about his nuke deal with Iran, directed the National Security Agency to spy on Israel, American Jewish groups, and friends of Israel in the U.S. Congress.

For eight years, in addition to displaying open hostility toward the Jewish state, here in America, the president has pushed the boundaries on everything from limiting First and Second Amendment rights to passing a failed stimulus package to ramming through healthcare reform to making a nuclear deal with Iran to promising amnesty to illegal aliens.

Yet despite the U.S. Constitution being shredded, the law flouted, and domestic and worldwide chaos being stirred up by a philosophically driven Obama, time and again, the onslaught of detrimental policy pronouncements have been met with an insipid response from the president’s supposed political adversaries.

Now, after learning that the Executive branch of the U.S. government spied on the Legislative branch, it’s less confusing as to why the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and his compadre in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), seemed so reticent in resisting this president.

At first, it appeared as if former Speaker Boehner acquiesced out of fear that Republicans would be blamed for things like government shutdowns, or accused of not showing compassion toward hordes of “unaccompanied minors,” or worse yet, perceived to be the “Party of No.”

Now we find out that although John Boehner was likely spared the wrath of the battery cables, the antique dental drill, and duct tape, before grabbing his Coppertone and heading back to Ohio, Chicago-style coercion may be what caused teary-eyed Boehner to consistently fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Next up: Kevin McCarthy the Republican from California who was the shoo-in to replace Boehner.

After receiving an email from a “conservative activist” that threatened to expose an alleged extramarital affair, McCarthy withdrew his candidacy to be Speaker.

Ironically, McCarthy’s decision coincided with a cryptic letter written by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) to Republican Conference Chairperson, Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the letter, Jones asked that candidates with “embarrassing… misdeeds … committed since joining Congress " withdraw from running for positions of leadership.

What exactly did the North Carolina representative know, and what was his letter really alluding to?

Finally, there’s newly ordained Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul’s the guy who, besides being Romney’s running mate in 2012, stood firmly against the Affordable Care Act. After being insulted publically by the president for daring to try to reel in the debt and deficit with actual numbers, Ryan had the guts to label Obama “the Campaigner-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, somewhere between 2011 and 2016 Ryan lost his determination. Suddenly, the solutions the new speaker criticized so strongly in the past have become solutions he seems willing to live with.

Atrocities such as the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill, which subsidizes the president’s plan to accept into America Syrian refugees who will likely be infiltrated by ISIS and leaves conservatives wanting on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood.

Worse yet, the spending bill contains provisions totaling over $1 billion to help fund the implementation of the same healthcare reform bill the new speaker spoke harshly against just five years earlier.

Speaking of surveillance and Obamacare, let’s not forget Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ baffling decision that doubled down on defying the Constitution and helped pave the way for socialized medicine.

Now, The Wall Street Journal’s eye-opening piece titled: “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress” may shed light on why two branches of the U.S. government have rolled over and accommodated Obama on every front.

According to the article, Barack Obama employed the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bibi Netanyahu, a practice he promised to discontinue doing to “friendly heads of state” two years ago.

An anonymous senior official quoted by the WSJ said that when the administration secured the NSA’s services the president’s goal was to ensure that Netanyahu did not stand in the way of Iran attaining the bomb they plan to use to annihilate Israel.

During the Iran deal negotiations, the NSA also listened in and reported back to the president conversations Benjamin Netanyahu had with friends in Congress. So, while targeting our allies, also “swept up …were the… content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.”

In other words, politicians that fit the president’s enemy criteria probably include any turncoat who attended Netanyahu’s March address to a joint session of Congress where Bibi argued against the president’s nuclear deal with Iran?

The 44 Democrat protesters who chose not to attend exempts only 8% of Congress from snooping.

Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.

With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party’s consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that America’s first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn’t Richard Nixon resign for much less?

Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that’s long overdue -- put the survival of America first.

Articles: Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
I'm wondering if there is anybody in Washington who isn't "spying" on their enemies.

I know nothing gets past Mossad, and they watch our every move, for good reason.

I find it it hard to believe that anybody Obama might spy on, hasn't been spying on him right back.

Sounds like another scandal for Republican congresspeople and senators can waste time on, instead of flooding Obama with legislaton, and force him to veto, or approve it
As long as Congress refuses to investigate it will go on. However, Watergate was over the same situation......and we know how that turned out:

The term Watergate has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such "dirty tricks" as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides ordered harassment of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).​

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by the Nixon administration, articles of impeachment,[2] and the resignation of Nixon as President of the United States in August 1974. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 25 being found guilty and incarcerated, many of whom were Nixon's top administration officials. Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IThat sounds really sensational and kind of paranoid
Obama may have had alot of motivation to start crying on camera yesterday over the murdered kids at Sandyhook. He's finally done something that can't be swept under the rug. Spying on congress isn't just impeachable....it's worth a jail term.

January 6, 2016
Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Remember when Obama, the guy with big plans to resettle America's neighborhoods, clashed with Bibi Netanyahu for refusing to abandon construction and resettlement plans in East Jerusalem? The president was so incensed that Netanyahu hesitated to comply with his demands that he left the prime minister sitting in a room alone while he went upstairs to eat.

That’s when, out of fear of being wiretapped, Netanyahu and his delegation chose not to use White House phones.

As usual, Bibi’s discernment was on target because recently it was revealed that Obama, concerned about his nuke deal with Iran, directed the National Security Agency to spy on Israel, American Jewish groups, and friends of Israel in the U.S. Congress.

For eight years, in addition to displaying open hostility toward the Jewish state, here in America, the president has pushed the boundaries on everything from limiting First and Second Amendment rights to passing a failed stimulus package to ramming through healthcare reform to making a nuclear deal with Iran to promising amnesty to illegal aliens.

Yet despite the U.S. Constitution being shredded, the law flouted, and domestic and worldwide chaos being stirred up by a philosophically driven Obama, time and again, the onslaught of detrimental policy pronouncements have been met with an insipid response from the president’s supposed political adversaries.

Now, after learning that the Executive branch of the U.S. government spied on the Legislative branch, it’s less confusing as to why the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and his compadre in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), seemed so reticent in resisting this president.

At first, it appeared as if former Speaker Boehner acquiesced out of fear that Republicans would be blamed for things like government shutdowns, or accused of not showing compassion toward hordes of “unaccompanied minors,” or worse yet, perceived to be the “Party of No.”

Now we find out that although John Boehner was likely spared the wrath of the battery cables, the antique dental drill, and duct tape, before grabbing his Coppertone and heading back to Ohio, Chicago-style coercion may be what caused teary-eyed Boehner to consistently fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Next up: Kevin McCarthy the Republican from California who was the shoo-in to replace Boehner.

After receiving an email from a “conservative activist” that threatened to expose an alleged extramarital affair, McCarthy withdrew his candidacy to be Speaker.

Ironically, McCarthy’s decision coincided with a cryptic letter written by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) to Republican Conference Chairperson, Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the letter, Jones asked that candidates with “embarrassing… misdeeds … committed since joining Congress " withdraw from running for positions of leadership.

What exactly did the North Carolina representative know, and what was his letter really alluding to?

Finally, there’s newly ordained Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul’s the guy who, besides being Romney’s running mate in 2012, stood firmly against the Affordable Care Act. After being insulted publically by the president for daring to try to reel in the debt and deficit with actual numbers, Ryan had the guts to label Obama “the Campaigner-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, somewhere between 2011 and 2016 Ryan lost his determination. Suddenly, the solutions the new speaker criticized so strongly in the past have become solutions he seems willing to live with.

Atrocities such as the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill, which subsidizes the president’s plan to accept into America Syrian refugees who will likely be infiltrated by ISIS and leaves conservatives wanting on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood.

Worse yet, the spending bill contains provisions totaling over $1 billion to help fund the implementation of the same healthcare reform bill the new speaker spoke harshly against just five years earlier.

Speaking of surveillance and Obamacare, let’s not forget Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ baffling decision that doubled down on defying the Constitution and helped pave the way for socialized medicine.

Now, The Wall Street Journal’s eye-opening piece titled: “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress” may shed light on why two branches of the U.S. government have rolled over and accommodated Obama on every front.

According to the article, Barack Obama employed the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bibi Netanyahu, a practice he promised to discontinue doing to “friendly heads of state” two years ago.

An anonymous senior official quoted by the WSJ said that when the administration secured the NSA’s services the president’s goal was to ensure that Netanyahu did not stand in the way of Iran attaining the bomb they plan to use to annihilate Israel.

During the Iran deal negotiations, the NSA also listened in and reported back to the president conversations Benjamin Netanyahu had with friends in Congress. So, while targeting our allies, also “swept up …were the… content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.”

In other words, politicians that fit the president’s enemy criteria probably include any turncoat who attended Netanyahu’s March address to a joint session of Congress where Bibi argued against the president’s nuclear deal with Iran?

The 44 Democrat protesters who chose not to attend exempts only 8% of Congress from snooping.

Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.

With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party’s consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that America’s first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn’t Richard Nixon resign for much less?

Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that’s long overdue -- put the survival of America first.

Articles: Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
I'm wondering if there is anybody in Washington who isn't "spying" on their enemies.

I know nothing gets past Mossad, and they watch our every move, for good reason.

I find it it hard to believe that anybody Obama might spy on, hasn't been spying on him right back.

Sounds like another scandal for Republican congresspeople and senators can waste time on, instead of flooding Obama with legislaton, and force him to veto, or approve it
As long as Congress refuses to investigate it will go on. However, Watergate was over the same situation......and we know how that turned out:

The term Watergate has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such "dirty tricks" as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides ordered harassment of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).​

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by the Nixon administration, articles of impeachment,[2] and the resignation of Nixon as President of the United States in August 1974. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 25 being found guilty and incarcerated, many of whom were Nixon's top administration officials. Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everyone says the GOP IS afraid of being called racists.


They're afraid of being exposed. There are things in their past they might find embarrassing and Obama is blackmailing them.
Obama may have had alot of motivation to start crying on camera yesterday over the murdered kids at Sandyhook. He's finally done something that can't be swept under the rug. Spying on congress isn't just impeachable....it's worth a jail term.

January 6, 2016
Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Remember when Obama, the guy with big plans to resettle America's neighborhoods, clashed with Bibi Netanyahu for refusing to abandon construction and resettlement plans in East Jerusalem? The president was so incensed that Netanyahu hesitated to comply with his demands that he left the prime minister sitting in a room alone while he went upstairs to eat.

That’s when, out of fear of being wiretapped, Netanyahu and his delegation chose not to use White House phones.

As usual, Bibi’s discernment was on target because recently it was revealed that Obama, concerned about his nuke deal with Iran, directed the National Security Agency to spy on Israel, American Jewish groups, and friends of Israel in the U.S. Congress.

For eight years, in addition to displaying open hostility toward the Jewish state, here in America, the president has pushed the boundaries on everything from limiting First and Second Amendment rights to passing a failed stimulus package to ramming through healthcare reform to making a nuclear deal with Iran to promising amnesty to illegal aliens.

Yet despite the U.S. Constitution being shredded, the law flouted, and domestic and worldwide chaos being stirred up by a philosophically driven Obama, time and again, the onslaught of detrimental policy pronouncements have been met with an insipid response from the president’s supposed political adversaries.

Now, after learning that the Executive branch of the U.S. government spied on the Legislative branch, it’s less confusing as to why the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and his compadre in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), seemed so reticent in resisting this president.

At first, it appeared as if former Speaker Boehner acquiesced out of fear that Republicans would be blamed for things like government shutdowns, or accused of not showing compassion toward hordes of “unaccompanied minors,” or worse yet, perceived to be the “Party of No.”

Now we find out that although John Boehner was likely spared the wrath of the battery cables, the antique dental drill, and duct tape, before grabbing his Coppertone and heading back to Ohio, Chicago-style coercion may be what caused teary-eyed Boehner to consistently fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Next up: Kevin McCarthy the Republican from California who was the shoo-in to replace Boehner.

After receiving an email from a “conservative activist” that threatened to expose an alleged extramarital affair, McCarthy withdrew his candidacy to be Speaker.

Ironically, McCarthy’s decision coincided with a cryptic letter written by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) to Republican Conference Chairperson, Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the letter, Jones asked that candidates with “embarrassing… misdeeds … committed since joining Congress " withdraw from running for positions of leadership.

What exactly did the North Carolina representative know, and what was his letter really alluding to?

Finally, there’s newly ordained Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul’s the guy who, besides being Romney’s running mate in 2012, stood firmly against the Affordable Care Act. After being insulted publically by the president for daring to try to reel in the debt and deficit with actual numbers, Ryan had the guts to label Obama “the Campaigner-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, somewhere between 2011 and 2016 Ryan lost his determination. Suddenly, the solutions the new speaker criticized so strongly in the past have become solutions he seems willing to live with.

Atrocities such as the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill, which subsidizes the president’s plan to accept into America Syrian refugees who will likely be infiltrated by ISIS and leaves conservatives wanting on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood.

Worse yet, the spending bill contains provisions totaling over $1 billion to help fund the implementation of the same healthcare reform bill the new speaker spoke harshly against just five years earlier.

Speaking of surveillance and Obamacare, let’s not forget Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ baffling decision that doubled down on defying the Constitution and helped pave the way for socialized medicine.

Now, The Wall Street Journal’s eye-opening piece titled: “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress” may shed light on why two branches of the U.S. government have rolled over and accommodated Obama on every front.

According to the article, Barack Obama employed the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bibi Netanyahu, a practice he promised to discontinue doing to “friendly heads of state” two years ago.

An anonymous senior official quoted by the WSJ said that when the administration secured the NSA’s services the president’s goal was to ensure that Netanyahu did not stand in the way of Iran attaining the bomb they plan to use to annihilate Israel.

During the Iran deal negotiations, the NSA also listened in and reported back to the president conversations Benjamin Netanyahu had with friends in Congress. So, while targeting our allies, also “swept up …were the… content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.”

In other words, politicians that fit the president’s enemy criteria probably include any turncoat who attended Netanyahu’s March address to a joint session of Congress where Bibi argued against the president’s nuclear deal with Iran?

The 44 Democrat protesters who chose not to attend exempts only 8% of Congress from snooping.

Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.

With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party’s consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that America’s first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn’t Richard Nixon resign for much less?

Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that’s long overdue -- put the survival of America first.

Articles: Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
I'm wondering if there is anybody in Washington who isn't "spying" on their enemies.

I know nothing gets past Mossad, and they watch our every move, for good reason.

I find it it hard to believe that anybody Obama might spy on, hasn't been spying on him right back.

Sounds like another scandal for Republican congresspeople and senators can waste time on, instead of flooding Obama with legislaton, and force him to veto, or approve it
As long as Congress refuses to investigate it will go on. However, Watergate was over the same situation......and we know how that turned out:

The term Watergate has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such "dirty tricks" as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides ordered harassment of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).​

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by the Nixon administration, articles of impeachment,[2] and the resignation of Nixon as President of the United States in August 1974. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 25 being found guilty and incarcerated, many of whom were Nixon's top administration officials. Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IThat sounds really sensational and kind of paranoid
Obama may have had alot of motivation to start crying on camera yesterday over the murdered kids at Sandyhook. He's finally done something that can't be swept under the rug. Spying on congress isn't just impeachable....it's worth a jail term.

January 6, 2016
Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Remember when Obama, the guy with big plans to resettle America's neighborhoods, clashed with Bibi Netanyahu for refusing to abandon construction and resettlement plans in East Jerusalem? The president was so incensed that Netanyahu hesitated to comply with his demands that he left the prime minister sitting in a room alone while he went upstairs to eat.

That’s when, out of fear of being wiretapped, Netanyahu and his delegation chose not to use White House phones.

As usual, Bibi’s discernment was on target because recently it was revealed that Obama, concerned about his nuke deal with Iran, directed the National Security Agency to spy on Israel, American Jewish groups, and friends of Israel in the U.S. Congress.

For eight years, in addition to displaying open hostility toward the Jewish state, here in America, the president has pushed the boundaries on everything from limiting First and Second Amendment rights to passing a failed stimulus package to ramming through healthcare reform to making a nuclear deal with Iran to promising amnesty to illegal aliens.

Yet despite the U.S. Constitution being shredded, the law flouted, and domestic and worldwide chaos being stirred up by a philosophically driven Obama, time and again, the onslaught of detrimental policy pronouncements have been met with an insipid response from the president’s supposed political adversaries.

Now, after learning that the Executive branch of the U.S. government spied on the Legislative branch, it’s less confusing as to why the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and his compadre in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), seemed so reticent in resisting this president.

At first, it appeared as if former Speaker Boehner acquiesced out of fear that Republicans would be blamed for things like government shutdowns, or accused of not showing compassion toward hordes of “unaccompanied minors,” or worse yet, perceived to be the “Party of No.”

Now we find out that although John Boehner was likely spared the wrath of the battery cables, the antique dental drill, and duct tape, before grabbing his Coppertone and heading back to Ohio, Chicago-style coercion may be what caused teary-eyed Boehner to consistently fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Next up: Kevin McCarthy the Republican from California who was the shoo-in to replace Boehner.

After receiving an email from a “conservative activist” that threatened to expose an alleged extramarital affair, McCarthy withdrew his candidacy to be Speaker.

Ironically, McCarthy’s decision coincided with a cryptic letter written by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) to Republican Conference Chairperson, Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the letter, Jones asked that candidates with “embarrassing… misdeeds … committed since joining Congress " withdraw from running for positions of leadership.

What exactly did the North Carolina representative know, and what was his letter really alluding to?

Finally, there’s newly ordained Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul’s the guy who, besides being Romney’s running mate in 2012, stood firmly against the Affordable Care Act. After being insulted publically by the president for daring to try to reel in the debt and deficit with actual numbers, Ryan had the guts to label Obama “the Campaigner-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, somewhere between 2011 and 2016 Ryan lost his determination. Suddenly, the solutions the new speaker criticized so strongly in the past have become solutions he seems willing to live with.

Atrocities such as the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill, which subsidizes the president’s plan to accept into America Syrian refugees who will likely be infiltrated by ISIS and leaves conservatives wanting on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood.

Worse yet, the spending bill contains provisions totaling over $1 billion to help fund the implementation of the same healthcare reform bill the new speaker spoke harshly against just five years earlier.

Speaking of surveillance and Obamacare, let’s not forget Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ baffling decision that doubled down on defying the Constitution and helped pave the way for socialized medicine.

Now, The Wall Street Journal’s eye-opening piece titled: “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress” may shed light on why two branches of the U.S. government have rolled over and accommodated Obama on every front.

According to the article, Barack Obama employed the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bibi Netanyahu, a practice he promised to discontinue doing to “friendly heads of state” two years ago.

An anonymous senior official quoted by the WSJ said that when the administration secured the NSA’s services the president’s goal was to ensure that Netanyahu did not stand in the way of Iran attaining the bomb they plan to use to annihilate Israel.

During the Iran deal negotiations, the NSA also listened in and reported back to the president conversations Benjamin Netanyahu had with friends in Congress. So, while targeting our allies, also “swept up …were the… content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.”

In other words, politicians that fit the president’s enemy criteria probably include any turncoat who attended Netanyahu’s March address to a joint session of Congress where Bibi argued against the president’s nuclear deal with Iran?

The 44 Democrat protesters who chose not to attend exempts only 8% of Congress from snooping.

Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.

With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party’s consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that America’s first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn’t Richard Nixon resign for much less?

Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that’s long overdue -- put the survival of America first.

Articles: Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
I'm wondering if there is anybody in Washington who isn't "spying" on their enemies.

I know nothing gets past Mossad, and they watch our every move, for good reason.

I find it it hard to believe that anybody Obama might spy on, hasn't been spying on him right back.

Sounds like another scandal for Republican congresspeople and senators can waste time on, instead of flooding Obama with legislaton, and force him to veto, or approve it
As long as Congress refuses to investigate it will go on. However, Watergate was over the same situation......and we know how that turned out:

The term Watergate has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such "dirty tricks" as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides ordered harassment of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).​

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by the Nixon administration, articles of impeachment,[2] and the resignation of Nixon as President of the United States in August 1974. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 25 being found guilty and incarcerated, many of whom were Nixon's top administration officials. Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everyone says the GOP IS afraid of being called racists.


They're afraid of being exposed. There are things in their past they might find embarrassing and Obama is blackmailing them.
And so you think it doesn't go on in Washington.

After all of these years of watching the Clinton's stealing FBI files and stories appearing in the media about anyone who pissed these people off.

How do you think they knew Hillary was passing classified information on a private server? How did they find out about Petraeus sharing classified information with his secretary? Why are the Republicans so scared of him?

Oh, I know.

It's cuz he's black.

"In February this reporter published a series of news articles at Examiner which indicated that the Obama White House and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had contracted with General Dynamics to gather information on citizens.​

Further, it was discovered in the course of the investigation that DHS had lied to Congress concerning the information it had gathered on Americans through covert spying techniques.​

Given that DHS has nothing to do with a political campaign, it would be a stretch to claim that spying on Americans by the agency is part of a reelection bid.​

But the process of trolling for information does not stop there. Another news report indicated that the Obama White House had used Facebook to spy on citizens, which resulted in the social networking site's admission that it had used its platform to snoop on its phone users' text messages.​

The investigation further uncovered the stunning fact that Facebook funneled the information it had gathered on citizens directly to the Obama White House."​


Obama spying on all Americans a major human rights violation

New information confirms extensive Obama spying on Americans
Obama may have had alot of motivation to start crying on camera yesterday over the murdered kids at Sandyhook. He's finally done something that can't be swept under the rug. Spying on congress isn't just impeachable....it's worth a jail term.

January 6, 2016
Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Remember when Obama, the guy with big plans to resettle America's neighborhoods, clashed with Bibi Netanyahu for refusing to abandon construction and resettlement plans in East Jerusalem? The president was so incensed that Netanyahu hesitated to comply with his demands that he left the prime minister sitting in a room alone while he went upstairs to eat.

That’s when, out of fear of being wiretapped, Netanyahu and his delegation chose not to use White House phones.

As usual, Bibi’s discernment was on target because recently it was revealed that Obama, concerned about his nuke deal with Iran, directed the National Security Agency to spy on Israel, American Jewish groups, and friends of Israel in the U.S. Congress.

For eight years, in addition to displaying open hostility toward the Jewish state, here in America, the president has pushed the boundaries on everything from limiting First and Second Amendment rights to passing a failed stimulus package to ramming through healthcare reform to making a nuclear deal with Iran to promising amnesty to illegal aliens.

Yet despite the U.S. Constitution being shredded, the law flouted, and domestic and worldwide chaos being stirred up by a philosophically driven Obama, time and again, the onslaught of detrimental policy pronouncements have been met with an insipid response from the president’s supposed political adversaries.

Now, after learning that the Executive branch of the U.S. government spied on the Legislative branch, it’s less confusing as to why the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and his compadre in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), seemed so reticent in resisting this president.

At first, it appeared as if former Speaker Boehner acquiesced out of fear that Republicans would be blamed for things like government shutdowns, or accused of not showing compassion toward hordes of “unaccompanied minors,” or worse yet, perceived to be the “Party of No.”

Now we find out that although John Boehner was likely spared the wrath of the battery cables, the antique dental drill, and duct tape, before grabbing his Coppertone and heading back to Ohio, Chicago-style coercion may be what caused teary-eyed Boehner to consistently fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Next up: Kevin McCarthy the Republican from California who was the shoo-in to replace Boehner.

After receiving an email from a “conservative activist” that threatened to expose an alleged extramarital affair, McCarthy withdrew his candidacy to be Speaker.

Ironically, McCarthy’s decision coincided with a cryptic letter written by Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) to Republican Conference Chairperson, Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the letter, Jones asked that candidates with “embarrassing… misdeeds … committed since joining Congress " withdraw from running for positions of leadership.

What exactly did the North Carolina representative know, and what was his letter really alluding to?

Finally, there’s newly ordained Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul’s the guy who, besides being Romney’s running mate in 2012, stood firmly against the Affordable Care Act. After being insulted publically by the president for daring to try to reel in the debt and deficit with actual numbers, Ryan had the guts to label Obama “the Campaigner-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, somewhere between 2011 and 2016 Ryan lost his determination. Suddenly, the solutions the new speaker criticized so strongly in the past have become solutions he seems willing to live with.

Atrocities such as the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill, which subsidizes the president’s plan to accept into America Syrian refugees who will likely be infiltrated by ISIS and leaves conservatives wanting on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood.

Worse yet, the spending bill contains provisions totaling over $1 billion to help fund the implementation of the same healthcare reform bill the new speaker spoke harshly against just five years earlier.

Speaking of surveillance and Obamacare, let’s not forget Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ baffling decision that doubled down on defying the Constitution and helped pave the way for socialized medicine.

Now, The Wall Street Journal’s eye-opening piece titled: “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress” may shed light on why two branches of the U.S. government have rolled over and accommodated Obama on every front.

According to the article, Barack Obama employed the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bibi Netanyahu, a practice he promised to discontinue doing to “friendly heads of state” two years ago.

An anonymous senior official quoted by the WSJ said that when the administration secured the NSA’s services the president’s goal was to ensure that Netanyahu did not stand in the way of Iran attaining the bomb they plan to use to annihilate Israel.

During the Iran deal negotiations, the NSA also listened in and reported back to the president conversations Benjamin Netanyahu had with friends in Congress. So, while targeting our allies, also “swept up …were the… content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.”

In other words, politicians that fit the president’s enemy criteria probably include any turncoat who attended Netanyahu’s March address to a joint session of Congress where Bibi argued against the president’s nuclear deal with Iran?

The 44 Democrat protesters who chose not to attend exempts only 8% of Congress from snooping.

Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.

With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party’s consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that America’s first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn’t Richard Nixon resign for much less?

Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that’s long overdue -- put the survival of America first.

Articles: Obama Spies on His Enemies in Congress
Despite the opinions of useful idiots like c clayton jones and guno, none of this is hard to believe. The Obama machine is such a criminal element, the blackmail weapon makes perfect sense. The republican congress is whipped. Almost no one will speak out, maybe Cruz and Sessions, but maybe because their skeletons are minimal?

I have had it with an enabling media and a dirty traitorous administration. They are destroying this nation, this nation's morale, this nation's will to fight, and it is super vulnerable to Islamic destruction. Every scandal gets buried and forgotten or forgiven by the courts. And every useful idiot liberal voter counts it as business as usual.
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