Obama Civilian Army

I’ve never seen that video before. A paramilitary organization based on race seeking to serve a leader, not a country. The same people that ignore or see nothing wrong with this video are the same people that shit themselves over a bunch of white guys getting together to drink beer and shoot decoy targets in the mountains.
I’ve never seen that video before. A paramilitary organization based on race seeking to serve a leader, not a country. The same people that ignore or see nothing wrong with this video are the same people that shit themselves over a bunch of white guys getting together to drink beer and shoot decoy targets in the mountains.
Are you talking about the bunch of white guys (based on race) getting together to kidnap a United State Governor? Yeah, they are just bunch of friends getting together and having a few beers. Good kids.
Just so you know......
I wouldn't consider something that happened over a year ago to be a Current Event. Post anything you like, just don't lie about it.

LOL, lie? You're not a bright one son. As usual Progs either miss the point or try and deflect from it. I don't think you're bright enough to deflect from it. Again, if Rump had any of this going on you'd all freak out.
I’ve never seen that video before. A paramilitary organization based on race seeking to serve a leader, not a country. The same people that ignore or see nothing wrong with this video are the same people that shit themselves over a bunch of white guys getting together to drink beer and shoot decoy targets in the mountains.
Are you talking about the bunch of white guys (based on race) getting together to kidnap a United State Governor? Yeah, they are just bunch of friends getting together and having a few beers. Good kids.

The difference between a Prog and a Conservative? A Conservative says prosecute those guys to the fullest extent of the law (never mind at least one was a Rump hating Lefty) a Prog cheers that crap on. Look no further than BLM and ANTIFA.
I’ve never seen that video before. A paramilitary organization based on race seeking to serve a leader, not a country. The same people that ignore or see nothing wrong with this video are the same people that shit themselves over a bunch of white guys getting together to drink beer and shoot decoy targets in the mountains.
Are you talking about the bunch of white guys (based on race) getting together to kidnap a United State Governor? Yeah, they are just bunch of friends getting together and having a few beers. Good kids.

Trump haters, too.

Imagine ANYONE not a Dem putting something like this together.
How is this a Current Event? The video was put up in 2012.
The thread was put up today.
So, anything I put up today is a Current Event? :laughing0301:

No numb nuts. If you hadn't edited my post in what you quoted by deleting what came next so that it fit your narrative, you might be better able to understand what IS a current event. Try not to be a pea brain.

Imagine ANYONE not a Dem putting something like this together.
How is this a Current Event? The video was put up in 2012.

Wonder where they are today...

Obama has an office and a mansion in D.C., I am sure that he, along with Valeria Jarret, both probably know. Remember, they are 'community organizers,' par extraordinaire, (think ACORN.)

Just because this is old footage and an old speech does not at all mean that this is an "old idea," or that this is a "shelved" program.

Obama is still in the nation's capital, still hard at work on his vision. It is more of a global vision, working with international leaders, and ultra wealthy NGO foundation heads though, I am sure.

Imagine ANYONE not a Dem putting something like this together.
How is this a Current Event? The video was put up in 2012.

Wonder where they are today...

Well based on their synchronized dance moves.....I would say trying out for that ever popular TV show "So you think you can Dance"

Nahhhhh....just kidding.......probably in jail.

Don't let your prejudices and biases blind you.

I don't see your point about staying informed. The video shown by the OP is from VotoPorAmerica which is not on Media Navigators list, so what relevance does your link have?

You say "Don't let your prejudices and biases blind you." and "Stay Informed" yet it is obvious that advice is do as I say not as I do.

"......Remember, they are 'community organizers,' par extraordinaire,..."

Oh really? He is a crook extraordinaire. As President, and under the guise of his signature Health Care Plan, he lined the pockets of one of his "Community Organizers" Sara Horowitz (Ms Horowitz was a community organizer with Barack Hussein Obama before he was a politician) to the tune of $174 million dollars for her CO-OP Health Republic, more than ANY OTHER CO-OP was given (there were 24), which FAILED just 2 years after the implementation of the "Not so Affordable Care Act" leaving more than 200,000 New Yorkers without coverage. Bet you didn't know that, did you. Stay Informed.

"Obama is still in the nation's capital, still hard at work on his vision."

Yeah.....his vision of how he can steal as much money as possible from the American people without getting caught and going to jail.
RE: Solyndra. It too failed just 2 measly years after receiving $535 Million from the Obama administration. See a pattern here? Stay Informed.

Clearly YOUR BIASES have blinded you like so many Liberals to the TRUTH.

I agree with all that.

What I am talking about is, "just kidding.......probably in jail."


I’ve never seen that video before. A paramilitary organization based on race seeking to serve a leader, not a country. The same people that ignore or see nothing wrong with this video are the same people that shit themselves over a bunch of white guys getting together to drink beer and shoot decoy targets in the mountains.

I don't know about the video date that doesn't mean much but Obama started his "brown shirt army" in 2008. Many of the vids like an original with "Mr Obama did this for me" and on and on,,,,CAN"T be found, surprised you found this one.

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