Obama: Climate Change ‘Could Threaten the Statue of Liberty

Al Gore who predicted iceless North Pole possibly by 2013. The reality?

Satellite photos of the Arctic taken by NASA in August 2012 and August 2013 show a 60 percent increase in the polar ice sheet, more than half the size of Europe, despite “realistic” predictions by climate scientists six years ago that the North Pole would be completely melted by now.

I've always wondered "what kind of idiot reads Terence Jeffrey's rag - and believes it?".


You posted a graph on arctic see ice? You must be a climate genius!
Al Gore who predicted iceless North Pole possibly by 2013. The reality?

Satellite photos of the Arctic taken by NASA in August 2012 and August 2013 show a 60 percent increase in the polar ice sheet, more than half the size of Europe, despite “realistic” predictions by climate scientists six years ago that the North Pole would be completely melted by now.

I've always wondered "what kind of idiot reads Terence Jeffrey's rag - and believes it?".

Good pic of Hillary almost giving Obama a sucker bite. Hillary veered off and may be due to the musky smell.


You posted a graph on arctic see ice? You must be a climate genius!
Personally I really don't care about the statue of liberty.

It could sink to the bottom of the ocean and I wouldn't give it a second thought
Al Gore who predicted iceless North Pole possibly by 2013. The reality?

Satellite photos of the Arctic taken by NASA in August 2012 and August 2013 show a 60 percent increase in the polar ice sheet, more than half the size of Europe, despite “realistic” predictions by climate scientists six years ago that the North Pole would be completely melted by now.

I've always wondered "what kind of idiot reads Terence Jeffrey's rag - and believes it?".


You posted a graph on arctic see ice? You must be a climate genius!

All anyone needs do is go back, pull up all of THEIR scientists predictions over the last 50 years, then pose the question to all these lefties------------>which of these predictions on climate has come true! ANSWER! Virtually none!

Add to that they still can't show linkage to humans, and anybody buying into this crapola is nothing more than a shill.

Remember the obvious truth-----------> if the government controls healthcare and energy, they control the citizenry, period. Because, energy controls the price of everything, and healthcare controls you. Statists know this. They do NOT have to control the means of production making us Socialists, if they control the price of energy that produces goods. They can also REGULATE industry's out of existence. EXAMPLE---------> I am a pointy head, and I like solar; but I have a problem. Oil and coal are much, much, much, cheaper. What can I do? Easy peezy! I regulate the hell out of them to force their price up to equal or above the cost of the product I am pushing; in this case solar. Makes no difference if I am screwing the citizenry, because I am a pointy headed, lefty, genius; and I know what is best for everyone, just ask me, I will tell you.

And when the citizens balk at my genius, I give my supporters a phony argument to come back with. That is correct, global warming, climate change, polar bears are dying, the oceans are rising, you are all going to die if you don't listen to us........even though NONE of our predictions have come to pass, I will keep screaming that all of you are just to damn dumb to see it.
"The deranged left was on hand at the Trump event last night in Minneapolis looking for pre-planned, predictably choreographed trouble. They were swearing at attendees as we arrived, spitting at whomever they could reach. They weren’t protesting as much as they were looking to beat people up. After Donald Trump had our wildly enthusiastic crowd riled up and on our feet with multiple standing ovations, the crowd tried leaving the building. Police officers told us protesters had physically attacked people as they were leaving the building and we were instructed to leave through alternative exits."

Exclusive — Michele Bachmann on ‘Deranged’ Protesters Targeting Donald Trump’s Supporters, Motorcade: ‘Rent-A-Thugs’ Were ‘Looking for a Beat-Down’ - Breitbart

Let the world see the utter trash the left is.
She's right.. the left has NO RESPECT for the law or for police officers.

I believe Bachman is deranged and also Breibart, really Breibart. a ultra conservative blog. Trump, burn clean coal, decrease regulation on businesses, in other words let them pollute. We have one earth and we can't let your types pollute, and use up all the natural resources at your whim, because well the earth can't reproduce itself. Then again some of you think Jesus will be coming in the clouds.

Awww, look at the nasty Atheist, a stupid one to boot, rear it's ugly fangs... Your leftist friends ATTACK and beat down an elderly man and you sit here diddling your penis hole spewing horse shit.

I'm actually a RC, and we believe in science and when your given a gift use it wisely, or it may not last long. Only nutcases can't wait for the return of Jesus and think the end times are upon us , and hoping its soon. Is that your Christian mouth spewing nastiness.
"The deranged left was on hand at the Trump event last night in Minneapolis looking for pre-planned, predictably choreographed trouble. They were swearing at attendees as we arrived, spitting at whomever they could reach. They weren’t protesting as much as they were looking to beat people up. After Donald Trump had our wildly enthusiastic crowd riled up and on our feet with multiple standing ovations, the crowd tried leaving the building. Police officers told us protesters had physically attacked people as they were leaving the building and we were instructed to leave through alternative exits."

Exclusive — Michele Bachmann on ‘Deranged’ Protesters Targeting Donald Trump’s Supporters, Motorcade: ‘Rent-A-Thugs’ Were ‘Looking for a Beat-Down’ - Breitbart

Let the world see the utter trash the left is.
She's right.. the left has NO RESPECT for the law or for police officers.

I believe Bachman is deranged and also Breibart, really Breibart. a ultra conservative blog. Trump, burn clean coal, decrease regulation on businesses, in other words let them pollute. We have one earth and we can't let your types pollute, and use up all the natural resources at your whim, because well the earth can't reproduce itself. Then again some of you think Jesus will be coming in the clouds.

Awww, look at the nasty Atheist, a stupid one to boot, rear it's ugly fangs... Your leftist friends ATTACK and beat down an elderly man and you sit here diddling your penis hole spewing horse shit.

I'm actually a RC, and we believe in science and when your given a gift use it wisely, or it may not last long. Only nutcases can't wait for the return of Jesus and think the end times are upon us , and hoping its soon. Is that your Christian mouth spewing nastiness.

WTF is a RC?? Radio Control, Remote Control, Release Candidate, Rotary Club, Reality Check, Racing Car, Reading Comprehension, Robot Control, Reduced Cost, Reaction Center???? What science? What gift?? You sound confused and a bit maniacal..Tell us your special gift "RC" that you may lose? We're all waiting with bated breath..

"The deranged left was on hand at the Trump event last night in Minneapolis looking for pre-planned, predictably choreographed trouble. They were swearing at attendees as we arrived, spitting at whomever they could reach. They weren’t protesting as much as they were looking to beat people up. After Donald Trump had our wildly enthusiastic crowd riled up and on our feet with multiple standing ovations, the crowd tried leaving the building. Police officers told us protesters had physically attacked people as they were leaving the building and we were instructed to leave through alternative exits."

Exclusive — Michele Bachmann on ‘Deranged’ Protesters Targeting Donald Trump’s Supporters, Motorcade: ‘Rent-A-Thugs’ Were ‘Looking for a Beat-Down’ - Breitbart

Let the world see the utter trash the left is.
She's right.. the left has NO RESPECT for the law or for police officers.

I believe Bachman is deranged and also Breibart, really Breibart. a ultra conservative blog. Trump, burn clean coal, decrease regulation on businesses, in other words let them pollute. We have one earth and we can't let your types pollute, and use up all the natural resources at your whim, because well the earth can't reproduce itself. Then again some of you think Jesus will be coming in the clouds.

Awww, look at the nasty Atheist, a stupid one to boot, rear it's ugly fangs... Your leftist friends ATTACK and beat down an elderly man and you sit here diddling your penis hole spewing horse shit.

I'm actually a RC, and we believe in science and when your given a gift use it wisely, or it may not last long. Only nutcases can't wait for the return of Jesus and think the end times are upon us , and hoping its soon. Is that your Christian mouth spewing nastiness.

WTF is a RC?? Radio Control, Remote Control, Release Candidate, Rotary Club, Reality Check, Racing Car, Reading Comprehension, Robot Control, Reduced Cost, Reaction Center???? What science? What gift?? You sound confused and a bit maniacal..Tell us your special gift "RC" that you may lose? We're all waiting with bated breath..


Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food and land to live on. Have you seen the movie Waterworld with Kevin Costner.
"The deranged left was on hand at the Trump event last night in Minneapolis looking for pre-planned, predictably choreographed trouble. They were swearing at attendees as we arrived, spitting at whomever they could reach. They weren’t protesting as much as they were looking to beat people up. After Donald Trump had our wildly enthusiastic crowd riled up and on our feet with multiple standing ovations, the crowd tried leaving the building. Police officers told us protesters had physically attacked people as they were leaving the building and we were instructed to leave through alternative exits."

Exclusive — Michele Bachmann on ‘Deranged’ Protesters Targeting Donald Trump’s Supporters, Motorcade: ‘Rent-A-Thugs’ Were ‘Looking for a Beat-Down’ - Breitbart

Let the world see the utter trash the left is.
She's right.. the left has NO RESPECT for the law or for police officers.

I believe Bachman is deranged and also Breibart, really Breibart. a ultra conservative blog. Trump, burn clean coal, decrease regulation on businesses, in other words let them pollute. We have one earth and we can't let your types pollute, and use up all the natural resources at your whim, because well the earth can't reproduce itself. Then again some of you think Jesus will be coming in the clouds.

Awww, look at the nasty Atheist, a stupid one to boot, rear it's ugly fangs... Your leftist friends ATTACK and beat down an elderly man and you sit here diddling your penis hole spewing horse shit.

I'm actually a RC, and we believe in science and when your given a gift use it wisely, or it may not last long. Only nutcases can't wait for the return of Jesus and think the end times are upon us , and hoping its soon. Is that your Christian mouth spewing nastiness.

WTF is a RC?? Radio Control, Remote Control, Release Candidate, Rotary Club, Reality Check, Racing Car, Reading Comprehension, Robot Control, Reduced Cost, Reaction Center???? What science? What gift?? You sound confused and a bit maniacal..Tell us your special gift "RC" that you may lose? We're all waiting with bated breath..


Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food.

So Catholics don't believe in the rapture of the church? The word of God? LOL They believe in the "gift" of clean air and "clean" food??
I believe Bachman is deranged and also Breibart, really Breibart. a ultra conservative blog. Trump, burn clean coal, decrease regulation on businesses, in other words let them pollute. We have one earth and we can't let your types pollute, and use up all the natural resources at your whim, because well the earth can't reproduce itself. Then again some of you think Jesus will be coming in the clouds.

Awww, look at the nasty Atheist, a stupid one to boot, rear it's ugly fangs... Your leftist friends ATTACK and beat down an elderly man and you sit here diddling your penis hole spewing horse shit.

I'm actually a RC, and we believe in science and when your given a gift use it wisely, or it may not last long. Only nutcases can't wait for the return of Jesus and think the end times are upon us , and hoping its soon. Is that your Christian mouth spewing nastiness.

WTF is a RC?? Radio Control, Remote Control, Release Candidate, Rotary Club, Reality Check, Racing Car, Reading Comprehension, Robot Control, Reduced Cost, Reaction Center???? What science? What gift?? You sound confused and a bit maniacal..Tell us your special gift "RC" that you may lose? We're all waiting with bated breath..


Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food.

So Catholics don't believe in the rapture of the church? The word of God? LOL They believe in the "gift" of clean air and "clean" food??[/QUOTE
I believe Bachman is deranged and also Breibart, really Breibart. a ultra conservative blog. Trump, burn clean coal, decrease regulation on businesses, in other words let them pollute. We have one earth and we can't let your types pollute, and use up all the natural resources at your whim, because well the earth can't reproduce itself. Then again some of you think Jesus will be coming in the clouds.

Awww, look at the nasty Atheist, a stupid one to boot, rear it's ugly fangs... Your leftist friends ATTACK and beat down an elderly man and you sit here diddling your penis hole spewing horse shit.

I'm actually a RC, and we believe in science and when your given a gift use it wisely, or it may not last long. Only nutcases can't wait for the return of Jesus and think the end times are upon us , and hoping its soon. Is that your Christian mouth spewing nastiness.

WTF is a RC?? Radio Control, Remote Control, Release Candidate, Rotary Club, Reality Check, Racing Car, Reading Comprehension, Robot Control, Reduced Cost, Reaction Center???? What science? What gift?? You sound confused and a bit maniacal..Tell us your special gift "RC" that you may lose? We're all waiting with bated breath..


Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food.

So Catholics don't believe in the rapture of the church? The word of God? LOL They believe in the "gift" of clean air and "clean" food??

Not the way you do. Do Catholics believe in the Rapture?

So you have no problem polluting the only place we have to live?
Awww, look at the nasty Atheist, a stupid one to boot, rear it's ugly fangs... Your leftist friends ATTACK and beat down an elderly man and you sit here diddling your penis hole spewing horse shit.

I'm actually a RC, and we believe in science and when your given a gift use it wisely, or it may not last long. Only nutcases can't wait for the return of Jesus and think the end times are upon us , and hoping its soon. Is that your Christian mouth spewing nastiness.

WTF is a RC?? Radio Control, Remote Control, Release Candidate, Rotary Club, Reality Check, Racing Car, Reading Comprehension, Robot Control, Reduced Cost, Reaction Center???? What science? What gift?? You sound confused and a bit maniacal..Tell us your special gift "RC" that you may lose? We're all waiting with bated breath..


Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food.

So Catholics don't believe in the rapture of the church? The word of God? LOL They believe in the "gift" of clean air and "clean" food??[/QUOTE
Awww, look at the nasty Atheist, a stupid one to boot, rear it's ugly fangs... Your leftist friends ATTACK and beat down an elderly man and you sit here diddling your penis hole spewing horse shit.

I'm actually a RC, and we believe in science and when your given a gift use it wisely, or it may not last long. Only nutcases can't wait for the return of Jesus and think the end times are upon us , and hoping its soon. Is that your Christian mouth spewing nastiness.

WTF is a RC?? Radio Control, Remote Control, Release Candidate, Rotary Club, Reality Check, Racing Car, Reading Comprehension, Robot Control, Reduced Cost, Reaction Center???? What science? What gift?? You sound confused and a bit maniacal..Tell us your special gift "RC" that you may lose? We're all waiting with bated breath..


Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food.

So Catholics don't believe in the rapture of the church? The word of God? LOL They believe in the "gift" of clean air and "clean" food??

Not the way you do. Do Catholics believe in the Rapture?

So you have no problem polluting the only place we have to live?

How do I believe, being you know me so well? Tell me?? Then she comes out swinging in the wide gate of assumptions and strawmen with, "So you have no problem with polluting?" LMFAO You're not worth the time to even respond..
I'm actually a RC, and we believe in science and when your given a gift use it wisely, or it may not last long. Only nutcases can't wait for the return of Jesus and think the end times are upon us , and hoping its soon. Is that your Christian mouth spewing nastiness.

WTF is a RC?? Radio Control, Remote Control, Release Candidate, Rotary Club, Reality Check, Racing Car, Reading Comprehension, Robot Control, Reduced Cost, Reaction Center???? What science? What gift?? You sound confused and a bit maniacal..Tell us your special gift "RC" that you may lose? We're all waiting with bated breath..


Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food.

So Catholics don't believe in the rapture of the church? The word of God? LOL They believe in the "gift" of clean air and "clean" food??[/QUOTE
I'm actually a RC, and we believe in science and when your given a gift use it wisely, or it may not last long. Only nutcases can't wait for the return of Jesus and think the end times are upon us , and hoping its soon. Is that your Christian mouth spewing nastiness.

WTF is a RC?? Radio Control, Remote Control, Release Candidate, Rotary Club, Reality Check, Racing Car, Reading Comprehension, Robot Control, Reduced Cost, Reaction Center???? What science? What gift?? You sound confused and a bit maniacal..Tell us your special gift "RC" that you may lose? We're all waiting with bated breath..


Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food.

So Catholics don't believe in the rapture of the church? The word of God? LOL They believe in the "gift" of clean air and "clean" food??

Not the way you do. Do Catholics believe in the Rapture?

So you have no problem polluting the only place we have to live?

How do I believe, being you know me so well? Tell me?? Then she comes out swinging in the wide gate of assumptions and strawmen with, "So you have no problem with polluting?" LMFAO You're not worth the time to even respond..

Go live in China and wear a mask.
WTF is a RC?? Radio Control, Remote Control, Release Candidate, Rotary Club, Reality Check, Racing Car, Reading Comprehension, Robot Control, Reduced Cost, Reaction Center???? What science? What gift?? You sound confused and a bit maniacal..Tell us your special gift "RC" that you may lose? We're all waiting with bated breath..


Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food.

So Catholics don't believe in the rapture of the church? The word of God? LOL They believe in the "gift" of clean air and "clean" food??[/QUOTE
WTF is a RC?? Radio Control, Remote Control, Release Candidate, Rotary Club, Reality Check, Racing Car, Reading Comprehension, Robot Control, Reduced Cost, Reaction Center???? What science? What gift?? You sound confused and a bit maniacal..Tell us your special gift "RC" that you may lose? We're all waiting with bated breath..


Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food.

So Catholics don't believe in the rapture of the church? The word of God? LOL They believe in the "gift" of clean air and "clean" food??

Not the way you do. Do Catholics believe in the Rapture?

So you have no problem polluting the only place we have to live?

How do I believe, being you know me so well? Tell me?? Then she comes out swinging in the wide gate of assumptions and strawmen with, "So you have no problem with polluting?" LMFAO You're not worth the time to even respond..

Go live in China and wear a mask.
Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food and land to live on. Have you seen the movie Waterworld with Kevin Costner.
Are you alluding to that we want to breathe dirty air, drink dirty water, live on a garbage dump and eat spoiled food? :cuckoo:
Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food and land to live on. Have you seen the movie Waterworld with Kevin Costner.
Are you alluding to that we want to breathe dirty air, drink dirty water, live on a garbage dump and eat spoiled food? :cuckoo:

A lot of people do and don't even know it.
I love pigs feet stew but I scrub them clean before I cook them, am I OK then?
Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food and land to live on. Have you seen the movie Waterworld with Kevin Costner.
Are you alluding to that we want to breathe dirty air, drink dirty water, live on a garbage dump and eat spoiled food? :cuckoo:

A lot of people do and don't even know it.
I love pigs feet stew but I scrub them clean before I cook them, am I OK then?
Roman Catholic, the gift of life and earth, clean air, clean water and clean food and land to live on. Have you seen the movie Waterworld with Kevin Costner.
Are you alluding to that we want to breathe dirty air, drink dirty water, live on a garbage dump and eat spoiled food? :cuckoo:

A lot of people do and don't even know it.
I love pigs feet stew but I scrub them clean before I cook them, am I OK then?
Next he will say it is effecting mount Rushmore, the Jefferson memorial, the Washington memorial and whatever monument that elevates this country.

The fucking lying black asshole
Those who have common sense are completely over the Globull Warming fear mongering scam. The Earth cools, the Earth warms. It is what it is. You're not gonna die from Globull Warming. You're gonna die from anything but that. There's no reason to live in fear. Just live.

Check this dude out. He summed it all up best...


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