Obama: Climate Change ‘Could Threaten the Statue of Liberty

Its cooking in the West and flooding in the South.

List of deadliest floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There ya go dummy.. Don't thank me.. It was cooking and flooding back centuries ago as well.. You're a real zipperhead.

Remember the dust bowl, you might of read about it in school, its coming back. What you don't see is the water in the aqueducts (or lack of ), and the Amazon forest, zipper head :badgrin::)lol: what are you 15?). If you don't believe, if we do nothing, then your (sorry you hopefully will not multiply) future generations will suffer. Conservatives= only concerned with themselves.
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Its cooking in the West and flooding in the South.

List of deadliest floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There ya go dummy.. Don't thank me.. It was cooking and flooding back centuries ago as well.. You're a real zipperhead.

Remember the dust bowl, you might of read about it in school, its coming back. What you don't see is the water in the aqueducts (or lack of ), and the Amazon forest, zipper head. If you don't believe, if we do nothing, then your (sorry you hopefully will not multiply) future generations will suffer. Conservatives= only concerned with themselves.

Go get a fucking thesaurus, the book, "English for Dummies" and get back to me pinhead.
Obama: Climate Change 'Could Mean No More Glaciers In Glacier National Park,' Threaten the Statue of Liberty - Breitbart

In today's radio address, President Dumbazz said climate change could destroy the Statue Of Liberty. LMAO Hahahaha.. I guess it's the same thing as Odumbo claiming when running for the Presidency, 'This is the moment that the oceans began to recede and the planet began to heal'

Oh yea, look at the planet.. You've just about destroyed everything you damn loser.

Screw the statue, this man is a threat to liberty itself!
"The deranged left was on hand at the Trump event last night in Minneapolis looking for pre-planned, predictably choreographed trouble. They were swearing at attendees as we arrived, spitting at whomever they could reach. They weren’t protesting as much as they were looking to beat people up. After Donald Trump had our wildly enthusiastic crowd riled up and on our feet with multiple standing ovations, the crowd tried leaving the building. Police officers told us protesters had physically attacked people as they were leaving the building and we were instructed to leave through alternative exits."

Exclusive — Michele Bachmann on ‘Deranged’ Protesters Targeting Donald Trump’s Supporters, Motorcade: ‘Rent-A-Thugs’ Were ‘Looking for a Beat-Down’ - Breitbart

Let the world see the utter trash the left is.
It was so bad, she said, the so-called “protesters” were really in her view “rent-a-mobs” who turned into “rent-a-thugs.” She went on:

The ‘protestors’ morphed into rent-a-mobs, and then they became ‘rent-a-thugs’ looking for a beat-down. It was nothing more than Obama/Hillary’s lawlessness and disrespect for decency playing out on the streets of Minneapolis. The only idea the left seems to understand is physical violence used to intimidate political opposition. These brute thugs who attacked Donald Trump’s vehicle demonstrate exactly why we need to elect Donald Trump as our next President of the United States, so we can see respect for the rule of law return again in this country.

Exclusive — Michele Bachmann on ‘Deranged’ Protesters Targeting Donald Trump’s Supporters, Motorcade: ‘Rent-A-Thugs’ Were ‘Looking for a Beat-Down’ - Breitbart

The Lefts Brown Shirts.. violent animals.
"The deranged left was on hand at the Trump event last night in Minneapolis looking for pre-planned, predictably choreographed trouble. They were swearing at attendees as we arrived, spitting at whomever they could reach. They weren’t protesting as much as they were looking to beat people up. After Donald Trump had our wildly enthusiastic crowd riled up and on our feet with multiple standing ovations, the crowd tried leaving the building. Police officers told us protesters had physically attacked people as they were leaving the building and we were instructed to leave through alternative exits."

Exclusive — Michele Bachmann on ‘Deranged’ Protesters Targeting Donald Trump’s Supporters, Motorcade: ‘Rent-A-Thugs’ Were ‘Looking for a Beat-Down’ - Breitbart

Let the world see the utter trash the left is.
She's right.. the left has NO RESPECT for the law or for police officers.

I believe Bachman is deranged and also Breibart, really Breibart. a ultra conservative blog. Trump, burn clean coal, decrease regulation on businesses, in other words let them pollute. We have one earth and we can't let your types pollute, and use up all the natural resources at your whim, because well the earth can't reproduce itself. Then again some of you think Jesus will be coming in the clouds.
"The deranged left was on hand at the Trump event last night in Minneapolis looking for pre-planned, predictably choreographed trouble. They were swearing at attendees as we arrived, spitting at whomever they could reach. They weren’t protesting as much as they were looking to beat people up. After Donald Trump had our wildly enthusiastic crowd riled up and on our feet with multiple standing ovations, the crowd tried leaving the building. Police officers told us protesters had physically attacked people as they were leaving the building and we were instructed to leave through alternative exits."

Exclusive — Michele Bachmann on ‘Deranged’ Protesters Targeting Donald Trump’s Supporters, Motorcade: ‘Rent-A-Thugs’ Were ‘Looking for a Beat-Down’ - Breitbart

Let the world see the utter trash the left is.
She's right.. the left has NO RESPECT for the law or for police officers.

I believe Bachman is deranged and also Breibart, really Breibart. a ultra conservative blog. Trump, burn clean coal, decrease regulation on businesses, in other words let them pollute. We have one earth and we can't let your types pollute, and use up all the natural resources at your whim, because well the earth can't reproduce itself. Then again some of you think Jesus will be coming in the clouds.

Awww, look at the nasty Atheist, a stupid one to boot, rear it's ugly fangs... Your leftist friends ATTACK and beat down an elderly man and you sit here diddling your penis hole spewing horse shit.
Its cooking in the West and flooding in the South.

List of deadliest floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There ya go dummy.. Don't thank me.. It was cooking and flooding back centuries ago as well.. You're a real zipperhead.

Remember the dust bowl, you might of read about it in school, its coming back. What you don't see is the water in the aqueducts (or lack of ), and the Amazon forest, zipper head :badgrin::)lol: what are you 15?). If you don't believe, if we do nothing, then your (sorry you hopefully will not multiply) future generations will suffer. Conservatives= only concerned with themselves.

Bull shit. Here's what will happen. The planet will not get warmer, the ice caps will not shrink, the polar bears will not vanish, there will still be snow in winter. Then what will the left wing liars say? They will say: "Good thing that we did what we did! We stopped global warming!" Even though it was never going to happen anyway.
Are you inviting me over to your thread? This seems like an invitation to me.

You still on that court ordered psychotropic regimen, Queefcon?
You've made a complete fool of yourself in this thread .. put that flea infested tail of yours between your fat thunder thighs and scram you fucking moron. You submit Georgie Bush as an excuse for liberal lies and propaganda LOL

How quickly your 2 enthusiastic votes turned to contempt......

I submitted a citation showing that the Pentagon warned the Scrub administration of the dangers of climate change well before what you insisted was the birth of the Soros Gore conspiracy on......uh....climate change....

The same Pentagon that invested millions in a nuclear bazooka?

That one?
Are you inviting me over to your thread? This seems like an invitation to me.

You still on that court ordered psychotropic regimen, Queefcon?
You've made a complete fool of yourself in this thread .. put that flea infested tail of yours between your fat thunder thighs and scram you fucking moron. You submit Georgie Bush as an excuse for liberal lies and propaganda LOL

How quickly your 2 enthusiastic votes turned to contempt......

I submitted a citation showing that the Pentagon warned the Scrub administration of the dangers of climate change well before what you insisted was the birth of the Soros Gore conspiracy on......uh....climate change....

The same Pentagon that invested millions in a nuclear bazooka?

That one?

If not then likely direct descendant......
Are you inviting me over to your thread? This seems like an invitation to me.

You still on that court ordered psychotropic regimen, Queefcon?
You've made a complete fool of yourself in this thread .. put that flea infested tail of yours between your fat thunder thighs and scram you fucking moron. You submit Georgie Bush as an excuse for liberal lies and propaganda LOL

How quickly your 2 enthusiastic votes turned to contempt......

I submitted a citation showing that the Pentagon warned the Scrub administration of the dangers of climate change well before what you insisted was the birth of the Soros Gore conspiracy on......uh....climate change....

The same Pentagon that invested millions in a nuclear bazooka?

That one?

If not then likely direct descendant......
Are you looking for me?
Are you inviting me over to your thread? This seems like an invitation to me.

You still on that court ordered psychotropic regimen, Queefcon?
You've made a complete fool of yourself in this thread .. put that flea infested tail of yours between your fat thunder thighs and scram you fucking moron. You submit Georgie Bush as an excuse for liberal lies and propaganda LOL

How quickly your 2 enthusiastic votes turned to contempt......

I submitted a citation showing that the Pentagon warned the Scrub administration of the dangers of climate change well before what you insisted was the birth of the Soros Gore conspiracy on......uh....climate change....

The same Pentagon that invested millions in a nuclear bazooka?

That one?

If not then likely direct descendant......

So this is your argument that AGW is a major crisis?

The same Pentagon that investigates little green men?

The same Pentagon that throws perfectly good parts overboard before ship's return to port?

That's not an argument their job is to be overly cautious and they know a good political opportunity for more money when they see it.
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Climate change could effect the Statute of Limitations.
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Its cooking in the West and flooding in the South.

List of deadliest floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There ya go dummy.. Don't thank me.. It was cooking and flooding back centuries ago as well.. You're a real zipperhead.

Remember the dust bowl, you might of read about it in school, its coming back. What you don't see is the water in the aqueducts (or lack of ), and the Amazon forest, zipper head :badgrin::)lol: what are you 15?). If you don't believe, if we do nothing, then your (sorry you hopefully will not multiply) future generations will suffer. Conservatives= only concerned with themselves.

You missed the part where the dust bowl was created by poor farming/not knowing.

Farming evolved since then.
Its cooking in the West and flooding in the South.

List of deadliest floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There ya go dummy.. Don't thank me.. It was cooking and flooding back centuries ago as well.. You're a real zipperhead.

Remember the dust bowl, you might of read about it in school, its coming back. What you don't see is the water in the aqueducts (or lack of ), and the Amazon forest, zipper head :badgrin::)lol: what are you 15?). If you don't believe, if we do nothing, then your (sorry you hopefully will not multiply) future generations will suffer. Conservatives= only concerned with themselves.

You missed the part where the dust bowl was created by poor farming/not knowing.

Farming evolved since then.

no till farming but they did not have drills back in the day
Its cooking in the West and flooding in the South.

List of deadliest floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There ya go dummy.. Don't thank me.. It was cooking and flooding back centuries ago as well.. You're a real zipperhead.

Remember the dust bowl, you might of read about it in school, its coming back. What you don't see is the water in the aqueducts (or lack of ), and the Amazon forest, zipper head :badgrin::)lol: what are you 15?). If you don't believe, if we do nothing, then your (sorry you hopefully will not multiply) future generations will suffer. Conservatives= only concerned with themselves.

You missed the part where the dust bowl was created by poor farming/not knowing.

Farming evolved since then.

no till farming but they did not have drills back in the day

Talking about rotating crops, leaving trees up as a wind fence and not cutting them all down,.among other things.

But the 30s was hot but NOAA conviently lost the data for some reason lol
Its cooking in the West and flooding in the South.

List of deadliest floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There ya go dummy.. Don't thank me.. It was cooking and flooding back centuries ago as well.. You're a real zipperhead.

I zapped zipperheads and know a little tiny bit about grain farmers.

Remember the dust bowl, you might of read about it in school, its coming back. What you don't see is the water in the aqueducts (or lack of ), and the Amazon forest, zipper head :badgrin::)lol: what are you 15?). If you don't believe, if we do nothing, then your (sorry you hopefully will not multiply) future generations will suffer. Conservatives= only concerned with themselves.

You missed the part where the dust bowl was created by poor farming/not knowing.

Farming evolved since then.

no till farming but they did not have drills back in the day

Talking about rotating crops, leaving trees up as a wind fence and not cutting them all down,.among other things.

But the 30s was hot but NOAA conviently lost the data for some reason lol
Obama: Climate Change 'Could Mean No More Glaciers In Glacier National Park,' Threaten the Statue of Liberty - Breitbart

In today's radio address, President Dumbazz said climate change could destroy the Statue Of Liberty. LMAO Hahahaha.. I guess it's the same thing as Odumbo claiming when running for the Presidency, 'This is the moment that the oceans began to recede and the planet began to heal'

Oh yea, look at the planet.. You've just about destroyed everything you damn loser.

You have much of a background in climatology, dear?

Do you, dumbass?
List of deadliest floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There ya go dummy.. Don't thank me.. It was cooking and flooding back centuries ago as well.. You're a real zipperhead.

I zapped zipperheads and know a little tiny bit about grain farmers.

Remember the dust bowl, you might of read about it in school, its coming back. What you don't see is the water in the aqueducts (or lack of ), and the Amazon forest, zipper head :badgrin::)lol: what are you 15?). If you don't believe, if we do nothing, then your (sorry you hopefully will not multiply) future generations will suffer. Conservatives= only concerned with themselves.

You missed the part where the dust bowl was created by poor farming/not knowing.

Farming evolved since then.

no till farming but they did not have drills back in the day

Talking about rotating crops, leaving trees up as a wind fence and not cutting them all down,.among other things.

But the 30s was hot but NOAA conviently lost the data for some reason lol

I know a lot about zapping zipperheads and know a little bit about grain farming.

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