Obama: Climate Change ‘Could Threaten the Statue of Liberty

Are you inviting me over to your thread? This seems like an invitation to me.

You still on that court ordered psychotropic regimen, Queefcon?
Actually I have a nice greeting session going on on your home thread. I told them you came to invite back, so I'll be busy over there for a hile.
Are you inviting me over to your thread? This seems like an invitation to me.

You still on that court ordered psychotropic regimen, Queefcon?
You've made a complete fool of yourself in this thread .. put that flea infested tail of yours between your fat thunder thighs and scram you fucking moron. You submit Georgie Bush as an excuse for liberal lies and propaganda LOL

How quickly your 2 enthusiastic votes turned to contempt......

I submitted a citation showing that the Pentagon warned the Scrub administration of the dangers of climate change well before what you insisted was the birth of the Soros Gore conspiracy on......uh....climate change....
This summer in Florida has been wonderful. Lots of rain, relatively mild temperatures, my lawn and flowers love it. The lake levels are high, the aqueduct is flowing, no water restrictions! If this is climate change, crank up those SUVs people!
I'm delighted you live in Florida....what elevation?

What elevation do you think, idiot.
Are you inviting me over to your thread? This seems like an invitation to me.

You still on that court ordered psychotropic regimen, Queefcon?
Actually I have a nice greeting session going on on your home thread. I told them you came to invite back, so I'll be busy over there for a hile.

You are still under orders to stay 500 feet from schools and churches, right?
I didn't think it was possible for someone with a Harvard education to rise to Dumb Fuck level then Obama goes and does it. What is a scientific certainty is there WILL be another ice age and mile high glaciers WILL come down from the north and grind the Statue of Liberty and NYC down to bedrock just as they did in the past.
Are you inviting me over to your thread? This seems like an invitation to me.

You still on that court ordered psychotropic regimen, Queefcon?
Actually I have a nice greeting session going on on your home thread. I told them you came to invite back, so I'll be busy over there for a hile.

You are still under orders to stay 500 feet from schools and churches, right?
I am making your popular on your home thread, I am busy, please don't bother me at the moment.
I didn't think it was possible for someone with a Harvard education to rise to Dumb Fuck level then Obama goes and does it. What is a scientific certainty is there WILL be another ice age and mile high glaciers WILL come down from the north and grind the Statue of Liberty and NYC down to bedrock just as they did in the past.

Do you have a Harvard education, Lege?
I believe if he really wanted to get people's attention he would have used as example the Millennium Force at Cedar Point.

Are you inviting me over to your thread? This seems like an invitation to me.

You still on that court ordered psychotropic regimen, Queefcon?
Actually I have a nice greeting session going on on your home thread. I told them you came to invite back, so I'll be busy over there for a hile.

You are still under orders to stay 500 feet from schools and churches, right?
I am making your popular on your home thread, I am busy, please don't bother me at the moment.

Just sayin'

If they catch you within 500 feet of either, they are likely to taser your butthole shut.....
I didn't think it was possible for someone with a Harvard education to rise to Dumb Fuck level then Obama goes and does it. What is a scientific certainty is there WILL be another ice age and mile high glaciers WILL come down from the north and grind the Statue of Liberty and NYC down to bedrock just as they did in the past.

Do you have a Harvard education, Lege?

Go ahead challenge the fact that there will be another ice age so we can laugh in your face. Go back to the mod squad set I think they are calling for you.
Are you inviting me over to your thread? This seems like an invitation to me.

You still on that court ordered psychotropic regimen, Queefcon?
You've made a complete fool of yourself in this thread .. put that flea infested tail of yours between your fat thunder thighs and scram you fucking moron. You submit Georgie Bush as an excuse for liberal lies and propaganda LOL

Well, lookee here!

Donald Trump says he is “not a big believer in global warming.” He has called it “a total hoax,” “bullshit” and “pseudoscience.”

But he is also trying to build a sea wall designed to protect one of his golf courses from “global warming and its effects.”

The New York billionaire is applying for permission to erect a coastal protection works to prevent erosion at his seaside golf resort, Trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland, in County Clare.

A permit application for the wall, filed by Trump International Golf Links Ireland and reviewed by POLITICO, explicitly cites global warming and its consequences — increased erosion due to rising sea levels and extreme weather this century — as a chief justification for building the structure

Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course

You know what they say......."Money walks....."
I didn't think it was possible for someone with a Harvard education to rise to Dumb Fuck level then Obama goes and does it. What is a scientific certainty is there WILL be another ice age and mile high glaciers WILL come down from the north and grind the Statue of Liberty and NYC down to bedrock just as they did in the past.

Do you have a Harvard education, Lege?

Go ahead challenge the fact that there will be another ice age so we can laugh in your face. Go back to the mod squad set I think they are calling for you.

So that's a "No, Mr. Ice" then....

Will that be before, or after, Mars comes looking for women?
Obama: Climate Change 'Could Mean No More Glaciers In Glacier National Park,' Threaten the Statue of Liberty - Breitbart

In today's radio address, President Dumbazz said climate change could destroy the Statue Of Liberty. LMAO Hahahaha.. I guess it's the same thing as Odumbo claiming when running for the Presidency, 'This is the moment that the oceans began to recede and the planet began to heal'

Oh yea, look at the planet.. You've just about destroyed everything you damn loser.

Barry is a fuck up...
Obama: Climate Change 'Could Mean No More Glaciers In Glacier National Park,' Threaten the Statue of Liberty - Breitbart

In today's radio address, President Dumbazz said climate change could destroy the Statue Of Liberty. LMAO Hahahaha.. I guess it's the same thing as Odumbo claiming when running for the Presidency, 'This is the moment that the oceans began to recede and the planet began to heal'

Oh yea, look at the planet.. You've just about destroyed everything you damn loser.

...and all 57 states
I didn't think it was possible for someone with a Harvard education to rise to Dumb Fuck level then Obama goes and does it. What is a scientific certainty is there WILL be another ice age and mile high glaciers WILL come down from the north and grind the Statue of Liberty and NYC down to bedrock just as they did in the past.

Do you have a Harvard education, Lege?

Go ahead challenge the fact that there will be another ice age so we can laugh in your face. Go back to the mod squad set I think they are calling for you.

Will that be before, or after, Mars comes looking for women?

Ahahaha apparently Obama is visiting the forum ^^^
I didn't think it was possible for someone with a Harvard education to rise to Dumb Fuck level then Obama goes and does it. What is a scientific certainty is there WILL be another ice age and mile high glaciers WILL come down from the north and grind the Statue of Liberty and NYC down to bedrock just as they did in the past.

Do you have a Harvard education, Lege?

Go ahead challenge the fact that there will be another ice age so we can laugh in your face. Go back to the mod squad set I think they are calling for you.

Will that be before, or after, Mars comes looking for women?

Ahahaha apparently Obama is visiting the forum ^^^

I know you think we all look the same, Ofay.........
Obama: Climate Change 'Could Mean No More Glaciers In Glacier National Park,' Threaten the Statue of Liberty - Breitbart

In today's radio address, President Dumbazz said climate change could destroy the Statue Of Liberty. LMAO Hahahaha.. I guess it's the same thing as Odumbo claiming when running for the Presidency, 'This is the moment that the oceans began to recede and the planet began to heal'

Oh yea, look at the planet.. You've just about destroyed everything you damn loser.

You have much of a background in climatology, dear?

Al Gore who predicted iceless North Pole possibly by 2013. The reality?

Satellite photos of the Arctic taken by NASA in August 2012 and August 2013 show a 60 percent increase in the polar ice sheet, more than half the size of Europe, despite “realistic” predictions by climate scientists six years ago that the North Pole would be completely melted by now.

I've always wondered "what kind of idiot reads Terence Jeffrey's rag - and believes it?".

Science is finally turning their backs on the fraud they've been paid to promote (by supporters of the Al Gore 'Inconvenient Truth' myth and the Soros/Clinton ideological theocracy) and revealing the truth - that Climate Change is driven by solar activity and tectonic events on earth. While mankind IS a contributing factor; that contribution is negligible. The climate changed in much the same way it is doing now LONG before humankind ruled the world - it will continue to do so until the sun flames out and turns the earth into a blackened cinder. Climate Change is natural and cyclical.

Uh......what you see in that graph is SCIENCE........this is in contrast with the BULLSHIT you uncritically catapulted from CNS......that 2012 line is almost 3 SDs from the 81-2010 average......the probability of such occurring is about 1%.

Uhhhh. link your so called SCIENCE.. Climate Change is natural and cyclical - we've had glaciers extend to San Antonio; was it the Industrial Revolution that caused them to recede? We had a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska - was it advent of petroleum powered conveyances that caused that bridge to be submerged?
Glaciers in San Antonio? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I dunno about her and climatology, but I do have a background in the use of political propaganda, and Obama's is quite clear.

And you are putting it to fair to middling use....

Indeed. And I've got my eye on you. :laugh:

I appreciate that the magnetism of this conk transcends gender boundaries, but please respect my space -'k?

Chronosynclastic infundibulum.....

If you do, you'll clean it up.

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