CDZ Obama, Climate Change, ISIS...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Alan Colmes spouts the argument that ‘global warming’ has led to the creation of ISIS. It is unbelievable how slyly he rationalizes and blames ISIS on migrations cause by nature. The liberals have the gall to blame nature for what’s killing us on promise to kill….that being ISIS. The Islamic State.

He describes what has happened repeatedly over the centuries. People all around the world are living in areas that were once prosperous, relatively safe and created wealth for the good managers of same, work for the willing, and wildlife for the hunting. Such was my hometown in the nineteen fifties all the while I went through my formative years. It was fundamentally transformed by casinos.

First one thing and then another ruins the life style established by one’s founders and the ancestors. Lots of folks in long lasting areas live in homes passed down from the parents, with a family retreat off in the woods, maybe near a river or maybe on either bank of the Cane River Lake in south Louisiana. Did you know that you can leave Montrose by boat and travel all the way through and a bit beyond Historic Natchitoches, the oldest settlement in Louisiana, a distance of 16 miles as the crow flies, 36 or so miles depending on how well you can drive a boat from one end of a lake to the other when the lake is only a hundred or so yards in width most of the way as it meanders through the futile Louisiana farm land along the Cane River Basin. Montrose and Natchitoches are both at a hundred feet AMSL so what used to be a river got dammed off at both ends and turned into a lake. So you’ll need a motor or two, or several pairs of oars in the water to go from end to end. If you’re not tired after that ride, you can portage your boat across a small dam and into the Cane River, turn off the motors and float downstream through Alexandria and eventually to Morgan City, your last chance to stock the galley stores before drifting another 4 feet in elevation downward on your way to the Gulf of Mexico, about 20 miles as the pelican flies, or about 26 miles as floats your boat.

Anybody that has a place on either side of the Cane River Lake knows how peaceful a barge ride of any length can be, especially if it ends around dusk and a barbecue pit.

There’ll come a day when all this is gone. This way of life will disappear by way of nature via a tsunami….or ISIS will take over. One shouldn’t be worried much about the tsunami. It may happen hundreds of years from now. It may not ever happen. Mother Nature doesn’t make promises about the future. A takeover by ISIS has been promised. It behooves anyone anywhere to pay attention to the subtle brainwashing of volatile youth that is going on today. The effectiveness of a hand full of illegal weapons, a bag of cell phones, unlimited drugs and promises of a bevy of virgins in the afterlife is not hard to understand. Instead of playing cops and robbers, they want to be cops and robbers.

ISIS has only to give them the weapons. So your local gun control measures are not going to put a dent in ISIS (or any other criminal use of firearms). Better to arm every able bodied adult citizen and require that they carry 24/7 than to take away their guns.

ISIS will kill the Catholic men, rape the Catholic females above age six, indoctrinate the young males to become brave soldiers and go blow themselves up along with Cajuns up and down the lake.

..and Obama and his followers want to blame nature, namely its climate changes, for the creation and preservation of ISIS. Comrade Colmes blames ‘global warming’ based on ISIS’s easy subjugation of migrants forced out of once productive lands by nature’s creation of deserts by way of drought and its resulting famine and starvation. Obama and Colmes have their heads in the sand.

Man can and does affect some of the results of nature. Man created the dust bowl years here in the United States by clearing the plains for farming, thus allowing the seasonal winds to steal dirt in Oklahoma and drop it is Mississippi. Man polluted the Gulf of Mexico by spilling oil, causing damage that threatened sea life and the livelihood of those who harvest from it. But to say the man-made climate change is significant enough to be a threat anywhere near that of radical Islam is nothing more than a bid to draw attention away from the totally ineffective fight that Obama is putting up to defeat ISIS…which he only now recognizes as something that must be destroyed rather than contained.
Huh? Link please.

In America all arguments today have equal value according to some. How did this happen, what is it in our culture that makes some believe or feel so strongly about the most absurd ideas? Creationism as science for instance. Americans pretend they are rational and science minded people and yet we have a nation of scared conspiratorial crazies, and these crazies have numerous platforms on which to spread snake oil ideas. I wonder sometimes just as the republicans ruined their party and raised outside nutcases to prominence, whether America's homeschooling mentality will assist in its decline?

''Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free''

"Pew Research Center reports that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and only 9 percent identified as conservatives."
Alan Colmes spouts the argument that ‘global warming’ has led to the creation of ISIS. It is unbelievable how slyly he rationalizes and blames ISIS on migrations cause by nature. The liberals have the gall to blame nature for what’s killing us on promise to kill….that being ISIS. The Islamic State.

He describes what has happened repeatedly over the centuries. People all around the world are living in areas that were once prosperous, relatively safe and created wealth for the good managers of same, work for the willing, and wildlife for the hunting. Such was my hometown in the nineteen fifties all the while I went through my formative years. It was fundamentally transformed by casinos.

First one thing and then another ruins the life style established by one’s founders and the ancestors. Lots of folks in long lasting areas live in homes passed down from the parents, with a family retreat off in the woods, maybe near a river or maybe on either bank of the Cane River Lake in south Louisiana. Did you know that you can leave Montrose by boat and travel all the way through and a bit beyond Historic Natchitoches, the oldest settlement in Louisiana, a distance of 16 miles as the crow flies, 36 or so miles depending on how well you can drive a boat from one end of a lake to the other when the lake is only a hundred or so yards in width most of the way as it meanders through the futile Louisiana farm land along the Cane River Basin. Montrose and Natchitoches are both at a hundred feet AMSL so what used to be a river got dammed off at both ends and turned into a lake. So you’ll need a motor or two, or several pairs of oars in the water to go from end to end. If you’re not tired after that ride, you can portage your boat across a small dam and into the Cane River, turn off the motors and float downstream through Alexandria and eventually to Morgan City, your last chance to stock the galley stores before drifting another 4 feet in elevation downward on your way to the Gulf of Mexico, about 20 miles as the pelican flies, or about 26 miles as floats your boat.

Anybody that has a place on either side of the Cane River Lake knows how peaceful a barge ride of any length can be, especially if it ends around dusk and a barbecue pit.

There’ll come a day when all this is gone. This way of life will disappear by way of nature via a tsunami….or ISIS will take over. One shouldn’t be worried much about the tsunami. It may happen hundreds of years from now. It may not ever happen. Mother Nature doesn’t make promises about the future. A takeover by ISIS has been promised. It behooves anyone anywhere to pay attention to the subtle brainwashing of volatile youth that is going on today. The effectiveness of a hand full of illegal weapons, a bag of cell phones, unlimited drugs and promises of a bevy of virgins in the afterlife is not hard to understand. Instead of playing cops and robbers, they want to be cops and robbers.

ISIS has only to give them the weapons. So your local gun control measures are not going to put a dent in ISIS (or any other criminal use of firearms). Better to arm every able bodied adult citizen and require that they carry 24/7 than to take away their guns.

ISIS will kill the Catholic men, rape the Catholic females above age six, indoctrinate the young males to become brave soldiers and go blow themselves up along with Cajuns up and down the lake.

..and Obama and his followers want to blame nature, namely its climate changes, for the creation and preservation of ISIS. Comrade Colmes blames ‘global warming’ based on ISIS’s easy subjugation of migrants forced out of once productive lands by nature’s creation of deserts by way of drought and its resulting famine and starvation. Obama and Colmes have their heads in the sand.

Man can and does affect some of the results of nature. Man created the dust bowl years here in the United States by clearing the plains for farming, thus allowing the seasonal winds to steal dirt in Oklahoma and drop it is Mississippi. Man polluted the Gulf of Mexico by spilling oil, causing damage that threatened sea life and the livelihood of those who harvest from it. But to say the man-made climate change is significant enough to be a threat anywhere near that of radical Islam is nothing more than a bid to draw attention away from the totally ineffective fight that Obama is putting up to defeat ISIS…which he only now recognizes as something that must be destroyed rather than contained.
The lesson of ISIS seems to be that if you force your way into another society, disrupting their culture, overthrowing their government and seizing their economic resources, as soon as they can, members of that society are going to come after you and attempt to do you what you are doing to them. We are the aggressors in the Islam-Christendom conflict and we have been for centuries. It comes home to roost.

Our destructive exploitation of the natural world is a function of our technology, not our morality. Example: once the pantheistic Native Americans got their hands of firearms and a cash market for beaver skins, they hunted the little critters to near extinction. Our strip mining techniques etc. can do a lot more damage than a musket and the world's energy market is a lot bigger than the craze for beaver hats.
Huh? Link please.

In America all arguments today have equal value according to some. How did this happen, what is it in our culture that makes some believe or feel so strongly about the most absurd ideas? Creationism as science for instance. Americans pretend they are rational and science minded people and yet we have a nation of scared conspiratorial crazies, and these crazies have numerous platforms on which to spread snake oil ideas. I wonder sometimes just as the republicans ruined their party and raised outside nutcases to prominence, whether America's homeschooling mentality will assist in its decline?

''Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free''

"Pew Research Center reports that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and only 9 percent identified as conservatives."
Link for what? I watch news programs. Colmes was on one, saying essentially what I said he said. I didn't make a video of it. It was just yesterday. Most of the videos I find in the search are from weeks, months and years ago. There are several notable people that share Colmes posit that global warming contributes to the expansion of terrorist groups such as ISIS. Global warming is certainly not the driving force of ISIS. That would be RADICAL ISLAM AND THE DEMENTED PEDOPHILE, MUHAMMED!
Alan Colmes spouts the argument that ‘global warming’ has led to the creation of ISIS. It is unbelievable how slyly he rationalizes and blames ISIS on migrations cause by nature. The liberals have the gall to blame nature for what’s killing us on promise to kill….that being ISIS. The Islamic State.

He describes what has happened repeatedly over the centuries. People all around the world are living in areas that were once prosperous, relatively safe and created wealth for the good managers of same, work for the willing, and wildlife for the hunting. Such was my hometown in the nineteen fifties all the while I went through my formative years. It was fundamentally transformed by casinos.

First one thing and then another ruins the life style established by one’s founders and the ancestors. Lots of folks in long lasting areas live in homes passed down from the parents, with a family retreat off in the woods, maybe near a river or maybe on either bank of the Cane River Lake in south Louisiana. Did you know that you can leave Montrose by boat and travel all the way through and a bit beyond Historic Natchitoches, the oldest settlement in Louisiana, a distance of 16 miles as the crow flies, 36 or so miles depending on how well you can drive a boat from one end of a lake to the other when the lake is only a hundred or so yards in width most of the way as it meanders through the futile Louisiana farm land along the Cane River Basin. Montrose and Natchitoches are both at a hundred feet AMSL so what used to be a river got dammed off at both ends and turned into a lake. So you’ll need a motor or two, or several pairs of oars in the water to go from end to end. If you’re not tired after that ride, you can portage your boat across a small dam and into the Cane River, turn off the motors and float downstream through Alexandria and eventually to Morgan City, your last chance to stock the galley stores before drifting another 4 feet in elevation downward on your way to the Gulf of Mexico, about 20 miles as the pelican flies, or about 26 miles as floats your boat.

Anybody that has a place on either side of the Cane River Lake knows how peaceful a barge ride of any length can be, especially if it ends around dusk and a barbecue pit.

There’ll come a day when all this is gone. This way of life will disappear by way of nature via a tsunami….or ISIS will take over. One shouldn’t be worried much about the tsunami. It may happen hundreds of years from now. It may not ever happen. Mother Nature doesn’t make promises about the future. A takeover by ISIS has been promised. It behooves anyone anywhere to pay attention to the subtle brainwashing of volatile youth that is going on today. The effectiveness of a hand full of illegal weapons, a bag of cell phones, unlimited drugs and promises of a bevy of virgins in the afterlife is not hard to understand. Instead of playing cops and robbers, they want to be cops and robbers.

ISIS has only to give them the weapons. So your local gun control measures are not going to put a dent in ISIS (or any other criminal use of firearms). Better to arm every able bodied adult citizen and require that they carry 24/7 than to take away their guns.

ISIS will kill the Catholic men, rape the Catholic females above age six, indoctrinate the young males to become brave soldiers and go blow themselves up along with Cajuns up and down the lake.

..and Obama and his followers want to blame nature, namely its climate changes, for the creation and preservation of ISIS. Comrade Colmes blames ‘global warming’ based on ISIS’s easy subjugation of migrants forced out of once productive lands by nature’s creation of deserts by way of drought and its resulting famine and starvation. Obama and Colmes have their heads in the sand.

Man can and does affect some of the results of nature. Man created the dust bowl years here in the United States by clearing the plains for farming, thus allowing the seasonal winds to steal dirt in Oklahoma and drop it is Mississippi. Man polluted the Gulf of Mexico by spilling oil, causing damage that threatened sea life and the livelihood of those who harvest from it. But to say the man-made climate change is significant enough to be a threat anywhere near that of radical Islam is nothing more than a bid to draw attention away from the totally ineffective fight that Obama is putting up to defeat ISIS…which he only now recognizes as something that must be destroyed rather than contained.
The lesson of ISIS seems to be that if you force your way into another society, disrupting their culture, overthrowing their government and seizing their economic resources, as soon as they can, members of that society are going to come after you and attempt to do you what you are doing to them. We are the aggressors in the Islam-Christendom conflict and we have been for centuries. It comes home to roost.

Our destructive exploitation of the natural world is a function of our technology, not our morality. Example: once the pantheistic Native Americans got their hands of firearms and a cash market for beaver skins, they hunted the little critters to near extinction. Our strip mining techniques etc. can do a lot more damage than a musket and the world's energy market is a lot bigger than the craze for beaver hats.
You know not of what you talk. The Crusades were in RESPONSE to radical Muslim terrorism of Christians. Radical Muslims are totally intolerant of other religions. THAT is the problem.
Alan Colmes spouts the argument that ‘global warming’ has led to the creation of ISIS. It is unbelievable how slyly he rationalizes and blames ISIS on migrations cause by nature. The liberals have the gall to blame nature for what’s killing us on promise to kill….that being ISIS. The Islamic State.

He describes what has happened repeatedly over the centuries. People all around the world are living in areas that were once prosperous, relatively safe and created wealth for the good managers of same, work for the willing, and wildlife for the hunting. Such was my hometown in the nineteen fifties all the while I went through my formative years. It was fundamentally transformed by casinos.

First one thing and then another ruins the life style established by one’s founders and the ancestors. Lots of folks in long lasting areas live in homes passed down from the parents, with a family retreat off in the woods, maybe near a river or maybe on either bank of the Cane River Lake in south Louisiana. Did you know that you can leave Montrose by boat and travel all the way through and a bit beyond Historic Natchitoches, the oldest settlement in Louisiana, a distance of 16 miles as the crow flies, 36 or so miles depending on how well you can drive a boat from one end of a lake to the other when the lake is only a hundred or so yards in width most of the way as it meanders through the futile Louisiana farm land along the Cane River Basin. Montrose and Natchitoches are both at a hundred feet AMSL so what used to be a river got dammed off at both ends and turned into a lake. So you’ll need a motor or two, or several pairs of oars in the water to go from end to end. If you’re not tired after that ride, you can portage your boat across a small dam and into the Cane River, turn off the motors and float downstream through Alexandria and eventually to Morgan City, your last chance to stock the galley stores before drifting another 4 feet in elevation downward on your way to the Gulf of Mexico, about 20 miles as the pelican flies, or about 26 miles as floats your boat.

Anybody that has a place on either side of the Cane River Lake knows how peaceful a barge ride of any length can be, especially if it ends around dusk and a barbecue pit.

There’ll come a day when all this is gone. This way of life will disappear by way of nature via a tsunami….or ISIS will take over. One shouldn’t be worried much about the tsunami. It may happen hundreds of years from now. It may not ever happen. Mother Nature doesn’t make promises about the future. A takeover by ISIS has been promised. It behooves anyone anywhere to pay attention to the subtle brainwashing of volatile youth that is going on today. The effectiveness of a hand full of illegal weapons, a bag of cell phones, unlimited drugs and promises of a bevy of virgins in the afterlife is not hard to understand. Instead of playing cops and robbers, they want to be cops and robbers.

ISIS has only to give them the weapons. So your local gun control measures are not going to put a dent in ISIS (or any other criminal use of firearms). Better to arm every able bodied adult citizen and require that they carry 24/7 than to take away their guns.

ISIS will kill the Catholic men, rape the Catholic females above age six, indoctrinate the young males to become brave soldiers and go blow themselves up along with Cajuns up and down the lake.

..and Obama and his followers want to blame nature, namely its climate changes, for the creation and preservation of ISIS. Comrade Colmes blames ‘global warming’ based on ISIS’s easy subjugation of migrants forced out of once productive lands by nature’s creation of deserts by way of drought and its resulting famine and starvation. Obama and Colmes have their heads in the sand.

Man can and does affect some of the results of nature. Man created the dust bowl years here in the United States by clearing the plains for farming, thus allowing the seasonal winds to steal dirt in Oklahoma and drop it is Mississippi. Man polluted the Gulf of Mexico by spilling oil, causing damage that threatened sea life and the livelihood of those who harvest from it. But to say the man-made climate change is significant enough to be a threat anywhere near that of radical Islam is nothing more than a bid to draw attention away from the totally ineffective fight that Obama is putting up to defeat ISIS…which he only now recognizes as something that must be destroyed rather than contained.
The lesson of ISIS seems to be that if you force your way into another society, disrupting their culture, overthrowing their government and seizing their economic resources, as soon as they can, members of that society are going to come after you and attempt to do you what you are doing to them. We are the aggressors in the Islam-Christendom conflict and we have been for centuries. It comes home to roost.

Our destructive exploitation of the natural world is a function of our technology, not our morality. Example: once the pantheistic Native Americans got their hands of firearms and a cash market for beaver skins, they hunted the little critters to near extinction. Our strip mining techniques etc. can do a lot more damage than a musket and the world's energy market is a lot bigger than the craze for beaver hats.
You know not of what you talk. The Crusades were in RESPONSE to radical Muslim terrorism of Christians. Radical Muslims are totally intolerant of other religions. THAT is the problem.
Your statement about the ignorance of Muslims concerning the doctrines of Judaism and Christianity is not only ignorant presentism it is absurd. Just what branch of eleventh century Islam do you think anyone considered "radical"? Do you have any notion at all of the extensive literature by Muslim scholars about Islam in its relationship to Judaism and Christianity? I think not. Until you have done a far better job of demonstrating that you have studied the history of the crusades I see no reason to be impressed by your unsupported proclamation, especially as it is bolstered only by a personal, and equally unsupported attack on my post. If you have no evidence to cite and no argument to make, mere dismissal and proclamation butters no parsnips. Discourteous sophomores are merely tiresome.

The following is not addressed to you but to any poster interested in an historical discussion.

One of the surprising features of the Crusades was the swift and easy negotiation that led to guaranteed access to Jerusalem for Christian pilgrims. The deal suggests strongly that religious differences were not a motive in Muslim negotiations.

The competitive conniving between Venice and Genoa over the lucrative trading routes to Constantinople, Tyre and Acre seem clearly to have been a driving factor in papal support for an attack which would strengthen Western as opposed to Eastern church control.

The reality that, in addition to the remarkable slaughter of the civilian population of Jerusalem by successful Crusaders, the establishment of feudal control over economic resources (i.e. not only invasion but "settlements" on the Likud model ) point to self-interested aggression on the part of Christians as at least as a greater factor in the two-centuries long conflict that the alleged (and undocumented) misdeeds of the Muslim administration in Palestine.
Lets see now, if anything and everything is the result of global warming then what is there left that one could say is natural and normal?
Alan Colmes spouts the argument that ‘global warming’ has led to the creation of ISIS. It is unbelievable how slyly he rationalizes and blames ISIS on migrations cause by nature. The liberals have the gall to blame nature for what’s killing us on promise to kill….that being ISIS. The Islamic State.

He describes what has happened repeatedly over the centuries. People all around the world are living in areas that were once prosperous, relatively safe and created wealth for the good managers of same, work for the willing, and wildlife for the hunting. Such was my hometown in the nineteen fifties all the while I went through my formative years. It was fundamentally transformed by casinos.

First one thing and then another ruins the life style established by one’s founders and the ancestors. Lots of folks in long lasting areas live in homes passed down from the parents, with a family retreat off in the woods, maybe near a river or maybe on either bank of the Cane River Lake in south Louisiana. Did you know that you can leave Montrose by boat and travel all the way through and a bit beyond Historic Natchitoches, the oldest settlement in Louisiana, a distance of 16 miles as the crow flies, 36 or so miles depending on how well you can drive a boat from one end of a lake to the other when the lake is only a hundred or so yards in width most of the way as it meanders through the futile Louisiana farm land along the Cane River Basin. Montrose and Natchitoches are both at a hundred feet AMSL so what used to be a river got dammed off at both ends and turned into a lake. So you’ll need a motor or two, or several pairs of oars in the water to go from end to end. If you’re not tired after that ride, you can portage your boat across a small dam and into the Cane River, turn off the motors and float downstream through Alexandria and eventually to Morgan City, your last chance to stock the galley stores before drifting another 4 feet in elevation downward on your way to the Gulf of Mexico, about 20 miles as the pelican flies, or about 26 miles as floats your boat.

Anybody that has a place on either side of the Cane River Lake knows how peaceful a barge ride of any length can be, especially if it ends around dusk and a barbecue pit.

There’ll come a day when all this is gone. This way of life will disappear by way of nature via a tsunami….or ISIS will take over. One shouldn’t be worried much about the tsunami. It may happen hundreds of years from now. It may not ever happen. Mother Nature doesn’t make promises about the future. A takeover by ISIS has been promised. It behooves anyone anywhere to pay attention to the subtle brainwashing of volatile youth that is going on today. The effectiveness of a hand full of illegal weapons, a bag of cell phones, unlimited drugs and promises of a bevy of virgins in the afterlife is not hard to understand. Instead of playing cops and robbers, they want to be cops and robbers.

ISIS has only to give them the weapons. So your local gun control measures are not going to put a dent in ISIS (or any other criminal use of firearms). Better to arm every able bodied adult citizen and require that they carry 24/7 than to take away their guns.

ISIS will kill the Catholic men, rape the Catholic females above age six, indoctrinate the young males to become brave soldiers and go blow themselves up along with Cajuns up and down the lake.

..and Obama and his followers want to blame nature, namely its climate changes, for the creation and preservation of ISIS. Comrade Colmes blames ‘global warming’ based on ISIS’s easy subjugation of migrants forced out of once productive lands by nature’s creation of deserts by way of drought and its resulting famine and starvation. Obama and Colmes have their heads in the sand.

Man can and does affect some of the results of nature. Man created the dust bowl years here in the United States by clearing the plains for farming, thus allowing the seasonal winds to steal dirt in Oklahoma and drop it is Mississippi. Man polluted the Gulf of Mexico by spilling oil, causing damage that threatened sea life and the livelihood of those who harvest from it. But to say the man-made climate change is significant enough to be a threat anywhere near that of radical Islam is nothing more than a bid to draw attention away from the totally ineffective fight that Obama is putting up to defeat ISIS…which he only now recognizes as something that must be destroyed rather than contained.
The lesson of ISIS seems to be that if you force your way into another society, disrupting their culture, overthrowing their government and seizing their economic resources, as soon as they can, members of that society are going to come after you and attempt to do you what you are doing to them. We are the aggressors in the Islam-Christendom conflict and we have been for centuries. It comes home to roost.

Our destructive exploitation of the natural world is a function of our technology, not our morality. Example: once the pantheistic Native Americans got their hands of firearms and a cash market for beaver skins, they hunted the little critters to near extinction. Our strip mining techniques etc. can do a lot more damage than a musket and the world's energy market is a lot bigger than the craze for beaver hats.
You know not of what you talk. The Crusades were in RESPONSE to radical Muslim terrorism of Christians. Radical Muslims are totally intolerant of other religions. THAT is the problem.
Your statement about the ignorance of Muslims concerning the doctrines of Judaism and Christianity is not only ignorant presentism it is absurd. Just what branch of eleventh century Islam do you think anyone considered "radical"? Do you have any notion at all of the extensive literature by Muslim scholars about Islam in its relationship to Judaism and Christianity? I think not. Until you have done a far better job of demonstrating that you have studied the history of the crusades I see no reason to be impressed by your unsupported proclamation, especially as it is bolstered only by a personal, and equally unsupported attack on my post. If you have no evidence to cite and no argument to make, mere dismissal and proclamation butters no parsnips. Discourteous sophomores are merely tiresome.

The following is not addressed to you but to any poster interested in an historical discussion.

One of the surprising features of the Crusades was the swift and easy negotiation that led to guaranteed access to Jerusalem for Christian pilgrims. The deal suggests strongly that religious differences were not a motive in Muslim negotiations.

The competitive conniving between Venice and Genoa over the lucrative trading routes to Constantinople, Tyre and Acre seem clearly to have been a driving factor in papal support for an attack which would strengthen Western as opposed to Eastern church control.

The reality that, in addition to the remarkable slaughter of the civilian population of Jerusalem by successful Crusaders, the establishment of feudal control over economic resources (i.e. not only invasion but "settlements" on the Likud model ) point to self-interested aggression on the part of Christians as at least as a greater factor in the two-centuries long conflict that the alleged (and undocumented) misdeeds of the Muslim administration in Palestine.
I don't recall saying the radical Muslims were ignorant. They were intolerant. They were beat back by the crusades.

I am certainly not looking to impress you.

In wars, the phrase "To the victor go the spoils!" has been applied in most cases that I know of.
Alan Colmes spouts the argument that ‘global warming’ has led to the creation of ISIS. It is unbelievable how slyly he rationalizes and blames ISIS on migrations cause by nature. The liberals have the gall to blame nature for what’s killing us on promise to kill….that being ISIS. The Islamic State.

He describes what has happened repeatedly over the centuries. People all around the world are living in areas that were once prosperous, relatively safe and created wealth for the good managers of same, work for the willing, and wildlife for the hunting. Such was my hometown in the nineteen fifties all the while I went through my formative years. It was fundamentally transformed by casinos.

First one thing and then another ruins the life style established by one’s founders and the ancestors. Lots of folks in long lasting areas live in homes passed down from the parents, with a family retreat off in the woods, maybe near a river or maybe on either bank of the Cane River Lake in south Louisiana. Did you know that you can leave Montrose by boat and travel all the way through and a bit beyond Historic Natchitoches, the oldest settlement in Louisiana, a distance of 16 miles as the crow flies, 36 or so miles depending on how well you can drive a boat from one end of a lake to the other when the lake is only a hundred or so yards in width most of the way as it meanders through the futile Louisiana farm land along the Cane River Basin. Montrose and Natchitoches are both at a hundred feet AMSL so what used to be a river got dammed off at both ends and turned into a lake. So you’ll need a motor or two, or several pairs of oars in the water to go from end to end. If you’re not tired after that ride, you can portage your boat across a small dam and into the Cane River, turn off the motors and float downstream through Alexandria and eventually to Morgan City, your last chance to stock the galley stores before drifting another 4 feet in elevation downward on your way to the Gulf of Mexico, about 20 miles as the pelican flies, or about 26 miles as floats your boat.

Anybody that has a place on either side of the Cane River Lake knows how peaceful a barge ride of any length can be, especially if it ends around dusk and a barbecue pit.

There’ll come a day when all this is gone. This way of life will disappear by way of nature via a tsunami….or ISIS will take over. One shouldn’t be worried much about the tsunami. It may happen hundreds of years from now. It may not ever happen. Mother Nature doesn’t make promises about the future. A takeover by ISIS has been promised. It behooves anyone anywhere to pay attention to the subtle brainwashing of volatile youth that is going on today. The effectiveness of a hand full of illegal weapons, a bag of cell phones, unlimited drugs and promises of a bevy of virgins in the afterlife is not hard to understand. Instead of playing cops and robbers, they want to be cops and robbers.

ISIS has only to give them the weapons. So your local gun control measures are not going to put a dent in ISIS (or any other criminal use of firearms). Better to arm every able bodied adult citizen and require that they carry 24/7 than to take away their guns.

ISIS will kill the Catholic men, rape the Catholic females above age six, indoctrinate the young males to become brave soldiers and go blow themselves up along with Cajuns up and down the lake.

..and Obama and his followers want to blame nature, namely its climate changes, for the creation and preservation of ISIS. Comrade Colmes blames ‘global warming’ based on ISIS’s easy subjugation of migrants forced out of once productive lands by nature’s creation of deserts by way of drought and its resulting famine and starvation. Obama and Colmes have their heads in the sand.

Man can and does affect some of the results of nature. Man created the dust bowl years here in the United States by clearing the plains for farming, thus allowing the seasonal winds to steal dirt in Oklahoma and drop it is Mississippi. Man polluted the Gulf of Mexico by spilling oil, causing damage that threatened sea life and the livelihood of those who harvest from it. But to say the man-made climate change is significant enough to be a threat anywhere near that of radical Islam is nothing more than a bid to draw attention away from the totally ineffective fight that Obama is putting up to defeat ISIS…which he only now recognizes as something that must be destroyed rather than contained.
The lesson of ISIS seems to be that if you force your way into another society, disrupting their culture, overthrowing their government and seizing their economic resources, as soon as they can, members of that society are going to come after you and attempt to do you what you are doing to them. We are the aggressors in the Islam-Christendom conflict and we have been for centuries. It comes home to roost.

Our destructive exploitation of the natural world is a function of our technology, not our morality. Example: once the pantheistic Native Americans got their hands of firearms and a cash market for beaver skins, they hunted the little critters to near extinction. Our strip mining techniques etc. can do a lot more damage than a musket and the world's energy market is a lot bigger than the craze for beaver hats.
You know not of what you talk. The Crusades were in RESPONSE to radical Muslim terrorism of Christians. Radical Muslims are totally intolerant of other religions. THAT is the problem.
Your statement about the ignorance of Muslims concerning the doctrines of Judaism and Christianity is not only ignorant presentism it is absurd. Just what branch of eleventh century Islam do you think anyone considered "radical"? Do you have any notion at all of the extensive literature by Muslim scholars about Islam in its relationship to Judaism and Christianity? I think not. Until you have done a far better job of demonstrating that you have studied the history of the crusades I see no reason to be impressed by your unsupported proclamation, especially as it is bolstered only by a personal, and equally unsupported attack on my post. If you have no evidence to cite and no argument to make, mere dismissal and proclamation butters no parsnips. Discourteous sophomores are merely tiresome.

The following is not addressed to you but to any poster interested in an historical discussion.

One of the surprising features of the Crusades was the swift and easy negotiation that led to guaranteed access to Jerusalem for Christian pilgrims. The deal suggests strongly that religious differences were not a motive in Muslim negotiations.

The competitive conniving between Venice and Genoa over the lucrative trading routes to Constantinople, Tyre and Acre seem clearly to have been a driving factor in papal support for an attack which would strengthen Western as opposed to Eastern church control.

The reality that, in addition to the remarkable slaughter of the civilian population of Jerusalem by successful Crusaders, the establishment of feudal control over economic resources (i.e. not only invasion but "settlements" on the Likud model ) point to self-interested aggression on the part of Christians as at least as a greater factor in the two-centuries long conflict that the alleged (and undocumented) misdeeds of the Muslim administration in Palestine.
I don't recall saying the radical Muslims were ignorant. They were intolerant. They were beat back by the crusades.

I am certainly not looking to impress you.

In wars, the phrase "To the victor go the spoils!" has been applied in most cases that I know of.
The Christians have been no more tolerant than the Muslims in modern times. For centuries they were more tolerant, e.g. the convivencia of Muslims, Christians and Jews in Arab Spain.

The Crusades didn't "beat back" the Muslims. They were a Christian war of aggression, not a Muslim war of defense.

"To the victor belongs the spoils" is a justification of aggression, not of defense. And it applies to wars between nations, not guerrilla against invaders.
The Christians have been no more tolerant than the Muslims in modern times. For centuries they were more tolerant, e.g. the convivencia of Muslims, Christians and Jews in Arab Spain.

The Crusades didn't "beat back" the Muslims. They were a Christian war of aggression, not a Muslim war of defense.

"To the victor belongs the spoils" is a justification of aggression, not of defense. And it applies to wars between nations, not guerrilla against invaders.
Christians do not threaten to kill you for non-belief. Christians do no strap on suicide bombs and set them off in crowded markets. Even radical Christians exhibit infinitely more tolerance for other religions than do radical Muslims. (That's not really hard when the radical Muslim tolerance level is ZERO!)

Read some more history, pal. The Crusades were initiated to suppress Islamic harassment and slaughter of Christians on pilgrimage to Holy places.

"To the victor belong the spoils" has been the tacit rule of war no matter who starts them. The winner makes the rules. True is enters into the rationale of the aggressor. It also encourages defenders to hide and protect their most precious artifacts in order to keep them when they are victorious in battle.
The Christians have been no more tolerant than the Muslims in modern times. For centuries they were more tolerant, e.g. the convivencia of Muslims, Christians and Jews in Arab Spain.

The Crusades didn't "beat back" the Muslims. They were a Christian war of aggression, not a Muslim war of defense.

"To the victor belongs the spoils" is a justification of aggression, not of defense. And it applies to wars between nations, not guerrilla against invaders.
Christians do not threaten to kill you for non-belief. Christians do no strap on suicide bombs and set them off in crowded markets. Even radical Christians exhibit infinitely more tolerance for other religions than do radical Muslims. (That's not really hard when the radical Muslim tolerance level is ZERO!)

Read some more history, pal. The Crusades were initiated to suppress Islamic harassment and slaughter of Christians on pilgrimage to Holy places.

"To the victor belong the spoils" has been the tacit rule of war no matter who starts them. The winner makes the rules. True is enters into the rationale of the aggressor. It also encourages defenders to hide and protect their most precious artifacts in order to keep them when they are victorious in battle.
I am not your pal and I daresay I have read as much history as is necessary to have a discussion about the causes of the Crusades. I hope that we can have that discussion without derogatory personalization. I respect you and your views and I hope you can do the same to me. Neither of us should be so ignorant as to think that there is always a single, right answer to historical questions as complex as "what caused the Crusade?".

Experience in our own day shows that wars are initiated as a consequence of more than one factor. There are ideological reasons which are exploited for the purpose of rallying popular support for starting a war. These reasons are sometimes utterly fictitious, as for example Hitler's claim that Polish troops had invaded Germany and attacked a German radio station.

Pope Urban II's charge that Christian pilgrims were being massacred in the Holy Land has not stood up well to the inquiry of historians. We have no original source documents, i.e. first hand accounts by pilgrims who were actually there of such an atrocity and Arab records contain no references to a sudden, large scale and systematic persecution. It is quite possible that there may have been some small-scale violence but the pilgrims took oaths of non-vioence as part of their ceremony and there is evidence that this non-violent approach was respected by local Muslim authorities.

European Christians had been making pilgrimage to the Holy Land for a thousand years. It was a well established religious and economic factor in the Mediterranean economy and attested in hundreds of letters and other references which have come down to us. The Christian record contains no support for Urban's wild accusations. Even if there were incidents of harassment, it is significant that the pope was not calling for suppression of banditry but quite explicitly for the reclamation of Judea, a war of revanchism based rather sketchily on events several centuries old at the time and which did not involve the Roman Empire of the West.

Medieval histories, even official chronicles, are notorious for incorporating stories and rumors which support the point of view of the chronicler without any effort to verify their authenticity. From the best that I and other historians can piece together, the atrocity stories which Urban cited and undoubtedly believed, were fed to him by the Venetian ambassador, anxious to bring Franco-German military force to bear upon the Eastern Roman Emperor whose policies were favoring Genoa in the prestigious trade with the Levant.

Perhaps some other time we can discuss the cliche about the victor and the spoils. Both terms have a number of different definitions varying with time and place. I am interested to read your analysis of the concept. Thanks.

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