Obama commutes prison sentences of 214 Drug Offenders

Non-violent drug offenses should not land you in jail.

Crack dealers are of the lowest common denominator. We are all better off when these people are locked up.


We are in agreement. The government should get them off the streets as well.

There can only be one lowest

Learn to read. I said of the lowest, and that includes anyone who sells the kind of drugs that ruin lives.

"Est" means something.
Breaking story: He just commuted the prison sentences of 214 drug offenders. Many were in prison for crack cocaine.

Obama commutes prison sentences of 214 drug offenders

Is there a racial demographic on the 214?

Of course it is...read the last sentence:
For years crack offenders faced stiffer penalties than offenders of powder cocaine, even though the substances are similar on a molecular level. Critics have said the disparity has unfairly harmed minority and poor communities.

Critics? You mean those who want to use the it's only because they're black excuse?

It harmed minority and poor communities. So of course you think that means only blacks.

Oh, you mean those who want to use the it's only because they're a (fill in the blank with a minority) or because they're poor excuse. If that's your argument, an argument could be put forth as that being why they chose to do it.
Breaking story: He just commuted the prison sentences of 214 drug offenders. Many were in prison for crack cocaine.

Obama commutes prison sentences of 214 drug offenders

Is there a racial demographic on the 214?

Of course it is...read the last sentence:
For years crack offenders faced stiffer penalties than offenders of powder cocaine, even though the substances are similar on a molecular level. Critics have said the disparity has unfairly harmed minority and poor communities.

Critics? You mean those who want to use the it's only because they're black excuse?

It harmed minority and poor communities. So of course you think that means only blacks.

Oh, you mean those who want to use the it's only because they're a (fill in the blank with a minority) or because they're poor excuse. If that's your argument, an argument could be put forth as that being why they chose to do it.

I know anyone can SAY anything. But the stats show its not an excuse, its a fact. But like I said its easy to SAY anything...proving it is another story.
The Phillipines has a 100% success rate.

A 100 percent success rate for what?
There is no relapse rate.

Got any links to back up your claim, or is this another "fact" you pulled outta your ass?

Harrowing images show hundreds of Filipino 'drug dealers' shot dead

You should know this stuff.

I have business in the Philippines and I get these kind of news all the time.
1. Police in the Philippines is almost the same as Mexican police. Most are crooked from top to bottom.
2. These vigilantes ( any civilians ) has given them rights to kill anybody I mean anybody. I owe you money, you didn't loan me money, you didn't give me your money, I like your car, your messing with my daughter....... THEY WILL KILL YOU........... Oh well he/she is a drug dealer.
3. In one month alone vigilantes killed 300 Filipinos....... No one really knows if those 300 are really drug dealers.
Non-violent drug offenses should not land you in jail.

When they are your 6th they should

Why pay to keep someone in jail for a nonviolent offense?
What nonviolent offenses? Nearly all crime is violent even if it doesn't shed blood. If someone steals your credit card number and charges it, it's as much an act of plunder as someone breaking into your home. Child molestation is the violent desecration of innocence and selling cocaine is like handing a suicidal person a loaded gun.

So which crimes are truly nonviolent?
The Phillipines has a 100% success rate.

A 100 percent success rate for what?
There is no relapse rate.

Got any links to back up your claim, or is this another "fact" you pulled outta your ass?

Harrowing images show hundreds of Filipino 'drug dealers' shot dead

You should know this stuff.

I have business in the Philippines and I get these kind of news all the time.
1. Police in the Philippines is almost the same as Mexican police. Most are crooked from top to bottom.
2. These vigilantes ( any civilians ) has given them rights to kill anybody I mean anybody. I owe you money, you didn't loan me money, you didn't give me your money, I like your car, your messing with my daughter....... THEY WILL KILL YOU........... Oh well he/she is a drug dealer.
3. In one month alone vigilantes killed 300 Filipinos....... No one really knows if those 300 are really drug dealers.

You can blame a dead person for all types of stuff.
Is there a racial demographic on the 214?

Of course it is...read the last sentence:
For years crack offenders faced stiffer penalties than offenders of powder cocaine, even though the substances are similar on a molecular level. Critics have said the disparity has unfairly harmed minority and poor communities.

Critics? You mean those who want to use the it's only because they're black excuse?

It harmed minority and poor communities. So of course you think that means only blacks.

Oh, you mean those who want to use the it's only because they're a (fill in the blank with a minority) or because they're poor excuse. If that's your argument, an argument could be put forth as that being why they chose to do it.

I know anyone can SAY anything. But the stats show its not an excuse, its a fact. But like I said its easy to SAY anything...proving it is another story.

Stats don't say a damn thing. People like you can misuse stats to say anything that furthers their agenda.
Of course it is...read the last sentence:
For years crack offenders faced stiffer penalties than offenders of powder cocaine, even though the substances are similar on a molecular level. Critics have said the disparity has unfairly harmed minority and poor communities.

Critics? You mean those who want to use the it's only because they're black excuse?

It harmed minority and poor communities. So of course you think that means only blacks.

Oh, you mean those who want to use the it's only because they're a (fill in the blank with a minority) or because they're poor excuse. If that's your argument, an argument could be put forth as that being why they chose to do it.

I know anyone can SAY anything. But the stats show its not an excuse, its a fact. But like I said its easy to SAY anything...proving it is another story.

Stats don't say a damn thing. People like you can misuse stats to say anything that furthers their agenda.

So if we arent using stats or facts should we start our posts with "One dark and stormy night..."?
Drug offenders? That's small potatoes stuff. Recall co-presidents Hillary and slick Willie commuted the sentences of convicted Puerto Rican terrorists. Just goes to show again what a lightweight Barry is.
Critics? You mean those who want to use the it's only because they're black excuse?

It harmed minority and poor communities. So of course you think that means only blacks.

Oh, you mean those who want to use the it's only because they're a (fill in the blank with a minority) or because they're poor excuse. If that's your argument, an argument could be put forth as that being why they chose to do it.

I know anyone can SAY anything. But the stats show its not an excuse, its a fact. But like I said its easy to SAY anything...proving it is another story.

Stats don't say a damn thing. People like you can misuse stats to say anything that furthers their agenda.

So if we arent using stats or facts should we start our posts with "One dark and stormy night..."?

Your problem is you twist them to make it appear something it isn't and don't accept anything but agreement with what you say. Stats don't mean what you say they mean just because you say it.
Are you saying the punishment should be the same for both crack and powder cocaine?
absolutely. is there any reason it shouldn't be?[/QUOTE]
Yes. The shameful waste and utter failure of the War on Drugs

Are you saying the punishment should be the same for both crack and powder cocaine?
Why should there be punishment for the use of either substance? What constructive purpose has the practice of punishing recreational drug users served? Has it reduced availability of the substances? Has it reduced the number of users? Or has it simply replicated the negative effects brought about by the Prohibition of beverage alcohol?

Oh, one of those legalize all drugs idiots.
What constructive purpose has the imprisoning of recreational drug users served? has it reduced availability of illegal drugs? Has it reduced the number of users? All it does is ruin a lot of lives and waste an enormous amount of tax dollars.

The drug war has been going on long enough to know it is a totally counterproductive fiasco, so don't you think it's time to abandon the obvious failure and to try another approach, such as an intensive public education effort? Nicotine is far more addictive than heroin and cigarette smoking has been reduced by much more than half in the past ten years -- without arresting anyone. It was achieved by a well designed public education program, which I can personally attest to.

I smoked cigarettes for 35 years. I managed to quit in 1985 having been motivated by intelligently crafted and persistent public education that told me, and showed me, why I should stop smoking and told me how to go about it.
Do you know Portugal has decriminalized all drugs and the effect on that society has been totally positive?

Portugal’s Example: What Happened After It Decriminalized All Drugs, From Weed to Heroin | VICE News
Are you saying the punishment should be the same for both crack and powder cocaine?
absolutely. is there any reason it shouldn't be?
Yes. The shameful waste and utter failure of the War on Drugs

Are you saying the punishment should be the same for both crack and powder cocaine?
Why should there be punishment for the use of either substance? What constructive purpose has the practice of punishing recreational drug users served? Has it reduced availability of the substances? Has it reduced the number of users? Or has it simply replicated the negative effects brought about by the Prohibition of beverage alcohol?

Oh, one of those legalize all drugs idiots.
What constructive purpose has the imprisoning of recreational drug users served? has it reduced availability of illegal drugs? Has it reduced the number of users? All it does is ruin a lot of lives and waste an enormous amount of tax dollars.

The drug war has been going on long enough to know it is a totally counterproductive fiasco, so don't you think it's time to abandon the obvious failure and to try another approach, such as an intensive public education effort? Nicotine is far more addictive than heroin and cigarette smoking has been reduced by much more than half in the past ten years -- without arresting anyone. It was achieved by a well designed public education program, which I can personally attest to.

I smoked cigarettes for 35 years. I managed to quit in 1985 having been motivated by intelligently crafted and persistent public education that told me, and showed me, why I should stop smoking and told me how to go about it.
Do you know Portugal has decriminalized all drugs and the effect on that society has been totally positive?

Portugal’s Example: What Happened After It Decriminalized All Drugs, From Weed to Heroin | VICE News[/QUOTE]

It took you 35 years to learn smoking is a bad thing to do? You had to be told smoking was bad for you?
It harmed minority and poor communities. So of course you think that means only blacks.

Oh, you mean those who want to use the it's only because they're a (fill in the blank with a minority) or because they're poor excuse. If that's your argument, an argument could be put forth as that being why they chose to do it.

I know anyone can SAY anything. But the stats show its not an excuse, its a fact. But like I said its easy to SAY anything...proving it is another story.

Stats don't say a damn thing. People like you can misuse stats to say anything that furthers their agenda.

So if we arent using stats or facts should we start our posts with "One dark and stormy night..."?

Your problem is you twist them to make it appear something it isn't and don't accept anything but agreement with what you say. Stats don't mean what you say they mean just because you say it.

I havent given not one stat but you've already started making excuses on why the stats I havent even presented yet are wrong. LMAO
Oh, you mean those who want to use the it's only because they're a (fill in the blank with a minority) or because they're poor excuse. If that's your argument, an argument could be put forth as that being why they chose to do it.

I know anyone can SAY anything. But the stats show its not an excuse, its a fact. But like I said its easy to SAY anything...proving it is another story.

Stats don't say a damn thing. People like you can misuse stats to say anything that furthers their agenda.

So if we arent using stats or facts should we start our posts with "One dark and stormy night..."?

Your problem is you twist them to make it appear something it isn't and don't accept anything but agreement with what you say. Stats don't mean what you say they mean just because you say it.

I havent given not one stat but you've already started making excuses on why the stats I havent even presented yet are wrong. LMAO

Yet you claim stats you admit not having provided are facts.
I know anyone can SAY anything. But the stats show its not an excuse, its a fact. But like I said its easy to SAY anything...proving it is another story.

Stats don't say a damn thing. People like you can misuse stats to say anything that furthers their agenda.

So if we arent using stats or facts should we start our posts with "One dark and stormy night..."?

Your problem is you twist them to make it appear something it isn't and don't accept anything but agreement with what you say. Stats don't mean what you say they mean just because you say it.

I havent given not one stat but you've already started making excuses on why the stats I havent even presented yet are wrong. LMAO

Yet you claim stats you admit not having provided are facts.

Stats are facts whether their presented or not. I mean you're already using an excuse on why you dont believe information that I havent even given yet. So how honest will you be once someone presents one?

Not at all because for some reason you dont trust stats or facts. So what is this discussion about? What you FEEL?
Breaking story: He just commuted the prison sentences of 214 drug offenders. Many were in prison for crack cocaine. This story is alarming when you consider the level of lawlessness that is already on the streets of America.

Obama commutes prison sentences of 214 drug offenders

WASHINGTON, Aug 3 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama commuted the prison sentences of 214 individuals on Wednesday, the most grants of clemency in a single day since at least 1900, the White House said.

Obama has now granted a total of 562 commutations during his presidency, more than the number by the past nine presidents combined, it said.

The president has worked to reform the U.S. criminal justice system to reduce the number of people serving long, and in many cases life sentences for drug related crimes. It is a rare topic in which the Democratic president has received support from Republican lawmakers.

Many of the convicts had been serving time for crack cocaine. For years crack offenders faced stiffer penalties than offenders of powder cocaine, even though the substances are similar on a molecular level. Critics have said the disparity has unfairly harmed minority and poor communities.

Your link is clearly an anti Obama .......... Cherry picking and missing important reasons why Obama is granting clemency for 214 prisoners.
TODAY ...... If you get caught with 2 pounds of cocaine..... You will go to jail 2 to 4 years but with good behavior you'll get out half of that.
If you get caught with 20 pounds of marijuana you will go to jail one to 3 years.
BEFORE...... If you get caught with the same amount of drugs and mj you will incarcerated from 8 to 20 years.......

Look at this way this will save tax payers from $7 to $8 millions each year.
What nonviolent offenses? Nearly all crime is violent even if it doesn't shed blood. If someone steals your credit card number and charges it, it's as much an act of plunder as someone breaking into your home. Child molestation is the violent desecration of innocence and selling cocaine is like handing a suicidal person a loaded gun.

So which crimes are truly nonviolent?
If you truly believe that nonsense it is plainly obvious your reasoning skills are severely limited and you are in need of some very basic education.
Stats don't say a damn thing. People like you can misuse stats to say anything that furthers their agenda.

So if we arent using stats or facts should we start our posts with "One dark and stormy night..."?

Your problem is you twist them to make it appear something it isn't and don't accept anything but agreement with what you say. Stats don't mean what you say they mean just because you say it.

I havent given not one stat but you've already started making excuses on why the stats I havent even presented yet are wrong. LMAO

Yet you claim stats you admit not having provided are facts.

Stats are facts whether their presented or not. I mean you're already using an excuse on why you dont believe information that I havent even given yet. So how honest will you be once someone presents one?

Not at all because for some reason you dont trust stats or facts. So what is this discussion about? What you FEEL?

Yet you call something you haven't given a fact. How honest are you in saying they are facts?

I don't trust someone that calls something he hasn't presented facts. Without presenting them, YOU can't call them facts yet you do and expect me to believe you because you said it. You can't expect me to believe it because you provided it when you haven't provide it.

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