Obama Confuses Decades, Inflates Estimated Health Care Savings by $868B


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
President Obama, making his final push for health care reform, pitched his proposal Monday to a crowd in Pennsylvania with a deficit-reduction figure that the White House later admitted missed the mark.

"Our cost-cutting measures mirror most of the proposals in the current Senate bill, which reduces most people's premiums and brings down our deficit by up to $1 trillion dollars over the next decade because we're spending our health care dollars more wisely," Obama told an audience at Arcadia University in Glenside, Pa., a suburb north of Philadelphia.

Obama was so proud of these cost-saving numbers in the latest version of health care reform, he delved into a bit of Washington-speak to back them up.

"Those aren't my numbers," Obama said to the rising applause of the estimated 1,300 in attendance. "They are the savings determined by the Congressional Budget Office, which is the nonpartisan, independent referee of Congress for what things cost."

But the budget office did not say the Senate health care bill would save $1 trillion over the next decade -- or even close to that figure.

It estimated the bill would save $132 billion from 2010 to 2019, leaving Obama's "next decade" estimate $868 billion short.

FOXNews.com - Obama Confuses Decades, Inflates Estimated Health Care Savings by $868B

Outright "lie" or honest mistake?
Obama is so desperate to get this steaming pile passed he'll say anything. Look for his next speech to mention clean lakes and rivers as a result of health care reform. Perhaps the lion will lie down with the lamb after as well.
Either there is a deliberate attempt to brainwash Americans into thinking in "trillions" or that's just too many zeros for the prez to remember. Terry may be right. His teleprompter typist may need to use words and not digits.

It just cracks me up when the left accuses Fox News of spreading lies. They certainly can't make this shit up.

Ok 3 - 2 - 1..."But what about the bleeding orphans???...lol"

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