Obama Continues to Violate His Own ‘Stimulus’ Law by Not Releasing Quarterly Reports


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Doesn't matter now, Obama can be as flexible with the Russians and the law as he wants to be. Nothing to fear from the MSM or the establishment elite.

Obama Continues to Violate His Own ?Stimulus? Law by Not Releasing Quarterly Reports | The Weekly Standard

Have you heard much about President Obama’s $787,000,000,000 economic “stimulus” (now estimated to cost $831,000,000,000) lately? In its last report, published in 2011, the president’s own Council of Economic Advisors released an estimate showing that, for every $317,000 in “stimulus” spending that had by then gone out the door, only one job had been created or saved. Even in Washington, that’s not considered good bang for the buck.

Moreover, that was the fifth consecutive “stimulus” report that showed this number getting progressively worse.

Alas, that was the last report we’ve seen. Never mind that Section 1513 of the “stimulus” legislation, which Obama spearheaded and signed into law, requires the executive branch to submit a new report every three months. It reads:

“In consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Secretary of the Treasury, the Chairperson of the Council of Economic Advisers shall submit quarterly reports to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives that detail the impact of programs funded through covered funds on employment, estimated economic growth, and other key economic indicators.”
come on now, don't forget obama is the King, the second coming..he can do whatever he wants

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