Obama Correctly Details New Anti-Terrorism Strategy: Engage Not Dissuade More Moslem Eyes & Ears!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Notoriously famous for mutilating all the genitalia of White American Babies since 1861--700,000 times two cajones in just a few months alone, 1861-1865--President Obama indirectly further slammed the Republican Party for the "Hate-All-Moslems" rhetoric of the presidential campaign nominees.

Moslem congregations have leaders, regarded clergy, in whom they can confide. Clergy often directly interact with trusted government officials.

Government surveillance does not have that kind of directly daily evidence capability. So how do the Democrats go after the possible, San Bernardino copycats? Obama offered the solution in the address to the nation, 12/6/2015. The message is overtly subtle, Moslems have to be engaged, even in the United States, to ferret out the Suicidal Secular Kamikazes.
President Barack Obama says the American Muslim community needs to be a partner in the fight against radical Islam.
Obama says Muslims can send credible, effective counter messages and undermine jihadist propaganda.

Obama's remarks were part of a prime-time address on the threat of terrorism and the fight against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. At least one of the suspected shooters in the past week's massacre in San Bernardino expressed support for the Islamic State online.

Obama is calling the Islamic State "thugs, killers" and a "cult of death." He says they represent a "tiny fraction" of the Muslim community.

The president says the West is not at war against Islam. He is cautioning Americans not to single out Muslims.

8:20 p.m.

President Barack Obama says the U.S. can and must make it harder for would-be mass shooters to kill by making it harder for them to obtain guns.

Obama is giving an Oval Office address on terrorism and the U.S. response following attacks in California and Paris. He's calling for Congress to prohibit people suspected of terrorism or on the no-fly list from buying guns.

Obama says he knows some people reject all gun safety measures. But he says no matter how effective law enforcement and intelligence is, they can't identify every would-be shooter. Obama says it's a matter of national security to prevent those people from getting guns.

So maybe it is less likely that Sunni Moslems in Iraq will try to identify Sunni ISIS supporters, one advantage of the United States is that Moslems too, can be a part of the National Effort.

That is from the Democratic President and Presidential campaign.

The Republicans famously want to rip out their baby nipples with pliers, apply blow-torch level flames to their baby male cajones, and scald shut all their baby vaginal openings with scalding prods.

On their message Trump supporters are in the ascendency, in their party.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Lands of Many Nations can often great discounts on prayer rugs, instead! Lands of Many Nations even have gaming houses, where alcohol consumption is not mandatory!)
Notoriously famous for mutilating all the genitalia of White American Babies since 1861--700,000 times two cajones in just a few months alone, 1861-1865--President Obama indirectly further slammed the Republican Party for the "Hate-All-Moslems" rhetoric of the presidential campaign nominees.

Moslem congregations have leaders, regarded clergy, in whom they can confide. Clergy often directly interact with trusted government officials.

Government surveillance does not have that kind of directly daily evidence capability. So how do the Democrats go after the possible, San Bernardino copycats? Obama offered the solution in the address to the nation, 12/6/2015. The message is overtly subtle, Moslems have to be engaged, even in the United States, to ferret out the Suicidal Secular Kamikazes.
President Barack Obama says the American Muslim community needs to be a partner in the fight against radical Islam.
Obama says Muslims can send credible, effective counter messages and undermine jihadist propaganda.

Obama's remarks were part of a prime-time address on the threat of terrorism and the fight against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. At least one of the suspected shooters in the past week's massacre in San Bernardino expressed support for the Islamic State online.

Obama is calling the Islamic State "thugs, killers" and a "cult of death." He says they represent a "tiny fraction" of the Muslim community.

The president says the West is not at war against Islam. He is cautioning Americans not to single out Muslims.

8:20 p.m.

President Barack Obama says the U.S. can and must make it harder for would-be mass shooters to kill by making it harder for them to obtain guns.

Obama is giving an Oval Office address on terrorism and the U.S. response following attacks in California and Paris. He's calling for Congress to prohibit people suspected of terrorism or on the no-fly list from buying guns.

Obama says he knows some people reject all gun safety measures. But he says no matter how effective law enforcement and intelligence is, they can't identify every would-be shooter. Obama says it's a matter of national security to prevent those people from getting guns.

So maybe it is less likely that Sunni Moslems in Iraq will try to identify Sunni ISIS supporters, one advantage of the United States is that Moslems too, can be a part of the National Effort.

That is from the Democratic President and Presidential campaign.

The Republicans famously want to rip out their baby nipples with pliers, apply blow-torch level flames to their baby male cajones, and scald shut all their baby vaginal openings with scalding prods.

On their message Trump supporters are in the ascendency, in their party.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Lands of Many Nations can often great discounts on prayer rugs, instead! Lands of Many Nations even have gaming houses, where alcohol consumption is not mandatory!)
The above commentary appears that it might be interesting but I've gone over it several times and am unable to figure out what it means.

Is it esoteric?

Walk in peace, and your hand resting on the handle of your handgun while passing a Muslim.
Like Secular Kamikazes, thinking they are Moslems, citing occasional passages of the Quran: Posters like MikeK simply can't read!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many smokes maybe make better reading, anyway!)

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