Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.
I'm sorry, and I don't mean to be crude about it, but what IS there to celebrate??? That they enjoy same sex sex? Ok.
So can April be Hetero Fetish day? You know..couples that suck toes or shit on each other to get turned on? How about BDSM to get all horny before having sex? I mean..really? Who cares what two adults do in the bedroom and why would anyone want to celebrate such an intimate act much less announce to the world what their fantasies are that are played out in the bedroom????

What is there to celebrate?

How about that they're not being persecuted any more, they're able to enjoy the same freedoms as everyone else now, and more people are tolerant of them now.

Sounds like a lot to celebrate.

People accepting freaks. I'll stick with nothing to celebrate.
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.

No, special.
Not special, just as an equal.
Then stop acting like you're special needing special treatment from the gov along with needing parades, as well as a holiday, bathrooms, and start acting like you're an equal with the way everybody treat each other as equals and not special. Politically correct is special, equals don't have favoritism.
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.

Great. Let's dissolve all our unconstitutionally "protected groups". Until then, there is no equality.
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.
Let us know when heterosexuals get a month!
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.

No, special.
Perhaps you are the special one... And all the "freaks" that don't share your enlightened, superior, moral point of view can go screw themselves... Right? You and your pea brain are a joke and this country has progressed to be way better than you deserve
Not special, just as an equal.
Then stop acting like you're special needing special treatment from the gov along with needing parades, as well as a holiday, bathrooms, and start acting like you're an equal with the way everybody treat each other as equals and not special. Politically correct is special, equals don't have favoritism.
Well thats just the thing... Because of pissants like you they haven't been treated equally... The have been oppressed and have had many unjust hardships imposed on them through your bias. They have ever right to celebrate the progress and liberation they have achieved over the years. Just as Blacks, women, vets, and cancer survivors have every right to celebrate their group and achievements.

The fact that you whine and moan over the happiness and celebration of other people is the sick part of this. What do you have against people being happy? If you don't like their lifestyle just mind your own business... I'm sure there are plenty of people that don't like your lifestyle or the things you celebrate.
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.

Great. Let's dissolve all our unconstitutionally "protected groups". Until then, there is no equality.
What are you talking about?
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.
Let us know when heterosexuals get a month!
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?
Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.

Great. Let's dissolve all our unconstitutionally "protected groups". Until then, there is no equality.
What are you talking about?

My rates to provide remedial education to the dimwitted and the incognizant start at $750.00 USD per half hour. In advance.
They have ever right to celebrate the progress and liberation they have achieved over the years. Just as Blacks, women, vets, and cancer survivors have every right to celebrate their group and achievements.
Being gay is not a celebration for overcoming anything if you're already an equal. Being gay is not an achievement because sexual preference is no accomplishment it's a lifestyle. That's like hip hop having a holiday and rights for choosing that lifestyle to be different. You can't compare yourself to cancer survivors unless you're an Aids survivor. You are not in the same caliber as vets to be honored and celebrated because you don't fight for liberty and freedom for all, only for yourself. Selfish PRIDE!
Being gay is not a celebration for overcoming anything if you're already an equal. Being gay is not an achievement because sexual preference is no accomplishment it's a lifestyle. That's like hip hop having a holiday and rights for choosing that lifestyle to be different. You can't compare yourself to cancer survivors unless you're an Aids survivor. You are not in the same caliber as vets to be honored and celebrated because you don't fight for liberty and freedom for all, only for yourself. Selfish PRIDE
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?
Gay is a choice, being black or a woman is not. I will not celebrate lgbt month but I will celebrate the only legal marriage between man and woman, period!!!!
Seriously, Obama just spent more time discussing gay pride than he spent discussing terrorism in the wake of the Paris attack.

That is just sad.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.

Great. Let's dissolve all our unconstitutionally "protected groups". Until then, there is no equality.
What are you talking about?

My rates to provide remedial education to the dimwitted and the incognizant start at $750.00 USD per half hour. In advance.
Ha, i bet you have a Yuuuge wait list! You must be a Suma Cum Loud Grad of Trump University...
I'm sorry, and I don't mean to be crude about it, but what IS there to celebrate??? That they enjoy same sex sex? Ok.
So can April be Hetero Fetish day? You know..couples that suck toes or shit on each other to get turned on? How about BDSM to get all horny before having sex? I mean..really? Who cares what two adults do in the bedroom and why would anyone want to celebrate such an intimate act much less announce to the world what their fantasies are that are played out in the bedroom????

What is there to celebrate?

How about that they're not being persecuted any more, they're able to enjoy the same freedoms as everyone else now, and more people are tolerant of them now.

Sounds like a lot to celebrate.
They wouldn't be persecuted if they left their sexuall choices in the closet where they belong.
They have ever right to celebrate the progress and liberation they have achieved over the years. Just as Blacks, women, vets, and cancer survivors have every right to celebrate their group and achievements.
Being gay is not a celebration for overcoming anything if you're already an equal. Being gay is not an achievement because sexual preference is no accomplishment it's a lifestyle. That's like hip hop having a holiday and rights for choosing that lifestyle to be different. You can't compare yourself to cancer survivors unless you're an Aids survivor. You are not in the same caliber as vets to be honored and celebrated because you don't fight for liberty and freedom for all, only for yourself. Selfish PRIDE!
Being gay is not a celebration for overcoming anything if you're already an equal. Being gay is not an achievement because sexual preference is no accomplishment it's a lifestyle. That's like hip hop having a holiday and rights for choosing that lifestyle to be different. You can't compare yourself to cancer survivors unless you're an Aids survivor. You are not in the same caliber as vets to be honored and celebrated because you don't fight for liberty and freedom for all, only for yourself. Selfish PRIDE
What are you talking about? This proclamation for LGBT Months is simply about being gay... There is a laundry list of things that have been achieved over the years that have progressed the freedom of gay people and warrant celebration. Did you read the proclamation or are you just bitching about the headline?
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Like every other group that has a "month".....
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?
Gay is a choice, being black or a woman is not. I will not celebrate lgbt month but I will celebrate the only legal marriage between man and woman, period!!!!
Good for you... You can celebrate the freedom of choice while your at it... It is a wonderful freedom.

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