OBAMA DECLARES WAR on Poor & Middle Class – New Rules Will Force Energy Prices to Sky


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
I doubt we make it another two years with these comrades in office
CALL YOUR Representatives and demand the EPA be DEFUNDED along with many other agencies that are now OVERSTEPPING their powers over us


OBAMA DECLARES WAR on Poor & Middle Class – New Rules Will Force Energy Prices to Skyrocket

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 2, 2014, 9:01 AM

In January 2008 Barack Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle:

“Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Businesses would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that cost onto consumers.”

He promised that his plan would cause electricity rates to skyrocket.

He wasn’t kidding.

obama war on energy drudge

On Monday the Obama administration unveiled the first-ever national limits on carbon emissions from existing power plants.
FOX News reported:

The Obama administration on Monday unveiled the first-ever national limits on carbon emissions from existing power plants, a controversial regulation aimed at fulfilling a key plank of President Obama’s climate change agenda.

The Environmental Protection Agency wants existing plants to cut pollution by 30 percent by 2030, under the plan.

The draft regulation sidesteps Congress, where Obama’s Democratic allies have failed to pass a so-called “cap-and-trade” plan to limit such emissions. The EPA plan will go into effect in June 2016, following a one-year comment period. States will then be responsible for executing the rule with some flexibility.

They are expected to be allowed to require power plants to make changes such as switching from coal to natural gas or enact other programs to reduce demand for electricity and produce more energy from renewable sources.

They also can set up pollution-trading markets as some states already have done to offer more flexibility in how plants cut emissions.

If a state refuses to create a plan, the EPA can make its own.

Obama’s energy policies will disproportionately harm the poor, middle class and minorities.
Real Clear Energy reported:

ALL of it here
OBAMA DECLARES WAR on Poor & Middle Class ? New Rules Will Force Energy Prices to Skyrocket | The Gateway Pundit
What gives the president the power to do this to the private sector? At least without congress agreeing to it.
What gives the president the power to do this to the private sector? At least without congress agreeing to it.

Exactly, people should be up in arms over all these agencies make rules on us and our states

they just sit here and yawn over all these mini dictatorships under Obama
Energy prices skyrocket. Businesses move overseas. Unemployment shoots through the roof Millions freeze to death in the dark. Street lights flicker out as robbery and looting explode all over America. Without electricity to run ventilators and other life-saving equipment thousands of medical patients with Obamacare die in their beds. Out-of-sight taxes on carbon emissions force crematoriums across the country to close their doors. Rotting corpses pile up on the nation's streets. Attracted by the sickening stench, hordes of zombies crowd cities and towns, tipping over busses tearing up street signs. And this is just the beginning...
dear gawd, we are being governed by a bunch of frikken voodoo science cultist who uses crystal balls evidently too..If it hurts the poor and middle class Obama and his comrades seems to be all for it

EPA Chief: Obama Saving Us From Rising Seas And Soaring Temperatures With His Latest Executive Action…

Gina McCarthy

And for good measure she also blamed the rising cost of health care on climate change.

Via The Blaze:
The chief of the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday justified the EPA’s sweeping new regulation on power plant emissions as a necessary step to prevent catastrophic increases in both the Earth’s temperature and sea levels.

“If we do nothing, in our grandkids’ lifetimes, temperatures could rise 10 degrees and seas could rise by 4 feet,” EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said in a Washington press conference announcing the new rule.

McCarthy also blamed climate change on rising medical bills, higher insurance costs, and an increased frequency in devastating storms.[...]

“I’m tired of people pointing to the polar vortex as a reason not to act on climate,” she said. “It’s exactly the opposite. Climate change heightens risks from extreme cold that freezes power grids, superstorms that drown power plants, and heat waves that stress power supplies.”

ALL of it here
EPA Chief: Obama Saving Us From Rising Seas And Soaring Temperatures With His Latest Executive Action? | Weasel Zippers
Energy prices skyrocket. Businesses move overseas. Unemployment shoots through the roof Millions freeze to death in the dark. Street lights flicker out as robbery and looting explode all over America. Without electricity to run ventilators and other life-saving equipment thousands of medical patients with Obamacare die in their beds. Out-of-sight taxes on carbon emissions force crematoriums across the country to close their doors. Rotting corpses pile up on the nation's streets. Attracted by the sickening stench, hordes of zombies crowd cities and towns, tipping over busses tearing up street signs. And this is just the beginning...

ridiculous; stop fear-mongering.

everybody knows Progressives are perfect; obamacare is perfect; and the Left can do no wrong!

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