Obama delays release of Grand Jury finding in Gentle Giant shooting


HAHAHA!!!!...that's where racial tension comes from???...HAHAHA!!!!!

I'm not talking about the THUGERY, and what they believe, I'm talking about the disrespect of the mulatto in the White House.... Apparently, your 2 digit IQ, didn't catch that!

HAHAHA!!!!!...."the mulatto"...HAHAHA!!!!!!
Kid the antiquated racial conventions don't bother me, those that resort to them are my intellectual inferiors.
A 2 digit IQ moron would post the infantile example you attempted to post as some sort of example.
I won't bother destroying it, Asclepias has already handed your ass to you in a hefty bag...

And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Answered you in the same vein that I would help a drunk roll out of his own puke, you wouldn't understand it; we of the higher intellectual realm bestow on those like you something called compassion and pity.

Again, those attempts at "sophisticated" racial epithets simply prove your insecurity.

In terms of me being your entertainment, that's probably true, the cavemen did view the stars in awe...

HAHAHA!!!!...that's where racial tension comes from???...HAHAHA!!!!!

I'm not talking about the THUGERY, and what they believe, I'm talking about the disrespect of the mulatto in the White House.... Apparently, your 2 digit IQ, didn't catch that!

HAHAHA!!!!!...."the mulatto"...HAHAHA!!!!!!
Kid the antiquated racial conventions don't bother me, those that resort to them are my intellectual inferiors.
A 2 digit IQ moron would post the infantile example you attempted to post as some sort of example.
I won't bother destroying it, Asclepias has already handed your ass to you in a hefty bag...

And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Answered you in the same vein that I would help a drunk roll out of his own puke, you wouldn't understand it; we of the higher intellectual realm bestow on those like you something called compassion and pity.

Again, those attempts at "sophisticated" racial epithets simply prove your insecurity.

In terms of me being your entertainment, that's probably true, the cavemen did view the stars in awe...

Yes, you in the higher intellectual realm know all about rolling in puke.... You just can't make this shit up! What insecurity.....


HAHAHA!!!!...that's where racial tension comes from???...HAHAHA!!!!!

I'm not talking about the THUGERY, and what they believe, I'm talking about the disrespect of the mulatto in the White House.... Apparently, your 2 digit IQ, didn't catch that!

HAHAHA!!!!!...."the mulatto"...HAHAHA!!!!!!
Kid the antiquated racial conventions don't bother me, those that resort to them are my intellectual inferiors.
A 2 digit IQ moron would post the infantile example you attempted to post as some sort of example.
I won't bother destroying it, Asclepias has already handed your ass to you in a hefty bag...

And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I bet you have way more neanderthal DNA than I do. :laugh:

HAHAHA!!!!...that's where racial tension comes from???...HAHAHA!!!!!

I'm not talking about the THUGERY, and what they believe, I'm talking about the disrespect of the mulatto in the White House.... Apparently, your 2 digit IQ, didn't catch that!

HAHAHA!!!!!...."the mulatto"...HAHAHA!!!!!!
Kid the antiquated racial conventions don't bother me, those that resort to them are my intellectual inferiors.
A 2 digit IQ moron would post the infantile example you attempted to post as some sort of example.
I won't bother destroying it, Asclepias has already handed your ass to you in a hefty bag...

And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I bet you have way more neanderthal DNA than I do. :laugh:

Possibly, but I bet yours is closer to an ape, than mine! ...Much closer! :piss2:
HAHAHA!!!!...that's where racial tension comes from???...HAHAHA!!!!!

I'm not talking about the THUGERY, and what they believe, I'm talking about the disrespect of the mulatto in the White House.... Apparently, your 2 digit IQ, didn't catch that!

HAHAHA!!!!!...."the mulatto"...HAHAHA!!!!!!
Kid the antiquated racial conventions don't bother me, those that resort to them are my intellectual inferiors.
A 2 digit IQ moron would post the infantile example you attempted to post as some sort of example.
I won't bother destroying it, Asclepias has already handed your ass to you in a hefty bag...

And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I bet you have way more neanderthal DNA than I do. :laugh:

Possibly, but I bet yours is closer to an ape, than mine! ...Much closer! :piss2:

There is nothing closer to an ape than you as a white person. You grow fur, you get lice, and you have a little dick like most of the lower primates.

I'm not talking about the THUGERY, and what they believe, I'm talking about the disrespect of the mulatto in the White House.... Apparently, your 2 digit IQ, didn't catch that!

HAHAHA!!!!!...."the mulatto"...HAHAHA!!!!!!
Kid the antiquated racial conventions don't bother me, those that resort to them are my intellectual inferiors.
A 2 digit IQ moron would post the infantile example you attempted to post as some sort of example.
I won't bother destroying it, Asclepias has already handed your ass to you in a hefty bag...

And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I bet you have way more neanderthal DNA than I do. :laugh:

Possibly, but I bet yours is closer to an ape, than mine! ...Much closer! :piss2:

There is nothing closer to an ape than you as a white person. You grow fur, you get lice, and you have a little dick like most of the lower primates.


But I don't smell of beer, urine, and vomit, and can walk in a straight line instead of falling on my face as you do, scaring small children!
HAHAHA!!!!!...."the mulatto"...HAHAHA!!!!!!
Kid the antiquated racial conventions don't bother me, those that resort to them are my intellectual inferiors.
A 2 digit IQ moron would post the infantile example you attempted to post as some sort of example.
I won't bother destroying it, Asclepias has already handed your ass to you in a hefty bag...

And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I bet you have way more neanderthal DNA than I do. :laugh:

Possibly, but I bet yours is closer to an ape, than mine! ...Much closer! :piss2:

There is nothing closer to an ape than you as a white person. You grow fur, you get lice, and you have a little dick like most of the lower primates.


But I don't smell of beer, urine, and vomit, and can walk in a straight line instead of falling on my face as you do, scaring small children!
You do smell like wet dog though. Everyone knows that.
And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I bet you have way more neanderthal DNA than I do. :laugh:

Possibly, but I bet yours is closer to an ape, than mine! ...Much closer! :piss2:

There is nothing closer to an ape than you as a white person. You grow fur, you get lice, and you have a little dick like most of the lower primates.


But I don't smell of beer, urine, and vomit, and can walk in a straight line instead of falling on my face as you do, scaring small children!
You do smell like wet dog though. Everyone knows that.
I see they've taught you how to feed yourself!

How do you guys deal with the cognitive dissonance that comes from believing Obama is both all powerful and incompetent, depending on what suits your viewpoint in that particular situation?

Despite your pretentious reference to cognitive dissonance, "all powerful" and "incompetent" are not mutually exclusive terms. Are you having a "Senior" moment, "Doctor?"
In the context in which the words are used in his post they are indeed mutually exclusive. You cant be a bumbling idiot in one instant and then some mastermind in the next.

It is "indeed" possible to be a mastermind at politics and a bumbling idiot at governing, as his "deeds" have proven.

Yeah but thats not what anyone said nor was it the context. You just made that up because I called you out on your infantile logic.

The only contextual element in Doctor's post was his reference to Obama. This apparently caused you to reflexively defend his definitionally false assertion that "all powerful" and "incompetent" are mutually exclusive terms by adding another of your own, substituting the terms "bumbling idiot" and "mastermind."

Rather than defend or explain this error in your logic, you then relapsed into your deliberately nebulous "context" argument, denying the actual words posted, and resorted to name calling. Isn't that a better example of "infantile" behavior?
How do you guys deal with the cognitive dissonance that comes from believing Obama is both all powerful and incompetent, depending on what suits your viewpoint in that particular situation?

Despite your pretentious reference to cognitive dissonance, "all powerful" and "incompetent" are not mutually exclusive terms. Are you having a "Senior" moment, "Doctor?"
In the context in which the words are used in his post they are indeed mutually exclusive. You cant be a bumbling idiot in one instant and then some mastermind in the next.

It is "indeed" possible to be a mastermind at politics and a bumbling idiot at governing, as his "deeds" have proven.

Yeah but thats not what anyone said nor was it the context. You just made that up because I called you out on your infantile logic.

The only contextual element in Doctor's post was his reference to Obama. This apparently caused you to reflexively defend his definitionally false assertion that "all powerful" and "incompetent" are mutually exclusive terms by adding another of your own, substituting the terms "bumbling idiot" and "mastermind."

Rather than defend or explain this error in your logic, you then relapsed into your deliberately nebulous "context" argument, denying the actual words posted, and resorted to name calling. Isn't that a better example of "infantile" behavior?
Your deflection has nothing to do with the point. In the context of the post they are mutually exclusive. I know its embarrassing I caught you out on this but lets stay on point.
Despite your pretentious reference to cognitive dissonance, "all powerful" and "incompetent" are not mutually exclusive terms. Are you having a "Senior" moment, "Doctor?"
In the context in which the words are used in his post they are indeed mutually exclusive. You cant be a bumbling idiot in one instant and then some mastermind in the next.

It is "indeed" possible to be a mastermind at politics and a bumbling idiot at governing, as his "deeds" have proven.

Yeah but thats not what anyone said nor was it the context. You just made that up because I called you out on your infantile logic.

The only contextual element in Doctor's post was his reference to Obama. This apparently caused you to reflexively defend his definitionally false assertion that "all powerful" and "incompetent" are mutually exclusive terms by adding another of your own, substituting the terms "bumbling idiot" and "mastermind."

Rather than defend or explain this error in your logic, you then relapsed into your deliberately nebulous "context" argument, denying the actual words posted, and resorted to name calling. Isn't that a better example of "infantile" behavior?
Your deflection has nothing to do with the point. In the context of the post they are mutually exclusive. I know its embarrassing I caught you out on this but lets stay on point.

What deflection? What context? What point? Your vapid retorts are devoid of substance. They may seem clever to you, but they're not. The only embarrassment I feel is from being gullible enough to believe that you were expressing honest opinions.
In the context in which the words are used in his post they are indeed mutually exclusive. You cant be a bumbling idiot in one instant and then some mastermind in the next.

It is "indeed" possible to be a mastermind at politics and a bumbling idiot at governing, as his "deeds" have proven.

Yeah but thats not what anyone said nor was it the context. You just made that up because I called you out on your infantile logic.

The only contextual element in Doctor's post was his reference to Obama. This apparently caused you to reflexively defend his definitionally false assertion that "all powerful" and "incompetent" are mutually exclusive terms by adding another of your own, substituting the terms "bumbling idiot" and "mastermind."

Rather than defend or explain this error in your logic, you then relapsed into your deliberately nebulous "context" argument, denying the actual words posted, and resorted to name calling. Isn't that a better example of "infantile" behavior?
Your deflection has nothing to do with the point. In the context of the post they are mutually exclusive. I know its embarrassing I caught you out on this but lets stay on point.

What deflection? What context? What point? Your vapid retorts are devoid of substance. They may seem clever to you, but they're not. The only embarrassment I feel is from being gullible enough to believe that you were expressing honest opinions.
More deflections. The irony of someone claiming Obama is incompetent but able to mastermind a conspiracy is the epitome of failed logic. You can continue to play dumb to hide your embarrassment but it wont work to prove your point.
HAHAHA!!!!...that's where racial tension comes from???...HAHAHA!!!!!

I'm not talking about the THUGERY, and what they believe, I'm talking about the disrespect of the mulatto in the White House.... Apparently, your 2 digit IQ, didn't catch that!

HAHAHA!!!!!...."the mulatto"...HAHAHA!!!!!!
Kid the antiquated racial conventions don't bother me, those that resort to them are my intellectual inferiors.
A 2 digit IQ moron would post the infantile example you attempted to post as some sort of example.
I won't bother destroying it, Asclepias has already handed your ass to you in a hefty bag...

And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Answered you in the same vein that I would help a drunk roll out of his own puke, you wouldn't understand it; we of the higher intellectual realm bestow on those like you something called compassion and pity.

Again, those attempts at "sophisticated" racial epithets simply prove your insecurity.

In terms of me being your entertainment, that's probably true, the cavemen did view the stars in awe...

Yes, you in the higher intellectual realm know all about rolling in puke.... You just can't make this shit up! What insecurity.....


LOL...I see that you are upset now...
The funny thing is, nothing you say or do will change anything, you are insignificant.
I'm not talking about the THUGERY, and what they believe, I'm talking about the disrespect of the mulatto in the White House.... Apparently, your 2 digit IQ, didn't catch that!

HAHAHA!!!!!...."the mulatto"...HAHAHA!!!!!!
Kid the antiquated racial conventions don't bother me, those that resort to them are my intellectual inferiors.
A 2 digit IQ moron would post the infantile example you attempted to post as some sort of example.
I won't bother destroying it, Asclepias has already handed your ass to you in a hefty bag...

And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Answered you in the same vein that I would help a drunk roll out of his own puke, you wouldn't understand it; we of the higher intellectual realm bestow on those like you something called compassion and pity.

Again, those attempts at "sophisticated" racial epithets simply prove your insecurity.

In terms of me being your entertainment, that's probably true, the cavemen did view the stars in awe...

Yes, you in the higher intellectual realm know all about rolling in puke.... You just can't make this shit up! What insecurity.....


LOL...I see that you are upset now...
The funny thing is, nothing you say or do will change anything, you are insignificant.

Damn, Boy, it certainly took you long enough to post NOTHING as you always do!
HAHAHA!!!!!...."the mulatto"...HAHAHA!!!!!!
Kid the antiquated racial conventions don't bother me, those that resort to them are my intellectual inferiors.
A 2 digit IQ moron would post the infantile example you attempted to post as some sort of example.
I won't bother destroying it, Asclepias has already handed your ass to you in a hefty bag...

And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Answered you in the same vein that I would help a drunk roll out of his own puke, you wouldn't understand it; we of the higher intellectual realm bestow on those like you something called compassion and pity.

Again, those attempts at "sophisticated" racial epithets simply prove your insecurity.

In terms of me being your entertainment, that's probably true, the cavemen did view the stars in awe...

Yes, you in the higher intellectual realm know all about rolling in puke.... You just can't make this shit up! What insecurity.....


LOL...I see that you are upset now...
The funny thing is, nothing you say or do will change anything, you are insignificant.

Damn, Boy, it certainly took you long enough to post NOTHING as you always do!

Still upset I see.
How does it feel to be increasingly irrelevant and your only audience is those in the same boat as you.

Not to worry, you are simply gravitating to your natural place social economically.
Get used to it...
Last edited:
And that's why you bothered to answer me, you fucking dumbass... YOU are my entertainment, Neanderthal!....Asslapse is easy, all you Neanderthals are easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Answered you in the same vein that I would help a drunk roll out of his own puke, you wouldn't understand it; we of the higher intellectual realm bestow on those like you something called compassion and pity.

Again, those attempts at "sophisticated" racial epithets simply prove your insecurity.

In terms of me being your entertainment, that's probably true, the cavemen did view the stars in awe...

Yes, you in the higher intellectual realm know all about rolling in puke.... You just can't make this shit up! What insecurity.....


LOL...I see that you are upset now...
The funny thing is, nothing you say or do will change anything, you are insignificant.

Damn, Boy, it certainly took you long enough to post NOTHING as you always do!

Still upset I see.
How does it feel to be increasingly irrelevant and your only audience is those in the same boat as you.

Not to worry, you are simply gravitating to your natural place social economically.
Get used to it...

I feel great knowing that I'm amongst the MAJORITY of the populace that looks at you rioters and looters as more and more irrelevant, see the way the people have rejected the Manchurian muslims dictatorship, especially how the polls show that you DemocRAT pond scum are being rejected around the country, and looking forward to a Justice Dept. that will actually follow our laws, instead of taking the side of the THUGERY, and radical pond scum, even before any evidence is presented!.... JUSTICE will no longer be blinded by color, and NEOLIB ideology!

And please continue, as I see you want the last post in this thread! :afro:
It is "indeed" possible to be a mastermind at politics and a bumbling idiot at governing, as his "deeds" have proven.

Yeah but thats not what anyone said nor was it the context. You just made that up because I called you out on your infantile logic.

The only contextual element in Doctor's post was his reference to Obama. This apparently caused you to reflexively defend his definitionally false assertion that "all powerful" and "incompetent" are mutually exclusive terms by adding another of your own, substituting the terms "bumbling idiot" and "mastermind."

Rather than defend or explain this error in your logic, you then relapsed into your deliberately nebulous "context" argument, denying the actual words posted, and resorted to name calling. Isn't that a better example of "infantile" behavior?
Your deflection has nothing to do with the point. In the context of the post they are mutually exclusive. I know its embarrassing I caught you out on this but lets stay on point.

What deflection? What context? What point? Your vapid retorts are devoid of substance. They may seem clever to you, but they're not. The only embarrassment I feel is from being gullible enough to believe that you were expressing honest opinions.
More deflections. The irony of someone claiming Obama is incompetent but able to mastermind a conspiracy is the epitome of failed logic. You can continue to play dumb to hide your embarrassment but it wont work to prove your point.

What are you, some kind of wind-up toy?
Yeah but thats not what anyone said nor was it the context. You just made that up because I called you out on your infantile logic.

The only contextual element in Doctor's post was his reference to Obama. This apparently caused you to reflexively defend his definitionally false assertion that "all powerful" and "incompetent" are mutually exclusive terms by adding another of your own, substituting the terms "bumbling idiot" and "mastermind."

Rather than defend or explain this error in your logic, you then relapsed into your deliberately nebulous "context" argument, denying the actual words posted, and resorted to name calling. Isn't that a better example of "infantile" behavior?
Your deflection has nothing to do with the point. In the context of the post they are mutually exclusive. I know its embarrassing I caught you out on this but lets stay on point.

What deflection? What context? What point? Your vapid retorts are devoid of substance. They may seem clever to you, but they're not. The only embarrassment I feel is from being gullible enough to believe that you were expressing honest opinions.
More deflections. The irony of someone claiming Obama is incompetent but able to mastermind a conspiracy is the epitome of failed logic. You can continue to play dumb to hide your embarrassment but it wont work to prove your point.

What are you, some kind of wind-up toy?
If thats what you call people when they embarrass you....then yes.
The only contextual element in Doctor's post was his reference to Obama. This apparently caused you to reflexively defend his definitionally false assertion that "all powerful" and "incompetent" are mutually exclusive terms by adding another of your own, substituting the terms "bumbling idiot" and "mastermind."

Rather than defend or explain this error in your logic, you then relapsed into your deliberately nebulous "context" argument, denying the actual words posted, and resorted to name calling. Isn't that a better example of "infantile" behavior?
Your deflection has nothing to do with the point. In the context of the post they are mutually exclusive. I know its embarrassing I caught you out on this but lets stay on point.

What deflection? What context? What point? Your vapid retorts are devoid of substance. They may seem clever to you, but they're not. The only embarrassment I feel is from being gullible enough to believe that you were expressing honest opinions.
More deflections. The irony of someone claiming Obama is incompetent but able to mastermind a conspiracy is the epitome of failed logic. You can continue to play dumb to hide your embarrassment but it wont work to prove your point.

What are you, some kind of wind-up toy?
If thats what you call people when they embarrass you....then yes.

Thanks for clearing that up. I concede that I am embarrassed to have been talking to a wind-up toy.

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