Obama demands CUTS in Social Security!!!

You do realize it's one of the GOP's top goals to destroy social security, don't you?

Not destroy, privatize. Democrats have been robbing from SS for years to buy votes by handing out more welfare. Repubs want that to stop.


Social security is a joke, live certain parts of town and they draw from SS with "Crazy checks" I'm sure liberals will say they've never heard of that term, but it's quite common to hear in Memphis and Denver....
Furthermore, welfare would be far more effective at the State and local level. .

And it would be legal. Welfare is never mentioned in the constitution so, by the tenth amendment it's a state matter.
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Sadly, it's not a goal of theirs at all. The worst government programs ever are social security/medicare and obamacare. Those are the specific programs that make every American dependent on government for their basic needs, retirement and medical care. It's sick.

When Republicans propose slowing the growth in those financial monstrosities, this is what you come up with, that they want to "destroy" it. This is why those of us who actually still believe in liberty are in such a small minority.

Social security and medicare have been very effective. If the GOP had their way and both were eliminated, we would see welfare recipients skyrocketing, ER's would have lines around the block 24 hours a day as people would have no other way to see a doctor, insurance premiums would be so high because of it, it would become a luxury just to have it, poverty and homelessness would soar, the elderly dieing at early ages from lack of income and access to healthcare, it would be a complete disaster.

Social security and medicare have been very effective.

Yes! Very effective.........at bankrupting the country.

Which communist, socialist, marxist, lib president said these quotes? :eusa_think:

"Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit. Social Security is totally funded by the payroll tax levied on employer and employee."

"Social Security has nothing to do with balancing a budget or erasing or growing the deficit."
Pubs don't support anything Obama offers, even when they ask for it. They're ALWAYS for spending cuts, except anything specific LOL. O-care will fix Medicare/aid- raising the payroll tax limit on the bloated rich will end the SS "crisis".

Toss the A-holes in 2014, dupes.
Pubs don't support anything Obama offers, even when they ask for it. They're ALWAYS for spending cuts, except anything specific LOL. O-care will fix Medicare/aid- raising the payroll tax limit on the bloated rich will end the SS "crisis".

Toss the A-holes in 2014, dupes.

Awww, you're soo unhappy Obama has failed as a President. It's ok, you only have just over 3 years left of mindlessly defending him.
Dammit. There should be NO reductions in SS until all welfare is eliminated. Welfare is charity while SS is a debt govt owes to the recipients. They paid the money and they want it back!

April 5, 2013 19:23 EDT

Liberals fuming over Social Security cuts in Obama?s budget proposal | The Raw Story

Obama’s fiscal blueprint slashes the deficit by $1.8 trillion over 10 years, in what a senior administration official described as a “compromise offer” that cuts federal spending, finds savings in Social Security and raises tax revenue from the wealthy.

But Obama’s concession to conservatives in the form of reduced cost-of-living payouts for Social Security benefits could revive consideration of a deficit-reducing “grand bargain” that has proved elusive in recent years.

Such cuts to public pension programs and public health insurance for the elderly — seen as sacred cows for Obama’s Democrats — have been longstanding demands of Republicans.

Are you sure it's not republicans demanding cuts? Afterall ask any democrat and they'll tell you republicans hate those who use social security.
Any Obama "failures" are due to mindless Pub obstruction- obvious to everyone but chumps of greedy rich idiot Pubs.

When Obama's stupid policies that are opposed by the Republicans inevitably fail, it's the Republican's fault. Got it.
Social Security was set up in 1933 when the US went bankrupt. Banks were willing to loan the US money but the US had to pledge the money of future generations to get the "bailout".

That agreement is known as "Social Security".

You ever wonder why every year there isn't any money in the Social Security "lockbox"? Because there isn't one. Your SS payments go direct to banks. When people retire the US Gov't is expected to pay those retirement benefits, not the Banks, that's another way the US goes deeper and deeper into debt every year.

Bankers control the US and it's Government. Been that way for a long time.
Social security and medicare have been very effective. If the GOP had their way and both were eliminated, we would see welfare recipients skyrocketing, ER's would have lines around the block 24 hours a day as people would have no other way to see a doctor, insurance premiums would be so high because of it, it would become a luxury just to have it, poverty and homelessness would soar, the elderly dieing at early ages from lack of income and access to healthcare, it would be a complete disaster.

Social security and medicare have been very effective.

Yes! Very effective.........at bankrupting the country.

Which communist, socialist, marxist, lib president said these quotes? :eusa_think:

"Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit. Social Security is totally funded by the payroll tax levied on employer and employee."

"Social Security has nothing to do with balancing a budget or erasing or growing the deficit."

Demographics shift.
The math doesn't work anymore.

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