Obama "Desperate frenzy" to leave a legacy..

Obama never lost an election. But don’t let facts get in your way.
Carter won an election, what's your point?

What is yours?
Carter was the worst president till Obama came along, and they both got elected. But both their policies sucked.

Obama got elected every time his name was on the ballot.
Every person he backed, campaigned for, appeared beside lost. Every one without exception including Hilly.

Wow...incredible stuff there. Only if it were true.

The Dems actually picked up seats in both houses. Using history as a guide, the Dems shouldn't have even been in the game for POTUS since the only 2 people to hold the office for their Party since 1930 are Truman and Bush 41. Romeny is twice the man Trump is. He's just not as funny and didn't appeal to the easily amused.

The only reason the filthy ass Democrats picked up Senator seats is because 24 Republicans were up for reelection. Many seats were at risk. In two years the filthy ass Democrats will have 26 seats up for reelection. They will greatly be at risk and probably lose a few more seats so don't brag too much.

The filthy ass Democrats lost big in 2010, 2014 and lost the whole government in 2016. Not only on the Federal level but in many state and local positions.

The only reason that they didn't lose in 2012 is because they had their one trick pony Black asshole running that brought out all the welfare queens and White Guilt Libtards and of course having a weak Liberal RINO as his opponent didn't hurt much either.

The Dems actually picked up seats in both houses. Using history as a guide, the Dems shouldn't have even been in the game for POTUS since the only 2 people to hold the office for their Party since 1930 are Truman and Bush 41. Romeny is twice the man Trump is. He's just not as funny and didn't appeal to the easily amused.

The only reason the filthy ass Democrats picked up Senator seats is because 24 Republicans were up for reelection. Many seats were at risk. In two years the filthy ass Democrats will have 26 seats up for reelection. They will greatly be at risk and probably lose a few more seats so don't brag too much.

The filthy ass Democrats lost big in 2010, 2014 and lost the whole government in 2016. Not only on the Federal level but in many state and local positions.

The only reason that they didn't lose in 2012 is because they had their one trick pony Black asshole running that brought out all the welfare queens and White Guilt Libtards and of course having a weak Liberal RINO as his opponent didn't hurt much either.

You guys are obsessed with race.

You guys are obsessed with race.

You Libtards are the ones that are obsessed with race. Without racial turmoil to churn up hate and fear you would lose at least half of your Moon Bat base.
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Guess Obama is regretting now that he didn't lead and comprise with Congress.. He thought Hillary would win and leave his EOs intact...

Stupid liberals never think ahead..

Gingrich: Obama in 'desperate frenzy' to leave legacy

President Obama’s final spree of policy changes and initiatives is part of a “desperate frenzy” to leave a legacy which will largely be reversed, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told “Fox News Sunday.”
"His legacy is like one of those dolls that, as the air comes out of it, shrinks and shrink and shrinks,” Gingrich said. “The things he’s done this week will be turned around … He’s in this desperate frenzy.”

Even while the first family is on vacation in Hawaii, Obama has had an active week, designating vast swaths of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans as off limits to future oil leases while planning more detainee transfers out of Guantanamo Bay and other moves.

Gingrich, though, said the bulk of Obama’s legacy stems from executive actions, “almost all of which will be repudiated by Trump.”

And Gingrich’s legacy was what? Getting owned by Bill Clinton, resigning in disgrace from the House and losing to Mitt Romney (who Obama beat).

Deflection, what's wrong got nothing on the actual topic?

It would be like asking you about how classy someone else is. You have to have some to comment on it.

The subject of the question in this thread is your dear leader, not Newt. Your dear leader is the one throwing crap against the wall hoping something will stick, it won't.
Yes, he asked everyone to vote for Hillary. To keep his legacy going. How did that turn out for him?

She got more votes than anyone else running. Now, quickly, make the lame allegation that somehow she didn’t.
Of course from California, the state that wants to succeed. Then if they do, she lost both. See California isn't really Americans. They want their own state.

Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink. She got more votes than your messiah. And you’ve got to live with that.
America spoke and Obama's policies lost.

Well, more Americans voted for the person who pledged to keep the policies in place than anyone else. Sorry. You lose again.

Typical regressive, the hildabtich went looking for love in all the wrong places, how'd that work for ya?
She got more votes than anyone else running. Now, quickly, make the lame allegation that somehow she didn’t.
Of course from California, the state that wants to succeed. Then if they do, she lost both. See California isn't really Americans. They want their own state.

Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink. She got more votes than your messiah. And you’ve got to live with that.
America spoke and Obama's policies lost.

Well, more Americans voted for the person who pledged to keep the policies in place than anyone else. Sorry. You lose again.

Typical regressive, the hildabtich went looking for love in all the wrong places, how'd that work for ya?

Well she won the popular vote in a year when, historically speaking, the Democrats were supposed to lose. Since she didn't win, it won't be looked at as anything other than a loss but it was a remarkable achievement; historically speaking.
Of course from California, the state that wants to succeed. Then if they do, she lost both. See California isn't really Americans. They want their own state.

Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink. She got more votes than your messiah. And you’ve got to live with that.
America spoke and Obama's policies lost.

Well, more Americans voted for the person who pledged to keep the policies in place than anyone else. Sorry. You lose again.

Typical regressive, the hildabtich went looking for love in all the wrong places, how'd that work for ya?

Well she won the popular vote in a year when, historically speaking, the Democrats were supposed to lose. Since she didn't win, it won't be looked at as anything other than a loss but it was a remarkable achievement; historically speaking.

So you still think this mythical popular vote has some significance, when are your regressives going to realize that in our Constitutional Republic, democracy ends at the State line? State representatives make all federal decisions.
Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink. She got more votes than your messiah. And you’ve got to live with that.
America spoke and Obama's policies lost.

Well, more Americans voted for the person who pledged to keep the policies in place than anyone else. Sorry. You lose again.

Typical regressive, the hildabtich went looking for love in all the wrong places, how'd that work for ya?

Well she won the popular vote in a year when, historically speaking, the Democrats were supposed to lose. Since she didn't win, it won't be looked at as anything other than a loss but it was a remarkable achievement; historically speaking.

So you still think this mythical popular vote has some significance, when are your regressives going to realize that in our Constitutional Republic, democracy ends at the State line? State representatives make all federal decisions.

If it were not important, you wouldn't be up all night arguing about it....

So tell us, why do you care?
America spoke and Obama's policies lost.

Well, more Americans voted for the person who pledged to keep the policies in place than anyone else. Sorry. You lose again.

Typical regressive, the hildabtich went looking for love in all the wrong places, how'd that work for ya?

Well she won the popular vote in a year when, historically speaking, the Democrats were supposed to lose. Since she didn't win, it won't be looked at as anything other than a loss but it was a remarkable achievement; historically speaking.

So you still think this mythical popular vote has some significance, when are your regressives going to realize that in our Constitutional Republic, democracy ends at the State line? State representatives make all federal decisions.

If it were not important, you wouldn't be up all night arguing about it....

So tell us, why do you care?

Just getting damn tired of all the whining about it. It's nothing but a weapon of mass distraction, keeping the conversation on irrelevant crap. If you want to talk about something historical, how about losing 2 times when the hildabitch was looking forward to a coronation each time, now that's historic! Nite Nite.
Well, more Americans voted for the person who pledged to keep the policies in place than anyone else. Sorry. You lose again.

Typical regressive, the hildabtich went looking for love in all the wrong places, how'd that work for ya?

Well she won the popular vote in a year when, historically speaking, the Democrats were supposed to lose. Since she didn't win, it won't be looked at as anything other than a loss but it was a remarkable achievement; historically speaking.

So you still think this mythical popular vote has some significance, when are your regressives going to realize that in our Constitutional Republic, democracy ends at the State line? State representatives make all federal decisions.

If it were not important, you wouldn't be up all night arguing about it....

So tell us, why do you care?

Just getting damn tired of all the whining about it. It's nothing but a weapon of mass distraction, keeping the conversation on irrelevant crap. If you want to talk about something historical, how about losing 2 times when the hildabitch was looking forward to a coronation each time, now that's historic! Nite Nite.

Lets see, you whined about Obama for 8 years. What I'm stating--that Ms. Clinton got more votes than the small fraction of a man who won the Presidency--is actually a statement of fact; there is no whining to it.

Amazingly; you're the only one who is "keeping the conversation" going. Its just an inconvenient truth you'll have to live with.
Compromise with congress? It is hard sometimes to gauge the depths of dumbness among the right wingers in America, were you asleep these past eight years. But that said Obama did great things for lots of Americans. Of course the corporate puppets are trained fools that follow the code. Wingnuts stay calm big money will be back soon telling you what to think next.

President Barack Obama will go down as one our very best presidents, there is no doubt of that. Will the conservatives and others disagree, of course, but any review of the past eight years and his accomplishments will prove them wrong.


One of the great ones. Obama Is One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time. Here’s Why

Wow, you are really hitting the Kool Aid hard, Midcan! What will Obama's legacy be? ObamaCare? It was awful legislation that needs to be totally redone to "save it". The war against terror? We're in so much worse shape now on that front than when Barry took office it's not even funny. His policies in the Middle East led to mass migrations of refugees fleeing for their lives. Now Europe is awash with terror attacks. Fixing the economy? Obama oversaw the worst economic recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and will leave office as the only American President not to have a single year with 3% economic growth! He's spent more money than almost all our other Presidents combined driving our national debt to unheard of levels. Has he done anything to fix violence in the inner cities? Has he done anything to promote better race relations in America?

One of the great ones? Really?
Typical regressive, the hildabtich went looking for love in all the wrong places, how'd that work for ya?

Well she won the popular vote in a year when, historically speaking, the Democrats were supposed to lose. Since she didn't win, it won't be looked at as anything other than a loss but it was a remarkable achievement; historically speaking.

So you still think this mythical popular vote has some significance, when are your regressives going to realize that in our Constitutional Republic, democracy ends at the State line? State representatives make all federal decisions.

If it were not important, you wouldn't be up all night arguing about it....

So tell us, why do you care?

Just getting damn tired of all the whining about it. It's nothing but a weapon of mass distraction, keeping the conversation on irrelevant crap. If you want to talk about something historical, how about losing 2 times when the hildabitch was looking forward to a coronation each time, now that's historic! Nite Nite.

Lets see, you whined about Obama for 8 years. What I'm stating--that Ms. Clinton got more votes than the small fraction of a man who won the Presidency--is actually a statement of fact; there is no whining to it.

Amazingly; you're the only one who is "keeping the conversation" going. Its just an inconvenient truth you'll have to live with.

Since we don't chose a President by who got the most votes, Candy...what difference does it really make?

Donald Trump won the Presidency under our election rules and THAT is an inconvenient truth that YOU'LL have to live with!
Well she won the popular vote in a year when, historically speaking, the Democrats were supposed to lose. Since she didn't win, it won't be looked at as anything other than a loss but it was a remarkable achievement; historically speaking.

So you still think this mythical popular vote has some significance, when are your regressives going to realize that in our Constitutional Republic, democracy ends at the State line? State representatives make all federal decisions.

If it were not important, you wouldn't be up all night arguing about it....

So tell us, why do you care?

Just getting damn tired of all the whining about it. It's nothing but a weapon of mass distraction, keeping the conversation on irrelevant crap. If you want to talk about something historical, how about losing 2 times when the hildabitch was looking forward to a coronation each time, now that's historic! Nite Nite.

Lets see, you whined about Obama for 8 years. What I'm stating--that Ms. Clinton got more votes than the small fraction of a man who won the Presidency--is actually a statement of fact; there is no whining to it.

Amazingly; you're the only one who is "keeping the conversation" going. Its just an inconvenient truth you'll have to live with.

Since we don't chose a President by who got the most votes, Candy...what difference does it really make?

Donald Trump won the Presidency under our election rules and THAT is an inconvenient truth that YOU'LL have to live with!

Don't remember disputing that. Just pointing out how Hillary got more votes than your messiah; and did so in an election cycle historically not kind to the party occupying the oval office.

This pretty much sums up Obama's presidency.

Hussaine could not help being a race baiter from start to finish. He has the delusional chutzpah, after desperately campaigning for Crooked Hillary who lost in a landslide, to claim he would have defeated The Donald. :p The concept in Hussaine's small cranium is that he would have received more of the afro american vote.
So you still think this mythical popular vote has some significance, when are your regressives going to realize that in our Constitutional Republic, democracy ends at the State line? State representatives make all federal decisions.

If it were not important, you wouldn't be up all night arguing about it....

So tell us, why do you care?

Just getting damn tired of all the whining about it. It's nothing but a weapon of mass distraction, keeping the conversation on irrelevant crap. If you want to talk about something historical, how about losing 2 times when the hildabitch was looking forward to a coronation each time, now that's historic! Nite Nite.

Lets see, you whined about Obama for 8 years. What I'm stating--that Ms. Clinton got more votes than the small fraction of a man who won the Presidency--is actually a statement of fact; there is no whining to it.

Amazingly; you're the only one who is "keeping the conversation" going. Its just an inconvenient truth you'll have to live with.

Since we don't chose a President by who got the most votes, Candy...what difference does it really make?

Donald Trump won the Presidency under our election rules and THAT is an inconvenient truth that YOU'LL have to live with!

Don't remember disputing that. Just pointing out how Hillary got more votes than your messiah; and did so in an election cycle historically not kind to the party occupying the oval office.

Well thank you for pointing out that Hillary won more popular votes than Trump, Candy! Now would you like to explain why that means anything since we don't elect our President by who gets the most popular votes? You're acting like a football team that thinks they should have won because they gained more yards than their opponent. It's not how a winner is determined. Both sides understood the rules before the contest took place. Both sides planned their strategies accordingly. Trump's was successful...Clinton's was not! Deal with it...
As for the "election cycle"? If you'll remember, Republicans had to defend far more Senate seats than Democrats did and most political pundits were expecting Democrats to have a better than average shot at winning back the Senate majority. That didn't happen. THAT and the loss of even more Governor's races as well as the Oval Office is why this election cycle was a disaster for Democrats!

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