Obama does not know the Meaning of Bipartisan


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
So, Before even releasing his Plan. Obama is saying there is not Reason for the GOP to not support his "Bi-partisan" Jobs Plan. I mean is he really just that stupid? Or just trying to be cute. No Plan, wrote solely by the WH, and Delivered thorough the Bully Pulpit of a Address to a Joint Session. Can ever be called. Bi-Partisan.

Now, If he is willing to accept Republican amendments, and alterations to his plan. Then he can start Making Claims of being Bi-Partisan. However I know full well he wont. He will refuse to compromise, and count on the Media and idiots on boards like this one, to Blame it on the Republicans.
yeah, he should do something bi-partisan like the stimulus tax breaks. Then when it fails repubs can scream "not-it!" and claim it's the worse thing ever.

Oh and something about how Obama jammed something in their throats
So, Before even releasing his Plan. Obama is saying there is not Reason for the GOP to not support his "Bi-partisan" Jobs Plan. I mean is he really just that stupid? Or just trying to be cute. No Plan, wrote solely by the WH, and Delivered thorough the Bully Pulpit of a Address to a Joint Session. Can ever be called. Bi-Partisan.

Now, If he is willing to accept Republican amendments, and alterations to his plan. Then he can start Making Claims of being Bi-Partisan. However I know full well he wont. He will refuse to compromise, and count on the Media and idiots on boards like this one, to Blame it on the Republicans.
He is still mad he lost the majority in the house. He is the one that does not like to work with the republicans.
yeah ok, i seem to remember him caving on tax breaks, caving on the debt ceiling, and now caving on his speech....

Yeah Fuck you for thinking anyone can be that stupid and believe your shit you are peddling.
He is a spineless twit, like most libtards. I am not shoveling anything. After the last election you could see it on his face, he was not happy. Unlike you libtards what I shovel is closer to the truth than anything you shovel, idiots.
'Bipartisa'n to Obama means how can we screw 'em next...Our way or the highway..Blame it on the other guy for not playing ball with bogus rules....Capitulation...subsidiary of Dewey, Screwem, And Howe...

There is no such thing.
Of course Obama does not know bipartisan, he thinks continuing the Bush plan is being bipartisan.
So, Before even releasing his Plan. Obama is saying there is not Reason for the GOP to not support his "Bi-partisan" Jobs Plan. I mean is he really just that stupid? Or just trying to be cute. No Plan, wrote solely by the WH, and Delivered thorough the Bully Pulpit of a Address to a Joint Session. Can ever be called. Bi-Partisan.

Now, If he is willing to accept Republican amendments, and alterations to his plan. Then he can start Making Claims of being Bi-Partisan. However I know full well he wont. He will refuse to compromise, and count on the Media and idiots on boards like this one, to Blame it on the Republicans.

Did you ever think he was?
How is this any different than the GOP already attacking his plan before it's even announced?
Love the OP...because, ya know, from 2001-2009 the man in the WH and his VP were poster boys for bi-partisanship.....LOL
There are quite a few things Obama doesn't know the meaning of.

Focused like a laser on (insert buzz word of the day)
Most people don't.

Bi-partisan = both parties working together to screw the American people.
How is this any different than the GOP already attacking his plan before it's even announced?

People are pointing out that sounds like the same stuff Obama tried before. If that's what you term an "attack" then I guess the Republicans are. Gotta tell you though...after the big build up Barry gave this jobs plan? If all he's got is a rehashed Stimulus II, he's going to take some MAJOR heat from the American public. They're growing tired of empty promises.
yeah ok, i seem to remember him caving on tax breaks, caving on the debt ceiling, and now caving on his speech....

Yeah Fuck you for thinking anyone can be that stupid and believe your shit you are peddling.

Mad Much?
So, Before even releasing his Plan. Obama is saying there is not Reason for the GOP to not support his "Bi-partisan" Jobs Plan. I mean is he really just that stupid? Or just trying to be cute. No Plan, wrote solely by the WH, and Delivered thorough the Bully Pulpit of a Address to a Joint Session. Can ever be called. Bi-Partisan.

Now, If he is willing to accept Republican amendments, and alterations to his plan. Then he can start Making Claims of being Bi-Partisan. However I know full well he wont. He will refuse to compromise, and count on the Media and idiots on boards like this one, to Blame it on the Republicans.

There's no way they are going to help him at all. His biggest mistakes have been trying to be "bi-partisan". It was nuts. He's compromised far to much and given away the store. Republicans just hate him. Completely. They hated him once he was announced as the candidate.

He's going to have to channel FDR/Truman to get anything going.
@ Olstyle

He's gonna take major heat? There's a easy prediction. I predict any dam thing hes gonna say is going to take major heat. Watch it happen.
How is this any different than the GOP already attacking his plan before it's even announced?

People are pointing out that sounds like the same stuff Obama tried before. If that's what you term an "attack" then I guess the Republicans are. Gotta tell you though...after the big build up Barry gave this jobs plan? If all he's got is a rehashed Stimulus II, he's going to take some MAJOR heat from the American public. They're growing tired of empty promises.

So ... his last plan was proven to have helped the economy, and you don't want more of that now .... because ... why?

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