Obama Drops The Pretense

Your link made a lot of accusations, but didn't point to any specific thing to back up his beliefs. You got something a sane person might believe?

Opinions aren't facts or action.

Please give us honest facts and action by Obama.

Then tell us how anyone is going to confiscate guns, The second amendment won't allow it. You'll have to repeal that amendment for guns to be confiscated.

Which will take years and will never happen so the lies in your opinion piece are as ridiculous as your lies and paranoia.

The sane people in our nation are laughing at you.
"The sane people in our nation are laughing at you."

I never said this was happening or would...I just posted the article for discussion; however...

I never thought I would see....
- The Department of Land management send an armed military force to confiscate public lands, steal a man's cows and kill them, and have sniper rifles pointed at his wife and children's heads....but it happened.

- I never though I would see the day when a President owned his own Drone Assassination Program in which he controlled his own drones, controlled the 'Kill List' and was THE decision maker regarding who - including American citizens - gets killed (while simultaneously declaring terrorists have 'Due Process' Rights)

- I never thought I would see this country, who defeated an enemy that attempted to perpetrate the genocide of the Jewish people and who declared 'Never again' to such barbaric murder years later, defend the right to murder innocent children at ANY stage of pregnancy, to cut them up and sell the parts, and force Americans who oppose this to pay for it through tax dollars, thereby murdering far more innocents than Hitler EVER did

Again, not saying it will never happen, which has been done before in Nazi Germany, but I am saying only fools laugh at real possibilities.
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Your link made a lot of accusations, but didn't point to any specific thing to back up his beliefs. You got something a sane person might believe?

Sure. He admires the British and Australian programs, both of which involved confiscation.
Of course he does and so does the rest of the commie/progressives like Hillary

there is no law they can pass that will prevent any of these besides CONfiscation

people are stupid to think he doesn't mean it
Your link made a lot of accusations, but didn't point to any specific thing to back up his beliefs. You got something a sane person might believe?

Sure. He admires the British and Australian programs, both of which involved confiscation.

You're stretching a little too far there bubba.

Not at all.

Doesn't matter. It's all academic. Confiscation would be met with overwhelming non-compliance.
Of course Obama and his ilk would love to outlaw guns and leave us all helpless against criminals and government tyranny, but it's never going to happen.
Your link made a lot of accusations, but didn't point to any specific thing to back up his beliefs. You got something a sane person might believe?

Sure. He admires the British and Australian programs, both of which involved confiscation.

You're stretching a little too far there bubba.

Not at all.

Doesn't matter. It's all academic. Confiscation would be met with overwhelming non-compliance.

Confiscation is not being considered except on the extreme crazy fringe of both sides. Of course, the right wing is mostly extreme crazy fringe now days.
Your link made a lot of accusations, but didn't point to any specific thing to back up his beliefs. You got something a sane person might believe?

Sure. He admires the British and Australian programs, both of which involved confiscation.

You're stretching a little too far there bubba.

Not at all.

Doesn't matter. It's all academic. Confiscation would be met with overwhelming non-compliance.

Confiscation is not being considered except on the extreme crazy fringe of both sides. Of course, the right wing is mostly extreme crazy fringe now days.

It is not being considered for obvious reasons. That does not mean the Left does not want it.
Your link made a lot of accusations, but didn't point to any specific thing to back up his beliefs. You got something a sane person might believe?

Sure. He admires the British and Australian programs, both of which involved confiscation.

You're stretching a little too far there bubba.

Not at all.

Doesn't matter. It's all academic. Confiscation would be met with overwhelming non-compliance.

Confiscation is not being considered except on the extreme crazy fringe of both sides. Of course, the right wing is mostly extreme crazy fringe now days.
standard hyperpartisan drivel, of course.
blame the other side...
"The sane people in our nation are laughing at you."

I never said this was happening or would...I just posted the article for discussion; however...

I never thought I would see....
- The Department of Land management send an armed military force to confiscate public lands, steal a man's cows and kill them, and have sniper rifles pointed at his wife and children's heads....but it happened.

- I never though I would see the day when a President owned his own Drone Assassination Program in which he controlled his own drones, controlled the 'Kill List' and was THE decision maker regarding who - including American citizens - gets killed (while simultaneously declaring terrorists have 'Due Process' Rights)

- I never thought I would see this country, who defeated an enemy that attempted to perpetrate the genocide of the Jewish people and who declared 'Never again' to such barbaric murder years later, defend the right to murder innocent children at ANY stage of pregnancy, to cut them up and sell the parts, and force Americans who oppose this to pay for it through tax dollars, thereby murdering far more innocents than Hitler EVER did

Again, not saying it will never happen, which has been done before in Nazi Germany, but I am saying only fools laugh at real possibilities.

bingo. I've been saying for awhile now. WE THE PEOPLE better start waking up
one of my favorites.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Ben Franklin

more people should hold onto this. THIS Government is not OUR FRIEND. if they are the answer WHY haven't stopped any of these this things from happening already?

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