Obama Eagerly Awaits His 17 Day Hawaii Christmas Vacation (Paid By You, The Taxpayer)

With all his gallivanting for speech's and fundraisers. He must work a grand total of TWO WEEKS.

What a gig, oh the wifey hoses us down Real good too

makes you wonder who's running things in the Shadows. damn scary

Wifey bought new china while hubby raised taxes on the middle class?
What idiot thinks a two-term POTUS is gonna work almost 3,000 straight days without a vacation?

What a moron.

Didn't Bush take more days vacation. And look what he did to the country!

Maybe HE should have taken MORE vacation.

But seriously, what kind of lame-brained complaint about a POTUS is that he took a vacation?

It's exactly how a poster loses any credibility that may have had left.
With all his gallivanting for speech's and fundraisers. He must work a grand total of TWO WEEKS.

What a gig, oh the wifey hoses us down Real good too

makes you wonder who's running things in the Shadows. damn scary

Nothing to be afraid of dumbass, the DICK isn't VP anymore.
With all his gallivanting for speech's and fundraisers. He must work a grand total of TWO WEEKS.

What a gig, oh the wifey hoses us down Real good too

makes you wonder who's running things in the Shadows. damn scary
He only works two weeks?

Last week I thought he was a dictator?
What idiot thinks a two-term POTUS is gonna work almost 3,000 straight days without a vacation?

What a moron.

Didn't Bush take more days vacation. And look what he did to the country!

Maybe HE should have taken MORE vacation.

But seriously, what kind of lame-brained complaint about a POTUS is that he took a vacation?

It's exactly how a poster loses any credibility that may have had left.

That's all they have.
Surprised he isn't going on a house-hunting vacation is Cuba!

He's gonna need one......
What idiot thinks a two-term POTUS is gonna work almost 3,000 straight days without a vacation?

What a moron.

Didn't Bush take more days vacation. And look what he did to the country!

Maybe HE should have taken MORE vacation.

But seriously, what kind of lame-brained complaint about a POTUS is that he took a vacation?

It's exactly how a poster loses any credibility that may have had left.

That's all they have.

well imho they have a lot more.

There are plenty of legitimate reasons to complain. And real issues and real complaints just get swept away in the flood of birth certificates, vacations, etc ...

THESE IDIOTS are the reason this POTUS could probably get away with murdering someone because anyone raising the issue would just get lumped in with the BENGAWZIIII crowd.
Q. If Obama was born in Kenya, why does he go to Hawaii so much?

A. Because he was born in Hawaii, you idiot birfer.
if he is constitutionally ineligible....why is he still President?.....its been 6 years.....why havent the Republicans presented their infallible truth?...

Yes it is funny to see something that started in the Hilary Clinton Camp to suddenly become "Republican"..

I find it funny that Conservatives both embrace Birthers and try to distance them by blaming Hilary- even though virtually all of the wingnut Birthers are wingnut Conservatives- from WND to the dentist/real estate agent/lawyer.
Who cares? Seriously. who the fuck cares? All presidents take vacations and we pay for all of them. So, who cares? Were you this outraged when Bush took a vacation? Clinton? Bush? Reagan? Carter?

One would think that a racist, hate filled partisan hack like Steve McIdiot would be happy Obama was away from Washington...
if he is constitutionally ineligible....why is he still President?.....its been 6 years.....why havent the Republicans presented their infallible truth?...

Yes it is funny to see something that started in the Hilary Clinton Camp to suddenly become "Republican"..

I find it funny that Conservatives both embrace Birthers and try to distance them by blaming Hilary- even though virtually all of the wingnut Birthers are wingnut Conservatives- from WND to the dentist/real estate agent/lawyer.

wow, that was mouthful that made not a bit of sense. sheesh
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And the left is now becoming their own "birthers" , (what a stupid label whoever made that one up should be slapped) over Ted Cruz

so you all can shoot your high horses, now
It's not a vacation. You don't work on vacation. If it were a vacation, the presidential duties would be transferred to Biden.
it bothers me more that the dregs of politics ( Congress) gets a vacation on the taxpayers dime ...

$172K a year, paid vacations, and the ability to give themselves a raise ... and all they do is bitch about each other ...
i used to enjoy my Govt vacation.....5 weeks a year and you can bank i think 250 hours.....

In my last couple years working I took my 5 weeks vacation one day at a time, and adding my holidays and a few sick days to that,

had a year round 4 day work week. I highly recommend it.
After a busy month of kicking Putin's ass, granting immigration reform and recognizing Cuba

Hope our President enjoys a well deserved vacation
"well deserved" ???????

that is all the motha-fucka does is VACATION or golf..., plus fuck over the United States of America.., hummm, on second thought that is a full time job for him, how can he take a vacation when fucking over the United States of America is his first priority ???? :up:
so.... :up_yours: rightwhigger

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