Obama exhibiting a "kind of madness".

Obama never had a real job and this whole POTUS thing is above his pay grade

Best thing Dems can do is ask him and Biden to step down

Your signature: Dems love Big Government like Rihanna loves Chris Brown, beat them, destroy their families, drive them to dependency -- all out of love

Republicans want to drown government in a bathtub. Leaving them destitute after terrible disasters, leaving them unable to get a job because of a lack of education, leaving them unhealthy because of a lack of protection from health care companies, leaving their food unsafe because we need fewer government inspectors, leaving them with increased birth defects because of a dirty environment. Then, after their lives are completely ruined, their communities destroyed, they can say, "Now we are free."

Ah! The USMB resident expert on madness chimes in.

Hey Deany, how far off the tracks is Obama? I mean on the Rdean Scale is he at about 60% Deaniac?

Why not put your money where your mouth is and go live in a cave? To the insane, truth is crazy. And no one is more insane than you.
The Republicans need to deal. If it's madness, it's because they refuse to bargain in good faith.

You have that backwards. It's Obama who refuses to bargain in good faith. If you don't capitulate to what he wants, he wont deal with you.

and the madness isnt just in the Presidency.

"Compromise", to Obama means "do it my way or I'll blame you for obstructing progression toward our goal."
Where's Obama's offer in good faith to make that "bargain"? Obama got his tax cuts now it's time to cut spending as he, Obama, promised.

Quit being such a fucking apologist, it's nauseating dude.

Tax cuts? All we've been hearing about is how Obama's been raising taxes. That's the problem with the Republicans, too much double talk. Boehner said he got 98% of what he wanted. I'm afraid he's going to have to pay for shooting his mouth off. Crowing like that, whether true or not, is not "good faith".

My apologies...I meant by that statement that he got his tax cuts back.. i.e. He wanted to raise taxes and he did.

The sequester was not in good faith. Obama is the one attaching caveats to it. He needs to shut his lying assed mouth and quit campaigning and start fucking leading the country out of this depression/recession... And people like you, who voted for him, need to fucking hold his feet to the fire!

Fuckin' A!
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Tax cuts? All we've been hearing about is how Obama's been raising taxes. That's the problem with the Republicans, too much double talk. Boehner said he got 98% of what he wanted. I'm afraid he's going to have to pay for shooting his mouth off. Crowing like that, whether true or not, is not "good faith".

My apologies...I meant by that statement that he got his tax cuts back.. i.e. He wanted to raise taxes and he did.

The sequester was not in good faith. Obama is the one attaching caveats to it. He needs to shut his lying assed mouth and quit campaigning and start fucking leading the country out of this depression/recession... And people like you, who voted for him, need to fucking hold his feet to the fire!

Fuckin' A!

Obama has to believe that he is supported by the dumbest fucking morons on the planet~ He just opens his lying pie-hole and his drooling zombie constituents cheer him on~

Obama is a hater and a poser...
Left leaning Bob Woodward says Obama is showing a kind of "madness" and is "Nixonian" in his manipulations over the sequestration debacle

Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Obama is playing a very shrewd game. Whether he wins or not is left to be seen. If Republicans refuse to play ball and lose the House because of it in 2014, then Obama will be known as the "Great Manipulator". One thing Republicans just don't get is the fact that Obama has nothing to lose. It's his last term.
Your signature: Dems love Big Government like Rihanna loves Chris Brown, beat them, destroy their families, drive them to dependency -- all out of love

Republicans want to drown government in a bathtub. Leaving them destitute after terrible disasters, leaving them unable to get a job because of a lack of education, leaving them unhealthy because of a lack of protection from health care companies, leaving their food unsafe because we need fewer government inspectors, leaving them with increased birth defects because of a dirty environment. Then, after their lives are completely ruined, their communities destroyed, they can say, "Now we are free."

Ah! The USMB resident expert on madness chimes in.

Hey Deany, how far off the tracks is Obama? I mean on the Rdean Scale is he at about 60% Deaniac?

Why not put your money where your mouth is and go live in a cave? To the insane, truth is crazy. And no one is more insane than you.

You AGWNutters need to stop posting your Cult ranting online. Every time you post you use fossil fuel energy and melt the polar ice caps, well just the Arctic since the Antarctic seems to be growing.
Bob Woodward is now a hero of the RIGHT?

Politics does make strange bedfellow, eh?

Note that somebody who the right wingers have always called a leftie is now chiding the POTUS?

What this bruhaha really proves is that the constant refrain that Obama is a leftist is just so much childish bullshit.
Where's Obama's offer in good faith to make that "bargain"? Obama got his tax cuts now it's time to cut spending as he, Obama, promised.

Quit being such a fucking apologist, it's nauseating dude.

Tax cuts? All we've been hearing about is how Obama's been raising taxes. That's the problem with the Republicans, too much double talk. Boehner said he got 98% of what he wanted. I'm afraid he's going to have to pay for shooting his mouth off. Crowing like that, whether true or not, is not "good faith".

My apologies...I meant by that statement that he got his tax cuts back.. i.e. He wanted to raise taxes and he did.

The sequester was not in good faith. Obama is the one attaching caveats to it. He needs to shut his lying assed mouth and quit campaigning and start fucking leading the country out of this depression/recession... And people like you, who voted for him, need to fucking hold his feet to the fire!

Stop holding your breath for this. If he could lead we would have seen signs of it by now. His is incapable of leading, it is out of his realm. He can order, he can sidestep and boy-oh-boy can he ignore. But lead? Not so much.

Your signature: Dems love Big Government like Rihanna loves Chris Brown, beat them, destroy their families, drive them to dependency -- all out of love

Republicans want to drown government in a bathtub. Leaving them destitute after terrible disasters, leaving them unable to get a job because of a lack of education, leaving them unhealthy because of a lack of protection from health care companies, leaving their food unsafe because we need fewer government inspectors, leaving them with increased birth defects because of a dirty environment. Then, after their lives are completely ruined, their communities destroyed, they can say, "Now we are free."

Ah! The USMB resident expert on madness chimes in.

Hey Deany, how far off the tracks is Obama? I mean on the Rdean Scale is he at about 60% Deaniac?

Why not put your money where your mouth is and go live in a cave? To the insane, truth is crazy. And no one is more insane than you.

:lol: Your butthurt and annoyance is duly noted.

Left leaning Bob Woodward says Obama is showing a kind of "madness" and is "Nixonian" in his manipulations over the sequestration debacle

Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Obama is playing a very shrewd game. Whether he wins or not is left to be seen. If Republicans refuse to play ball and lose the House because of it in 2014, then Obama will be known as the "Great Manipulator". One thing Republicans just don't get is the fact that Obama has nothing to lose. It's his last term.

And the thing is? He would proudly wear that moniker.

How fucking embarrassing this guy is. Truly.
Bob Woodward is now a hero of the RIGHT?

Politics does make strange bedfellow, eh?

Note that somebody who the right wingers have always called a leftie is now chiding the POTUS?

What this bruhaha really proves is that the constant refrain that Obama is a leftist is just so much childish bullshit.

No, it shows how far from Center your Lord, Saviro and Daddy, Obama, has gone; he's alienated Bob Woodward
Bob Woodward is now a hero of the RIGHT?

Politics does make strange bedfellow, eh?

Note that somebody who the right wingers have always called a leftie is now chiding the POTUS?

What this bruhaha really proves is that the constant refrain that Obama is a leftist is just so much childish bullshit.

No, it shows how far from Center your Lord, Saviro and Daddy, Obama, has gone; he's alienated Bob Woodward

Exactly so! The fact of the matter is that there are too few liberal journalists willing to actually take a stand, in opposition, to anything this president does,

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