Obama expands lead over GOP rivals

If obamascare is spanked by SCOTUS 0bama is guaranteed one-and-done...

And have a Republican appoint another Roberts? Please strike down Obamacare! Not everyone knows what Citizens United is so please show everyone that the supremes are just right wing hacks now with roberts, alito, thomas and scalia. They seriously need to go. And Roberts could be around for 30 years.

I will never understand why any of you seem to think that sustaining our Freedom of speech is unpopular. You seriously want the government to be able to silence to before an election?

I know you dont like them because they actually follow the Constitution, but you're an American, you should uphold the Constitution. It's what protects your liberties.

I'm learning how to deal with right wingers like you.

Here is some advice I was given: They have no idea what they are talking about. Usually they’re just repeating things they have heard from Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh. They think that liberals want to take away their freedoms and they clearly don’t know what the word “liberal” means, or what liberals have done for our country and freedom.

What to Remember when debating them:

Ask them to name specific freedoms that liberals have taken away from them.
Poll: Obama expands national lead over GOP rivals


Obamacare is pared down by the SC but
Obama still wins in November.

Yea - the core policy of the Hussein's Presidency is illegal. That's sure to win over lots of voters!

Plus calling for the lynching of an innocent hispanic man is going to be a great way to win hispanic votes.

And who could forget attacking the Catholic Church. Thats only 22% of the population.

Keep up the good work fellas :2up:
Poll: Obama expands national lead over GOP rivals


Obamacare is pared down by the SC but
Obama still wins in November.

Very few single polling companies have had a great success with predicting elections more than six months in advance. of course, they all adjust their numbers during the last month so that later they can declare how accurate they are.
There is only one source that has been consistently accurate this far in advance: Real Clear Politics. The reason is they combine all the polls and form an average. So left leaning polls like NBC and Quinniapac are combined with Right leaning polls like Bloomberg, Gallup and Rasmussen. They have been more accurate than any polling source.

Todays total of all polls:

RCP Average Obama Vs. Romney

3/7 - 3/27


48.8 / 43.4

Obama +5.4

CNN/Opinion Research

3/24 - 3/25

925 RV

54 / 43

Obama +11

Rasmussen Tracking

3/25 - 3/27

1500 LV

45 / 44

Obama +1


3/20 - 3/22

846 RV

46 / 44

Obama +2


3/15 - 3/17

900 RV

48 / 44

Obama +4

FOX News

3/10 - 3/12

912 RV

46 / 42

Obama +4


3/8 - 3/11

937 RV

52 / 41

Obama +11


3/8 - 3/11

746 LV

47 / 47


Pew Research

3/7 - 3/11

1188 RV

54 / 42

Obama +12

CBS News/NY Times

3/7 - 3/11

878 RV

47 / 44

Obama +3

Looks bad for Romney but this could change with the POS ObamaCare about to be pissed on by the USSC. Game - changer? Doubtful considering it was modeled after RomneyCare. But unless there is another X-Factor or the economy reverses direction, all this whackjobbery by the GOP candidates has caused some pretty severe damage to them. There is no way in hell they are going to capture minorities. They've lost the much needed women's vote - or at least a LOT of it. We Indies and the Moderates find them to be way to extreme for our taste and Romney is just plain untrustowrthy. I may not like a lot of Obama's policies but I know where he's at and he stays consistent. Je has sure kept a lot more promises than i thought he would.
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Poll: Obama expands national lead over GOP rivals


Obamacare is pared down by the SC but
Obama still wins in November.

The ACA will be struck down in its entirety and Obama will be re-elected.

For republicans and conservatives, it’s an example of ‘be careful what you wish for…’
If obamascare is spanked by SCOTUS 0bama is guaranteed one-and-done...

Wishing it doesn't make it so.

How does the law being struck down because of conservative challenges and resulting in millions losing their coverage, lead to an Obama loss?

Just curious as to how you think that hiring a guy to uphold the Constitution that doesn't know enough about it to write a piece of legislation that doesn't violate it could be a good thing?

At the time it was passed, two out of three branches of Government thought it Constitutional.
The Etch A Sketch man is going to lose.

Even Republicans don't like him.
I'm more worried about Dems rigging the election than silly polls. I have a lot of (real) hope that America will see the light this time around. We need (real) change.
The same poll also has good harbingers for the Administrations approval ratings as well, now above 50%.

The USSC might consider the backlash leavening the nation without healthcare legislation when presently the best compromise possible is already a matter of "Law".

There was no compromise.

very much so and a work in progress - what or where is there any alternative legislation being proposed ???

The USSC might have thought better than interfering with an act of Congress.

How many people are going to be thrown out of any healthcare if the USSC rakes it away. Voters will soon begin to know who to blame...the "fend for yourself" GOP.
I'm more worried about Dems rigging the election than silly polls. I have a lot of (real) hope that America will see the light this time around. We need (real) change.

Nah, that's a republican gig. Katherine Harris, do Jeb Bush, Mr. Blackwell ring a bell?Plus you have republican Governors around the country that are suppressing the vote. Relax, Obama would have to win by a landslide to squeak out a win.

Next time you go fill up and there is another guy filling up.........ask him, "How awesome is Barak Obama?"

I do it about every other day...........see your response.:D:D:D

Next time you go fill up and there is another guy filling up.........ask him, "How awesome is Barak Obama?"

I do it about every other day...........see your response.:D:D:D

Obama is not awesome but reasonable people will ask republicans why they keep protecting speculators on Wall Street. Cantor, "keep paying at the pump, profits come first."
Obama is not awesome but reasonable people will ask republicans why they keep protecting speculators on Wall Street. Cantor, "keep paying at the pump, profits come first."

You realize that people aren't going to work to obtain oil and refine it into gasoline if they can't make money to support their families right? You do realize that's what profit is, right?
Registered voters? Likely voters would be a better barometer this poll means next to nothing.

Well then:

Obama vs. Romney March - April Polls
Obama continues gains

ABC News/Wash Post

4/5 - 4/8 RV 51 / 44 Obama +7

Rasmussen Tracking

4/7 - 4/9 1500 LV 45 / 45 Tie

IBD/CSM/TIPP 3/30 - 4/5 816 RV 46 / 38 Obama +8

USA Today/Gallup 3/25 - 3/26 901 RV 49 / 45 Obama +4

CNN/Opinion Research 3/24 - 3/25 925 RV 54 / 43 Obama +11

McClatchy/Marist 3/20 - 3/22 846 RV 46 / 44 Obama +2

PPP 3/15 - 3/17 900 RV 48 / 44 Obama +4

Reason-Rupe 3/10 - 3/20 1200 A 46 / 40 Obama +6

FOX News 3/10 - 3/12 912 RV 46 / 42 Obama +4

Reuters/Ipsos 3/8 - 3/11 937 RV 52 / 41 Obama +11

So why does Obama's lead continue to grow? Romney has as much to do with it as Obama. Not exactly the strongest candidate the GOP has ever fielded and his message just isn't resonating with voters. As a matter of fact, it's alienating an awful lot of people. For example, women. And minorities. And Moderates. And Independents. And gays. And Libertarians. And... well, you get the idea.
I think that people are starting to discover that a Romney presidency is nothing more than a give away to corporations. A government run by corporations has a name, it's call fascism. Bush pushed us to the abyss with his oligarchy. Romney would just push us down that failed path a bit further.
Either the GOP repudiates the far right, or we lose again to the dems.
I think that people are starting to discover that a Romney presidency is nothing more than a give away to corporations. A government run by corporations has a name, it's call fascism. Bush pushed us to the abyss with his oligarchy. Romney would just push us down that failed path a bit further.

... after the above ^ and Romney being the 1% candidate one just has to wonder whether their is any sanity left in the Republican establishment at all or their intoxication with money has left them with no sensibility whatsoever ???

and regaining the House becomes more a possibility with every R enactment as Ryan's budget.

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