Obama family welcomes new dog

Dogs are always great!!!!! It is the owners that may need some refining..

Glad you mentioned that. Wife has imparted her anti-social attitude to our dog. He barks at everything and every one she doesn't like.

When my daughter and I walk the dog, he seems at peace with everything and every one.

"They" say the dog takes on various personality traits of their owners and vice versa. I have a hankering for a milk biscuit right about now.
Dogs are always great!!!!! It is the owners that may need some refining..

Glad you mentioned that. Wife has imparted her anti-social attitude to our dog. He barks at everything and every one she doesn't like.

When my daughter and I walk the dog, he seems at peace with everything and every one.

"They" say the dog takes on various personality traits of their owners and vice versa. I have a hankering for a milk biscuit right about now.

I like mustard on my milk biscuits.
That's nice.

Though I would like to see a First Family adopt a dog from a shelter. That would be significant, might influence some folks... But I guess when folks will give you a pure bred...

I guess the Obama's donation to the WHS is nice...

I will be interested in what happens to Bo and Sunny after the White House... I mean, I never got the impression that the Obama's were really dog people... Getting Bo always felt more like it was something they were supposed to do, expected rather than something they wanted to do...

Oh well, good for them, best of luck to all...

I agree. I wonder if the girls even play with the dogs??

There is someone at the WH who is in charge of the care and exercise of any POTUS dogs but hell. I'd be taking care of my own dogs thank you very much.
Obama Family Welcomes New Dog Sunny

President Barack Obama and his family welcomed Sunny, a one-year-old female Portuguese Water Dog, to the family on Monday, according to the White House.


A whole new set of lies from the Regressives in 3... 2....

Is the dog's name Sunny...or Sunni?! :eusa_shhh:

/stirring the pot
I hope Sunny gets her own plane to take on vacations
Gee...... the half black half white one is named B.O. shouldn't the solid black one be named M.O. ?
orgasm time?

dear gawd, we hear about their doggies, their extravagant parties only attended by their 1% friends, how much fun they have on their lavish vacations and the queens hair cuts..

cult worshipping is creepy as all get out
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I'm just waiting for when their two doggies hook up and the stop press article we will get with that big event..

down little doggie or we'll get the hose
orgasm time?

dear gawd, we hear about their doggies, their extravagant parties only attended by their 1% friends, how much fun they have on their lavish vacations and the queens hair cuts..

cult worshipping is creepy as all get out

We have heard about every President's dog or dogs moron. Get a life.
orgasm time?

dear gawd, we hear about their doggies, their extravagant parties only attended by their 1% friends, how much fun they have on their lavish vacations and the queens hair cuts..

cult worshipping is creepy as all get out

We have heard about every President's dog or dogs moron. Get a life.

hummmhumm, and you all were just as thrilled when the dog was a Republican...:lol:

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